unit 3新視界大學(xué)英語1 unit3 課后練習(xí)答案(收藏)_第1頁
unit 3新視界大學(xué)英語1 unit3 課后練習(xí)答案(收藏)_第2頁
unit 3新視界大學(xué)英語1 unit3 課后練習(xí)答案(收藏)_第3頁
unit 3新視界大學(xué)英語1 unit3 課后練習(xí)答案(收藏)_第4頁
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1、unit 3新視界大學(xué)英語新視界大學(xué)英語1 unit3 課后練習(xí)答案課后練習(xí)答案 accompany approach complain conscious continual emerge hesitate shake Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. MoreMore 1 You _ your head by turning it from side to side. 2 When you _ something you

2、 move closer to it. 3 If you _ about something, you say that you are not satisfied with it. 4 If you _, you stop before doing something, perhaps because you are worried. shake approach complain hesitate accompany approach complain conscious continual emerge hesitate shake Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar

3、Words 5 A(n) _ noise is one that goes on without stopping. 6 When you _ from something, you come out of it. 7 If you are _ of something, you know that it is there. 8 You _ a person when you go with them to somewhere. continual emerge conscious accompany 1 The first feeling I had when I saw her was t

4、hat she was English, but her accent sounded like that of a foreigner. 2 She asked me for a 50-pence coin to put into the machine so she could get a cup of coffee, and the money for the bus ticket home. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. appeal

5、 commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert resemble Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words impression resembled insert 3 I usually dont feel as if I want to give strangers money, but the request for help she made had a strange effect on me. 4 She held out her hand and smiled. Her h

6、andshake was strong and she spoke in a voice that was determined and not likely to change. 5 Then she told me that before she had come to live in my town she had felt like killing herself. appeal commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert resemble Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Wo

7、rds inclinedappeal firm committing suicide 6 She had suffered years of behavior which caused her pain from colleagues in her old job. 7 Now, she said, she felt she wanted to thank all the people who had been kind to her and helped her over the last few days. Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words cruelty

8、grateful to appeal commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert resemble Every night about 5,000 people sleep on the streets of London. During the day some of them sell a magazine called The Big Issue. Some people feel (1) _ and stop to buy a copy, but most Londoners (2) _ to ke

9、ep on walking, and not look too closely at the unwashed people at the side of the street. A(n) (3) _ solution to the problem is needed, because the number of homeless people continues to grow but the (4) _ seem to be able to do little to help. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words

10、in the box. authority combination refusal somehow sympathetic tend urgent victim sympathetic tend urgent authorities Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words But why do people end up on the streets? For many of them, it is a(n) (5) _ of factors, such as money and family problems. Often they are young people

11、 who have run away from home, or are the (6) _ of an economic crisis, for example, people who have lost their jobs and have nowhere to go. However, a few people choose to live on the streets. (7) _ they prefer this lifestyle, and their decision can be seen as a form of (8) _ to live in normal societ

12、y. authority combination refusal somehow sympathetic tend urgent victim combination victims Somehow refusal Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words Answer the questions about the words. 1 If someone is pathetic, do they make you feel (a) pity, or (b) anger? 2 Is a stray dog

13、 (a) strong and healthy, or (b) without an owner? 3 If you confide in someone, do you (a) trust them to keep a secret, or (b) expect them to tell people a secret? 4 If in old-fashioned English a person or thing was described as queer, were they (a) like everyone else, or (b) quite strange? a b a b U

14、nfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words Answer the questions about the words. 5 If life is unbearable, does it seem (a) very hard, or (b) like one long party? 6 If you feel remorse after doing something, are you (a) glad, or (b) sorry that you did it? 7 If you stroll, do you (a) walk very fast in a nervous

15、way, or (b) walk slowly and in a relaxed way? 8 If you reproach someone for doing something, do you (a) tell them it was wrong, or (b) thank them for doing it? a b b a Look at the sentence. present participles in adverbial phrases We can rewrite it like this: Swearing slightly under my breath, I eme

16、rged from the box. Now rewrite the sentences using a present participle in an adverbial phrase. Language in UseLanguage in Use When I emerged from the box, I was swearing slightly under my breath. Language in UseLanguage in Use 1 When I turned the corner, I was thinking about what to do next. Thinki

17、ng about what to do next, I turned the corner. 2 I dropped my pen while I was trying to find his telephone number in the directory. Trying to find his telephone number in the directory, I dropped my pen. 3 While I was having breakfast in my room, I read the news about the man. Having breakfast in my

