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1、設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 1 CHAPTER 6 ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS The activity relationship diagram Determining the relationship code Worksheet Dimensionless block diagram Flow analysis 1. Questions 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 2 Flow based on routings is not the sole basis for lay

2、out arrangements. Other Factors Supporting Services Tool Room (not routed) Rest Areas Central Coolant Tanks中央冷卻罐中央冷卻罐 Shop Superintendents Office 管理室管理室 In some cases, flow is simply not important and no Significant flow Service, Repair, Tool Room 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 3 Manufacturing f

3、low was discussed in Chapter 5, but other departments, services, and facilities must be included to establish good overall flow. Material flows from receiving, to stores, to warehousing, to shipping. Information flows between offices and the rest of our facility, and people move from place to place.

4、 Each department, office, and service facility must be placed properly in relationship to each other. 制造流程在第五章已討論過,但要建立完善的整體流程,制造流程在第五章已討論過,但要建立完善的整體流程, 其它部門、服務(wù)和設(shè)施必須被包含在其中。從驗收、裝配、其它部門、服務(wù)和設(shè)施必須被包含在其中。從驗收、裝配、 入庫再到裝運過程中的物流;存在于各辦公室與其它部們的入庫再到裝運過程中的物流;存在于各辦公室與其它部們的 信息流,以及人流。每個部門、辦公室和服務(wù)設(shè)施必須按照信息流,以及人流。每個部門、辦

5、公室和服務(wù)設(shè)施必須按照 它們之間相互的關(guān)系布置在合適的位置。它們之間相互的關(guān)系布置在合適的位置。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 4 2. The techniques to be studied in this chapter are: The activity relationship diagram(活動關(guān)系圖)(活動關(guān)系圖) The worksheet(工作單(工作單 ) The dimensionless block diagram(無量綱方塊圖(無量綱方塊圖 ) The flow analysis(流程分析(流程分析 ) These techn

6、iques will help us to place each department, office, and service area in the proper location. Our objective is to satisfy as many important relationships as possible in order to create the most efficient layout possible. 這些技術(shù)將有助于我們合理地布置每一個部門、辦公室以及這些技術(shù)將有助于我們合理地布置每一個部門、辦公室以及 服務(wù)區(qū)的位置。我們的目標(biāo)就是滿足盡可能多的重要的關(guān)系

7、服務(wù)區(qū)的位置。我們的目標(biāo)就是滿足盡可能多的重要的關(guān)系 以創(chuàng)造最有效的布置。以創(chuàng)造最有效的布置。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 5 The four techniques studied in this chapter are sequential. The activity relation ship diagram is redrawn into a worksheet, and the worksheet is used to draw the dimensionless block diagram. The flow analysis is the

8、n drawn on the dimensionless block diagram. 本章學(xué)習(xí)的這四種技術(shù)是順次的,活動關(guān)系圖重畫為了工本章學(xué)習(xí)的這四種技術(shù)是順次的,活動關(guān)系圖重畫為了工 作表,工作單用來制訂無量綱方塊圖,而流程分析則是在無作表,工作單用來制訂無量綱方塊圖,而流程分析則是在無 量綱方塊圖的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行的。量綱方塊圖的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行的。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 6 1 1 The activity relationship diagram The activity relationship diagram, also called an

9、affinity analysis diagram, shows the relationship of every department, office, or service area with every other department and area . It answers the question, How important is it for this department, office, or service facility to be close to another department, office, or service facility? 1. 活動關(guān)系圖

10、,稱作關(guān)系分析圖,顯示出每一個部門、辦公活動關(guān)系圖,稱作關(guān)系分析圖,顯示出每一個部門、辦公 室和服務(wù)區(qū)與其它部門和區(qū)域間的關(guān)系。它回答了這樣一個室和服務(wù)區(qū)與其它部門和區(qū)域間的關(guān)系。它回答了這樣一個 問題:某個部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施與另一個部門、辦公室問題:某個部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施與另一個部門、辦公室 、服務(wù)設(shè)施相鄰有多么重要。、服務(wù)設(shè)施相鄰有多么重要。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 7 2. Closeness codes are used to reflect the importance of each relationship. As a new

11、 person or an outside consultant, As a new person or an outside consultant, you may need to talk with many people to determine you may need to talk with many people to determine these codes, and once they are set, your arrangement these codes, and once they are set, your arrangement of departments,

12、offices, and service facilities is of departments, offices, and service facilities is nearly determined for you. The codes are as follows: nearly determined for you. The codes are as follows: 我們用接近度代碼來反映每一個關(guān)系的重要性。我們用接近度代碼來反映每一個關(guān)系的重要性。 代碼代碼定義定義 “A”這兩個部門相鄰是絕對必要的 “E”特別重要 “I”重要 “O”一般重要 “U”不重要 “X”無須相鄰 設(shè)施

