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1、一、主系表結構 一、主系表結構一、主系表結構 人類居住的唯一家園是地球。 The only home for man to live on is the earth. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (2) 主語主語+ be + 形形 容詞容詞 + (介詞短語介詞短語) be rich in, be busy with, be responsible for, be angry with, be different from, be fond of, be welcome to 中國自然資源豐富。China is rich in natural resources. 你真糊涂,竟然相

2、信他說的話。Its very foolish of you to believe what he said. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (3) 主語主語+ be + 現(xiàn)在分現(xiàn)在分 詞詞 amusing(有趣的), boring(令人厭煩的), disappointing(令人失望的), charming(迷人的), inviting (引人注目的,吸引人的), comforting(令人鼓舞 的), confusing(混淆的), exciting(令人興奮的), embarrassing(令人為難的), discouraging(令人氣餒 的), disturbing(煩擾的

3、), fascinating(迷人的), interesting, surprising(驚人的), missing, promising(有前途的), puzzling(令人迷惑的), shocking (駭人聽聞的), striking(引人注目的), pleasing(令人高興的), touching(動人的), worrying(令人擔心的)等 這個小伙子真討人喜歡。The young man is very charming. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (4) 主語主語+ be + 過去過去 分詞分詞 + (介詞短語介詞短語) 常見帶介詞about分詞: excite

4、d, pleased, puzzled, shocked, worried. 常見帶介詞at分詞: amazed, disappointed, dissatisfied, amused, annoyed, astonished, delighted, excited, displeased, pleased, shocked, surprised. 常見帶介詞against分詞:arranged, prepared. 常見帶介詞for分詞:prepared, celebrated, pressed. 常見帶介詞in分詞:absorbed, dressed, celebrated, disapp

5、ointed, delighted, lost, embarrassed, engaged, experienced, interested 常見帶介詞on分詞: founded, based, bent, set 常見帶介詞to分詞:devoted, lost, engaged, known, related, married. 常見帶介詞 with分詞:excited, bored, delighted, disappointed, satisfied, displeased, dissatisfied, equipped, pleased 一、主系表結構 我不滿意我們在那家旅館受到的待遇

6、。I wasnt satisfied with our treatment at that hotel. 我們要作好下一次考試的準備。We must be prepared for the next exam. 受到你的來信,我非常高興。Im very pleased to hear from you. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)的情況使他十分驚訝。He was astonished at what he found. 一、主系表結構 SVSC (5) 主語主語+ be + 形容詞形容詞 + 不定式不定式 他很勇敢,闖進了那著火的房子。He was very brave to break into the bur

7、ning building. 他非常仔細, 把每一個細節(jié)都核對過了。He was careful enough to check up every detail. 戰(zhàn)爭中的勇士愿意為國捐軀。The brave fighters at war were ready to die for their country. 他下決心再也不見她了。He was determined not to see her any more. 全世界人民都渴望和平。People all over the world were anxious to have peace. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (6

8、) 主語主語+ be + 形形 容詞短語容詞短語 + 不定式不定式 這些柱子(pillars)太細, 支撐不住屋頂。These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. 這篇文章他翻譯起來太難了。The article is too difficult for him to translate. 他很富裕,買得起那輛豪華(luxury)車。He is rich enough to buy that luxury car. 他不是傻子,他不會相信那種事。He was not so stupid as to believe that. 他很容易相處。He is

9、 quite easy to get along with. 他氣得說不出話來。He was angry to say a word. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (7) 主語主語+ be + 形形 容詞容詞 + that從句從句 我恐怕他不能來開會了。Im afraid that he wont be able to come to the meeting. 他很高興他得到了進入大學的機會。 He was very glad that he had got the opportunity to go to college. 我們決心把這項工作提前完成。 We are deter

10、mined that the work should be completed ahead of time. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (8) 主語主語+ be + 介介 詞短語詞短語 那條鐵路正在修建中。That railway is under construction. 李明的父親失業(yè)四年了。Li Mings father has been out of work for four years. 全班學生都反對這個計劃。All the students in the class are against the plan 他們是同一國籍。They are of the sa

