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1、高二冊第5單元英語“四位一體”同步驗收題I. 語音、詞匯(10分) B) 根據(jù)句意、單詞首字母或括號內漢語注釋,寫出各句中所缺單詞的完全與正確形式。(5分) 1. Also scientists who were doing r _ into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments should pay attention to. 2. Being able to speak another language well is a great a _ when youre looking for

2、 a job. 3. To an Asian colors are full of b _ , religions and so on. To the Chinese, red means luck, but to Thais yellow brings good fortune. 4. Because of their larger numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining social i _ in the country, both politically and economically. 5. T

3、he mountain climber knows that he may have to fight against forces that are stronger and more p _ than men. 6. The _ (多山的) 64-square-mile island was settled around the 5th century, supposedly by people who were lost at sea. 7. In order to save time and labor, cartoonists _ (一般地)draw the hands of the

4、ir characters with only three fingers and one thumb. 8. The shape of the trees along the Lytham beach road is the proof of the great _ (力量) of the wind which comes in off the sea. 9. I think it makes sense to let farmers have their own land. In that way, they can farm the land by themselves, and far

5、m _ (產品)will be increased. 10. You should say Thank you, when someone steps aside to let you to pass in a _ (窄的) road. II. 同步語法(that 引導的名詞性從句)(20分) A)從A、B、C、D中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。(10分) 1. _ we need more practice is quite clear. A. When B. What C. That D. 不填 2. The reason _ he didnt come was _ he had to t

6、ake care of his sick mother. A. why; that B. why; which C. which; why D. that; for 3. Your ability has never been in doubt- the question is _ you are prepared to work hard. A. that B. if C. how D. whether 4. It was with great joy _ he received the news _ his lost son would soon return home. A. becau

7、se; that B. that; that C. because; which D. that; 不填 5. Alice, you see to _ the children here are well fed, will you? A. that B. it that C. which D. whether 6. It is suggested that the experiment _ under the low temperature. A. should make B. is made C. be made D. will be made 7. Our dream has come

8、true at last _ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. A. whether B. when C. that D. where 8. The order came _ the soldiers _ the small village the next morning. A. that; had to leave B. that; should leave C. 不填; must leave D. when; should leave 9. Do you believe the excuse Tom made _ he mis

9、sed school because of stomachache? A. 不填 B. which C. that D. it 10. I dont doubt _ he is willing to do the job, _ he has the ability to do it well. A. whether; that B. that; which C. it; but that D. that; but whether B) 用適當?shù)年P聯(lián)詞補全下面的短文。(10分) 1the worlds first compass was invented by the Chinese peopl

10、e is a well-known historical fact. Many centuries ago, the people of China made the discovery2 natural magnets (磁鐵) have attracting properties (性質) and3 a freely suspended(懸掛的)magnetized bar(磁棒) always points north and south. Thus they found4 such an instrument could be used for the purpose of deter

11、mining direction. It was recorded in ancient books5 the earliest compass was shaped like a spoon and fixed on a graduated(有刻度的)plate. About the end of the eleventh century the Chinese people used the compass in navigation (航海). In the twelfth century a compass of the floating-needle(浮針) type came in

12、to use. It was recorded6 this early sea-going compass was in use on Chinese ship up to the seventeenth century. From the Chinese the Arabs learned to make compasses and to use them in navigation. The Arabs in turn introduced the compass to Europe. In the hands of the Chinese, Arabs and Europeans, th

13、e great invention of the ancient Chinese was further developed. That is how the compass finally reached its present perfection. III. 課本要點(30分) A)從A、B、C、D中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。(20分) 1. I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich. The Jenkinsons already have two Rolls Royces and now they are buyi

14、ng _ third! A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填; a D. 不填; the 2. -Do you have any difficulty in your new work? -No, in fact I found _ . A. it very easy to do B. it very easy done C. very easy for doing D. very easy to do it 3. The teacher divides the class _ 8 groups. Every group is made _ 6 students. A. fr

