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1、2011-8-21 fengshijun大學英語精讀第三版第三冊課后習題答案unit11) accent2) turnagainst3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has saved up5) stood a chance6) were awarded7) presumably8) conducted9) casual10) around (which s

2、tudent life) revolves1) joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.2) despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.3) traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4) called (up) on to speak at the meeting, i couldnt very well refuse.5) m

3、rs. stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left.6) it was the rumor that turned joe against his twin brother.7) we wondered how sara was getting on in her new job.8) although anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give

4、 in.9) visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.10) whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrows weather.1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2) unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3) unhappily,unskillfu

5、lly,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。1) reliable2) changeable3) enjoyable4) exhaustible5) permissible6) regrettable7) breakable8) imaginable9) workable10) applicable1) countercharge2) counterattack3) counterpart4) counteract5) countermeasures6) countercu

6、lturists1) liz sang perfectly in the town hall yesterday afternoon.2) i saw your brother and his girlfriend walking arm in arm in the park the other day.3) it began to blow quite hard before midnight.4) they moved the piano into another room upstairs last evening.5) come to my office at ten oclock.6

7、) i was still living alone at home at the time.7) believe it or not, i ran into your cousin in a shop in new york three weeks ago.8) the old couple were sitting quite happily in the garden at this time yesterday.1) it turned out that his methods didnt work at all.2) it turned out that the necklace w

8、as not made of diamond, but of glass.3) it turned out that the lost money had been in the safe all the time!4) it turned out that the experiment was much more difficult than they had supposed.5) it has turned out that your nephew is the most suitable person for the job.6) to his surprise, it turned

9、out that the fashionable young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket.1) given his age, it was indeed a miracle that he had done so much in so short a time.2) given that they are fresh from university, the young people have done a good job.3) given that x equals ten, x minus four is six.4) given good hea

10、lth, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.5) given enough manpower and financial support, the goal can certainly be attained.6) given the chance, paul might make it.1) fate2) trial3) guilty4) couple of5) conduct6) wandering7) casual8) confirm9) temporary10) brilliant11) stand a chance12) empl

11、oyment13)turn against1)into2)at3)before4)car5)station6)confirmed7)injured8)drunk9)jail10)charged11)court12)dismissed13)but14)fine15)where16)killing17)from18)up19)fine20)free21)not22)who23)drunken/drunk24)or25)received26)such27)why28)injured翻譯1) 發(fā)言人(spokesman)明確表示總統(tǒng)在任何情況下都不會取消(cancel)這次旅行。the spokesm

12、an made it clear that the president would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2) 杰克對書架上那些書一本也不了解,所以他的選擇是很隨意的。jack didnt know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3) 隨后發(fā)生的那些事件再次證明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是對的。(confirm)the subsequent events confirmed my su

13、spicions once again.4) 我認為我們應該鼓勵中學生在暑假找臨時工作。i think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5) 令我們吃驚的是,這位常被贊為十分正直的州長(governor)竟然是個貪官(corrupt official)。to our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out

14、 to be a corrupt official.6) 少數(shù)工人得到提升(be promoted),與此同時卻有數(shù)百名工人被解雇。a few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7) 如果有機會,約翰也許已成為一位杰出的畫家了。(given)given the chance, john might have become an outstanding painter.8) 數(shù)小時后,有人看見那個男孩在林子里瞎轉。several hours later, the boy was foun

15、d wandering around in the woods.unit21)besidesexceptbesides2)have receivedacceptedreceivedaccept3)discoveredwas inventeddiscoveredinvented1) alike2) asleep3) alive4) awake5) alone6) astir1) conflict with2) superior to3) resented4) left behind/left (my car keys) behind5) error6) rejected7) created8)

16、obtained9) above all10) perpetual1)origin2)threatening3)in existence4)hesitates5)owesto6) acting on7) leavingto8) went out of her way9) hasbeen appointed10) judgments11) influence12) humble1) many authors use a false name when they publish their books.2) the origin of human life on earth is now beli

17、eved to have been in africa.3) the book was translated from chinese into english under the personal supervision of the author.4) in spite of the personal participation of the president, the conference failed to produce agreement.5) many americans prefer to travel by car over any other means of trans

18、portation.6) watches made in your factory are far superior in quality to those turned out in theirs.1) a wait-and-see attitude2) a life-and-death struggle3) a down-to-earth spirit4) an out-and-out lie5) an out-of-the-way mountain village6) a face-to-face talk7) a divide-and-rule policy8) up-to-date

19、machines9) word-for-word translation10) a never-to-be-forgotten night1) self-conscious2) self-sufficient3) self-educated4) self-respecting5) self-supporting6) self-made1) frightened2) be heightened3) strengthen4) lengthening/5) to be lengthened6) hastenedheartened1) in his youth2) a 17-year-old yout

20、h3) the youth of our country have4) some youths5) youth is6) the youth of the 21st century have1) although advanced in years, thomas edison remained as active and creative as many young people.2) while still at college, miss leacock had her first novel published.3) a tiger cannot be tamed unless cau

