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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Warming up and pre-reading 1. identify辨別辨別,辨認辨認,認出認出(=make out=distinguish = tell = recognize) 2. have no alternative沒有挑選的余地沒有挑選的余地 There is no alternative to .對于對于來說沒有來說沒有 挑選挑選(變通變通)的余地的余地 have the alternative of going or staying選擇去留選擇去留 have no alternative/choice but

2、to do除除之之 外別無選擇外別無選擇; 只好只好=cant choose but do I have no alternative/choice but to leave. = I cant choose but leave. Warming up and pre-reading 3. come to1)共計共計(=add up to) 2)達到達到,達成達成,得出得出,作出:作出: His monthly income comes to 5000 yuan. The number of people present came to 500. come to (=draw=arrive a

3、t=reach) a conclusion; come to (=make=arrive at) a decision; come to (=arrive at=reach) an understanding達達 成成(取得取得)諒解諒解 4. starve for渴望渴望(極需極需); starve to death=be starved to death; The flood starved many people. die of starvation; suffer from starvation 5. make a tentative guess about試猜試猜; guess at

4、猜一猜猜一猜 Lines 1-8 1. (be) on a visit to; make/pay a visit to.; drop in at+地點地點;drop in on sb.; call at+地點地點; call on sb. 2. show/take sb. around () 領著某人參觀領著某人參觀() 3. be aware/conscious of/that意識到意識到 4. evidence U證據證據 5. excavate vi. 挖出挖出: excavate a tunnel挖掘地道挖掘地道; excavate the side of a hill 在山坡上挖掘在

5、山坡上挖掘; excavate(發(fā)掘發(fā)掘) a buried city; Excavate here. 6. interrupt vi. interrupt the negotiation中斷談判中斷談判; interrupt(打斷打斷) ones speech; interrupt(打擾打擾) sb.; Lines 9-11 1. an acute(急性的急性的) disease; an acute observer 2. object(反對反對, 不贊成不贊成) to (doing) sth. = oppose (doing) sth.= be opposed to (doing) sth

6、. 3. assume(假定假定,設想設想)that; assume +賓語賓語+to be; assuming that假假 定定(作條件狀語作條件狀語): We assume him to be innocent. We assume that he is innocent. Assuming that hes innocent, we will have to release(=free) him. 4. regardless of不顧不顧(不管不管,不論不論,不注意不注意,無論無論) Regardless of the danger, he rescued the kid. The p

7、lane will take off regardless of the weather. Lines 12-18 1. as/like引導方式狀語從句:引導方式狀語從句:Do it as/like he did. 2. in the centre of(指空間指空間); in the middle of (指時間、空間和活動指時間、空間和活動): in the middle/centre of the hall in the middle of the night/the party 3. scareaway/off把把嚇跑嚇跑(嚇走嚇走)了了; be scared to do; 害怕做害怕

8、做 be scared by/at; scare sb. to death 4. a layer of一層一層; ashU灰灰;ashes復數復數骨灰骨灰 5. at the cave mouth在洞口在洞口; the mouth of a river/a volcano/a bottle 6. keepout of不讓不讓進入進入; keep out不讓不讓進來進來 Lines 19-26 1. sew vi. sew a dress; a sewing needle; sew two pieces of cloth together; She has been sewing (做針線活做針

9、線活) all evening. 2. Gosh=by God=by Gosh (表示驚奇或用于發(fā)誓表示驚奇或用于發(fā)誓) 哎呀哎呀!天哪!天哪! 3. Goodness(在感嘆句中代替在感嘆句中代替God): Goodness (me)!= God! =My God!= Oh, God! = Good God!啊呀啊呀!天哪!天哪! 4. ah int. (表示驚奇表示驚奇/憐憫憐憫/懇求懇求/懊悔懊悔/歡樂歡樂/藐視藐視/威威 脅等脅等) ?。“。?5. two metres long/wide/deep/high =two metres in length/width/depth/heig

10、ht Lines 27-35 1. make sb. sth.= make sth. for sb.給某人制作某物給某人制作某物 make a coat for sb.=make sb. a coat 2. at (the) most/least;cut up齊根割斷齊根割斷, 切碎切碎 3. wow int. (表示驚奇、歡樂、痛苦、羨慕等表示驚奇、歡樂、痛苦、羨慕等) 哇哇! 4. sharpen(削削,磨磨) a pencil/sword; sharpen(加重加重,加加 強強) the pain / appetite加重痛苦加重痛苦(增進食欲增進食欲) 5. scrape vi. 刮傷

11、刮傷,擦傷擦傷 scrape the paint from the door; scrape the mud off the car; scrape the skin off ones knee; scrape ones leg 6. rub擦擦,搓搓,揉揉: rub ones hands; rub the oil on the skin; rub the skin off his knee; rub off/out the marks擦掉記號擦掉記號 Lines 36-40. 1. messy adj.雜亂的雜亂的,混亂的混亂的,骯臟的骯臟的: a messy job mess n. be

12、in a mess又臟又亂:又臟又亂: He made a mess of / mess up the room. The room is in a mess. 2. care about在乎在乎(介意介意,關心關心); care for喜喜 歡歡(愿意愿意, 關心關心,照顧照顧): Who will care for (=take care of=look after=tend=attend) the patient? He cares for a walk. I shouldnt care for the man to be my doctor. 3. preserve保護保護,防護防護,

13、 保存保存,保藏保藏,維持維持 preserve/protectfrom保護保護以免以免 a well-preserved old man一位保養(yǎng)得好的老人一位保養(yǎng)得好的老人 Lines 41- 1. (誤誤) look/be very like; (正正) look/be very much like 2. analyse /analyze vt. 分析分析; analysis n.U enough/sufficient足夠的足夠的; adequate剛夠的剛夠的 4. a heard(獸群獸群, 牧群牧群) of一群一群 5. ripen vt. 參加宴會參加宴會: feast guest

14、s; We will feast tomorrow. 2. turn for home轉身回家轉身回家 3. separate A from B使使AB分離分離(分開分開); separate from分離分離(分開分開,脫離脫離): We ought not to separate from the masses. 4. reunion C 輸送輸送 9. applaud vt. 鼓掌歡迎鼓掌歡迎 (歡呼歡呼,向向喝彩喝彩, 稱稱 贊贊): applaud sb. / ones decision 10. follow sb. +地點狀語:地點狀語: follow sb. to the zoo

15、/into the room/ onto the roof/ through the woods/across the river Para 2 1. howl n. abruptly=suddenly; scoop up=lift up抱起抱起,扶起扶起,摟起摟起; with relief寬慰地寬慰地 Para 3 1. just then正在這時正在這時 2. have a large square face 長著一張寬大的方長著一張寬大的方 臉臉 3. with pronounced(明顯的明顯的) eyebrows and cheekbones 眉毛很重眉毛很重, 顴骨很高顴骨很高 4

16、. carry sth. over ones shoulder肩上扛著肩上扛著 He carried a bag of flour over his shoulder. 5. hand sth. over to sb.(移交移交) 6. smile at sb.; give sb. a smile; smile to oneself 心里暗暗發(fā)笑心里暗暗發(fā)笑; with a smile微笑地微笑地 He nodded to me with a smile. Para 4 1. Firstand then先先然后然后 First he looked around at the door and then slipped out of the house. 2. more又又,再再: Have some more beer, will you? Two more beggars (= Another two


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