15、om; of B. into; up of C. by; from D. of; of 4. He is always full of _ as though he never knew tiredness. A. strength B. energy C. force D. spirit 5. She was very patient towards the children, _ her husband seldom was. A. that B. when C. while D. as 6. Can you tell me what you are _ at present? A. co

16、nsidering doing B. considering to do C. considered doing D. considered to do 7. The meeting was of great _ and the information he gave us was _ . A. important; value B. importance; valuable C. importance; value D. important; valuable 8. Cost will be reduced by _ 30% if computers are used. A. as many

17、 as B. so many as C. as much as D. so much as 9. Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Cant you find something _ doing at all? A. useful B. worth C. valuable D. good 10. Janet as well as the other young people who _ sent abroad by the government _ brought up in the small town. A. was; was

18、 B. was; were C. were; were D. were; was B)根據(jù)句意和課本內容,用正確的介詞或副詞填空。(10分) 1. The telephone has an obvious advantage _ Email because the former helps one get in touch with ones friends faster than the later. 2. Taiwan is an island _ the coast of Mainland China in the Pacific Ocean. 3. The little boy ran

19、 across the road in a hurry and just missed being run _ by taxi. 4. E-mail systems at thousands of companies and government offices _ the world were attacked by a virus called Melissa that disguises itself as an important message from a friend. 5. Animals cant be separated _ the human beings. If we

20、want to live well, we must keep the balance of nature. 6. Other doctors, however, point _ that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference _ the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter. 7. The man she is engaged _ is eng

21、aged _ research work. 8. It is well known that the giant panda is native _ China. 9. Scientists have found out the way the brain works is not so simple as people _ general may think. 10. The boy stood there _ his eyes fixed _ the cake. IV. 綜合能力訓練(60分) A) 完形填空。(20分) 閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的四個選項中選出最佳選項。

22、 A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation (居留地). Every day she would1 five of the young Navajo students to go to2 and complete a simple math problem from their homework. They would stand there, silently,3 to complete the task. Mary couldnt4 . Nothing she had st

23、udied in her educational courses5 , and she6 hadnt seen anything like it in7 student-teaching days back in Phoenix. What am I doing wrong?8 five students who cant do the problem? Mary would9 . No, it couldnt be that. Finally she asked10 what was wrong. And in their answer, she learned a surprising11

24、 from her young Indian pupils about self-image and a (an)12 for self-worth. It seemed that the students13 each others individuality and knew that14 them were able to do the problems.15 at their early age, they understood the senselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no o

25、ne would16 if any students were17 or embarrassed (窘迫的) at the chalkboard. So they refused to compete with each other18 . Once she understood, Mary19 the system so that she could check each childs math problem20 , but not at any childs expense in front of his classmates. They all wanted to learn-but

26、not at someone elses expense. 1. A. ask B. make C. need D. want 2. A. the classroom B. the chalkboard C. the teachers office D. their seats 3. A. set out B. unable C. start D. unwilling 4. A. figure it out B. think them out C. get them through D. solve it 5. A. helps B. existed C. helped D. did 6. A

27、. perhaps B. almost C. certainly D. mostly 7. A. their B. her C. ones D. its 8. A. Must I have chosen B. Could I have chosen C. Should I choose D. Didnt I choose 9. A. doubt B. wonder C. think D. answer 10. A. other teachers B. her friends C. the students D. the local people 11. A. lesson B. message

28、 C. class D. story 12. A. idea B. sense C. feeling D. opinion 13. A. admire B. like C. respect D. protect 14. A. all of B. none C. not all of D. some 15. A. Even if B. Even C. Now that D. Yet 16. A. win B. lose C. learn D. speak 17. A. praised B. laughed at C. looked down D. put to shame 18. A. now

