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1、Vicky Chen (vicky-chenbigapple1-)2009年最新傑作夏之戀已入圍2009年布克獎最受尊崇的當(dāng)代英國作家之一三度奪下惠特筆年度小說獎 (Whitbread Book Awards)二度榮獲霍桑登獎 (Hawthornden Prize for Literature)曾獲頒著名的大衛(wèi)柯恩英國文學(xué)終身成就獎(David Cohen British Literature Prize)五度入選英國曼布克獎 (The Man Booker Prize)LOVE AND SUMMER by William TrevorHardcover: 224 pages出版社Viking

2、美國出版日期:September 17, 2009)英國出版日期:August 27 2009ISBN-13: 978-0670918249 分類: 小說審閱資料: 電子檔ISBN: 0753519801Amazon:(10)【關(guān)於此書】一段發(fā)生在愛爾蘭小鎮(zhèn)漫長夏日中的禁忌之戀1950晚期,愛爾蘭小鎮(zhèn)洛斯摩爾的夏天一向很平靜,因此所有人都注意到了那個騎著腳踏車出現(xiàn)在Connulty老太太的喪禮上,不斷拍照的黑髮年輕人,F(xiàn)lorian只是停下來詢問到電影院遺址的路怎麼走,他根本不知道Connulty一家擁有全鎮(zhèn)大半財產(chǎn)與土地,也不知道Connulty老太太的喪禮是鎮(zhèn)上的焦點(diǎn)。所有人都注意到了Fl

3、orian,包括Ellie,她是正直農(nóng)夫Dillahan的續(xù)弦。在Dillahan妻子小孩因意外去世後,她來到Dillahan農(nóng)場工作,進(jìn)而成為他的妻子。Ellie在喪禮上就注意到了Florian拿著照相機(jī)修長的手,早已計畫離開愛爾蘭的Florian與過著平靜生活的Ellie,不顧一切地陷入熱戀而終於脫離Connulty老太太掌控的Connulty小姐,將這一切看在眼裡當(dāng)代最受推崇英國作家之一的William Trevor,將舊時愛爾蘭小鎮(zhèn)中的人情互動與生活描寫的十分細(xì)膩,深入刻劃故事中人物的愛與愁。屢次獲獎的William Trevor的最新傑作,已入圍今年布克獎?!娟P(guān)於作者】最受尊崇的當(dāng)代

4、作家之一William Trevor五度入選英國曼布克獎 (The Man Booker Prize)三度奪下惠特筆年度小說獎 (Whitbread Book Awards)二度榮獲霍桑登獎 (Hawthornden Prize for Literature)一九九九年獲頒著名的大衛(wèi)柯恩英國文學(xué)終身成就獎(David Cohen British Literature Prize)威廉崔佛(William Trevor)1928年出生於科克郡(County Cork)的米契爾斯頓(Mitchelstown),童年時光都在愛爾蘭度過。他上過幾所愛爾蘭學(xué)校,之後進(jìn)了都柏林的三一大學(xué)(Trinity

5、College)。他是愛爾蘭文學(xué)學(xué)會的會員之一,也是英國知名小說家,出版過許多作品,獲獎不斷。長篇小說作品中老朽男孩(The Old Boys,1964)與旅店(The Boarding House,1965),皆獲得霍桑登獎,丹姆絲的孩童(The Children of Dynmonth,1976)與幸運(yùn)愚者(Fools of Fortune,1983),這兩本作品都獲得英國惠特筆小說獎。沉寂的花園(The Silence in the Garden,1988)得到當(dāng)年的約克郵報書獎,兩種生命切片(Two Lives)獲得星期週報的年度書獎提名,收錄於CHEATING AT CANASTA的

6、閱讀圖格鎳(Reading Turgenev,1991)同時入選布克獎決選名單。其餘尚有三本作品入圍布克獎決選名單:露西的意外人生(THE STORY OF LUCY GAULT,2002。新苗)、大嘴巴堤摩西 (The Children of Dynmouth,1976。新苗)、艾克德芬歐妮爾太太的旅館(Mrs Eckdorfin ONeills Hotel,1970)。他也是位著名的短篇故事作家,曾寫過舞臺劇、廣播劇和電視劇劇本,有些電視劇是以他的短篇故事為基礎(chǔ)。作品Felicias Journey,榮獲1994年英國惠特筆年度圖書大獎,在1999年改拍成電影意外的旅程,同名譯作由時報文化

