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1、2015年中考模擬(滿分100分).選擇填空(共15分,每小題1分)()1. Mrs. Green has 18-year-old daughter who is studying in university inBeiji ng.A. a; anB. an; aC. a; theD. the; ant be kept in such small cages.mbuilding zoos.Miine is on the chair.()2. I think ani mals should nI agree you. And IA. on; aga instB.with; forC. with;

2、 aga instD.to; for()3. This is not my bag. It A. myB.yourC. himD.hers()4. Do you live by yourself, Gran dpa?Yes. I have two daughters and a son. But of them lives with me.A. noneB. n eitherC. allD. either()5. The foreigners don t like to be too close to one another, there is a special reason.A. un t

3、ilB. uni essC. whe nD.if()6. The lion is regarded as king of animals. It is a of courage and power.A. markB.symbolC. showD.descripti on()7. Is Peter any better today, Hele n?I think so. His temperature seems now.A. goodB.wellC. no rmalD.special()8. Drivers wear seat belts while their cars are runnin

4、g on the road.A.needB.canC. mustD.may()9. Don t take too much medicine. you to ask your doctor for further information.A. adviseB. preve ntC. suggestD. in vite()10. I can t find Joe s name on the list.He has bee n away from the club for half a mon th. So I his n ame from the listtwo days ago.A. adde

5、dB. deletedC. cutD. took()11. I can hardly see the words on the blackboard.Well, let s go and take the front seats so that we may see .A. clearB.clearerC. more clearlyD.the most clearly()12. When they looked through the window, they saw a boy behind a tree.A. hiddenB.hidesC. hidi ngD.to hide()13.1 m

6、 sorry I missed your call a shower and I didn t hear the phone ring.A. hadB. was havi ngC. had hadD. have had()14. My sister is writing an important report. But it is so noisy.Oh, I see. She has to work quiet.A. everywhereB. any whereC. no whereD. somewhere()15. You won first prize in the math compe

7、tition? I always fail in math tests.A. Why not?B. You re kidding!C. Good idea! D. Sounds great!二.完形填空(共10分,每小題1分)Mr Brown is a doctor. One after noon, while he was read ing a magaz ine at home, he received a16 from his wife who worked in a supermarket. A child was in n eed of immediate help.Mr Brown

8、 was very 17. He needed to help the child as soon as possible, but his car wentwrong on the way. He got out of it and decided to take a taxi. 18, it was the busiest time ofthe day. Sudde nly, Mr Brow n saw a man who stopped his car in front of a19. Mr Brow nrushed to the man and asked whether he 20

9、use his car. To Mr Brown s surprise, the man21 his car to Mr Brown without saying anything. Mr Brown drove to the supermarket22 . There he saw a mother holding a baby, whose face had turned purple. Mr Brown carefullyhit him on the back. 23spitt ing (吐)a butt on out, the child looked much better.Afte

10、r that, Mr Brow n drove the car to the bookstore. He went in to it and gave the car24to the man. Before he said something, the man took Mr Brown s hands and said,“ Sir, thank yvery much. The baby you 25 fifteen minutes ago is my son. My wife called and told mewhat had happe ned. Thank you so much.”(

11、)16. A. giftC. callB. prizeD. letter()17. A. excitedB. worriedC. relaxedD. bored()18. A. Any wayB. AlsoC. I nsteadD. However()19. A. parkB. bookstoreC.bankD. supermarket()20. A. shouldB. mustC. couldD.need()21. A. broughtB. le ntC. soldD. passed()22. A. fastB. an grilyC. sadlyD. carefully()23. A. Wh

12、enB. WhileC. AfterD. Before()24. A. keyB.doorC. phoneD. wi ndow()25. A. calledB. foundC. lovedD. saved三閱讀理解 閱讀下列短文,然后根據(jù)其內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。(共30分,每小題2分)AOur bodies are like cars. They also need the fuel. To fuel our bodies, we eat food. But if we ofte n eat wrong kinds of food, our bodies can break dow n. In o

13、rder to fuel our bodies correctly, we need to get the right types and amounts of vitamins. Besides pills (藥丸),we can get them from food:Vitamin A: It helps us see better and also helps fight infections (傳染病).It can be found in milk, orange and leafy gree n vegetables.Vitam ins B: There are several d

14、iffere nt types, such as B1, B2, B6 and B12. They help our bodies make energy. Food rich in vitamins B includes grain, seafood, meat, eggs, and dairy products.Vitam in C: It helps keep our muscles in shape. We can get it from fruit and vegetables, such as oran ges, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli a

