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1、優(yōu)質(zhì)資料歡迎下載第一節(jié)句子成分的譯法?英語的句子成分主要有主語、謂語、表語、賓語、定語、狀語和補語。由于英漢兩種語言 表達方式的差異,使得我們在翻譯句子的過程中,即不能按原文句子的語法成分來譯,更不能逐詞死譯、硬譯。 尤其是科技英語的翻譯,譯者既要準確地表達原句的內(nèi)容,使譯文符合技術(shù)規(guī)范,又要使譯文通順易懂,符合漢語的表達習(xí)慣。這就需要譯者在認真分析和理解原 文的基礎(chǔ)上,在翻譯實踐中,根據(jù)漢語的表達習(xí)慣對原句子成分進行適當(dāng)?shù)恼{(diào)整和轉(zhuǎn)換。那么如何進行調(diào)整與轉(zhuǎn)換呢?這就是本節(jié)所要討論的內(nèi)容。?一、主語的譯法?(一)照譯?1.如果英語的主語是名詞、代詞、數(shù)詞、單個的動名詞和不定式等,一般可以照譯成漢

2、語的主語。如:?The pump uses a dual-pitch screw desig n.?這種泵是用雙齒距螺旋設(shè)計。TBurning takes place much faster in pure oxyge n tha n in air.?燃燒在純氧中比在空氣中快得多。?We often use a gas adsorption to concentratecontaminants. ?我們經(jīng)常用氣體吸附來濃縮污染物。?2如果原文中的主語是動詞不定式短語或動名詞短語,漢譯時,常譯為漢語的動賓結(jié)構(gòu)詞組作句子的主語。如:?To develop better mecha ni cal p

3、ropertiesis the purpose of manymetal worki ng processes.?獲得更好的機械性能 是許多金屬加工過程的目的。?It is a handy method to test the tran sistor with an ohmmeter.?用歐姆表測試晶體管 是一個簡便的方法。?Disassembl ing the glass in the metercoverwill in validatethe explosi on-proof meter rati ng.無效。 ?Jsing a person s voice as an identifie

4、r the vocal tract differ greatly from pers on to pers on. 人聲道的幾何形狀大不相同。?拆卸儀表蓋的玻璃 會使防暴儀表的額定值is based on the fact that the geometry of?利用人的語音來驗明身份的依據(jù)是每個?3在有些英語句子中,當(dāng)作主語的名詞是由動詞派生的時,也可以譯為動賓結(jié)構(gòu)的短語作主語。女口: ?The use of seal legs for feeding and discharging solids eliminates the need for complex lock hoppers.

5、?使用封料管來加料和排放固體就不必再使用復(fù)雜的封鎖料斗了。?The choice of a suitable rubbing surface for frictional measurement is not always easy. ?要選一個合適的摩擦面 進行摩擦測定并不容易。 ?The adoption of this new device will greatly down the percentage of defective products.?采用這種新裝置 可以大大地降低廢品率。??Translate by yourself:?1. To design means to mak

6、e a drawing of something new.?2. Waveguide pipespredo min ated in the tran smissi on tech no logy, even in where powerlevels were relatively low.?3. It has no connection with the automatic positioning facilities.?4. It is necessary to distinguishbetweenthe temperature of a body and itsheat. ?5. Prev

7、enting the extinction of wildlifeis the only way we can preserve the globalen viro nment, the en vir onment in which we huma ns live.?6. In stalli ng the electr onic un its in the gro und and leas ing teleph one wireswouldcost $15 millio n.?7. The application of surfactants aims to simplify work pro

8、cesses.?8. Introductionof a newly-developedtechniquewill enhance the prospects of success.there be句型、系表?(二)轉(zhuǎn)譯為謂語?當(dāng)英語句子的主語是動作性的名詞時,而句子又是 結(jié)構(gòu)或被動句時,原句子的主語常常可以譯為漢語句子的謂語。如:?ln con seque nee, there is no n eedof axial locatio n.?因此 不需要 車由向定位。 ?The result is that there will be a proliferation of smart, conn

9、ected devices, from palm-sized and table PCs to Web-e nabled phones and AutoPCs.?這一切將導(dǎo)致智能連接設(shè)施的廣泛普及,包括掌上電腦,桌面電腦、網(wǎng)絡(luò)電話和車用電腦。?Care must be exercised to prevent thermal strains from introducing spurious output.?必須注意防止熱應(yīng)變引起亂真輸出。?Tran slate by yourself:?1. Since the lines of magn etic force con verge and d

