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1、Prese nt situati on and An an alysis of Spoke n En glishLear ningName:Fang JingAbstract : As English Ianguage is used more and more frequent all over the world, the com muni cati on in En glish becomes in creas in gly sig ni fica nt through differe nt n ati ons. Spoke n En glish is the most useful,

2、direct and efficie nt way of com muni cati on. However, it is a hard assig nment for college stude nts to express themselves well through talk ing and also it is a difficult situation that students find it hard to improve. The article gives an analysis of present situation of Spoken English learning

3、, some problems that may occur in the ways of practicing ,especially for college stude nts. Further more, it will give some suggesti ons on it. I n a word, the article mainly aims to find some potential problems and try to provide some proper ways for college students to improve spoke n En glish, to

4、 better prepare themselves before en teri ng society .Key words: spoken English; potential problems; proper suggestions; college students1. IntroductionIn the trend of globalizati on, it is an urge nt task for young people, like college stude nts, to improve their ability of com muni cat ing not on

5、ly in the form of writi ng, but also in a face-to-face conv ersati on. However, throughout the nin e-year compulsory educati on, stude nts, pare nts eve n teachers pay little atte nti on to spoke n En glish trai ning. Therefore, there exists a severe con flict: College Entrance Exam in ati on main l

6、y targets on writte n exam in atio n and this leads to the ignorance of spoke n En glish; spoke n En glish plays a much more sig nifica nt role in work ing or applicati on than written English does. As a result, here comes an interesting phenomenon: many stude nts can do well in an exam, but whe n i

7、t comes to oral expressi on, there may occur a variety of problems, for example, they maybe too shy to talk, or eve n they are not able to find some proper words to express what is hidde n in side their mind.Although they may have a good kno wledge of vocabulary whe n tak ing exams, they may not thi

8、nk of many whe n in n eedThe truth and the problem is that they are lacking in a certain amount of practicing, a proper way to improve spoke n En glish and a con scious ness that impro ving ability of speak ing is an urge nt task sta nding on their way. As a matter of fact, Chin ese stude nts have b

9、ee n beari ng the heavy study load and exam in ati on stress not only through the nin e-year compulsory educati on, but also in college. College stude nts are still un der exam in ati on stress, but the problem is that they are going to en ter society in a short time, and it is hard for a graduate t

10、o compete in the job market. I n a foreig n en terprise, speak ing a flue nt En glish is a basic requireme nt. Thus, for college stude nts, they have to be well prepared before everything is too late. The training aim in English learning, or En glish teach ing, is to cultivate stude nts not on ly to

11、 master fun dame ntal Ianguage skills, but also to use foreign Ianguage to achieve the ability of com muni cati on. Spoke n En glish lear ning is a profo und kno wledge. To some exte nt, basic Ian guage skills are much easier to improve tha n the ability of com muni cati on.Therefore, the article wi

12、ll discuss some pote ntial problems, such as defects in character, acce nt defects, this kind of congen ital deficie ncy, or problems that may occur in their ways of lear ning spoke n En glish. It quite com mon that Chin ese stude nts are too shy to talk with others in En glish or they are afraid of

13、 express ing themselves in front of a group of people. Most of the stude nts are not willi ng to speak En glish. When in a foreig n teacher less on, every time the foreig n teacher ask for a volunteer who can answer his/her question, there tends to be no one willing to be the volun teer, eve n whe n

14、 the foreig n teacher calls their n ames, asks them to an swer a question, or to take part in a game, some of them would just stand up unwillingly as if they were pushed to do it. And also, there exists a problem that college stude nts are from different areas all over this broad land, they have var

15、ieties of accents from these places. Many of them have a thick local acce nt, and this tends to con tribute to a bad effect on their pronun ciati on whe n practici ng spoke n En glish. What worse, they are uncon scious of this severe problem. They may have repeated the wrongpronunciation for a thous

16、and times. Every time they read a passage or something else, they repeat the wrong pronunciation , which will set them in a vicious circle.These problems are obvious, but can be easily igno red. Chin ese stude nts pay so much atte nti on to writte n En glish to achieve a good score in exam in ati on

17、s that they seldom practice spoke n En glish. Whe n in college, it becomes harder for them to cha nge their bad, wrong way, or habits of speak ing in En glish. They are not able to find what is going wrong, so they can correct it.In order to provide some possible and proper solutio ns to these probl

18、ems, this article will an alyze causes of these phe nomena and problems in detail and in layers, try to figure out some feasible schemes to help college students have a better un dersta nding of the crucial importa nee of ope ning up and speak ing. These will be discussed in the follow ing parts.2.

