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1、目錄資產(chǎn)負債表33圖片和文本254 .開發(fā)過程29BC480_EN_COL62.FV-VART-A4.pdf pdf_based print forms安裝文檔1.ZADOBE DEMO12資產(chǎn)負債表3一些圖片,文本的設(shè)置*&*& Report ZADOBE_DEMO1*&*&*&*&*&*zadobe demolREPORT zcall_adobe_form.DATA: fm nameTYPE rs38l fnam,CHAR 30 0 Name of Function Modulefp_docparams TYPE sfpdocparams, Structure SFPDOCPARAMS S

2、hort Descr ipti on Form Parameters for Form Process ingfp_outputparams TYPE sfpoutputparams. Structure SFPOUTPUTPARAMS Short Descripti on Form Process ing Output ParameterPARAMETERS:p vbeln TYPE vbeln va,p_show as CHECKBOX DEFAULT X .START-OF-SELECTION.* Sets the output parameters and ope ns the spo

3、ol jobCALL FUNCTION FP_JOB_OPEN& Form Process ing: CaII FormCHANGINGie_outputparams =fp_outputparamsEXCEPTIONScancel=1usage error =2system error =3in ternal_error =4OTHERS=5.IF sy-subrc 0.* verror han dli ngENDIF.*&- Get the n ame of the gen erated fun cti on module& Form Process ingCALL FUNCTION FP

4、_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAMEGen erati onEXPORTINGi n ame= NADOBE DEMO2IMPORTINGe funcn ame = fm n ame.IF sy-subrc 0.* verror han dli ngENDIF.*- Fetch the Data and store it in the Internal Table*SELECT IF SY-SUBRC 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO FROM mari INTO TABLE it_mari UP TO 15 ROW

5、S.* Lan guage and cou ntry sett ing (here US as an example)fp docparams-la ngu = E.fp_docparams-co untry = US.*&- Call the gen erated fun cti on moduleCALL FUNCTIONfm n ameEXPORTING/1BCDWB/DOCPARAMS= fp docparamsIV_VBELN= p_vbelnIV_FLAG= p_showIV_LOGO_NAME=ZHUAYI* IMPORTING* /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT =EXCE

6、PTIONSUSAGE ERROR1 =SYSTEM ERROR2=INTERNAL ERROR3=OTHERS=4WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.ENDIF.*& Close the spool jobCALL FUNCTION* IMPORTINGFP_JOB_CLOSE* E_RESULT=EXCEPTIONSusage_error=1system error=2in ternal_error=3OTHERS=4.IF sy-subrc 0.verror han dli ngENDIF.資產(chǎn)負債*&*& Report RFIDCN_BSA

7、IS Finan cial Stateme nt (Chi na)*&*&*&*&*&REPORT zrfidcn_bsais_ywy1MESSAGE-ID idc n.INCLUDE rfidcn_bsais_top.INCLUDE bilai00_1.INCLUDE rfidcn_bsais_sel.INCLUDE rfidcn_bsais_e01.*INCLUDE rfidc nsau_fsc_fO1.Notes 1672660INCLUDE rfidcn_bsais_fsc_f01.Notes 167266016412771641277INCLUDE rfidc nsau_fsc_f0

8、2.INCLUDE rfidc nsau_fsc_lcl.*怎樣連續(xù)打印銷售單START-OF-SELECTION.PERFORM fsc_start_job USING o_direct o_pr ndev.* DO 2 TIMES.* CASE sy-i ndex.* Bala nee Sheet * WHEN 1.g_btyp = gc_bala nce_sheet.* ASSIGN gs_formhdr_b TO .* ASSIGN gt_formli nes_b TO .* In come Stateme nt * WHEN 2.g_btyp = gc_i ncome_stateme

9、 nt.ASSIGN gs_formhdr_i TO .ASSIGN gt_formli nes_i TO .es.CASE g_btyp.WHEN gc_bala nce_sheet.DELETE WHEN gc_i ncome_stateme nt.DELETE ENDCASE.* Call AdobePERFORM fsc_pri ntmli nes langu.* ENDDO.CHANGING ft formlinWHERE lin esec = gc_secti on_is.WHERE lin esec gc_secti on_is.USING o direct g form nam

10、e .CHANGING gt_fscbilaintf c ontain _fareas( vers n )IS NOT INITIAL.1641277* submit local procedures to retrieve bala nces for fun cti onal area no desPERFORM loc_get_bala ncesUSINGversn g_btypCHANGING gt_fscbilaintf16412771641277.1641277ENDIF.* Prepare in terface header|1641277PERFORM fsc_form_head