10、iverge, thereis the n ecessityfor a comp onent Br.?2. The sight of a cherry-picker was a high pitch of excitement near a spacecraft waiting to be laun ched.?3. Attempts have even been made to rename the robot.?(三)轉(zhuǎn)譯為賓語?1.原句如果是被動句,有時可譯成漢語的主動句,這時原句子的主語常常被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語句子的賓語,而整個漢譯的句子又是一個無主句。如:?ln turning differ

11、e nt materials, differe nt speed should be used.?在切削不同材料時,應(yīng)采用不同的速度。?If a generatoris not provided, a battery system with automatic charging featuresshould be provided.?如果沒有發(fā)電機,則應(yīng)配備有 自動充電能力的蓄電池系統(tǒng)。?The drug must be take n at exactly the right time.?必須完全準時并嚴格按計量服用這些藥。?2有些英語的被動句在譯成漢語時,往往可以增譯泛指人稱作主語。這時原英

12、語句子的主語就常常被譯成漢語的賓語。女口: ?Many processes have already been proposed, and onepossible future process is a smelt ing reduct ion?人們已經(jīng)提出了很多方法,未來可能的選擇之一就是熔融還原法。?Land animalsarebelieved to have developed from sea ani mals.?有人認為陸地動物 是由海洋動物進化而來的。?3在含介詞短語作狀語的被動句里,如果介詞的賓語被轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語句子的主語?那么原英文句子中的主語就可轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語句子的賓語。如:?At

13、tachme ntsare usually notin cluded with sta ndard mach ine.?通常,標準機床不包含附件。?Sound absorbingmaterial has been used in walls andceili ng.?墻壁和天花板使用了 吸音材料 。?A laser energy attenuator is mounted on the laser exit win dow.? 激光輸出窗口裝有 激光能量衰減器。?4.在there be -句型中,經(jīng)常把主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的賓語,主要有兩種情況:一是單純的there be句型,二是有些附加成分。如:

14、?Eve n though beari ngs are usually lubricated, there isfrictio n and some wear.?即使經(jīng)常給軸承 潤滑,還存 在摩擦 與一些 磨損。?Above the Curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization.?在居里溫度以上,沒有 自發(fā)的磁化。?There is superficial similaritybetween the two devices.?這兩個裝置在表面上有相似之處。?3在含介詞短語作狀語的被動句里,如果介詞的賓語被轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語句子的主語?那

15、么原英文句子中的主語就可轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語句子的賓語。如:?Attachme ntsare usually notin cluded with sta ndard mach ine.?通常,標準機床不包含 附件。?Sound absorbing material has been used in walls and ceili ng.?墻壁和天花板使用了吸音材料 。?A laser energy attenuatoris mounted on the laser exitwin dow.? 激光輸出窗口裝有 激光能量衰減器。?4在there be -句型中,經(jīng)常把主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的賓語,主要有兩種情況:

16、一是單純的there be句型,二是有些附加成分。如:?Even though bearings are usually lubricated, there is friction and some wear.?即使經(jīng)常給軸承 潤滑,還存 在摩擦 與一些 磨損。?Above the Curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization.?在居里溫度以上,沒有 自發(fā)的磁化。?There is superficial similarity between the two devices.?這兩個裝置在表面上有相似之處。?5.在it be+過

17、去分詞+that結(jié)構(gòu)中,其中it是形式主語,常??梢酝ㄟ^無主句的形式或增in semi-c on ductorsis en tirely半導(dǎo)體的電流原理與金屬導(dǎo)體的電流shallow depth the radioactivity?應(yīng)該認識到,在淺層條件下采譯泛指人稱,將that引導(dǎo)主語從句轉(zhuǎn)譯成賓語從句。如: ?It has been found that the current mechanism differe nt from that in metal con ductors.?人們發(fā)現(xiàn),原理完全不同。(增譯了泛指人稱代詞人們”?It should be realized that o

18、n accountof themeasureme nt is ofte n employed as a better tech niq ue.用放射性勘探方法效果一般較好。(譯為無主句)?It should be emphasized that the laser is in no sense an energy source.?應(yīng)當(dāng)強調(diào)指出,激光器并不是一個能源。(譯為無主句)?Translate by yourself:?1. Several conceptsare introduced: decision-making, modeling,dyn amics feedback, stab

