



1、Topic 2 China has the largest population.Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本課重點活動是 1a 和 2a。 . Teaching aims and demands 教學目標1. Learn a new word:increase2. Learn some useful sentences:(1) It says the world has a population of 6.5 billion.(2) It is increasing by 80 million every year.(3) Whi

2、ch country has the largest population?(4) What s the population of the U.S.A.? It s(5) So it is.(6) The population problem is more serious in developing countries.3. Go on learning the present perfect tense.China has already carried out the one-child policy to control the population.4. Go on learnin

3、g to express the numbers with million and billion.5. Make students realize the serious population problem and have social conscience. . Teaching aids 教具卡片/多媒體課件 /錄音機 /世界人口示意圖 /小黑板 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案Step 1 Review 第一步 復習 ( 時間 :8 分鐘 )復習現(xiàn)在完成時, 然后引導學生談論過去人們生活條件差的原因, 引出人口問題, 導入新課。1. ( 小競賽。

4、教師把學生分為兩組。然后出示寫有already, yet, ever, never, just 的卡片,要求學生以搶答形式迅速說出含有卡片上詞的句子, 要求用現(xiàn)在完成時。 迅速且正確者贏一分, 評出獲勝組。 )T: Lets have a contest to review the present perfect tense, OK?Ss: Great.T: First, I ll divide the whole class into two groups. Then I ll show the cards with “already”, “yet”, “ever”, “never” and

5、 “just ” one by one. Your team will get a score if you give me a correct sentence with the word on the card. Let s go!( 教師出示寫有 already 的卡片。 )T: “Already ”, please!Group 1: She has already finished her homework.T: Congratulations. “Yet”, please!Group 1: I haven t watered the flowers yet.T: Congratula

6、tions. Group 2. “Ever ”, please!Group 2: Has your sister ever been to Tibet?2. (教師讓一名學生復述 Section A 中 3a 的內(nèi)容,引出人口問題。 )T: Who can retell 3a in Section A?S1: I can.(學生復述課文。 )T: Well done. Can you tell me why their living conditions didnt seem to be very good in thepast, S1?S1: Because the family membe

7、rs in the past were more than those nowadays.S2: Because of the large population.S3: China was not well developed.T: Right. But what s the population of China, do you know? Lets learn about it from 1a in Section B.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(xiàn) ( 時間 :14 分鐘 )用多媒體呈現(xiàn)圖表,談論中國及世界人口,呈現(xiàn)1a 中重點句型及部分生詞。1. (多媒體展示 1

8、b 中圖表。 )T: Here is a chart about some countries population. What s the population of our country?Ss: Its 1.3 billion. ( 可幫助學生回答。 )( 板書句型并要求學生掌握;理解 billion 。) What s the population of China?Its 1.3 billion.T: Is China a developing country or a developed country?Ss: A developing country.( 板書并講解。 )the

9、developing/developed countryT: Good. Now please talk about other countries population in pairs.( 教師可先做示范,然后讓學生進行練習。)S1: What s the population of ?S2: It s S1: Is it a developing country or a developed country?S2: Its a T: Well done. We have known some countries population. What s the population of t

10、he world? S3: 6.5 billion.T: Right. The world has a population of 6.5 billion. And the world s population is increasing by 80 million every year.( 板書單詞 increase 及短語 has a population of ,并要求學生掌握,延伸講解 increase by 和 increase to 的區(qū)別。 )has a population ofincrease increase by increase toT: Look at the cha

11、rt, which countries have the larger population, the developing countries or the developed countries?Ss: The developing countries. And the population in developing countries is growing faster. T: So it is.( 板書 So it is ,講解“ so+代詞 /名詞 +助動詞 /be 動詞 /情態(tài)動詞”結構,并和“ so+ 助動詞 /be動詞 /情態(tài)動詞 +代詞 /名詞”的結構進行區(qū)分。 )So i

12、t is.T: In order to solve the population problem, what policy does China carry out? Ss: One-child policy.T: Yes. Now let s listen to 1a and learn more about it.2. (教師放 1a錄音,讓學生聽并盡可能地寫出對話中的有關數(shù)字。)T: Close your books, listen to the tape and try your best to write down the numbers you hear. ( 教師再放錄音,讓學生