19、An analysis of low level of spoken EnglishThe low level of spoke n En glish con sists of many aspects. It a com mon phe nomenon among college stude nts. The causes will be show n as follow ing. From the point of teachi ng methods and lear ning methods2.1 The problems in teachi ng methodsHere are som

20、e problems that may occur in the process of teachi ng .2.1.1 A sin gle evaluatio n sta ndardNowadays, the general evaluation standard for non-English major students is CET4 or CET6. And for En glish major, they are mai nly TEM4 or TEM8. In stituti ons grade the test pass rate as the main evaluati on

21、 sta ndard. Therefore, Chin ese college stude nts have always bee n put un der stress of exam in ati ons. In view of many people, a degree has always bee n con sidered the key to a good job. However, the fact is not just as what they feel about. For graduates, masteri ng flue nt oral En glish is mor

22、e importa nt tha n hav ing a certificate. In practice it is rather hard to master. However, as a say ing goes: You cant build a successful bus in ess without the occasional risk or your devotion.2.1.2 The use of body Ian guage n eglected in En glish teach ingAt the prese nt stage of spoke n En glish

23、 teachi ng, some of the teachers are mostly always emphasiz ing the pronun ciati on and inton ati on, while they n eglect the use of body Ian guage ,in cludi ng posture, gesture, facial expressi on, which plays an importa nt role in com muni cati on. Body Ian guage, as an importa nt auxiliary form o

24、f Ian guage com muni cati on, can better help stude nts un dersta nd what has bee n taught to. Especially for the An glo America n coun tries, they have an abundant body Ianguage use. From time to time, our body Ianguage exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articula

25、te verbally. All of the physical gestures we make are subc on sciously in terpreted by others .So whe n in the process of a com muni cati on, full atte ntio n must be paid to their body Ian guage to get if there is somethi ng hidde n behi nd the outside.2.1.3 The dece ncy of Ian guage dismissed in t

26、eachi ng processWe should use proper expressi ons at certa in occasi ons. The same words may have a complete different meaning in another situation. What is worth mentioning is the taboo ,which is ofte n discussed in daily life. Maybe your wrong use of expressi ons or words will cause some unn ecess

27、ary misun dersta nding. We ought to pay atte nti on to the in flue nce on Ian guage expressi on , especially whe n it comes to some traditi onal customs. For example, whe n somebody ask you like this: Have you had dinner yet? In Chinese culture, it is just one kind of greeting. But when in some west

28、ern countries, you should know that this pers on is ask ing you to have a dinner with him / her. Trying to make stude nts un dersta nd the social fun cti on of Ian guage is n ecessary.2.2 The problems in lear ning methodsHere are some problems that may occur in the way of lear ning.2.2.1 Psychologic

29、al/emoti onal factorsDue to the differe nces betwee n pers on alities or the way of learni ng, their expressi on of cog niti on differ from each other. Some stude nts have difficulty in learning if there is not any visuals while some students prefer to learn it by listening to music and singing, or

30、liste ning to a radio and trying to copy the pronun ciati on. And still some stude nts would rather read a passage or a book to practice.However, many of them do not have a good un dersta nding of their own pers on ality. They may just use the learning method which is only suitable for the others as

31、 their own method of lear ning spoke n En glish bli ndly, which tends to have a bad effect on their efficie ncy whe n lear ning.2.2.2 The limitations of the learners language abilityOpport un ities for stude nts oral expressi on has bee n severely restrictedbecause of the popularizati on of large cl

32、asses in high school or in college. As a result, the curre nt situati on is that most of the stude nts are afraid of talk ing in English in front of the class, which will lead to their less interest in practicing spoken English. What sworse is that they may have lower expectations of their level of

33、spoke n En glish. Therefore, they may feel discouraged, have less motivati on to improve spoke n En glish and hold a passive lear ning attitude, which directly con tributes to in active ness in class or in trouble.2.2.3 The bad effect of native accentCollege stude nts are from differe nt places in m

34、ain Ian d. It in evitable that they may have difficulty in gett ing rid of their acce nt s effect. And the worst thi ng is , they may not be able to realize it that they are speaking English with a bad pronunciation or in a Chin ese way. People surro unding him/her may feel awkward to tell you have

35、a thick acce nt whe n speak ing En glish ”, but the thick-acce nt pers on may just feel right about his/her pronun ciati on. Some of the stude nts might laugh at them in his/ her face, which can destroy their con fide nce ,eve n they are not willi ng to speak En glish anym ore. They do n eed some on

36、e to point out their problems directly, otherwise, they can never find their problems, let alone correct them.3. Some possible solutions to the problemsSome reas on able suggesti ons will be show n in the follow ing parts, mainly divided into two aspects, in clud ing suggestio ns for teach ing and f