13、規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 8 p “A” code should be restricted to the movement of “A” code should be restricted to the movement of massive amounts of material between departments, for massive amounts of material between departments, for example, the raw steel storeroom and the shear example, the

14、 raw steel storeroom and the shear department in manufacturing is an “A” code. department in manufacturing is an “A” code. p “A”“A”代碼一般僅限于用在部門之間有很大量的物料移動。例代碼一般僅限于用在部門之間有很大量的物料移動。例 如,鋼料毛坯倉庫與切料、下料部門在制造關(guān)系中即為如,鋼料毛坯倉庫與切料、下料部門在制造關(guān)系中即為“A”A” 關(guān)系。關(guān)系。 p The need for great numbers of people moving could The nee

15、d for great numbers of people moving could also be classified as A codes; for example, also be classified as A codes; for example, maintenance and the tool and supplies crib are an A maintenance and the tool and supplies crib are an A code. code. p 當(dāng)需要大量人員流動時也可以定為當(dāng)需要大量人員流動時也可以定為“A”A”級,例如,保養(yǎng)與工級,例如,保養(yǎng)

16、與工 具部門和供給品庫之間應(yīng)是具部門和供給品庫之間應(yīng)是“A”A”級關(guān)系。級關(guān)系。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 9 p However, be sparing in the use of this most important However, be sparing in the use of this most important code; otherwise, it will become less useful. You will code; otherwise, it will become less useful. You will find

17、 it difficult to handle more than eight A codes find it difficult to handle more than eight A codes with one department. Sometimes you can combine two with one department. Sometimes you can combine two departments, offices, or service facilities together departments, offices, or service facilities t

18、ogether on the same line such as on line 4 of Figure 6-1 on the same line such as on line 4 of Figure 6-1 (assembly and packout). This is like a super A (assembly and packout). This is like a super A code. code. p 但是,在使用這種重要關(guān)系代碼時應(yīng)當(dāng)謹(jǐn)慎使用,否則它的但是,在使用這種重要關(guān)系代碼時應(yīng)當(dāng)謹(jǐn)慎使用,否則它的 作用將會變?nèi)?。有時候可以把兩個部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施作用將會變?nèi)酢?/p>

19、有時候可以把兩個部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施 合并到一起,成為一行,例如圖合并到一起,成為一行,例如圖6-16-1的第的第4 4行就好比是一個超行就好比是一個超 級級“A”A”關(guān)系。關(guān)系。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 10 p Use E codes if there is any doubt that it is an A Use E codes if there is any doubt that it is an A code. Much material or many people move between these two code. Much

20、 material or many people move between these two departments, but not everything or everyone moves all the departments, but not everything or everyone moves all the time.time. p 對是否使用對是否使用“A”A”關(guān)系代碼舉起不定時可以使用關(guān)系代碼舉起不定時可以使用“E”E”關(guān)系代碼。當(dāng)關(guān)系代碼。當(dāng) 在兩個部門之間有許多物料與人員流動,但又不是在任何時候每個在兩個部門之間有許多物料與人員流動,但又不是在任何時候每個 物料和人員

21、都進(jìn)行流動的情況下可以使用物料和人員都進(jìn)行流動的情況下可以使用“E”E”。 p For example, everyone needs the restroom, or break room, For example, everyone needs the restroom, or break room, but not all the time, so an E code could be appropriate but not all the time, so an E code could be appropriate for departments with a lot of peop

22、le. for departments with a lot of people. p 例如,每個人都需要休息室,但并不是在任何時候都需要,于是例如,每個人都需要休息室,但并不是在任何時候都需要,于是 “E”E”關(guān)系代碼可以用于許多人員的辦公室與休息室之間的關(guān)系。關(guān)系代碼可以用于許多人員的辦公室與休息室之間的關(guān)系。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 11 p Use “I” and “O” codes when some level of importance is Use “I” and “O” codes when some level of impor

23、tance is desired, but these closeness codes are not as useful as desired, but these closeness codes are not as useful as the others. I have been known to omit these codesthe others. I have been known to omit these codes,but I but I do not advise you to do this for the first few layout do not advise

