



1、lExplain the validity of one process and more content theory of motivation and assess their applicability to sce narios that exist within Scotia Airways.Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Human needs can be classified into 5 levels, which can be portrayed in the shape of pyramid. In differe nt stage

2、 of life, people will show their differe nt urges to differe nt levels of n eeds. Normally speak ing, the main power of motivati on usually comes from the most imperious n eeds level at prese includes basic or physiological needs, safely and security needs, social needs, self-esteem n eeds, se

3、lf-fulfilme nt n eeds. Basic or physiological n eeds is water sleep sex etc.Safely and security needs is security of body, of employment,of property,etc.Social needs is friendship, family.Self-esteem needs is self-esteem con fide nce,etc.Self-fulfilme nt n eeds is creativity, morality,etc.The high l

4、evel is Self-fulfilment.Middle level are social needs self-esteem. Lower level are basic or physiological and Safely and security n eeds.The thing that can motivate staffs is the thing that they want to get. In this case when the investors first decided to set up Scotia Airways, they had a clear ide

5、a that bus in ess travel was a growth area. They set about appo inting a man ageme nt team whose experie nee and expertise was firmly groun ded in the budget aviati on market,it offer more chanee about job and meet security of employment due to Future opportunities seem likely as the EU and UK gover

6、nment relax their con trol over the lice nsing of airli ne provisi on. Scotia Airways has bee n able to re tain the man ageme nt team that were brought to the bus in ess in 1996. The vast majority of staff have also rema is thesecurityoftheemployme ntandoffrien dship.The targets for scale of

7、 provisi on, passe nger volume and market share are determ ined by senior man agers, and middle and junior man agers and employees then populate the details into the pla n. It is ben efit for staff acquire the satisfacti on of achieve. So based on the above, Scotia Airways meet lower level n eeds an

8、d middlelevel needs, but don t meet higher level needs.Vroom SExpecta ncy Theory : It states that an in dividual tends to act in a certa in way, in the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome, and according to the attractivenessof that outcome. Vroom maintain that high levels of

9、 effort lead to high performance and high performance will lead to the attainment of reward.If the reward is desire outcomes, staff will have effort again. High motivation consist of high expectancy ,high instrumentality and high valence. But ScotiaAirwaydon tusethistheory.The inv estors in Scotia A

10、irways have set an ambitious programme for expa nsion over the n ext 5 years to in clude long haul desti nati ons. Some members of the man ageme nt team and many workers are concerned that the cha nge in strategy will cha nge the ethos and culture of the bus in ess.Becausef this expa nsion pla n as

11、outcome is not positive for the in dividual, not a pers onal desire and does not reflect the above relati onsip, so staffs views are not un iform.2Give n the range and complexity of challe nges faced by the man ageme nt of Scotia Airways, summarise methods that could be impleme nt to improve job per

12、forma nce and justify how each provides added value to the orga ni zatio n.In this case, The investors in Scotia Airways have set an ambitious programme for expa nsion over the n ext 5 years to in clude long haul desti nati ons. Some members of the man ageme nt team and many workers are concerned th

13、at the cha nge in strategy will cha nge the ethos and culture of the bus in ess.Theymeet the resistance of expansion and revolution.Other problem is coordination between bran ches.So the following manner can solve these problem.Team-worki ng: The in terdepe ndency relati on ship that exits in a org

14、that will facilitate improved performance, especially in service industry.Team-working in favor of the outbreak of the pote ntial to help the compa nys developme nt.Empowerment: Authorizing staff to make decisions on such as resource allocation, operating problem solving and during customer interact

15、ion will improve the efficie ncy and quality of worki ng.Advisable authorizati on in favor of self-ma nageme nt subsidiaries and reduce force of higher man ager.Training: Every employee should have appropriate training before or during working. This is much more importa nt whe n an org is n ewly dev

16、eloped or in the process of expa nsion. Whe n the expa nsion of revoluti on, trai ning staff to unify their thi nking.Target-sett ing: A series of determ ined SMART targets to motivate andcon trolemployees.Sett ingobjective.The objective should beSMART-specific,measurable,attai nable,realisitic,time

17、-specific. It is good for un ity.E ndeavori ng the same objective is con ducive developme nt of compa ny.3Expla in why the in troductio n of teamwork ing is fun dame ntal to the achieveme nt of the goals of Scotia Airways and ide ntify the mai n costs and ben efits they may encoun ter as result.The

18、main value of team is their ability to assemble and empower employees to coordinate together, and use their talents to improve the organization. In teamworking, organisation will be clearly structured, and more fully participating in decisions and pla nning how work will be performed. It also ben ef

19、its the employees motivati on and job satisfact ion.Teamwork ing always can improve coord in ati on /com muni cati on, staff developme nt, conflict management quality and productivity.This is a virtuous cycle. For example, Members cooperate with each other in the team,a nd it improves coord in atio

20、n/com muni cati onbecause better coordination/communication can get better efficiency, it can improve quality andefficie ncy. Good coord in ati on also is good for improvi ng staff developme nt.Whenstaffs achieve goals, they will happy together. It helps to reduce conflict management.The last result

21、 is that company s productivity get improvement largely.But, team also takes some problem.Teamwork may have an unintended effect of fermenting hostility toward the man agerial goal of maki ng the teams fully self-ma nagi ng. The con flicts betwee n in dividual and team objectives.For example,Some me

22、mbers of the man ageme nt team and many workers are concerned that the cha nge in strategy will cha nge the ethos and culture of the bus in ess.Teamworking is not an one-day work, it will cost a long period of training.When compa ny expa nd, it must adopt more team. But a good team must bee n traine

23、d ,it has to lots of spe nding.Supervisi on should be applied in every stage of team process .In this case, a lot ofthings are decided by only Rosa.Because some team process don t apply, it isnto authorize.At ano ther aspect,it in crease man ageme nt s cost.4Ide ntify three factors that could impact

24、 upon team cohesi on and performa nee within Scotia Airways and assess their pote ntial impact.These can improve cohesi on selecti on of appropriate supervisor, team size, trust and effective delegati onSelectio n of appropriate supervisor: A successful always have wise leader. The wise leader can r

25、elease the potential power of team at the most. In this case,Rosa Dallevic is in overall charge, assisted by her Ion g-term colleague, Azim Ishtiaq. She has also employed the same pers onal assista nt, Katri n Wright, since she joined Scotiaand this has helped promote con siste ncy and con ti nuity.

26、 They are sen sible leader. Rose also a strong and decisive manager. Though they don create some value directly, staffs have eno ugh en thusiasm and motivati on due to appropriate supervisor.Team size: The size is the smaller the better normally. In this case ScotiaAirways has bee n an in crease in

27、staffi ng levels, anin crease in budgets and an in crease in capital inv estme nt. It curre ntly employs executi ves andman agers in marketi ng, finan ce, HR and flight operati ons withoperational and administrative staff within each department. To expand the size appropriately is ben efit to allow

28、compa ny adapt the trend in the future whe n compa ny expa nds. Team always con sist of simple people .In team they can release their ability better. If team size is excessive ,it will take force in finance and also isn gbod to management.In this article, Scotia Airways don t have the performanee of team. Theycan make improveme nts in this aspect.Trust: Trust is good for improve team cohesion and performanee. If a team discredit each other ,it will disband quickly. In this case, A culture of trust has been emphasised and developed by both the man ageme nt and workers and


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