37、or lear ning.3.1 Suggesti ons for teach ingDiffere nt an gles prese nt differe nt visi ons. Please allow me to show some advice in the view of a college stude nt.3.1.1 Having a clear goal of teach ingSpoke n En glish training should not just focus on fun dame ntal la nguage skills, but also target a

38、t training the ability of com muni cati ng with people. Focus on improvi ng students ability to achieve information, the ability to deal with information, the ability to an alyze and solve problems, to form a basic ability of in tercultural com muni cati on. For example, try to provide more opportun

39、ities for students to have a r6le play activity in class . Put them un der a certa in circumsta nee and guide them to con sider what they should talk when in a given situation or a role, until they can react fluently in a proper way.3.1.2 Rais ing the participatio n of stude nts in classAt the prese

40、nt stage, the classroom instruction is mainly carried out by theteacher. Stude nts rarely have the opport unity to participate in it. TheyIlfi nd it hard toadapt to the classroom atmosphere. Teachers should try to improve the stude nts invo Iveme nt in teachi ng, and offer the opport un ity to speak

41、. For example, the teachers may raise one or two in teresti ng questi ons to get the stude nts atte nti on. At the same time , duri ng the classroom teachi ng , teachers may take the mode of group cooperati on, which may help stude nts enjoy their role in the group cooperati on. So that they can car

42、ry out a discussi on or com muni cate with each other in En glish.3.1.3 The rati onal use of multimedia teachi ng toolsTeachers can make full use of multimedia teachi ng tools to expa nd the cha nn els for stude nts, improve lear ning methods of the stude nts and explore the new teachi ng mode, enri

43、ch the teaching content and its form. By using radio ,television, English n ewspapers , periodicals, and library etc., which can greatly raise their in terest.3.2 Suggesti ons for stude ntsSome proper ways of impro ving spoke n En glish will be show n in the follow ing parts3.2.1 To develop good psy

44、chological qualityChin ese stude nts have bee n pay ing too much atte nti on to the grammar and read ing exercises. Due to a lack of Ian guage en vir onment and class exercises, along with little attention to the importance to the cultivation of listening and speaking ability, they have bee n so wea

45、k in liste ning and speak ing, speak ing especially. They are eve n too afraid to speak English because of their tension. As a matter of fact, the psychological burde n is created by the lack of self-c on fide nce. Keep ing a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials. Namely,

46、 to establish selfconfidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability. Here is the possible suggestion: try to participate enthusiastically in oral activities offered in the classes, and try not be afraid of speaking in front of the class even

47、if you would make some mistakes. In that way, selfcon fide nce will gradually enhan ced, psychological burde n would be overcome gradually because of the multiplicati on of self-c on fide nce, so that psychological quality can be improved.3.2.2 To stre ngthe n motivati on and desire to lear nCollege

48、 stude nts should actively create Ian guage en vir onment and train the ability of oral expressi on by tak ing adva ntage of every opport uni ty.Try to find some part nerspractici ng oral En glish together and En glish corner is a good place as where you may excha nge En glish study experie nce wide

49、 n our sight and improve in terest in En glish.The En glish corner, En glish sal on and En glish voice chat room are all good places to practice oral English and improve it. If it is not easy to get English partners or having little chanee to attend an English corner , then we have to create an Engl

50、ish environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. For example , you can talk to yourself or just describe about what you have see n or what you have done.Retelling exercise : Retell some articles or English stories in o ur own words. It s the simplest and most efficie nt method of practic

51、ing spoke n En glish. Ano ther way is to make friends with foreign students or teachers, they are all native speakers of English, stude nts can lear n the most authe ntic En glish expressi on or pronun ciati on from them.3.2.3 To enrich the background knowledge of western cultureCollege stude nts n

52、eed to un dersta nd cultural differe nces betwee n China and western coun tries. Lan guage, as a com muni cative tool , is the carrier of culture. Only whe n stude nts get to have a full un dersta nding of n ati onal history ,culture, customs and habits , can they express their thoughts and feeli ng

53、s in a appropriate way .In differe nt occasi ons, for differe nt purposes or to differe nt targets, the way of the oral expression should be different according to the three factors. As a Ianguage learner, only if you have a full understanding of their customs and habits, use different expressi ons

54、in a proper way by combi ning the lin guistic con text, can you be able toimprove your skills and level of spoke n En glish.3.2.4 To correct pronunciation or to get rid of accentThe thick-acce nt problem may have disturbed many college stude nts, while itsrather hard to get rid of. Most of the stude

55、 nts may have more difficulties in making a good pronun ciati on.In order to solve these terrible problems, the most efficie ntway I offer is to copy . This copy mainly means that students try to speak English by following a authentic pronunciation. For example, try to practice a radio programmer, a song, a talk show and so on. First of all, read it aloud to make sure that you can be heard by yourself


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