24、you to do this for the first few layout designs.designs. p “I”“I”和和”O(jiān)”O(jiān)”關(guān)系代碼僅在對一定等級的重要性有需求時使用。雖關(guān)系代碼僅在對一定等級的重要性有需求時使用。雖 然這些關(guān)系代碼并不比其他一些更重要,但并不建議讀者在剛開始然這些關(guān)系代碼并不比其他一些更重要,但并不建議讀者在剛開始 設(shè)計布置時就忽略它們。設(shè)計布置時就忽略它們。 p U codes are useful because they tell us when no activity U codes are useful because they tell us

25、when no activity or interface is needed between two departments. These or interface is needed between two departments. These departments can be placed far away from each other.departments can be placed far away from each other. p “U”“U”關(guān)系代碼是十分有用的,因為它告訴我們在兩個部門之間沒關(guān)系代碼是十分有用的,因為它告訴我們在兩個部門之間沒 有相關(guān)關(guān)系和交互界面時

26、,這些部門之間可以被安放得遠(yuǎn)些。有相關(guān)關(guān)系和交互界面時,這些部門之間可以被安放得遠(yuǎn)些。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 12 p X codes are as important as A codes but for the X codes are as important as A codes but for the opposite reason. For example, if the paint department is opposite reason. For example, if the paint department is locate

27、d next to the welding department, an explosion is located next to the welding department, an explosion is possible. Noise, smell, heat, dust, cold, and so on are possible. Noise, smell, heat, dust, cold, and so on are all good reasons for an X code. all good reasons for an X code. p “X”“X”與與”A”A”關(guān)系代

28、碼是同樣重要的,但是原因卻相反。例如,如關(guān)系代碼是同樣重要的,但是原因卻相反。例如,如 果油漆車間放置得與焊接車間臨近,就有可能產(chǎn)生爆炸。對于噪聲果油漆車間放置得與焊接車間臨近,就有可能產(chǎn)生爆炸。對于噪聲 、刺激性氣味、高溫、粉塵、冷卻等部門可以為它們指定、刺激性氣味、高溫、粉塵、冷卻等部門可以為它們指定“X”X”關(guān)關(guān) 系代碼系代碼 p Be sure that you can read the activity relationship Be sure that you can read the activity relationship diagram in Figure 6-1. The

29、 closeness code for the diagram in Figure 6-1. The closeness code for the relationship between paint and the tool room is a U. Do relationship between paint and the tool room is a U. Do you see this? you see this? p 確信你能夠讀懂活動關(guān)系圖(確信你能夠讀懂活動關(guān)系圖(6-16-1)。描述油漆車間與工具室關(guān)系)。描述油漆車間與工具室關(guān)系 的代碼是的代碼是“U”U”,你看到了嗎?,你看

30、到了嗎? 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 13 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 14 3. Here is a step-by-step procedure for developing an 3. Here is a step-by-step procedure for developing an activity relationship diagram: activity relationship diagram: (1 1)List all departments in a vertical column on

31、 the left-List all departments in a vertical column on the left- hand side of the form. For an example, see Figure 6-1. hand side of the form. For an example, see Figure 6-1. 在表格左邊的垂直列中列出所有部門,如表在表格左邊的垂直列中列出所有部門,如表6-16-1。 (2 2)Starting with line 1 (fabrication), establish the Starting with line 1 (fa

32、brication), establish the relationship code for each following department. relationship code for each following department. Establishing these relationship codes requires an Establishing these relationship codes requires an understanding of all the departments, an understanding of understanding of a

33、ll the departments, an understanding of management attitudes, and a determination to produce the management attitudes, and a determination to produce the most efficient layout possible.most efficient layout possible. 從第一行(制造)開始,建立與接下來的每一個部門的關(guān)系度代碼從第一行(制造)開始,建立與接下來的每一個部門的關(guān)系度代碼 。建立這些代碼需要了解所有的部門、管理層的態(tài)度,

34、確定盡可能。建立這些代碼需要了解所有的部門、管理層的態(tài)度,確定盡可能 有效的布置。有效的布置。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 15 (3 3)Reason codes can be used like asterisks. For example, we Reason codes can be used like asterisks. For example, we dont want shipping and receiving close to each other. dont want shipping and receiving close to

35、 each other. Why? A one (1) could be placed below the X in the 5-8 Why? A one (1) could be placed below the X in the 5-8 intersection below the activity relationship code. We intersection below the activity relationship code. We would write a reason code key below the diagram like: would write a rea

36、son code key below the diagram like: 原因代碼可以像星號注釋一樣來用。例如,我們不想使驗收原材料原因代碼可以像星號注釋一樣來用。例如,我們不想使驗收原材料 的部門和裝運彼此相鄰。為什么?可以在的部門和裝運彼此相鄰。為什么?可以在5-85-8交叉點表示其活動關(guān)交叉點表示其活動關(guān) 系度的代碼系度的代碼“X”X”下寫一個數(shù)字下寫一個數(shù)字“1”1”。我們可以在表下寫一個原因。我們可以在表下寫一個原因 代碼說明,例如:代碼說明,例如: 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 16 RELATIONSHIP CHART Value 1 2