11、me nationality. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVSC (9) 主語主語+特殊連特殊連 系動詞系動詞+ 表語表語 常見的“特殊連系動詞”可分為三類:表示 “變成某種狀態(tài)”意義的系動詞:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, make, prove, run, shine, turn, turn out, wear, work. 表示 “保持某種狀態(tài)”意義的系動詞:continue , die, go, hold, keep, lie, live, remain, rest , return, sit, stand, stay 表示 “自己感覺或

12、令人感覺” 意義的系動詞:appear, feel , look, seem , smell, sound, taste。 一、主系表結構 你的手摸起來很涼。Your hand feels cold. 所有的樹葉都變黃了。All the leaves have turned yellow. 他們在討論中全都保持沉默。They all remained silent in the discussion. 一、主系表結構 二、主謂結構二、主謂結構 【句型】【句型】SV(1) There + be + 主語主語 + 狀狀 語語 桌上有盞燈,一本字典和幾本筆記。 There is a lamp, a

13、dictionary and some notebooks on the table. 近十天一直沒有雨。 There hasnt been any rain for ten days. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV(2) There + 動詞動詞 + 主語主語 + 狀語狀語 在there+be結構中, 謂語動詞有時不用be而用: 動詞短語:seem to be(似乎), happen to be (碰巧 有/碰巧是), be likely to be (可能有/可能是), appear to be (似乎/看起來) used to be(曾經有); 不及物動詞:live(生活有/住著

14、),stand(佇立/站 著), come, exist(存在), rise(升起), lie(位于/有), occur(發(fā)生/有), fly(飛), remain(仍/還有/保持), stand(站/屹立), hang(掛著), rise(升起), run(流淌/ 行駛), occur(發(fā)生/出現(xiàn))等。 一、主系表結構 雙方之間發(fā)生了一些誤會。 There occurred some misunderstanding between both sides. 從前中國有一個國王。 Once upon a time there lived a king in China. 似乎有個錯誤。 The

15、re appears to be a mistake. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV(3) There + be + 主主 語語 + 定語定語 有許多家務要做。 Theres plenty of housework to do. 我們沒有一個可說話的人。 There was no one for us to talk to. 有幾個人我希望你見見面。There s some people Id like you to meet. 當心,有輛車正在開過來。 Look out! There is a car coming. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV (4) 主語主語 + 不及物

16、動不及物動 詞詞 + (狀語狀語) 在地平線上升起了一輪紅日。A red sun is rising from under the horizon. 這臺機器運轉得不正常。This machine is not running correctly. 我在海濱居住已有三月。 I have been living at the seaside for three months. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV (5) 主語主語 + 動詞短語動詞短語 + (狀語狀語) 在過去的十年里,我的家鄉(xiāng)已經發(fā)生了 巨大的變化。 Great changes have taken place in my h

17、ome town in the past ten years. 1919年,在北京爆發(fā)了“五.四”運動。 The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919. 有一些規(guī)則正在逐漸消失。Some of the rules are dying out gradually. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV (6) 主語主語 + 不及物動不及物動 詞詞 + 副詞副詞(狀語狀語) 我們的產品在歐洲市場上非常暢銷。Our products sell very well on the European market. 這種不料很耐洗。This so

18、rt of cloth washes well. 這種火柴很容易劃著。The match lights easily. 這個計劃進展順利。The plan worked smoothly. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SV (7) 主語主語 + 不及物動不及物動 詞詞 + 不定式不定式(狀語狀語) 他大喊大叫以便引起大家的注意。He shouted so as to attract everybodys attention. 他跑過去幫助受傷的人。He ran over to help the injured. 她仔仔細細地抄寫以免遺漏任何東西。 She copied so careful

19、ly so as not to leave anything out. 一、主系表結構 三、主謂賓結構三、主謂賓結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (1) 主語主語 + 及物動詞及物動詞 + 名詞名詞/代詞代詞 剛才是誰接的電話?Who answered the telephone just now? 我簡直不能相信我的眼睛。I just could not believe my eyes. 他立即聽出是他的聲音。He immediately recognized his voice. 警察抓住了火車上的小偷。The police caught the thief in the train. 那位音