11、er_prepareUSINGgs_fscdefCHANGING .PERFORM loc_form_header_prepareCHANGING .* Prepare in terface linesPERFORM fsc_form_assemblyUSINGgs_fscdef gt_fscbilai ntfbilaskalPERFORM fsc_close_jobUSING o direct.* Display in ALVIF p_btyp IS INITIAL.g_btyp = gc_bala nce_sheet.ENDIF.* Button NEXT switches between

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13、t.IF g_ucomm NE NEXT.EXIT.ENDIF.CHECK p_btyp IS INITIAL.IF g_btyp = gc_bala nce_sheet. g_btyp = gc_in come_stateme nt.ELSE.g_btyp = gc_bala nce_sheet.ENDIF.* ENDDO.*&*& Form loc_BILA_PAR_PREPARE*&* text* - p1 text|-p2 textCHANGING go_top_document.PERFORM fsc alv USING o direct bilaskal p1text|* - p2

14、text|*FORM loc_form_header_prepareCHANGINGps_formhdrTYPE idcn_formhdr.CONSTANTS:lc_separatorTYPE c VALUE ,.DATA:l_poperLIKEt009b-poper,l_perivLIKEt001-periv,l_ex_rateTYPEukurs_d,l_ex_rate_s(15)TYPEc,l_cc_curre ncyTYPEwaers,ls_x001LIKEx001,ls_t001LIKEt001,l_bilaskalLIKEbilaskal.SELECT SINGLE* FROM t0

15、01INTO ls_t001WHERE bukrsEQ sd bukrs-low.#EC WARNIF sy-subrc NE 0.MESSAGE i001 WITH sd_bukrs-low.LEAVE PROGRAM.ENDIF.* FSC local header data* Year, Mon th, Last Day in the Monthl_periv = ls_tOO1-periv. ps_formhdr-byear = bilbjahr. ps_formhdr-bmo nth = p_mon ate.IF ps_formhdr-bm onthGT 12.1641277ps_f

16、ormhdr-bm onth =ENDIF.12.16412771641277INTO ps_formhdr-bperiod_dIF sy-subrc EQ 0. l_poper = p_mon ate.CALL FUNCTION LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET EXPORTINGi_gjahr= bilbjahri_periv= l_perivi_poper= l_poperIMPORTINGe_date= g_lastdayEXCEPTIONSin put_false =1t009_ notfound =2t009b_ no tfou nd =34.OTHERSIF sy-s

17、ubrc =0.ps_formhdr-bday = g_lastday+6(2).ELSE.MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE T NUMBER sy-msgnoWITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.LEAVE PROGRAM.ENDIF.ENDIF.* Typ (BS, IS)ps_formhdr-bilatype = g_btyp.* Header period stri ngs for Amou nt and Comparised Amou ntWRITE gastdayTO ps_formhdr-bperiod_d.CONCAT

18、ENATE text-001 ps_formhdr-bperiod_dSEPARATED BY space.CASE g_btyp.WHEN gc_bala nce_sheet.ps_formhdr-title = text-003. ps_formhdr-btxtcol = text-004. ps_formhdr-vtxtcol = text-005.WHEN gc_i ncome_stateme nt.ps_formhdr- ti tle = text-006.ps_formhdr-btxtcol = text-007.IF p_biltyp = X . Notes 1672660Not

19、es 1672660ps_formhdr-vtxtcol = text-025.ELSE. Notes 1672660ps_formhdr-vtxtcol = text-008.ps_formhdr-curre ncy = bilawaer.ENDIF.Notes 1672660ENDCASE.* CONCATENATE ps_formhdr-title lc_separator* INTO ps_formhdr-title.* CONCATENATE ps_formhdr-title* ps_formhdr-bperiod_d* INTO ps_formhdr-title SEPARATED

20、BY space.* Curre ncyps_formhdr-curre ncy = ls_t001-waers.IF sd_curtp IS INITIAL OR sd_curtp =10l_cc_curre ncy = ls_t001-waers.ELSE.CLEAR: ls_x001.CALL FUNCTIONFI_CURRENCY_INFORMATIONEXPORTINGi_bukrs= ls_t001-bukrsIMPORTINGe_x001= ls_x001EXCEPTIONScurre ncy_2 _no t_defi ned =1curre ncy_3_ no t_defi n

21、ed =2OTHERS= 3.IF sd_curtp = ls_x001-curt2.l_cc_curre ncy = ls_x001-hwae2.ENDIF.IF sd_curtp = ls_x001-curt3.l_cc_curre ncy = ls_x001-hwae3.ENDIF.ENDIF.ps_formhdr-curre ncy = l_cc_curre ncy.IF bilawaer IS NOT INITIAL ANDbilawaer NE l_cc_currency.EXPORTINGdateforeig n_curre ncy = bilawaer=bilastidloca