15、nd cabbage.Vitam in D: Our bones and teeth are strong because of it. Besides food like milk, fish and eggs, our skin also produces vitam in D whe n it exposed (暴露)to the sun.Vitamin E: It protects our bodies cells (細胞).We can get plenty of vitamin E from food like grain and leafy gree n vegetables.V

16、itamin K: It can help us stop the bleeding (出血).Eating plenty of leafy green vegetables and dairy products will make sure you get eno ugh vitam in K.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。()26. The underlined word“ fuel ” in Prfgsaph(指的是).A. electricityB. gasC. foodD. coal()27. Which is NOT mentioned as one of t

17、he sources (來源)of vitamins B?A. Fruit.B. Seafood.C. Meat.D. Grai n.()28. can keep our bones and teeth strong.A. Vitamin AB. Vitamin BC. Vitamin CD. Vitamin D()29. Which of the followi ng is TRUE about vitami ns?A. Vitamin A allows our bodies to make en ergy.B. Vitam in E is good for our bodies cells

18、.C. Vitamin K can t be found in dairy products.D. If you want to keep your muscles in shape, get more vitam in D.()30. What is the main idea of this passage?A. We get vitami ns from food in stead of from pills.B. The right types and amounts of vitam ins.C. We should know how to keep ourselves health

19、y.D. The facts of some importa nt vitam ins and how to get them.BI was drivi ng home on a very hot after noon and about to get n ear a cross ing. One of the main traffic lights had gone off, and a police officer was standing in the middle of the busy street to direct the traffic. Although he had no

20、hat to keep out of the burning sun, he seemed very happy and was pleased about the job.I n eeded to stop at the drugstore on the corner, and while I was there, I wan ted so badly to get some water for the officer. But I had some hesitation, since it was uncomfortable for me to in teract (交往)with a s

21、tra nger in this way.I left, drove halfway home, turned around, went back to the drugstore, got water, and then found myself thinking about how to hand it to him in the busy cross in g. I knew that he might not be able to take it, but I would like to have a try.I drove into the crossing, rolled down

22、 my window as I passed the officer, and offered him thebottle of water. Though he wasn t able to take the bottle, he broke into a smile, and said,you.I drove home, feeli ng good for what I had done. And I was even in spired to call the police statio n that after noon to make sure that they knew what

23、 a great job he did that day.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。()31. Why did the police officer direct the traffic in that heat?A. Because one of the main traffic lights didn t work.B. Because he wan ted to stop drunk drivi ng.C. Because a serious traffic accide nt happe ned.D. Because he had to help pupils

24、 walk across the busy street.()32. The underlined word“ hesitation ” probably meanin Chinese.A驚嚇B懷疑C.失落D.猶豫()33. The writer went back to the drugstore because .A. he couldn t stand the bgrsunB. he n eeded to make a call to his family thereC. he wan ted to buy a bottle of water for the police officer

25、D. he was afraid that the police might found he had drunk too much()34. Which of the follow ing is the correct order?a. The writer drove halfway home and tur ned around.b. The writer made a call to the police statio n.c. The writer offered the officer a bottle of water.d. The writer hadn t decided w

26、hether to buy water for the officer.A. a t d t c t bB. d a cbC. b t d t a t cD. d t b t c t a()35. How did the writer feel on his way home at last?A. Hap py.B. Tired.C. Bored.D. Un comfortable.CAdventure travel is a great way to explore (探索)the world. It is a type of tourism, often to far places. Ad

27、venture travel often includes extreme (極限的)activities such as mountain climbing, explori ng caves, rock climb ing and so on.These activities may bring risks to your health and safety. But most activities can be fun, excit ing, and safe if you prepare for your trip and follow safety rules. Make an ap

28、po in tme nt with a doctor about a mon th before your adve nture travel. Be sure to talk to the doctor about your pla nned adve nture activities. He or she may give you some special advice. Take a first-aid course two weeks before your adve nture travel. Con sider tak ing a first-aid box with you. I

29、f you get hurt during your trip, you can give yourself some simple medical treatme nt. Train properly for your trip. Most adventure travel is tiring, so it is important to take muchexercise to stay fit before your adve nture travel. You should know if you get hurt duri ng your trip, your healthin su

30、ra nee (保險)may notcover the health care you receive abroad. So you d better buy travel jncsuEan fbefoDuring your adve nture travel, you should also follow some rules. The followi ng are some of them.O Wear protective clothes when doing adventure activities and always follow safety in struct ions fro

31、m your guides.O If you go somewhere hot, be sure to take sun glasses, sun scree ns and sun hats with you.They can protect you aga inst the .O Don t drink alcohol before or during outdoor activities.O Eat and drink regularly and rest properly.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。()36. The first paragraph is mai