19、ility, and logical desig n.?2. Now iron and steelmak ing processesare now world widely reexam in ed.?3. Considerable literature has grown up relating to experimental confirmation of elastohydrody namic theory.?4. A wider range of monitor sizes is sought after than ever before.?5. Once upon a time, b

20、old claims were made about computers, the future and the “ paperless office?6. The hin ge-p inreact ionsare found by tak ing a summati on of the horiz on tal andvertical forces.?7. Defects in welds can be detected by non destructive test ing methods.?8. There is a large amount of energywasted due to

21、 friction.?9. Up to now, there have beenthree main options for encoding a message.?10. There is a brighter futurefor intelligent devices in the home.?11. It is recommendedthat a gauging with GO screw caliper gages should besuppleme ntedby with the GO screw ring gage. ?12. It should be no ted that su

22、chlayers with a lower velocity could be detected if account is also taken of shear waves. ?13. It is widely ack no wledgedthat these materials can withsta nd strong stressand high temperature.?(四)轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語?1 .在英語句子中,當(dāng)句子的謂語被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的主語時,為了使譯文 更符合漢語的表達習(xí)慣,常??蓪⒃⒄Z句子的主語轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語句子的定語。如:Computers work many times mor

23、e rapidly tan nerve cells in the huma n brai n.?計算機的工作比人類大腦中的神經(jīng)細胞要快很多倍。(謂語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)Menus rotates very slowly with the result that its cycle of rotati on reaches as long as 243 days ofthe Earth. ?金星的自轉(zhuǎn)速度極慢,因此它的自轉(zhuǎn)周期長達 243個地球日。(謂語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語, 主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?Giraffes were desig ned with ano ther gimmick to pre

24、ve nt the problem.長頸鹿的身體構(gòu)造是由另一訣竅來解決這個問題的。(謂語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?2在have作謂語的句子中,have的賓語常被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的主語時,為了使譯文更符合 漢語的表達習(xí)慣,常??蓪⒃⒄Z句子的主語轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語句子的定語。女如: ?An automobilemust have a brake with high efficiency.?氣車的 剎車必須高度有效。(賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語) ?Such beari ngs have the disadva ntage of requiri ng almost perfect geometry of

25、 the raceways and rollers.?這種軸承的 缺點是滾道和滾子需要幾乎完美的幾何形狀。(賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?Aluminum alloy has low specific electrical resista neeand high thermal conductivity.?鋁合金的 電阻很低,而導(dǎo)熱性很高。(賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?Be ing small in size and light in weight,tran sistorshave adva ntages over vacuum tubes.?由于尺寸小,重量輕,晶體管的優(yōu)點比真空管

26、多。(賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?3.在系表結(jié)構(gòu)的句子中,當(dāng)介詞(常為in)的賓語被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的主語時,同時省譯該介詞,可將原英語句子的主語轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語句子的定語。女口:?Animals and plantsare variablein characters. ?動植物的特性是可變的。(介詞in賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?Thismachine is simple in design, yet it is efficient in operation.?這臺機器的 結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,但工作效率很高。(介詞in賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?The DC generatoris the sa

27、me inconstruction as the DC motor.?直流發(fā)電機的 構(gòu)造與直流電動機的相同。(介詞in賓語轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語,主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語)?Translate by yourself:?1. The experiments are designed to validate his theory.?2. Black holes act like huge dra ins in the uni verse.?3. Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature cha nges

28、.?4. Different metals have different coefficients of expansion.?5. An atom of oxygen is 16 times as much as an atom of hydrogen in weight.?6. A semi-c on ductor material is poorer tha n a con ductor in con ductivity.?(五)轉(zhuǎn)譯為狀語?在英語中表示時間、原因、條件含義的主語漢譯時常需轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的狀語。如: ?The shortage of 15-inch ones may push

29、 up process in the future.?當(dāng) 15 英寸顯示器缺貨,其價格可能會上揚。(主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為時間狀語)?The result of the innovativedesign is that the computer becomes much smaller, and works more rapidly.?由于在設(shè)計can pass AIDS on to he child duri ng preg nancy or childbirth?如果母(主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為條件狀語)s side on galled the方面的革新,計算機變得小多了,而且工作的速度更快了。(主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為原因狀語

30、)?An in fected mother親感染上艾滋病毒,在懷孕或分娩期間就會將艾滋病傳給孩子。?Translate by yourself:?1. Constant friction against the shipcable.?2. Restricted movementled to an interruption of blood flow.?二、謂語的譯法?(一)直譯?直譯就是將英語原文中的謂語仍然已成漢語的謂語。如:?Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable,so that there is no“ ab