22、l_curre ncy = l_cc_curre ncy type_of_rate = kurstIMPORTINGexcha nge_rate = l_ex_rateEXCEPTIONSno _rate_fou nd =1no _factors_fou nd =2no _spread_fou nd =3derived_2_times =4overflow=5zero_rate=6OTHERS=7.IF sy-subrc 0.MESSAGE ID sy-msgidTYPE INUMBER sy-msgnoWITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.ENDI

23、F.CONCATENATE ps_formhdr-title lc_separatorINTO |CALL FUNCTION READ EXCHANGE RATEINTO ps_formhdr-titleps_formhdr-title.SEPARATED BY space.CONCATENATE ps_formhdr-title lc_separator WRITE l ex rateTO l ex rate sINTO ps_formhdr- title.DECIMALS 2 LEFT-JUSTIFIED.CONCATENATE ps_formhdr-bilaskaltxt ps_form

24、hdr-currencyCONCATENATE ps_formhdr-title text-009 l_ex_rate_sINTO ps_formhdr-titleSEPARATED BY space.ENDIF.* Scali ngps_formhdr-bilaskal = bilaskal.IF ps_formhdr-bilaskal(1) l_bilaskal = ps_formhdr-bilaskal.NE Ol_bilaskal+2(1)=SELECT SINGLE ddtext FROM dd07tOKO#EC WARNINTO ps_formhdr-bilaskaltxtWHER

25、E domn ameEQ BILA SKALANDddla nguage as4localEQ sy-languANDEQ A ANDas4versEQ 0000ANDdomvalue lEQ l bilaskal.IF sy-subrc EQ 0.INTO ps_formhdr-bilaskaltxtSEPARATED BY space.ENDIF.ELSE.ps_formhdr-bilaskaltxt = ps_formhdr-curre ncy.ENDIF.* Busin ess area, Profit Cen ter restricti onsCLEAR ps_formhdr-gsb

26、er.IF lines( sd_gsb_s )EQ 0.EQ 1 ANDELSEIF lines( sd_gsb_s )Isd_gsb_s-lowIS NOT INITIAL ANDIS INITIAL ANDsd_gsb_s-highsd_gsb_s-opti on sd_gsb_s-sig nEQ EQ ANDEQ Tps_formhdr-gsber = sd_gsb_s-low.ELSE.ps_formhdr-gsber =ENDIF.CLEAR ps_formhdr-prctr.IFlin es( sd_prc )ELSEIF lines( sd_prc ) sd_prc-lowEQ

27、0.EQ 1 ANDIS NOT INITIAL ANDEQ EQ ANDsd_prc-high sd_prc-opti onIS INITIAL ANDEQ Tsd_prc-sig nps_formhdr-prctr = sd_prc-low.ELSE.ps_formhdr-prctr =ENDIF.* System data ps_formhdr-cdate = sy-datum. ps_formhdr-ctime = sy-uzeit.ps_formhdr-cuser = sy-u name.ENDFORM. loc_FORM_HEADER_PREPARE*&*& Form CHECK_

28、BTYP*&* text* - pltext|* p1text* p1text|* - p2text|*FORM check_curtp .DATA: x001 TYPE x001.CHECK sd_curtp IS NOT INITIAL.CALL FUNCTION FI_CURRENCY_INFORMATIONEXPORTINGi_bukrs = sd_bukrs-lowIMPORTINGe_x001 = x001.IF x001-curt2 sd_curtpAND x001-curt3 sd_curtp.MESSAGE e822(fr) WITH sd_curtp sd_bukrs-lo

29、w.ENDIF.ENDFORM. CHECK_CURTP*&*& Form CHECK_LANGU*&* text* - p1 text| p1text|* p1text|* pltext|* - p2text|*FORM eheek_gsb .DATA: l_perehLIKEtkaOO-pcrch,l_kokrsLIKEtka02-kokrs,l_see narioLIKEfagl_ledger_see n-sce nario.lx_fin _gsber(1)TYPE e,lx_fin_pea(1)TYPE e,l_fagl_split_fieldTYPE fagl_split_field,l_splitmethdLIKE fagl_aetivee-splitmethd.CHECK sd_gsb_s IS NOT INITIAL.LIKE WIF sd_gsb_s IS NOT INITIAL AND gs_t001-xgsbeIS INITIAL.MESSAGE i265(idcnsau) DISPLAY EXIT.ENDIF.IF sd_prc IS NOT INITI


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