37、3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Equip. used by same persons Movement of material Movement of personnel Supervision and/or support Require same utilities Noise and dirt REASON Reasons behind the “Closeness” Value 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 17 Determining the Relationship CodeDetermining the Relationship Code p

38、 The relationship or affinity codes state the desired The relationship or affinity codes state the desired degree of closeness between two activity centers. Each degree of closeness between two activity centers. Each code can be broken down into a qualitative and a code can be broken down into a qua

39、litative and a quantitative component in order to facilitate the quantitative component in order to facilitate the assignment of the codes.assignment of the codes. p 接近度或親密度代碼描述了兩個活動中心接近程度的要求。為簡化接近度或親密度代碼描述了兩個活動中心接近程度的要求。為簡化 代碼的分配,每個代碼都可拆分為定量和定性上兩部分。代碼的分配,每個代碼都可拆分為定量和定性上兩部分。 p The quantitative compo

40、nent of the relationship between two The quantitative component of the relationship between two departments or work centers can be based on the actual departments or work centers can be based on the actual flow of material. flow of material. p 兩個部門或工作中心間的接近度,其定量的部分是以實際的物流為兩個部門或工作中心間的接近度,其定量的部分是以實際的物

41、流為 根據(jù)。根據(jù)。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 18 p Considerations given to how many parts per day, or how Considerations given to how many parts per day, or how many different parts, or how many tons of material are many different parts, or how many tons of material are moved between the two given wo

42、rk centers can be a great moved between the two given work centers can be a great aid in determining the proper relationship codes between aid in determining the proper relationship codes between the two centers.the two centers. p 對于每天有多少部件,有多少種不同的部件和有多少頓物料在兩個對于每天有多少部件,有多少種不同的部件和有多少頓物料在兩個 給定的工作中心之間流

43、動,這些問題的考慮對于準(zhǔn)確確定兩個中心給定的工作中心之間流動,這些問題的考慮對于準(zhǔn)確確定兩個中心 之間的關(guān)系有著重要的幫助。之間的關(guān)系有著重要的幫助。 p Flow lines can be drawn between the two activity codes to Flow lines can be drawn between the two activity codes to depict the movement of the parts or people. The number of depict the movement of the parts or people. The

44、number of lines or the intensity of the flow will then indicate the lines or the intensity of the flow will then indicate the desired degree of closeness. desired degree of closeness. p 我們可以在兩個活動單元之間畫出物流線,以便描述物料或人員的我們可以在兩個活動單元之間畫出物流線,以便描述物料或人員的 流動。線的數(shù)量或者物流的強度將表示出臨近的需求程度。流動。線的數(shù)量或者物流的強度將表示出臨近的需求程度。 設(shè)施

45、規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 19 p One numbering or weighing scheme may assign arbitrary One numbering or weighing scheme may assign arbitrary values to the relationship codes as follows: “A” = 4, values to the relationship codes as follows: “A” = 4, “E” = 3, T = 2, and “O” = 1. Using the same sc

46、ale, “E” = 3, T = 2, and “O” = 1. Using the same scale, one can evaluate the intensity of the flow lines between one can evaluate the intensity of the flow lines between the centers. the centers. p 一種量化方案可以給關(guān)系代碼分配特定的數(shù)值,如:一種量化方案可以給關(guān)系代碼分配特定的數(shù)值,如:“A”=4A”=4, “E”=3E”=3,“I”=2I”=2,“O”=1O”=1。使用同樣的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),人們可以評估兩

47、。使用同樣的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),人們可以評估兩 個中心之間的物料強度。個中心之間的物料強度。 p The qualitative component in assigning relationship codes The qualitative component in assigning relationship codes can be based on expert opinions and the judgment of can be based on expert opinions and the judgment of individuals as to where two department

48、s or centers should individuals as to where two departments or centers should be located in relation to each other and in assigning a be located in relation to each other and in assigning a relative number to the relationship.relative number to the relationship. p 分配關(guān)系代碼中的定性成分往往基于專家的意見和個人的判斷,利分配關(guān)系代碼

49、中的定性成分往往基于專家的意見和個人的判斷,利 用相互之間的聯(lián)系和對關(guān)系的相對數(shù)量賦值可以確定兩個部門和中用相互之間的聯(lián)系和對關(guān)系的相對數(shù)量賦值可以確定兩個部門和中 心應(yīng)放置的地點。心應(yīng)放置的地點。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 20 p To keep matters simple and also to avoid the possibility To keep matters simple and also to avoid the possibility that the flow-related and the non-flow-related