31、solute ” time and space.?愛因斯坦宣稱物質(zhì)和能量可以互相轉(zhuǎn)化,因此沒有絕對的”時間和空間。?Adva ntagesin clude lower operat ing temperatures, reduced power usage, clea n compact desig n and an exclusive shaft seal desig n.?其優(yōu)點包括運行溫度低、耗能小、設(shè)計緊湊以及獨特的軸密封。?Voltage regulati ng devicesmain tai n the voltage at receiv ing end within permis

32、sible limits.?電壓調(diào)整裝置 保持接收端的電壓在允許值內(nèi)。?ln mach ining, grinding processes are most often used as finish mach ining processes.?磨削是機加工中最常用的精加工方法。?Translate by yourself:?1. This means the permittivity of oil is greater than that of air.?2. A computer takes in a series of electrical impulses representing in

33、formation.?3. And the direct ion in which the sound is traveli ng tells the bat where the meal is located.?(二)轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語?科技英語在漢譯時,為了使譯文符合漢語的表達習(xí)慣,謂語除了依然譯 成謂語外,還可以把謂語動詞譯為漢語句子的主語,而原英語句子中的主語被轉(zhuǎn)譯成了漢語 句子的定語,并常常譯為是的”句型,這一點已在主語的譯法部分有所闡述,如:?Compression formats are devised to greatly reduce file size, yet retain ac

34、ceptable quality.?壓縮格式的設(shè)計是為了大幅度減少文件所占的空間,同時又維持可接受的質(zhì)量。?Using a person s voice as an identifieris based on the fact that the geometry of the vocaltract differ greatly from pers on to pers on.?利用人的語音來驗明身份的依據(jù)是每個人聲道的幾何形狀大不相同。?The application of surfactantsaims to simplify work processes.?使用表面活性劑的目的就是簡化工作

35、過程。?Tran slate by yourself:?1. The steel should n ot con tain more tha n 0.3% of carb on.?2. This system will build on the knowledge and experienee gained in developing the existi ng suite of software products.?3. Venus rotates very slowly with the result that its cycle of rotation reaches as long a

36、s243 days of the Earth.?(三)轉(zhuǎn)譯為賓語 ?The power supply for the fire alarm system should be backed up by the emerge ncy gen erator.?系統(tǒng)的供電應(yīng)有應(yīng)急發(fā)電機作備用電源。?The tensile strengths vary tremendously with wire size.?拉抗強度隨簧絲尺寸的不同而發(fā)生顯著的變化。?Genes can now be patented. ?基因現(xiàn)在可以獲得 專利權(quán)。?Translateby yourself: ?1 . Much of

37、 people sphysiology is timed by an internalpacemaker.?2. The dial is scaled into one hundred graduations.?3. Cultivation can be mechanizedto the last degree.?(四)轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語 ?More metal is removed whe n the feed is in creased.?進給量增加時,切除的金屬更多。?The pressure was determ in ed to be 0.1 torr. ?所測得的 壓力為 0.1 托。?(

38、 五)轉(zhuǎn)譯為狀語 ?The molecules continue to stay close together, but do not continue to retain a regular fixed arran geme nt.?分子仍緊密得聚集在一起,但不再繼續(xù)保持有規(guī)則的固定排列形式。?The speech synthesis process typically beginswith recording a human voice andan alyz ing it to extract importa nt freque ncy and amplitude data.?言語合成過程

39、一般是 先記錄人的說話聲并通過分析獲得重要的頻率和振幅數(shù)據(jù)。?Translate by yourself: ?1. These images tend to exaggerate the robot similarity to huma n an atomy and behavior.?2. The power statio n man aged to main ta in its supply of electricity day and ni ght. ?(六)省譯 ?Electrical discharge machininghas proved especially valuable

40、in themachi ning super-touch, electrically con ductive materials.?電火花加工法對加工超韌性的導(dǎo)電材料特別有價值。(省譯了 has proved )?Fluid sand process has found applicati on in the producti on of large steel cast ing.?流態(tài)砂法已經(jīng)用來生產(chǎn)大型鋼鐵鑄件。(省譯了 has found )?The low -frequency motionsare considered to be meteorologically significa

41、nt.?氐頻運動在氣象學(xué)上是很重要的。(省譯了 are considered )?Translate by yourself:?1. Measurement of the lateral strain can be accomplished usinga lateral exte nsometer.?2. Any body which is capable of doing work is considered to posses energy.?3. The assumptio n is made that the cyli nder is a perfect noncon ductor o