7、出版(版權(quán)已開放)。CHEATING AT CANASTA2007年紐約時報評選為百大好書之一。崔佛自認(rèn)受喬哀斯(James Joyce)短篇故事寫作的影響:致力挖掘與社會中下階層人物息息相關(guān)的生活陰暗面。整體而言,崔佛的作品並不晦暗;特別是早期作品富含高度諷刺的幽默性,讀者能因此觀照生活中的悲喜劇。崔佛於一九九九年獲頒著名的大衛(wèi)柯恩英國文學(xué)終身成就獎(David Cohen British Literature Prize),老當(dāng)益壯的他,創(chuàng)作力持續(xù),是最受尊崇的當(dāng)代作家之一。英國當(dāng)代作家網(wǎng)頁上的介紹: 臺灣自由新聞網(wǎng)介紹.tw/2004/new/sep/23/life/article-5.

8、htm曼布克獎網(wǎng)站介紹: 維基百科介紹: /wiki/William_Trevor BBC3作者訪談: http:/www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/johntusainterview/trevor_transcript.shtml 【獎項介紹】The Booker Prize: 英國每年頒給長篇小說的聞名獎項,參選資格必須是英國、國協(xié)成員國、愛爾蘭共和國,以及南非的英語系作家。自2002年起,改為曼布克獎(Man Booker Prize)Whitbread Book Awards: 英國最具聲望的文學(xué)獎項。共設(shè)五個獎項(最佳童書、最佳新人

9、獎、最佳傳記、最佳小說、最佳詩作)及一項圖書大獎 (Book of the Year) ,圖書大獎是從該五項得獎圖書中選出?,F(xiàn)改名為Costa Book Awards。 Hawthornden Prize for Literature: 霍桑登獎於1919年建立,是英國最古老的文學(xué)獎項之一,以獎助新銳作家聞名,獎金高達(dá)一萬英鎊。/wiki/Hawthornden_PrizeDavid Cohen British Literature Prize: 大衛(wèi)柯恩英國文學(xué)終身成就獎,成立於1993年。知名作家: V.S. Naipaul、Doris Less

10、ing皆曾榮獲此項殊榮。 Product DescriptionIts summer and nothing much is happening in Rathmoye. So it doesnt go unnoticed when a dark-haired stranger appears on his bicycle and begins photographing the mourners at Mrs. Connultys funeral. Florian Kilderry couldnt know that the Connultys are said to own half th

11、e town: he has only come to Rathmoye to photograph the scorched remains of its burnt- out cinema.A few miles out in the country, Dillahan, a farmer and a decent man, has married again: Ellie is the young convent girl who came to work for him when he was widowed. Ellie leads a quiet, routine life, of

12、ten alone while Dillahan runs the farm. Florian is planning to leave Ireland and start over. Ellie is settled in her new role as Dillahans wife. But Florians visit to Rathmoye introduces him to Ellie, and a dangerously reckless attachment begins.In a characteristically masterly way Trevor evokes the

13、 passions and frustrations felt by Ellie and Florian, and by the people of a small Irish town during one long summer. About the AuthorWilliam Trevor has won the Hawthornden Prize and he is a four-time nominee for the Man Booker Prize. He received the David Cohen Literature Prize recognizing a lifeti

14、mes literary achievement, and he was knighted for his services to literature. Born in Michelstown, County Cork, he now lives in Devon.Trevor is a member of the Irish Academy of Letters and Aosdna. He was awarded an honorary CBE in 1977 for services to literature, and was made a Companion of Literatu

15、re in 1994. In 2002 he received an honorary knighthood in recognition of his services to literature.2007年紐約時報評選為百大好書之一CHEATING AT CANASTAHardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Viking (5 Jul 2007) *canasta紙牌遊戲的一種Book Description: 一個在牌桌上的婦人,逐漸遺忘過往的回憶:被帶走的小孩、她的房子、花圃、身邊的人事物。在威尼斯亨利酒吧中,心裡想著對他不屑一顧的妻子,就是因為妻子對他的冷漠,

