



1、a n ew reco rd species o f my rmeleon lin n aeus fro m chin a( n euro ptera ,myrmeleo n tid ae)zhan q ing-bin1 ,brahm levente2 ,w ang x in-li1*1 department of entomology,china agricultural university,beijing 100193,china2 somogy county museum,natural history department,h -7400 kaposvr,p o box 70,hun

2、garyabstract a new record species,myrmeleon trivialis gerstaecker,1885 is reported from c hina myrmeleon zanganus yang,1987 is proposed as anew synonym of m trivialis t he specimens examined are deposited in insect c ollection of the c hina agricultural u niversity ( ic c au ) ,somogy c ounty m useu

3、m,hungary ( sc m ) and ernst-m oritz-arndt u niversitt greifswald,zoologisches institut und m useum,greifswald,germany ( em au ) key words m yrmeleontidae,myrmeleon,new record,c hina7 8 presectoral crossveins,6 10 cells in two rows betweenc up + 1a and posterior margin in anal area anterior banksian

4、 line indistinct,posterior banksian line conspicuous hindwing20 23 cross-veins from origin of rs to hypostigmal cell,5presectoral crossveins pilula axillaris present,small,its knobrounded,setae sparse and about double longer than thickness ofknobabdomenblack, shorter than hindwingm aleterminalia ect

5、oproct near ellipse without notch, sternite 9trapezoid m ale genitalia ( fig 4 ) : gonarcus wider, themyrmeleon trivialis was denominated by gerstaecker in 1885based on a female specimen without abdomen from himalaya since then this species has lacked further report in the original description of m

6、trivialis, gerstaecker compared it with myrmeleon formicalynx which is a synonym of myrmeleon formicarius according to stange ( 2004) it indicates that m trivialis is a similar species to m formicarius recently we have reexamined these specimens determined as myrmeleon formicarius from 6 provinces c

7、 hina and found that all male of them have pilula axillaris according to kuwayama ( 1959) ,brahm papp( 1991) and krivokhatsky ( 2002) ,the male of m formicariushas no pilula axillaris so we confirm that those specimens are not m formicarius w e have compared the c hinese specimensmisidentified as m

8、formicarius with the original description of mtrivialis by gerstaecker and the holotype of m trivialis preserved em au and found these specimens are highly accordant with m trivialis so it could be confirmed these specimens are m trivialiswhich is the first record of c hinadistance between its two a

9、rms almost equal to the length of arm,parameres wider with a split at the base, mediuncus smallforked female genitalia ( figs 2 3) : 8-interior gonapophyses( anteriorgonapophysisbystange, 1994;posteriorgonapoghysis by m ansell,1985 ) short and wide with densesetae, 8-exteriorstange, 1994;gonapophyse

10、s ( posterior gonapophysis byanterior gonapoghysis by m ansell, 1985 )fingerlike withlong setae, 9-interior gonapophyses ( lateralgonapophysis by stange,1994 ) triangular with thick diggingsetae,ectoproct with thick digging setae on its lower partmyrmeleon trivialis gerstaecker,1885( figs 1 5)myrmel

11、eon trivialis gerstaecker,1885: 23n ew record of chinam aterial examined 3 , 2 , c hina, henan,luanchuan c ounty longyuwan, 20 25 july 2004, legw ang zhi-liang; 2,henan,m t baiyun,18 july 2002,myrmeleon zanganus yang,1987: 213 new synonymm ale body length 32 39 mm,forewing 36 44 mm, hindwing 35 43 m

12、m female body length 32 41 mm, forewing 36 45 mm,hindwing 34 44 mmhead black,vertex inflated c ompound eyes aerugo with dark spots c lypeus, labrum and maxillary palpus yellow antennae black and short, less than 1 /4 forewing length,slightly thicked apically, scape yellow t horax pronotum shorter th

13、an broad, with a yellow narrow median whichbecomes indistinct close to hind margin and yellow lateral margins ( fig 5) setae dense and long on the lateral margin m esothroax and metathroax black, with white sparse setaebao rong; 1,henan,m tjigong,15 july 2001,leglegshen x iao-c heng; 2 ,yunnan,fengq

14、ing shili,7 8july 1980,leg zhang fu; 1 ,1 ,yunnan,fengqingshili,24 july 1980,leg zhang fu;1 ,yunnan,yaxipantian,25 july 1981,leg w ang shu-yong;1 ,1 ,yunnan,ninglang c ounty,13 july 2004,leg zhang jing;1 ,guizhou,hezhang,28 june 1978,leg unknown; 1 ,guangxi,jinxiu luoxiang,15 m ay 1999,leg zhang x u