50、 criteria do that the flow-related and the non-flow-related criteria do not overshadow each other, it would be advisable to use not overshadow each other, it would be advisable to use the same ranking scale. The average scores from the the same ranking scale. The average scores from the combined flo

51、w and non-flow-related activities can provide combined flow and non-flow-related activities can provide us with a reasonable clear guide in assigning the activity us with a reasonable clear guide in assigning the activity relationship or affinity codes. relationship or affinity codes. p 為了保證問題簡單性,同時

52、也為了避免物流聯(lián)系和非物流聯(lián)系的標(biāo)為了保證問題簡單性,同時也為了避免物流聯(lián)系和非物流聯(lián)系的標(biāo) 準(zhǔn)會將對方覆蓋的可能性,建議使用同樣的排列尺度。綜合考慮的準(zhǔn)會將對方覆蓋的可能性,建議使用同樣的排列尺度。綜合考慮的 物流和非物流聯(lián)系的平均值可以在制定活動關(guān)心程度或關(guān)系代碼時物流和非物流聯(lián)系的平均值可以在制定活動關(guān)心程度或關(guān)系代碼時 提供給我們更加合理、清晰的引導(dǎo)。提供給我們更加合理、清晰的引導(dǎo)。 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 21 2 Worksheet2 Worksheet The worksheet is an interim step between

53、the activity The worksheet is an interim step between the activity relationship diagram and the dimensionless block diagram. relationship diagram and the dimensionless block diagram. The worksheet will replace the activity relationship The worksheet will replace the activity relationship diagram. Th

54、e worksheet interprets the activity diagram. The worksheet interprets the activity relationship diagram and becomes the basic data for the relationship diagram and becomes the basic data for the dimensionless block diagram. dimensionless block diagram. 工作單是活動關(guān)系圖和無量綱方塊圖間的過渡步驟。工作單將工作單是活動關(guān)系圖和無量綱方塊圖間的過渡

55、步驟。工作單將 替換活動關(guān)系圖,它進(jìn)一步說明了活動關(guān)系圖,并成為無量綱方塊替換活動關(guān)系圖,它進(jìn)一步說明了活動關(guān)系圖,并成為無量綱方塊 圖的基礎(chǔ)數(shù)據(jù)。圖的基礎(chǔ)數(shù)據(jù)。 Here is a step-by-step procedure for the worksheet: Here is a step-by-step procedure for the worksheet: 1.1. List all the activities down the left-hand side of a sheet List all the activities down the left-hand side of

56、 a sheet of paper.of paper.在一張紙的左邊一列列出所有活動在一張紙的左邊一列列出所有活動 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 22 Make six columns to the right of the activity column and Make six columns to the right of the activity column and title these six columns, “A” title these six columns, “A” ,E, I, O, U, and E, I, O, U, and

57、 X (relationship codes).X (relationship codes). 在活動列右面劃出六列并且列名分別標(biāo)為在活動列右面劃出六列并且列名分別標(biāo)為“A”A”、 “ “E”E”、“I”I”、 “O”O(jiān)”、“U”U”和和“X”X”(接近度代碼)(接近度代碼) Taking one activity (department, office, or service Taking one activity (department, office, or service facility) at a time, list the activity number(s) under th

58、e facility) at a time, list the activity number(s) under the proper relationship code. Two points will assist the proper relationship code. Two points will assist the designer here:designer here: 每次拿出一個活動(部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施),將活動代碼列在每次拿出一個活動(部門、辦公室或服務(wù)設(shè)施),將活動代碼列在 相應(yīng)的接近度代碼下,以下兩點供設(shè)計者參考:相應(yīng)的接近度代碼下,以下兩點供設(shè)計者參考: a.

59、 Be sure every activity number appears on each line (1-a. Be sure every activity number appears on each line (1- 14 must be somewhere on each line). 14 must be somewhere on each line). 設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計設(shè)施規(guī)劃與設(shè)計 第六章第六章 活動關(guān)系分析活動關(guān)系分析 23 保證每個活動代碼出現(xiàn)在一行(保證每個活動代碼出現(xiàn)在一行(1-141-14必須在各行)必須在各行) b. The relationship codes fo

60、r an activity center are b. The relationship codes for an activity center are listed below as well as above the activity name, as shown listed below as well as above the activity name, as shown by the direction arrows in Figure 6-1. For example, line by the direction arrows in Figure 6-1. For exampl


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