21、ght very young.4) the old lady carrying a basketful of eggs was run down by a taxi when crossing the street.5) i am sure mr. whites latest play, once staged, will prove to be a great success.6) ben is fully aware that if not properly managed, his shirt factory will have to close down in less than a

22、year.1) paul could not dance, nor could he sing.2) i was not satisfied with her explanation, nor were my classmates.3) my brother joe never learned to swim, nor does he intend to start now.4) they didnt invite me, nor did they invite my parents.5) cathy had hardly said a word since supper, nor had h

23、er husband.6) mr. owen didnt know then what had happened, nor did he ever find out.1) it was jefferson who wrote the declaration of independence.2) it is with genuine feeling that the author praises all that is progressive.3) it was on the beach that miss white found the child lying dead.4) it was b

24、ecause the water had risen that we could not cross the river.5) it was jim, a heartless fellow, who was heard shouting at his mother in the dead of night.6) it was not until i told her that mrs. williams knew anything about it.1) paul considered himself fortunate to have been admitted to harvard uni

25、versity.2) dont you think it good for us to remember jeffersons emphasis upon knowledge as a basis for action?3) today people find it impossible for one person to learn what needs to be known about all subjects.4) his duty fulfilled, henry felt a great weight taken off his mind.5) alice considered h

26、erself lucky that she was not injured in the accident.6) the chinese working class made its strength felt by playing the main role in the may 4th movement.1) action2) obtain3) humble4) origins5) go out of ones way6) conflict7) acted on8) owe much to9) left behind1) before2) aged3) following4) now5)

27、lying6) for7) that8) as9) in10) that11) might12) life13) away14) saved15) was16) given17) does18) the19) done20) more21) in22) and1) guided2) in fact3) a second term4) shape5) independence6) served as7) constitution8) honored9) the nations capital10) celebrated翻譯1) 會上有人建議任命一個十一人委員會來制定新章程。it was sugg

28、ested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution.2) 這些青年科學家通過現(xiàn)場觀察,獲得了研究工作所需的第一手資料。by making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.3) 他很可能會因視力不好而被拒收入伍。it is very likely that he will be r

29、ejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.4) 委員會成員在新機場最佳選址 (location) 這一問題上持有不同意見。the committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport.5) 亨利創(chuàng)作的藝術品在許多方面比他兄弟的要好。henrys works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brothers.6) 我們產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的穩(wěn)步提高在很大程度上是由

30、于設備有所改進。the steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.7) 吉姆本想按照自己的判斷行事,但他沒有這樣做,因為作為軍人他得服從命令。jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didnt because as a soldier he had to obey the order.8) 如果讓我來決定我們是要一個沒有自行車的城市呢,還是要一個沒有汽車的城市,我會毫不猶豫地選擇后

31、者。were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars, i should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.unit31)were short of2)attached any importance to3)have applied for4)consists of5)vital6)range7)judging by8)leisure9)awkward10)ultimate11)constitute12)sl

32、im1) salary2) prospect3) in turn4) smelled of5) depressed6) suburb7) stale8) protested9) incompetent10) interview11) having little in common12) disapproval13) advertise14) plus1) a rsum generally consists of personal information, work experience and educational background.2) in todays job market, im

33、portance is attached to practical experience as well as formal education.3) the pay for this type of work ranges from ten to fifteen dollars per hour.4) the thought of having to take the exam again depressed me./ i was depressed at the thought of having to take the exam again.5) tony and his brother

34、 have little in common except that they share the same interest in cricket./ tony and his brother have little in common except their shared interest in cricket.6) england, wales, scotland and northern ireland constitute the united kingdom.1) unlock2) unpacked3) undo4) unfolded5) unsay6) undressed1)

35、a blue-eyed girl2) a kind-hearted woman3) a simple-minded young man4) a double-faced guy/a double-faced fellow5) a long-haired rabbit6) a white-haired girl7) a left-handed person8) a red-tailed bird9) a narrow-minded man10) a short-sighted woman1) smells lovely/smells sweet2) could smell cigarettes3

36、) smell the milk4) smells stale5) smells of wine6) can smell something burning7) was smelling a ball of wool8) smell of fish/smelt of fish/smelled of fish1) surprising/surprise2) surprised3) excitedinterested4) frightened5) boredclosing6) closed7) frightening8) winning9) amusingthinking10) lost1) th

37、e rumour proved (to be) true.2) the experiment proved (to be) a success in the end.3) the student proved (to be) much brighter than he had first appeared.4) his experiences on the farm proved (to be) a turning point in his writing career.1) i could say thank you2) i had time to look over my answers3

38、) most of the students understood the first problem4) i could stop him1) the letter must have been written by a small child2) they are probably japanese3) he might have failed in his english exam4) the performance must be a great success1) advertised2) local3) slim4) apply5) disapproval6) consisted

