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1、英 國 文 學(xué) 史學(xué) 期 論 文 題目:淺析失樂園analysis of paradise lost1. introduction 1.1 the author milton is regarded as the third greatest english poet after chaucer and shakespeare, and the greatest to come out of the 17th century. his life can be roughly divided into three phases: the early phase of reading and ly

2、ric writing(1620-1638),the middle phase of service in the puritan revolution(also known as the civil war) and pamphleteering for it(1640-1660),and the last-the greatest-phase of epic writing(1660-1674). 1.2 foundation after (1660) the dynasty restores a monarchy,at this time more, you are blind in b

3、oth eyes , become old and feeble , casual. he has started a volume of great book creation at this time, has hoped that it can show the great ambitions always longing to come true at his heart. for this purpose, he has written down this great epic paradise lostwith the parliamentary victory in the ci

4、vil war, milton used his pen in defense of the republican principles represented by the commonwealth. the tenure of kings and magistrates (1649) defended popular government and implicitly sanctioned the regicide; miltons political reputation got him appointed secretary for foreign tongues by the cou

5、ncil of state in march 1649. though miltons main job description was to compose the english republics foreign correspondence in latin, he also was called upon to produce propaganda for the regime and to serve as a censor. in october 1649 he published eikonoklastes, an explicit defense of the regicid

6、e, in response to the eikon basilike, a phenomenal best-seller popularly attributed to charles i that portrayed the king as an innocent christian martyr. however, restoration occurred inevitably. thus, with the fire of anger on the restoration, milton created a world-famous epic three-step. he publi

7、shed paradise lost in 1667, paradise regained and samson agonistes in 1671. milton was progressive bourgeoisie in fact, and his advanced thinking related to social progress. he believed that social progress, as well as the doctrine of god was the rational laws of nature. therefore, the advanced prod

8、uctive forces will eventually replace the bourgeois which hindered the pace of capitalist development. that was a perfect reflection of historical inevitability. in paradise lost, the satan fought against god and the feudal kingdom of heaven that was the civil war between the two classes. justice wo

9、uld eventually prevail over evil. the king charles i was brought to the guillotine. however, with the republic of depravity and corruption, the bourgeoisie compromised with the house of stuart king charles ii, and they broke the revolutionary movement the restoration together. representatives of the

10、 advanced productive forces went against the law of social development. milton used adam and eve to map the historical events. its meaning was very clear. from an objective point of view, the masses were the driving force of historical progress and the ultimate source of social progress. but the bou

11、rgeoisie ignored the power of people. milton expressed his own political position and revolutionary consciousness by paradise lost. he made a series of thinking about human nature. this was why he used human degradation to be the creative theme. therefore, we could say that his epic was based on his

12、tory. he was a devout puritan, but his political views were applicable to the materialist outlook on life.2. the plot 2.1 abstract “paradise lost” is mintons masterpiece .it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. paradise lost is the great epic poem of the english language, a tale of im

13、mense drama and excitement, of rebellion and treachery, of innocence pitted against corruption, in which god and satan fight a bitter battle for control of mankinds destiny. the struggle ranges across heaven, hell, and earth, as satan and his band of rebel angels conspire against god. at the center

14、of the conflict are adam and eve, motivated by all too human temptations, but whose ultimate downfall is unyielding love. the story were taken from the old testament: the creation of the earth and adam and eve, the fallen angels in hell plotting against god, satans temptation of eve, and the departu

15、re of adam and eve from eden.satan and his followers are banished from heaven and driven into hell, but even here in hell, mist flames and poisonous fumes, satan and his adherents are not discouraged. the poem ,as we are told at the outset, was “to justify the ways of god to man”,ie to advocate subm

16、ission to the almighty. the epic shows the writers misery after the restoration, and his determination for revolution. the style of the epic is grand, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study. 2.2 the set of 12 rolls of paradise lost 1st headquarter: records the downfall of

17、lucifer,now satan, into the burning lake of hell.there he and his follow rebels lie for nine days before they recover and decide to foil gods plan by guile. 2nd headquarter: the evil cohort discuss about the best course of action for them.moloch, belial, and mammon, among others,speak their minds, b

18、ut beelzebub,satans second-in-command, gives the crowd his information about earth which god has created and people with humans. the devils decide to take over the control of earth and turn the human beings against their creator. 3rd headquarter: satan flying over to earth to get some first-hand inf

19、ormation for himself. 4th headquarter: shows god knowing everything,and observing satan on earth trying to learn about adam and eve and the tree of knowledge. the angels, uriel and gabriel,try to protect the abode of adam and eve,but satan acts more promptly. assuming the form of a toad,he has alrea

20、dy influenced eves dreams. 5th headquarter: how eva tells adam about her dream in which she states the fruit of the tree. raphael is sent to warn the couple against disobeying god,tells them about satans rebellion and the creation of the world,and alert adam against becoming too curious about gods s