20、樂家已收集了500多首民歌。The musician has collected over 500 folk songs 他們進行的一項科學實驗很成功。They performed a scientific experiment successfully. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (2) 主語主語 + 及物動及物動 詞詞 + 賓語賓語 + 狀語狀語 他把桌子推近窗戶。He pushed the table nearer the window. 她把她的嬰兒抱在懷里。 She carried her baby in her arms. 我們跟隨著化學老師進入辦公室。We foll

21、owed our chemistry teacher into his office. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (3) 主語主語 + 及物動及物動 詞詞 + 賓語賓語 + 不定式不定式 昨天晚上他們開了個晚會來慶祝他們的成功。 They gave a party to celebrate their success yesterday evening. 他們學習英語是為了將來更好地工作。 They study English in order to work better in the future. 他買了一輛自行車給他兒子騎。He bought a bike for his

22、 son to ride. 他每天做晨練,為的是增強體質。 He does morning exercise every day so as to build up his body. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (3) 主語主語+及物動詞及物動詞 +可用作動詞的名詞可用作動詞的名詞 have + n.: a rest, a walk, a look, a bath, a drive, a ride, a nap, a share, a smoke, a try, a haircut, a good time take + n.: care, a breath, a turn, a

23、 notice, measures, a drive, a nap, a bath, a walk, a run, action, a step, an exam make + n. : progress, a telephone call, preparations, an effort, a discovery, a promise, a change, a mistake, success. give + n.: a ring, push, a pull, a kick, a smile, a cry, a try, a shout, a laugh, a call, a shock,

24、a lead, touch, a talk, a welcome, a wash, a long sign, a nod, a clean, a blow do + n. : damage, service, work, exercise, a play, repairs 我將盡一切努力幫助他。I will make every effort to help him. 昨夜風暴造成巨大損害。The storm did a lot of damage last night. 現(xiàn)在深呼吸,你就會感覺好一些。Now take a deep breath, and you will feel bett

25、er. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (4) 主語主語 + 短語動短語動 詞詞 + 名詞名詞 ,介詞仍須緊跟動詞之后。常見的短語動詞有: wait for, look after, listen to, depend on, call on, belong to, happen to, hear from, stick to, succeed in, hear of, think of等等。 運動會的日期完全得看天氣如何而定。 The date of the sports meeting all depends on the weather. 有些學生總是渴望著放假。Some of

26、the students are always longing for holidays. 他終于克服了所有的困難。He succeeded in getting over all the difficulty. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (5) 主語主語+及物動詞及物動詞 + 副詞副詞+ 名詞名詞 他們將把會議推遲到五天以后。They will put off the meeting till five days later. 那個床占的面積太大。The bed takes up too much room. 他們在英語課上編演了個對話。 They made up a dial

27、ogue and acted it out in the English class. 你最好把這一句話刪去。Youd better leave out the sentence. 他們最后實現(xiàn)了他們的計劃。They carried out their plan at last. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (6) 主語主語 + 及物動及物動 詞詞 + 動詞不定式動詞不定式 父親已經答應給兒子買一輛自行車作為生日禮物。 The father has promised to buy a bike for his sun as a birthday present. 他假裝知道這件事的

28、來龍去脈。He pretended to know everything about it. 他本來打算和我們一道到西安去旅游。He intended to have joined us for the trip to Xi an. 我可不是有意傷害她的感情。I didnt mean to hurt her feelings. 每位學生都希望被大學錄取。Each of the students wishes to be admitted into the university. 他已下決心不再犯如此愚蠢的錯誤。He has decided never to make such a stupid

29、 mistake. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (7) 主語主語+及物動詞及物動詞 + 疑問詞疑問詞+不定式不定式 我不知道選哪個好。I wonder/dont know which to choose. 我們將討論一下如何解決這個問題。 We will discuss how to solve the problem. 我不知道該向誰求助。I dont know whom to turn to for help. 我在考慮下步怎么辦。Im thinking what to do next. 他不知道講話一開始該說什么好。He didnt know what to say at t