42、f heat.?E、表語的譯法?英語中名詞、代詞、數(shù)詞、副詞、動名詞和不定式等都可以作表語。由于英漢兩種語言表達方式的不同,在不同的詞或短語作表語各異的情況下,也使得表語的漢譯產(chǎn)生了如下不同的譯法。?(一)直譯?所謂直譯就是按照原句子系表結(jié)構(gòu)的詞語順序進行翻譯,大都譯為“是”。如:? “ Fasteners ” aigeneral termincluding such widely separated and varied materials asn ails, screws, nuts and bolts, lock nuts and washers, reta ining rings ,

43、rivets, and adhesives etc.?聯(lián)接件”是一個通用術(shù)語,它包括這樣一些有很大區(qū)別的、多種多樣的部件,如釘子、螺釘、螺帽和螺栓、縮緊螺栓和墊圈、擋圈、鉚釘和粘合劑等。?The odometer is mecha ni cal,drive n by a stepper motor.?里程表是 機動的,由步進電機帶動。?The function of a capacitor is storing electricity.?電容器的功能是 儲存電。?It is freque ntly adva ntageousto stake the surve ying lines perpe

44、 ndicular to the known orpresumed geological strike.?(在做物探測量時)將測線垂直于已知的或者假定的地質(zhì)走向標出,通常是比較有利的。?Translate by yourself:?1. Helium is a very light gas, only twice as heavy as hydrogen.?2. Putting a restriction on the depth to which a diver can descend might behelpful. ?3. Itis n ecessaryto disti nguish b

45、etwee n the temperature of a body and its heat.?4. The toughest nut to crack was finding the right kind of insulating material.?(二)轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語?根據(jù)前面所講,英語句子的主語有時可以轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的定語。在這種情況下,原句子的表語往往可以轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的主語,如果作表語的是形容詞,該形容詞同時轉(zhuǎn)譯成名詞。如:?T he rotor is a well-desig nedstructure con sisti ng of a lam in ated core containin

46、g awi nding.?轉(zhuǎn)子的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計得很好,它由一個疊片鐵芯組成,鐵芯上面繞著線圈。?Zirc onium is almost asstrong as steel.?鋯的強度幾乎與剛一樣。?Those nearer the sun are more rocky, those farther away moreicy. ?離太陽越近的,巖石 塊越多;離太陽越遠者,則 冰塊越多。?Translate by yourself:?1. Ice floats because it is not as dense as water.?2. Rubber is a better dielectric b

47、ut a poorer insulator than air.?(三)主表倒譯?顧名思義,所謂的主表倒譯,就是把主語譯成表語,把表語譯成主語。常 見的主表倒譯有兩種情況。?1.當(dāng)名詞作表語時,往往主語和表語表達的內(nèi)容是一致的。這時為了符合漢語的修辭習(xí)慣,英語句子的表語常常被轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的主語,同時,英語句子的主語被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的表語。女口:?Methane is the chief constituent in natural gas,and it is formed as a by-product in thepetroleum industry. ?天然氣的主要組成部分 是甲烷,它也是石油工業(yè)

48、的一種副產(chǎn)品。?Aerod yn amics is my field of research.?我的研究領(lǐng)域是空氣動力學(xué)。?An example of a speech verificati on system isthe Voicekey from Ecco In dustries Inc.(Da nvers, Mass.).?Ecco工業(yè)公司(位于馬薩諸塞州丹弗斯)研制的語音鑰匙”是言語核實系統(tǒng)的一個例子。?(二)轉(zhuǎn)譯為主語?根據(jù)前面所講,英語句子的主語有時可以轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的定語。在這種情況下,原句子的表語往往可以轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的主語,如果作表語的是形容詞,該形容詞同時轉(zhuǎn)譯成名詞。如:?T he

49、 rotor is a well-desig ned structurecon sisti ng of a lam in ated core containing awi nding.?轉(zhuǎn)子的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計得很好,它由一個疊片鐵芯組成,鐵芯上面繞著線圈。?Zirc onium is almost as strong as steel.?鋯的強度幾乎與剛一樣。?Those nearer the sun are morerocky, those farther away moreicy. ?離太陽越近的,巖石塊越多;離太陽越遠者,則 冰塊越多。?Translate by yourself:?1. Ice