21、cheme. he reality answers some of the question that adam asks. 6th headquarter: raphael tells about how the son of heaven crushes satans hosts and sends them down to hell, where they writhe in pain and suffering. 7th headquarter: how god decides to create a new species soon after satans revolt. the

22、son of god is then sent to do work in six days,and creates man and woman on the sixth day in the image of god and makes them lord of all. 8th headquarter: adam asks about the heavenly bodies and receives an ambiguous answer from raphael. then adam tells about his own experience after his creation,an

23、d how he asks god for a companion. before he leaves raphael tells adam to obey god and warns him that the fate of his descendants will depend all upon his behavior. 9th headquarter: satan appears in the form of a serpent before eve and coaxes her to eat the fruit. adam eats it too. 10th headquarter:

24、 god sends his son to pass judgment on the sinners. satan is to become a snake, for ever the hated enemy of mankind; eve is to bear children and suffer pains;and adam is to toil and sweat for his head. god begins to bring about changes to earth. seasons are established instead of the eternal spring,

25、and all manners of violence and suffering are introduced. the humans are to suffer the violence of the elements. 11th headquarter: god announces the son of god representative expelling adam and eve from heaven , how his angel micheal tells the future history of mankind,and of christ as their redeeme

26、r. 12nd headquarter: the angel has narrated road of saving to them , adam and eve have finally left heaven , have lost paradise. 3. analysis of major characters3.1 god the father, god the son: (trinity) god is depicted as a cruel and selfish despot holding the tyranny of heaven. he deprives adam and

27、 eve of knowledge so that they can be obedient and faithful to him. he seems to represent control and power in life.the epic had also criticized the autocratic rule of god. whether in the ancient greek myth, or religious traditions, god had always been portrayed as the ruler of the universe and the

28、absolute authority. even in dantes famous work divine comedy filled with modern spirit, god was still praised as a true, good, and kind image. while in paradise lost, god was a typical image of tyranny. the poet condemned god through satans words. on the surface, god had given human free will; in fa

29、ct, he had suppressed the true freedom. obviously, the poets criticism and condemnation of god were out from the social reality of united kingdom. the tyrant was the embodiment of stuart. milton laid his own political tendencies in the great satan. he portrayed satans resistance as the justice resis

30、tance to authoritarian rule and a bold challenge to the violent regime.3.2 satan (lucifer, archfiend): in traditional concepts, satan was the devil from hell, the scum of angels, human enemies. because of his ambition and rebellion he was thrown into the abyss of misery by god. however, in paradise

31、lost, the poet portrayed satan as a brave hero that went against the usual religious beliefs.the intention of describing this extraordinary momentum and power of satan was to emphasis his courageous and prudent and his spirit of hating tyrants and resisting god. although the struggle was failed, but

32、 he had never doubted that his struggle was a justice action, he had never regretted to fall into hell where he suffered in the flames and he had never been desperate and hopeless. he convinced that his spirit of resistance would never disappear and his revolutionary willing would never depress.it s

33、hould be said that: this was the reflection of the revolutionary spirit of the bourgeois and a song of all revolutionary fighters.satan is the real hero of the poem. he seems to be symbolic of the fright for freedom and against control in life. the proud satan stands for the spirit of the rebellion

34、against unjust authority and tyranny. 3.3 adam and eve: the first human beings, created by god to fill the void that resulted when god cast satan and his supporters out of the celestial realm. adam and eve live on the planet earth in utter happiness in a special garden where spring is the only seaso

35、n and love and godly living prevail. though they have all that they want and need, cunning satan tells them they can have knowledge and status beyond their reach if only they eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. eve can become a goddess, he says. vanity overtakes her. she eats. adam reluctantl

36、y does the same. 4. conclusion: social or historical significant godward resisting of satan, has shown a bourgeoisie opposing the revolutionary spirit and heroic mettle that feudalism autocracy governs, but satan the bourgeoisie failure composes in reply the feudality restoration , these historical

37、setting being able to pass that time comes to understand that to be losing uranian paradise losing the world paradise with adam ,eve being an implied meaning. in 1639, the united kingdom revolutionary situation is strained , he returns back to homeland participate in oppose a king fighting with stat

38、e religion. had announced a lot of political comment booklet , republic in 1649 during the 1645 years in 1641 being founded, the new government appoints he to latin secretary .he has written many article defending a republic , has been blind in both eyes because accumulating work excessively,but sti

39、ll insist that fight with. after the dynasty restores a monarchy, he is burned down by oppressing a quilt cruelly , writing , life is poor. he uses the epic form ,english revolution times got along by him reflects tragedy entering human being through his personal understanding: surround liberty , ha

40、ppiness of the will ordeal instruction for person people. the poet writes this poem with a view to the unfortunate origin explaining human being. paradise lost be such one chansons de geste, the author does not participate in fault present age fighting with firsthand , he is expert in but force trying ones best to have white out war within the epic range in full-length novel , appearance , he return the intrepid spirit back to


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