30、he beginning of his talk. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (8) 主語主語 + 及物動及物動 詞詞 + 動名詞動名詞(短語短語) 在本句型中,動名詞作賓語。注意有些及物 動詞必須用動名詞作賓語,常見的有:admit, cant help, advise, imagine, report, enjoy, include, resist, appreciate, escape, keep, risk, consider, mention, excuse, mind, stop, defend, face, miss, suffer, pardon, suggest

31、, delay, finish, practice, understand, describe, forbid, prevent, forgive等。 有些及物動詞用動名詞或不定式均可,但用法 有區(qū)別。常見的有:like, love, hate, prefer, regret, fear, begin, start, continue, try, bear, forget, remember, attempt, need, mean等。 一、主系表結構 你必須在課外練習說英語。You must practice speaking English out of class. 他最后承認殺害了他的

32、妻子。He admitted killing his wife at last. 我的家庭作業(yè)真難免出錯。I can hardly avoid making mistakes in my homework. 他建議出去走走。He suggested going out for a walk. 我們恭候佳音。We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我記不起以前在什么地方見過他。I dont remember seeing him anywhere before. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (9) 主語主語+ want等等+ 動名詞動名

33、詞(短語短語) 在本句型中,謂語動詞是want(需要), need(需要), require(需要),賓語是動名詞,均有被動意義, 一般等于動詞不定式的被動式(to be done),表示 主語是動名詞動作的承受者。 他的發(fā)音需要改進。His pronunciation wants improving. 玻璃杯需要清洗。The glasses need cleaning. 地板該洗了。The floor requires washing. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (10) 主語主語+及物動及物動 詞詞+ that賓語從句賓語從句 我希望明天天氣保持晴朗。I hope (that

34、) the weather will stay fine tomorrow. 我但愿自己能年輕三十歲。I wish I were 30 years younger. 我想他們還沒拿定主意。I dont think (that) they have made up their minds. 他假裝病了以便能待在家里。He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home. 他補充說他們對測試結果表示滿意。He added that they were pleased with the test result. 醫(yī)生建議他不要再抽煙。T

35、he doctor suggested that he(should) not smoke any more 我們認為沒有必要買一臺新電腦。We dont think its necessary to buy a new computer. 在電話里,他說到他病了。On the telephone, he mentioned that he had been ill. 他從不承認自己錯了。 He never admits that he is wrong. 政府宣布他們將修建一條通向山區(qū)的新公路。 The government announced that they would build a

36、 new highway to the mountain. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVO (11) 主語主語+及物動及物動 詞詞+“疑問詞疑問詞”從句從句 他還沒有決定什么時候回國。He hasnt decided when he will leave for his homeland. 我想象不出他是什么長相。I cant imagine what he looks like. 我很想知道他是誰, 從哪里來, 來干什么。 I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came. 我們討論了什么時候召開全體人員會議。 We dis

37、cussed when the meeting of the whole staff was to be held. 他問王先生的手術是否成功。He asked if Mr. Wangs operation had been successful. 他解釋了怎樣使用那臺機器。He explained how the machine was used. 你有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)這些日子以來是誰一直在給你送花? Did you ever discover who had been sending you the flowers these days? 一、主系表結構 四、主謂雙賓結構四、主謂雙賓結構 【句型】

38、【句型】SVOO (1)主語主語 + 及物動詞及物動詞 + 代詞代詞 + 名詞名詞 媽媽給我們全家做了一頓豐盛的晚餐。Mother cooked a good and rich supper for my family. 我要給沒弟弟挑選一件有用的生日禮物。Ill choose a useful birthday present for my brother. 請給我弄一張展覽會的票,好嗎?Would you please get me a ticket to the exhibition? 這項新技術可以為我們節(jié)省大量的時間和勞動力。 This new technology will sav