39、of7) attached importance8) obviously9) in common10) salary11) prospect1) out2) apply3) others4) know5) preferred/chose/select6) single7) a8) at9) behind10) careful11) to12) considerate/thoughtful13) when14) questions15) polite16) rest/others17) floor18) placed19) turn20) when21) noticed22) brushed23

40、) nails24) excellent25) more1) hiring2) link3) college graduate4) somewhere5) find out6) checked with his university7) hed be right for the job8) eagerness9) left me with only one other question10) call on翻譯1. she got a post as a cashier at a local bank. but she was soon fired because she proved to

41、be incompetent.她在當?shù)匾患毅y行找到一份出納員的工作,但不久因不稱職而被解雇了。2. it is obviously/clearly his young assistant who is running the book store.很明顯是他的年輕助手在經(jīng)營這家書店。3. no sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet to protest.這項建議在會上一宣布,她就站起來提出異議。4. bill has applied to harvard university

42、 for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim.比爾已向哈佛大學申請助教職位,但他得到它的可能性很小。5. being short of funds, they are trying to attract foreign capital.由于缺乏資金,他們正在想辦法吸引外資。6. the room smells of stale air. it must have been vacant for a long time.這個房間有股霉味,一定是好久沒人住了。7. as far as hobbies ar

43、e concerned, jane and her sister have little in common.就業(yè)余愛好而言,珍妮和她妹妹幾乎沒有什么共同之處。8. it is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.不言而喻,青年人的教育對于一個國家的未來是至關重要的。unit41) few2) a little3) little4) few5) a fewlittle6) a fewfew7) little8) few1) function2) corresponded

44、 with each other3) immune to4) at ease5) displayed6) approach7) puzzle8) a household word9) capable of carrying out10) so much so that1) a series of2) approaches3) are pursuing4) ambition5) fame6) come to terms with7) work out8) singled out9) personality10) taken apart11) at ease12) observe13) modes

45、t14) application15) curiosity16) solutions1) he writes exclusively for the washington post.2) the friendship your people have for our people impressed me deeply during my visit in your country./ i was deeply impressed during my visit in your country by the friendship your people have for our people.

46、3) it took joe a long time to come to terms with the fact that he would no longer be able to go sailing again.4) jims grandfather believes more in fresh air and exercise than in medicine.5) owing to his poor education he was frustrated in his attempt to find a good job.6) most american cities are re

47、latively small in terms of population when compared to chinese cities like shanghai and beijing.1) emotional2) angry3) atomic4) exclusive5) famous6) jealous7) safe8) simple9) important10) valuable11) central12) delightful/delighted13) feasible14) fortunate15) personal16) capable17) sandy18) original

48、19) curious20) easy1) typewriter2) honeymoon3) airport4) schoolmaster5) necklace6) eyesight7) loudspeaker8) sunrise9) heartbeat10) blood-test11) motorcycle12) crossroad13) spaceship14) superpower15) lifeboat16) rainstorm1) handbook/handmade/handsaw/handshake/handwork/handwriting2) housebreaker/house

49、keep/housekeeper/house arrest/housemate/housework3) workbook/workday/workmate/workshop/worksite/worktable4) bookkeeper/bookmark/book review/bookseller/bookshelf/bookstall5) riverside/roadside/bedside/dockside/inside/outside6) classroom/living room/reading room/waiting room/consulting room/dark room1

50、) a drop of blood2) a grain of wheat3) a length of rope4) a lump of sugar5) a ball of string6) a block of marble7) a roll of toilet paper8) a helping of pie9) a blanket of heavy mist10) a slice of beef1) joes father was seen to return after dark.2) the wind was heard to roar through the trees.3) i d

51、ont think tom can be made to take the bosss orders.4) the young man was seen to enter the building next to the bank.5) when she was in shanghai the actress was heard to say she had long thought of this city as her second home.6) after the minister of education had finished speaking at the press conf

52、erence, he was made to answer all sorts of questions.1) the doctor advised (that) mike (should) stay in hospital until he was fully recovered.2) cathys father insisted (that) she (should) take a two-week rest before going back to work.3) the chairman of the trade union suggested (that) a special com

53、mittee (should) be set up to look into the problem./ the chairman of the trade union suggested (that) they set up a special committee to look into the problem.4) the commander ordered (that) our company (should) start the attack before dawn.5) knowing jack to be dishonest, i demanded (that) he (shou

54、ld) tell me nothing but the truth.6) the dean of the philosophy department requested (that) the visiting scholar (should) give a lecture on sartre.1) bewildered2) impressed3) modest4) profound5) displayed6) ambition7) singled out8) puzzle9) capable10) at ease1) by2) with3) listened4) gave5) told6) l

55、ecture7) sure8) why9) for10) agreed11) two12) hall13) before14) place15) began16) single17) success18) people19) shaking20) followed21) before22) stopped23) a24) listened25) not26) nodded27) did28) thought29) but30) order31) was32) answer1) childhood2) a slow start3) mathematics4) grew up5) devote himself to research6) world-famous7) explain8) you thi


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