29、and then B. every day C. face to face D. in public 19. A. changed B. kept C. broke D. developed 20. A. in one time B. individually C. one by one D. by her own B) 閱讀理解。(20分) 閱讀下列短文,從各題所給出的四個選項中選出最佳選項。 A The Mississippi River is the chief river of the United States. It is the main inland waterway for

30、agricultural products and raw (未經加工的) materials leaving the country. It runs from north to south through the middle United States, dividing it almost in half. The Mississippi is over 2,300 miles in length, making it the longest river in America. Its source (發(fā)源地) is in northern Minnesota, almost to t

31、he border with Canada. Its mouth is in the Gulf of Mexico near the city of New Orleans (新奧爾良). The Mississippi has long had the nickname Old Man River. The Mississippi has an important role in the history of the United States. In the 1500s and 1600s, Spanish and French explorers travelled its length

32、 in their many expeditions. These trips helped to open the interior (內部) of America to development. In the 1800s, the invention of steamboats helped to make the Mississippi a great transportation route. Barges (駁船) laden with commodities (貨物) and steamboats carrying passengers plied (來往) the waterwa

33、y for many years. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, described the river in detail in his book, Life on the Mississippi. 1. In the context of the passage, the word chief means _ . A. agricultural B. law C. main D. inland 2. What is another name for the Mississippi? A. Gulf of Mexico. B. Old Man

34、 River. C. Minnesota. D. The Longest River. 3. In the context of the passage, the word expeditions means _ . A. trips B. explorers C. interiors D. development 4. Which direction does the Mississippi run? A. From north to south. B. From south to north. C. From east to west. D. From west to east. 5. W

35、here does the Mississippi River begin? A. The Gulf of Mexico. B. Near New Orleans. C. In northern Minnesota. D. In Canada. 6. What helped to make the Mississippi a transportation route in the 1800s? A. Mark Twains book. B. Spanish and French expeditions. C. Barges laden with commodities. D. The inve

36、ntion of steamboats. B Situated in the Southern Pacific Ocean, East of Australia, New Zealand is divided into two main islands. Together these are comparable in size to Great Britain, Colorado or Japan. But with a population of only 3.8 million people, it is one of the worlds least crowded countries

37、. New Zealand is considered to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Its natural features include: mountains, lakes, coastlines, forests and rainforests. The outstanding natural scenery is the reason why New Zealand was chosen as the location for the filming of Lord of the Rings. New

38、Zealand is very popular with tourists who go to take advantage of the pleasant climate and scenery. The country is also home to some of the worlds rarest and most unusual wildlife, including the famous Kiwi Bird, which is only found in New Zealand. New Zealand is split into two main islands, the Nor

39、th Island and the South Island. In the North Island the weather is warmer and the island is generally more popular with tourists than the weather in the South Island. Auckland, New Zealands largest city is situated on the North Island, along with the capital city, Wellington. The only large city on

40、the Southern Island is Christchurch. The water that separates New Zealand from Australia is known as the Tasman Sea, while to the east of the country is the Pacific Ocean. The Cook Strait separates the two islands of New Zealand. It is named after the famous British explorer Captain Cook, who is cre

41、dited with the discovery of New Zealand. Wellington lies at the Eastern end of the Cook Strait. Mount Ruapehu is on the North Island and reaches an impressive height of 9,175 feet (about 3,200 m). However, New Zealands tallest mountain is Mount Cook, again after the famous explorer. Mount Cook is ov

42、er 12,000 feet (over 4,000 m) high, and is found on the Southern Island. 7. Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand because of its _ . A. pleasant climate B. natural scenery C. unusual wildlife D. divided islands 8. The underlined phrase credited with is closest in meaning to _ . A. believed in

43、B. paid for C. thought to have done something good D. was trusted to make 9. The Northern Island is more thickly populated with more bigger cities probably because _ . A. it is more suitable for people to live in with a mild climate B. the tallest mountain lies in the Southern Island C. it was colon