39、e us much time and labour. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOO (2) 主語主語+及物動及物動 詞詞+名詞名詞 +介詞介詞+名詞名詞 我們把自己的方案向委員會做了說明。We explained our plan to the committee. 我們祝賀他通過了考核。We congratulated him on having passed the examination. 他接到了大會的邀請信。He receive an invitation letter from the conference. 護士致力于病人的護理事業(yè)。Nurses devote the

40、mselves to the care of the sick. 他對我們耍了一個卑鄙的花招。He played a mean trick on us. 他向主人表示衷心的感謝。He expressed his hearty thanks to the host. 人生常被喻為蠟燭。Mans life is often compared to a candle. 外國人常以孩子祖父母的名字給他取名。 The foreigners often name the child after both grandparents. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOO (3) 主語主語+及物動及物動

41、詞詞+ 名名/代代 +that-clause 毛主席教導我們說,好好學習,天天向上。 Chairman Mao teaches us that we should study hard and make more great progress every day. 她答應弟弟將給他寫信。She promised her brother that she would write to him. 他警告我說,那個人是很危險的。He warned me that the man was very dangerous. 醫(yī)生建議我臥床休息幾天。The doctor advised me that I

42、should stay in bed for a couple of days. 你能向我示范怎樣操縱這臺機器嗎?Could you show me how I should operate the machine? 請告訴我哪一條路去郵局最近。Please tell me which is the shortest way to the post office. 一、主系表結構 五、主謂賓補結構五、主謂賓補結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (1) 主語主語+及物動詞及物動詞 + 名名/代代 + 賓補賓補 他的名字叫理查德, 但是我們都稱他狄克。His name is Richard but

43、we all call him Dick. 黨使他成為一名優(yōu)秀的共產主義戰(zhàn)士。The party made him a fine communist fighter. 他當選為這次大會的主席。He was elected chairman of the conference. 我們將選他當學校足球隊長。 We shall choose him our school football team leader. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (2) 主語主語+及物及物 動詞動詞 +名名/代代 +as +名詞名詞 我們都認為他是我們最好的朋友之一。We all think of him

44、 as one of our best friends. 我把他看作一個傻瓜。I regard him as a fool. 不要把這件事當作一個玩笑。Dont treat the matter as a joke. 我以為他是個高大的人。I imagine him as a big tall man. 我被接收為俱樂部新成員。I was accepted as a new member of the club. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (3) 主語主語+及物及物 動詞動詞+ 名名/代代 + 形容詞形容詞 他把我的一位朋友打得青一塊紫一塊。He beat a friend

45、of mine black and blue. 你必須在八點以前把會議的一切準備好。 You must get everything for the meeting ready before eight. 一顆子彈把他擊斃了。 A bullet struck him dead. 他推開了那座房子的后門。He pushed open the back door of the house. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (4) 主語主語+及物及物 動詞動詞+ 名名/代代 + to be 我們相信他是個忠誠老實的人。We believe him to be a royal and ho

46、nest man. 我猜他超過八十歲了。I guess him to be over eighty. 他們自以為比別人聰明。They considered themselves to be cleverer than others. 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)中國人都很勤勞勇敢。They find the Chinese people to be brave and hard-working. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (5) 主語主語+及物及物 動詞動詞+ 名名/代代 + to do sth. 老板強迫他們每天干活十四小時左右。The boss forced them to work abo

47、ut 14 hours a day. 老師要我們改正我們作文中的每一個錯誤。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m The teacher wants us to correct each and every mistake in our composition. 醫(yī)生囑咐我多加鍛煉。The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 請允許我把我的朋友李先生介紹給你。Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Li. 我必須警告你不要捉弄殘疾孩子。 I must warn you not to play tri

48、cks on the disabled children. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (5) 主語主語+及物及物 動詞動詞+ 名名/代代 + do sth. 我感到樹枝碰著了我的臉。I felt the branch touch my face. (feel) 看著他,別讓他逃掉了。Watch him. Dont let him escape. (let) 你可以牽馬到河邊,卻不能逼它喝水。(make) You may take a horse to the water, but you cant make him drink. 我要他在公園門口等我。(have) I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park. 一、主系表結構 【句型】【句


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