18、 room, I read the news about the man. Language in UseLanguage in Use 4 When I left the station, I was thinking about whether I should lend him the money. Thinking about whether I should lend him the money, I left the station. 5 When we arrived at the station we were talking together like old friends

19、. Talking together like old friends, we arrived at the station. 6 She thanked everyone for their help and left the room. Thanking everyone for their help, she left the room. as as Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the question. Who looked more pathetic? (a) The little man. (b) A stray

20、 dog. (c) They both looked equally pathetic. Language in UseLanguage in Use I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. Answer: C preposition + whom / which Look at the sentences from the passage. I cannot accept the system of governm

21、ent under which I have had to live A friend of mine, to whom I am eternally grateful, agreed to help me to escape. Language in UseLanguage in Use Now complete the sentences with a suitable preposition + whom / which. As cool as a cucumber As cute as a cupcake (杯型蛋糕)(杯型蛋糕) As busy as a bee As mad as

22、a hatter (愛麗絲漫游奇境記)(愛麗絲漫游奇境記) As light as a feather(羽毛)(羽毛) As poor as a church mouse (教堂里的老鼠)(教堂里的老鼠) Language in UseLanguage in Use 1 Hes the man _ I spoke yesterday. 2 Its a system _ he was able to get a lot of money. 3 This is the place _ I first saw him. 4 Theyre people _ we have often worked b

23、efore. to whom under which in which with whom Language in UseLanguage in Use 5 I read the plan, the details _ are not very clear. 6 Thats the machine _ he took the money. 7 Our teacher is someone _ we must show a lot of respect. 8 Its the only university _ I received a reply. of which from which to

24、whom from which Look at the sentences. To give greater emphasis to the first part, we can rewrite them like this: Language in UseLanguage in Use I might have been the final cause of this terrible tragedy. Three weeks later I happened to glance at an old evening paper. It + be . who / that It was I w

25、ho might have been the final cause of this terrible tragedy. It was three weeks later that I happened to glance at an old evening paper. Language in UseLanguage in Use 1 A friend of mine told me this story. It was a friend of mine who told me this story. 2 The way in which he asked for money impress

26、ed me. It was the way in which he asked for money that impressed me. 3 Right at the bottom of the page I saw the article. It was right at the bottom of the page that I saw the article. Language in UseLanguage in Use 4 The description of the man convinced me. It was the description of the man that co

27、nvinced me. 5 The sight of the blood on his face upset me. It was the sight of the blood on his face that upset me. 6 The next day I realized what had happened It was the next day that I realized what had happened. expressions with prepositions and adverbs Complete the sentences with the correct pre

28、position or adverb. 1 I cant help you, Im afraid. Im a bit short _ cash. 2 He isnt _ the habit of saying much when he comes to see us. 3 _ the new system we should all pay fewer taxes. 4 She needs someone to confide _ about a very personal problem. Language in UseLanguage in Use of in Under in expre

29、ssions with prepositions and adverbs Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb. 5 I want to speak to the manager but the lines busy and I cant get _. 6 I was conscious _ being the only student in the room. 7 You really shouldnt carry so much money _ with you. 8 Were all very grat

30、eful _ Jessica for her suggestion. Language in UseLanguage in Use of through about to Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1 I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. 我看著他慢慢地沿街走了,然后拿起電話簿,查找我要撥的號碼。我看著他慢慢地沿街走了,然后拿起電話簿,查

31、找我要撥的號碼。 Language in UseLanguage in Use 2 Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. 我忍不住低聲罵一句,從電話亭里出來,正好和那小個男人打了個照面。我忍不住低聲罵一句,從電話亭里出來,正好和那小個男人打了個照面。 他看上去可憐得就像條喪家之犬。他看上去可憐得就像條喪家之犬。 Language in UseLa

32、nguage in Use 3 He had an unusually deep voice which suggested a strange combination of shyness and self-confidence. 他的聲音低沉得很不尋常,顯得他既害羞,又自信,兩種氣質(zhì)奇特地交他的聲音低沉得很不尋常,顯得他既害羞,又自信,兩種氣質(zhì)奇特地交 織在一起??椩谝黄?。 Language in UseLanguage in Use 4 I cannot accept the system of government under which I have had to live and

33、life in my own country has become unbearable to me. 我無法忍受在那種政府體制下生活,本來是我自己的國家,我卻活不下我無法忍受在那種政府體制下生活,本來是我自己的國家,我卻活不下 去了。去了。 Language in UseLanguage in Use 5 I felt half inclined to let him have a few pounds on the chance that he was telling the truth, but I was rather short of ready cash anyhow, and might have needed what I had with me on the way home. 我都有些想給他幾個英


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