13、核對寫的情況。)T: Open your books. Listen again and check what you have written.( 讓學生朗讀 1a,師生共同解決疑難點。 )T: Read 1a and pay attention to the following sentences.( 教師板書并講解這三個句子,使學生加深對文章的理解。)(1)And it is increasing by 80 million every year.(2)It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than

14、that in developed countries, doesnt it?(3)China has already carried out the one-child policy to control the population.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固 ( 時間 :8 分鐘 )根據(jù) 1b繪制表格 (教師可適當增加一些其他國家的人口 ),學生通過對話及復述, 鞏固 1a內(nèi)容。1. (讓學生完成表格并進行鏈式問答。)T: Look at the form. Then fill it out.CountryChinaIndiathe U.S.A.Indones

15、iaBrazilPopulation( 核對答案。 )T: Great. I think you all have done well.( 學生兩人一組進行問答練習。 )S1: What s the population of China?S2: It s about 1. 3 billion. What s the population of India?S1: It is about 1. 1 billion. What about the U.S.A.?S2: 2. ( 讓學生試著復述 1a 內(nèi)容。 )S3: The world has a population of 6.5 billi

16、on.S4: China has the largest population, with 1.3 billion.S5: The population in developing countries is growing faster.T: OK. I think you have mastered the dialog. You can practice it by yourselves after class.Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習 ( 時間 :10 分鐘 ) 通過復習千以內(nèi)的數(shù)字,引出高位數(shù)字的讀法,完成2a, 2b。1. (教師出示寫有數(shù)字的小黑板。 )T: W

17、e have learnt about many countries population. Do you know how to express large numbers? First lets look at the blackboard.(板書)218 306 5 366( 教師由以前學的百、千引入百萬、十億。)S1: Two hundred and eighteen.S2: Three hundred and six.S3: Five thousand, three hundred and sixty-six. ( 教師總結數(shù)字的讀法,指出易出錯的地方并要求學生注意。)T: Now,

18、 look at these numbers. Can you read these numbers?(板書)736 547 8 736 0627 198 764 501( 教師先講解三位一劃分原則,再讓學生運用。給學生準備時間,然后提問。)S4: 736 547 seven hundred and thirty-six thousand, five hundred and forty-seven.( 讓較好的學生總結數(shù)字的讀法。教師強調and, -, thousand 放的位置,以及注意此處量詞不加“ s”。 )T: Now, I will ask some other students t

19、o read the numbers.S5: 8 736 062 eight million, seven hundred and thirty-six thousand and sixty-two.S6: 7 198 764 501 seven billion, one hundred and ninety-eight million, seven hundred and sixty-four thousand, five hundred and one.T: You are great. Most of you have mastered how to read the numbers.

20、Please look at the numbers in 2a. Read them together.2. (做游戲,鞏固數(shù)字的讀法。 )T: Let s play a number game. I will show you some numbers. Read them quickly and correctlyin groups.( 每個小組各選派三位學生,由教師統(tǒng)計分數(shù),構建評分機制,激發(fā)學生興趣。)(板書)7 398 500 406 000 000 17 602 018 000 676 302 320( 教師在黑板上畫出計分表。 )G1G2G3G43. T: Look at th

21、e pictures of 2b and describe them.(讓學生通過自己的猜測,用所學過的語言知識把圖片描述一下。教師可以先提問,復習 高位數(shù)字的讀法并把新舊知識結合起來。 )T: Yeah, very good. Now let s listen to the tape of 2b and number the picturesyou hear andwrite down your answers. After that, let s check the answers.S7: Picture FS8: Picture BS9: Picture AS10: Picture ES

22、11: Picture DS12: Picture CThe jacket costs¥ 326. 00.It s about 6 575 miles from Beijing to Toronto.The mountain is 8 844. 43 meters high.The population of China was 1. 3 billion in 2007.I think the population of Canada was about 33 million in 2007. The dinosaur lived 210 million years ago.( 核對答案。 )

23、Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動 ( 時間 :5 分鐘 )鞏固高位數(shù)表達法, 并根據(jù)討論讓學生討論中國現(xiàn)在和將來的人口狀況及可能出現(xiàn)的問題, 內(nèi)容寫一篇報告,為下一節(jié)課做準備。1. T: The population problem is the biggest one in China. Now let s discuss the question: What are the problems of China s population?( 學生小組討論。 )T: Who can talk about them? (學生可能要說的很多,但有些語言他們表達不清楚,教師加以引導,使他們盡量用簡潔 的語言表達清楚。 )S1: The population is still increasing.S


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