44、ized and developed earlier than the Southern Island D. it is the island where the capital is situated 10. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Cook is and will be remembered for his discovery of the island country. B. The island country is an attraction to tourists. C. It is one of the plac

45、es that mountain climbers would enjoy exploring. D. All of the above. C) 短文改錯。(10分) Some Americans judge success on the length 1. _ of his vacations. The man who gets a months 2. _ vacation each year consider himself more successful 3. _ than the man gets two weeks. Many people want 4. _ to be teach

46、ers because it is teachers who can 5. _ get three-month vacation every year. Some college 6. _ teachers who teach the three classes consider 7. _ themselves less successful than that who teach 8. _ only one or two, or none in all. In short, the less 9. _ work Americans do, the less successful they c

47、onsider themselves. 10. _ D) 書面表達。(10分) 中國領土面積達960萬平方公里,氣候因地而異。根據(jù)下表所給提示寫一篇關于中國氣候及農業(yè)的短文。詞數(shù):100-120。 地區(qū)冬季夏季農作物南方涼爽;濕潤炎熱;潮濕宜種水稻北方寒冷;干燥炎熱;多雨主種小麥西部終年干旱少雨不利耕作;但部分地區(qū)盛產各種水果東部常年雨水充沛莊稼生長良好高二冊第5單元英語四位一體 同步驗收題參考答案 聽力部分 錄音原文及參考答案: I. 1. Its been a mild winter this year and it agrees with me. 2. Experts are now r

48、esearching the cause of the bird flu. 3. Were employing an architect to design the new stadium. 4. The girl bore the pain with great courage. 5. Have you got any proof that the car belongs to you? Key:1-5 DBACC II. 6. M: Its a pity I wont be able to join you for the picnic today, Betty. My cousin, J

49、ohn is coming this afternoon. Ive to meet him at the bus station. W: Thats OK. We can go another time. 7. W: I heard from my pen pal in Sydney. M: How wonderful the stamp is! Could she introduce a pen pal to me? 8. M: We should learn from your uncle. Hes a model worker in our factory. W: I quite agr

50、ee. He is always trying his best to do his work as the director tells him to. 9. W: Your father has been out of work. We cant afford the rest of your schooling. M: Dont worry, mum. I can find a part-time job next term. 10. W: Are these stamps all collected by you, Jeff? M: Yes. Ive collected two hun

51、dred and forty-seven stamps, except the four I bought this morning. Key: 6-10 CAABD III. W: Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Mr. Green? M: I said Id better go back to the hotel. Im meeting someone this evening. W: OK. How are you going back? By bus or taxi? M: Well, I think Ill take

52、 a taxi. Do you know where I can get one? W: Oh, just by the roadside. Ill wait with you. M: OK. Thanks. Are the taxis in London all black? W: Well, some of them are. Havent you come to London before? M: To tell you the truth, it is the first time. Do you give extra money to the drivers here? W: You

53、 mean a tip? Oh, yes. They usually expect about ten percent. M: Thats the same in my country. W: Oh, look. Heres one. Taxi! M: Thanks. See you tomorrow. Key: 11-15 BADCB IV. Britain is an island kingdom off the northwest coast of Europe. Its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and N

54、orthern Ireland. The United Kingdom has a land area of 240,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 55,000,000. The British are islanders. They speak of their country as our island home. Indeed, no place in Great Britain is more than 120 kilometers from the coast and it has an unusually l

55、ong coastline. The sea is never far from Englishmens thought. The capital city, London, is the largest city and seaport of the country. It has a museum with buildings and memorials of every period in the history of Britain. The West End of London is the countrys main cultural, entertainment, shoppin

56、g and tourist center. In the East End is the port of London. Here are miles and miles of docks, and all the works and firms that depend upon shipping. Britain is a highly industrialized country. The great metal works of Birmingham and the Black country produce everything from needles to locomotives. Manchester and Leeds are


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