15、e-zhong; shaanxi,fuping,23 july 1998,leg zhang x ue-zhong; 2 ,nepal,ganesh himal,gadlang,alt 2 600 m,22 23 sep 1995,leg gyulai,p,garai,a; 2 ,1,nepal,ganesh himal,2 km nw of nesim,alt 2 300 m,23 25 sep 1995,leg gyulai,p and garai,a5thlegs foreleg yellow mostly, except tibia andtarsomerebrown t ibia s

16、purs reddish brown, reaching end of firsttarsomere,5th tarsomere longer than 1st tarsomere m iddle andhind leg with black mark on femur terminal part w ings narrow and elongated,hyaline forewing c ostal area withholotype of myrmeleon trivialis preserved in em au ,himalaya stdgr,no record of collecti

17、ng timet he type specimens of myrmeleon zanganus yang,1987holotype , c hina, t ibet, yigong, alt2 300 m 29 julysingle row of cells,stigma pale yellow ,rs arises beyond cubitalfork,27 30 cross-veins from origin of rs to hypostigmal cell,1978,leg li fa-sheng paratypes: 4 ,1,paratypes oft he project wa

18、s supported by c hinese u niversities scientific fund ( 2012jd001 ) and the science and t echnology basic researching fund( 2006fy120100) * c orresponding author,e-mail: wangxl cau edu cnreceived 7 apr 2011,accepted 16 aug 2011994figs 1 5 myrmeleon trivialis 1 habitus 2 3 female terminalia 2 ventral

19、 view 3 lateral view 4 m ale gonarcus-parameres-complex 5 pronotum abbreviations med mediuncus gs gonarcus pa paramere 8-ig 8-interior gonapophyses 8-eg 8-exterior gonapophyses 9-ig 9-interior gonapophyses epr ectoproct scale bars: 1 = 1 cm,2 3 =0. 5 mm,4 = 0. 1 mm,5 = 1 mmmyrmeleon zanganus yang,19

20、87,t ibet,yigong,alt 2 300 m,31protezione delle piante, sezione di entomologia agraria,july 1 aug 1978,leg li fa-sheng;1 ,3 ,t ibet,u niversit degli studi for providing the photos of the specimensof m formicarius and m bore in their collectionsreferen cesbrahm,l and papp,z 1991 myrmeleon bore ( t je

21、der,1941 ) in hungary ( planipennia m yrmeleontidae) neuroptera international,6 ( 3) : 137 139bao,r,w ang,x -l and liu,j-z 2009 a review of the species of myrmeleon linnaeus,1767 ( neuroptera: m yrmeleontidae ) from mainland c hina,with the description of a new species entomological news,120 ( 1) :

22、18 24gerstaecker,c e a 1885 vier decaden von neuropteren aus derfamilie m egaloptera burm mitteilungen aus dem naturwissenschaftlichenverein fr neu-vorpommern und rugen in greifswald,16: 1 49 krivokhatsky, v a 2002 new asian species of ant-lions( neuroptera,m yrmeleontidae) entomological review,82 (

23、 5) : 558 562kuwayama,s 1959 o n the genera m yrmeleon and grocus in japan and adjacent territories konty,27 ( 1) : 66 71linnaeus,c 1767 systema natura per regna tria naturae secundumt ongmai,alt 2 050 m,27 july 1978,leg li fa-shengdistributionc hina, henan, yunnan, guangxi,guizhou,t ibet,shaanxi; i

24、ndia,nepal,pakistan,t hailandremarks t his species is similar to myrmeleon bore ( t jeder,1941) ,but wing of the latter species rather wide,cross-veinsbeyond origin of rs less than 20 and posterior banksian-line of forewing faintly noticeable t he type speciemens of m zanganus are highly accordant w

25、ith the speciemens misidentified as mformicarius bao et al ( 2009) proposed that m zanganus was asynonym of m formicarius based on further comparing the type speciemens of m zanganus with the holotype of m trivialisgerstaecker,1885 preserved em au and the original descriptionof m trivialis we confir

26、m m zanganus yang,1987 is a newsynonym of m trivialis gerstaecker,1885acknowledgem entsw e gratefully acknowledge dr peterm ichalik of em au for helping us to examine the holotype ofm trivialis and dr roberto a pantaleoni of dipartimento diclasses,ordines,genera,species,cum characteribus,differentii

27、s,synonymis,locis salvii,holmiae,12th edition vol 1,pt 2,533 1 327m ansell,m w 1985 t he ant-lions of southern africa ( neuroptera:stange, l aclassification2004 a systematic catalog, bibliography andof the world antlions ( insecta:neuroptera:m yrmeleontidae ) m emoirs of the american entomologicalinstitute,gainesville,florida,565ppt jeder,b 1941 a new species of m yrmeleontidae from scan


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