16、讓他不得不回到這個他以前常來的酒吧;隔壁桌的是一對年輕情侶,因細(xì)故而爭執(zhí)不休這些人又帶來什麼樣的故事?本書是崔佛最新作品,也是他第12本短篇故事集,再度刻畫社會中下階層人物。No matter what, Julia had said, aware then of what was coming, lets always play cards. And they did; for even with her memory gone, a little more of it each day - her children taken, her house, her flowerbeds, bel

17、ongings, clothes - their games in the communal drawing room were a reality her affliction allowed. A husband sits in Harrys Bar in Venice, thinking of his wife - lost to him now - whose plea has brought him back to one of their favourite haunts. On another table, a young couple quarrel. Cheating at

18、Canasta is the title story of William Trevors new collection, his first since the highly acclaimed A Bit on the Side (2004), and its themes of missed opportunities, the inevitability of change and the powerful but fragmentary quality of our memories are entirely characteristic of his unparalleled oe

19、uvre.此書書評: http:/www.guardianbookshop.co.uk/BerteShopWeb/viewProduct.do?ISBN=9780670917266http:/entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/fiction/article2099682.ece http:/arts.independent.co.uk/books/reviews/article2849619.ece A BIT ON THE SIDEHardcover: 244 pages Publisher: V

20、iking (5 Jun 2004) 文筆細(xì)膩,可媲美契訶夫(俄國知名文學(xué)家 Anton Chekhov)的威廉崔佛(William Trevor),向讀者呈現(xiàn)了十二篇小故事,講述著各種社會上小人物的故事,描述當(dāng)代城市和鄉(xiāng)村生活人性和非人性方面一位侍者對他的前妻坦承他之前犯下罪行後的動盪生活;慘遭不幸的女子反覆不停地訴說著父母親不穩(wěn)定的婚姻生活;女學(xué)生後悔四處八卦家庭老師被戴綠帽子的事情;而本書書名則是關(guān)於一個中年的會計師為何想要結(jié)束外遇的故事。William Trevor is truly a Chekhov for our age, and a new collection of stor

21、ies from him is always a cause for celebration. In these twelve stories, a waiter divulges his shocking life of crime to his ex-wife; a woman repeats the story of her parents unstable marriage after a horrible tragedy; a schoolgirl regrets gossiping about the cuckolded man who tutors her; and, in th

22、e volumes title story, a middle-age accountant offers his reasons for ending a love affair. At the heart of this stunning collection is Trevors characteristic tenderness and unflinching eye for both the humanizing and dehumanizing aspects of modern urban and rural life.周日泰晤士報譽(yù)為一步耀眼的短篇故事集AFTER RAIN:

23、The Piano Tuners Wives; A Friendship; Timothys Birthday; Childs Play; A Bit of Business; After Rain; Widows; Gilberts Mother; . Lost Ground; A Day; Marrying DamianPaperback: 224 pages Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd; New Ed edition (4 Sep 1997) A dazzling collection of short stories - Sunday Times. Boo

24、k Description: Here is a new collection of twelve absorbing, deeply compassionate tales that reveal the subtle revenges of love and indifference, the deep wells of affection, and the strange, breathtaking tricks of chance that make up the texture of our lives. In the rain-washed Italian hills, a for

25、gotten artists Annunciation brings light to a heartbroken woman; insidiously, in her struggle for love, the second wife of a blind piano tuner distorts his memories of the first; two children, survivors of divorce, mimic their parents dramas and passions; a mother, tied through love and fear to her

26、son, watches with helpless dread as she realizes the monster he has become. More information: THE LOVE DEPARTMENTPaperback: 272 pages Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd; New Ed edition (28 May 1970) Book Description: Lady Dolores ran the offices of the Love Department, resolving the heartaches of the wive

27、s of Wimbledon. Now her protege was sent on a mission to learn the secrets of Septimus and to stop him in his tracks. Septimus was irresistible to women. Many had succumbed to his charm and more had died of it.TWO LIVES: READING TURGENEV AND MY HOUSE IN UMBRIAPaperback: 384 pages Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd; New Ed edition


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