50、 floats because it is not as dense as water.?2. Rubber is a better dielectric but a poorer insulator than air.?(三)主表倒譯?顧名思義,所謂的主表倒譯,就是把主語譯成表語,把表語譯成主語。常 見的主表倒譯有兩種情況。?1.當(dāng)名詞作表語時,往往主語和表語表達的內(nèi)容是一致的。這時為了符合漢語的修辭習(xí)慣,英語句子的表語常常被轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的主語,同時,英語句子的主語被轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語的表語。女口:?Methane is the chief constituent in natural gas,and

51、 it is formed as a by-product in thepetroleum industry. ?天然氣的主要組成部分 是甲烷,它也是石油工業(yè)的一種副產(chǎn)品。?Aerod yn amics is my field of research.?我的研究領(lǐng)域是空氣動力學(xué)。?An example of a speech verificati on system isthe Voicekey from Ecco In dustries Inc.(Da nvers, Mass.).?Ecco工業(yè)公司(位于馬薩諸塞州丹弗斯)研制的語音鑰匙”是言語核實系統(tǒng)的一個例子。?2.這種類型的主表倒譯,通

52、常是用來翻譯 “It + be +表語+主語從句或不定時短語 ”句型的。也就是將作真正主語的從句或動詞不定式譯成表語,原表語譯成主語。如:?It is note worthy that small as atoms are, they contain vast amounts of en ergy.?值得注意的是 原子雖小,卻具有很大的能量。(主語從句轉(zhuǎn)譯為表語)?It is desirable to use large units for measurement of large quantities and small unitsfor small qua ntities.?最好是用大的單

53、位來測量大的量值,用小的單位來測量小的量值。(不定時短語作主語轉(zhuǎn)譯為表語)?(四)轉(zhuǎn)譯為謂語?在系表結(jié)構(gòu)的句子中,如果表語是含有動作意義的形容詞、副詞或介詞短語,漢譯時系詞可以不譯,把原句的表語直接譯為漢語的謂語。如:?When the sw itch is on , the circuit is closed and electricity goes through.?將開關(guān)合上,電路就閉合,而電就接通了。(介詞作表語轉(zhuǎn)譯為謂語)?ln a feedback oscillator the n egative resista nee will be evide nt on ly as an a

54、lter nati ng curre nt parameter of the circuit.?在反饋振蕩器中,負阻僅僅表現(xiàn)為電路的交流參數(shù)。(形容詞作表語轉(zhuǎn)譯為謂語)?Translate by yourself:?1. These new machines are now in wide use. (介詞短語作表語轉(zhuǎn)譯為謂語)?2. The sum of the power dissipation is equal to the power delivered by the current source.?(五)轉(zhuǎn)譯為賓語?在談及某物質(zhì)的特性時,英語常用系表結(jié)構(gòu)的句型來表達,其中表語通常為形

55、容詞或 of +名詞結(jié)構(gòu)。這時,系詞 be可譯為 具有”屬于”等動詞,作表語的形容 詞或作表語的of+名詞結(jié)構(gòu)則轉(zhuǎn)譯為名詞,在譯文中作句子的賓語。如:?Cutt ing tools must be strong, hard, tough, and wear resista nt.? 刀具必須有足夠的 強度、硬度、韌性 和耐磨性。?The early steam engines were of the pist on-type.?早期的蒸汽機屬于 活塞型。?Translate by yourself: ?1. As most metals are malleable and ductile ,

56、they can be beaten into plates and drawn into wire.?2. The an gular-c on tact beari ng is of greater thrust capacity.?(六)轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語?如果是形容詞做表語,且句子主語有定語的修飾, 漢譯時為使譯文自然、通順,常常可以把表語轉(zhuǎn)譯為定語。如:?ln this air mechanics laboratory, few instruments are valuable. ?在這個空氣動力學(xué)實驗室里,貴重的儀器不多。?ln this book, many theories arever

57、y importa nt?在這本書中,重要的理論很多。?四、賓語的譯法?(一)直譯?即原句子的賓語仍然譯為漢語句子的賓語。如:?Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers. ?手鍛工具包括各種形狀的鍛 錘。?Chemicals found in the brain are calledneurotransmitters.?在大腦中發(fā)現(xiàn)的化學(xué)物質(zhì)稱為神經(jīng)傳遞質(zhì)。?Heat used to melt a solid is called meltingheat. ?用于熔化固體的熱叫做 熔化熱。?Tran slate by yourself:?1. A n object at rest has nokin etic en ergy,its velocity bein


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