32、nly about .A. what adve nture travel isB. how much adve nture travel costsC. why to do adve nture travelD. where to do adve nture travel()37. Accord ing to the passage, one should talk to his doctor about his adve nture travel about week(s) before he sets off.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four()38. Accordi

33、ng to the passage, we know that .A. adve nture travel is always safeB. there is no n eed to take a first-aid courseC. we don t need to listen to ouuidies all the timeD. it s a good idea to wear protective clothes during adventure travel()39. Which of the followi ng can be put in ?A. coldB. sunC. wil

34、d ani mals D. bad people()40. What s the purpose of the passage?A. To advise us to do adve nture travel.B. To show us the dan ger of adve nture travel.C. To give us some advice on adve nture travel.D. To tell us the importa nee of buying travel in sura nee.四. 填寫單詞在空格中填寫適當?shù)膯卧~,使句子完整、正確。 (共8分,每小題1分)41.

35、 You d better put thtruit in the /fr? / to keep it fresh.42. The library is open every day e Tuesday.43. In his last letter, he (提到)a girl named Cindy.44. The boy realized he had (舉止)badly and decided to say sorry to that lady.45. Scientists are thinking of a new way to solve the /?sn?(r) ? i/ probl

36、ems.46. Before they practiced conversations, the teacher them into several groups.47. Did you go to Mary s birthday party last week?No, I an important meeting in another city.48. Thank you for offering me many v suggestions.五. 完成句子按括號中的要求完成句子,每空限填一個單詞。(共8分,每空1分)49. A: After a number of mishaps (不幸事故

37、 )she succeeded in getting back to Germany.(改為同 義句)B: After a number of mishaps she get back to Germany.50. A: Linda found her dictionary.(改為否定句)B: Linda her dictionary.51. A: Not only I but also my father is fond of watching basketball matches.( 改為同義句 )B: my father I are fond of watching basketball

38、 matches.52. A: When will the Boeing 757 arrive?(改為復合句)B: Please tell me the Boeing 757 arrive.六. 任務型閱讀。(共8分,每題2分)Barbara was drivi ng her six-year-old son, Ben, to his pia no less on. They were late, and Barbara was begi nning to think she should have can celled it. There was always so much to do,

39、and Barbara, a ni ght-duty nurse at the local h, had recen tly worked long hours. She was tired.“ Mom” Ben cried suddenly. “ Look! Just ahead, a car lost control on the icy road and wildly rolled over, and the n crashed (猛撞)into a teleph one pole. Barbara ope ned the car door. She was a nurseshe mig

40、ht be able to help these uniuckv people. She told Ben to stay in the car and then ran to the crash site.It was terrible. Two girls aged about 18 were in the car. One was dead and the driver was still breathing. Barbara quickly dressed (清洗并包扌L ) the wound in the driver s head.A passerby stopped and c

41、alled for help on his cell pho ne. Soon the rescue (援救)workers came. 做得好!其中一位在檢查司機的傷勢時說至嘰“Youprobably saved her life, madam”“ Perhaps, ” Barbara thought as she walked back to her car with a feeling of sadness, especially for the family of the girl who had died. Their lives would n ever be the same a

42、ga in.Later, Barbara was able to meet the families of the two girls. They e their thanks forthe help she had provided.任務一:根據(jù)首字母提示,在處填寫恰當?shù)膯卧~,使句子完整。53. 任務二:將文中劃線句子翻譯成漢語。54. 任務三:將文中劃線句子翻譯成英語。55. 任務四:回答下列問題。56. How did Barbara feel whe n she went back to her car?七. 綜合填空 請從方框中所給的詞中選出最恰當?shù)?個,用其適當形式填空。(共6分,

43、每空1分)suggest,spe nd, create,dead,warn,no vel,scared,punishA Christmas Carol is a famous short (57) writte n by Charles Dicke ns. It is about an oldman n amed Scrooge who n ever laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thi nks about himself. He doesn triteat others nicely. He just cares about whether he

44、 can make more money and he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his (58) bus in ess partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was (59) after he died. He(60) Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn t want to end up like himH e also tellsScrooge to expe

45、ct three spirits to visit him.That ni ght, three ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to hischildhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the sec ond spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Prese nt, takes him to see how others are (61) Christmas this y

46、ear. Every oneis happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the future. Scrooge sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so (62) that he wakes up inhis bed and finds out it is only the next morning Christmas Day!八. 書面表達 (共1小題;滿分15分)臨近中考,很多同學都在緊張備考,但忙碌的學習生活卻讓他們忽視了自己的健康。請你根據(jù)下面表格中的提示,以“Healthy ways to study為題,寫一篇英語短文,從三方面說明如何用健康的方式學習。RestHave a good rest; don t stay upExerciseDo some


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