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1、REPPR104E10071/7 PRESS RELEASE 新聞稿新聞稿 Rhodia has created a new PA 6.6-based technology that bridges the gap between standard polyamide and more costly high performance plastics or metal solutions 羅地亞開(kāi)發(fā)出一種尼龍 66 新技術(shù)產(chǎn)品, 縮小了通用聚酰胺與成本較高的高性能塑料及金屬解決方案之間的差距 Rhodia has introduced TECHNYL STAR AFX, an innovati

2、ve PA 6.6- based technology combining superior flowability together with a currently unmet level of reinforcement. In addition to unequalled stiffness and temperature resistance, this innovative technology, based on novel PA 6.6 based chemistry, offers incomparable processability. This innovation br

3、oadens the range of applications for which replacement of costly polymer or metal solutions with polyamide 6.6 becomes possible. Rhodia Polyamide will display this innovation on booth H01 in Hall W3 at Chinaplas2008. 羅地亞推出了 TECHNYL STAR AFX,一種創(chuàng)新的尼龍 66 技術(shù),它將超強(qiáng)的流動(dòng)性與 迄今為止最高的增強(qiáng)性能相結(jié)合。除了獨(dú)特的剛性和耐溫性,這一基于新型尼龍

4、 66 的聚 合的創(chuàng)新技術(shù)使其具備了無(wú)與倫比的易加工性。它拓寬了尼龍 66 的應(yīng)用范圍,使其替代 成本較高的塑料及金屬材料成為可能。在 2008 年中國(guó)國(guó)際橡塑展上,羅地亞聚酰胺將在 W3 展廳 H01 展位上展示這一創(chuàng)新的產(chǎn)品系列。 TECHNYL STAR AFX will soon become the markets reference for highly filled polyamides Rhodia has created a new PA 6.6-based technology that bridges the gap between standard polyamide

5、and more costly high performance plastics or metal solutions REPPR104E10072/7 Due to superior flowability, high levels of reinforcement, up to 60%, can be reached without compromising the excellent processing behaviour for which PA6.6 compounds are well-known. 由于具有超強(qiáng)的流動(dòng)性,以及最高可達(dá) 60的填充率,同時(shí)保持尼龍 66 材料本身

6、具備 的出色的加工特性,因此 TECHNYL STAR AFX 將很快成為市場(chǎng)上高填充聚酰胺的標(biāo)桿。 This advance has been made possible through a patented polymerisation breakthrough technology. The TECHNYL STAR AFX range offers a level of performance that challenges costly high performance specialty polyamides such as polyphtalamides, polyamide 4

7、.6 or polyarylamides. 通過(guò)一種已獲得專利的突破性的聚合技術(shù),上述優(yōu)勢(shì)已經(jīng)得以實(shí)現(xiàn)。TECHNYL STAR AFX 系列所具備的性能水平可以與成本較高的高性能專用聚酰胺(如聚鄰苯二甲酰胺, 聚酰胺 46 或聚丙烯酰胺)相媲美。 TECHNYL STAR AFX is the perfect fit for purpose solution to very demanding applications requiring high stiffness, strength and toughness, combined with high dimensional stabil

8、ity and the long-term retention of properties over a wide temperature range and in humid environments. TECHNYL STAR AFX 是那些要求嚴(yán)格用途完美的適用性解決方案,這些用途往往 要求較高的剛性、強(qiáng)度和韌性,同時(shí)還有較高的尺寸穩(wěn)定性要求以及在較寬溫度范圍和濕 度環(huán)境下各項(xiàng)性能的長(zhǎng)期穩(wěn)定性。 In comparison with other high performance plastics, and apart from its flowability, TECHNYL STAR

9、AFX offers the intrinsic processing superiority of PA 6.6, such as very fast crystallisation resulting in short cycle times and superior surface finish. 與其它高性能塑料原料相比,TECHNYL STAR AFX 除了良好的流動(dòng)性外,還具有尼龍 66 與生俱來(lái)的優(yōu)越性的易加工性,比如因結(jié)晶迅速而獲得的較短加工周期和出色表面外 觀。 Rhodia has created a new PA 6.6-based technology that bri

10、dges the gap between standard polyamide and more costly high performance plastics or metal solutions REPPR104E10073/7 Both large and complex parts, and those with thin walls and ribs, will benefit from the very high fluidity of the melt, which offers longer flow lengths, easier cavity filling (+50%

11、compared to standard PA6.6) and superior surface finish. TECHNYL STAR AFX 具有很高的熔體流動(dòng)性,這使得大尺寸和形狀復(fù)雜的部件,以及 那些帶有薄壁和加強(qiáng)筋的部件都從中受益。這是因?yàn)檩^高的熔體流動(dòng)性具有較高的流長(zhǎng), 從而使孔隙填充更容易(比標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尼龍 66 高 50%),表面外觀更出色。 The better flowability of the TECHNYL STAR AFX melt, compared to standard PA66 compounds, also results in much better par

12、t mechanical performance due to excellent injection moulding weld- line quality (+70% of the tensile strength at weld line) and less moulded-in stress. Superior flowability also provides for a reduction of in-mould deposits, lower mould wear resulting in lower maintenance cost and longer tool life,

13、and therefore lower amortization cost of the tool. TECHNYL STAR AFX 優(yōu)于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尼龍 66 的熔體流動(dòng)性使部件具有更強(qiáng)得多的機(jī)械性能, 這是因?yàn)槠淞鲃?dòng)性大大提高了注塑成型的焊縫質(zhì)量(焊縫處拉伸強(qiáng)度比標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尼龍 66 高 70%)并降低了模塑應(yīng)力。出色的流動(dòng)性還減少了模垢和模具磨損現(xiàn)象,從而降低了維護(hù) 成本,延長(zhǎng)了工具使用壽命,因而降低了工具的攤銷成本。 Thanks to its very high level of performance, including the intrinsic advantages of PA 6.6

14、in temperature resistance and processing, TECHNYL STAR AFX is the perfect solution for metal replacement, especially aluminium and metallic alloys TECHNYL STAR AFX 包括其尼龍 66 固有的耐溫性和加工優(yōu)勢(shì)在內(nèi)的非常卓越的使用 性能使其成為替代金屬(尤其是鋁和金屬合金)的完美解決方案。 Applications examples 應(yīng)用實(shí)例 TECHNYL STAR AFX will make outstanding-performan

15、ce parts in a wide variety of applications in the automotive sector, as well Rhodia has created a new PA 6.6-based technology that bridges the gap between standard polyamide and more costly high performance plastics or metal solutions REPPR104E10074/7 as for the consumer and industrial goods markets

16、. Offering high stiffness and creep resistance, it is perfectly adapted to the parts designed to support high loads that are traditionally made with metal. These include rear view mirror supports, gear components, wiper levers and structural parts for seat components. TECHNYL STAR AFX 可制成適用于汽車行業(yè)范圍廣泛

17、的各種用途的性能出色的零部件, 以及用于消費(fèi)品和工業(yè)用品市場(chǎng)。由于具有較高的剛度和抗蠕變性能,它可以很好的適應(yīng) 用于傳統(tǒng)上通常用金屬制造的高荷載部件的設(shè)計(jì)。這類部件包括后視鏡支架、齒輪組件、 雨刮器搖桿和座位部件的結(jié)構(gòu)部分。 Moreover, machine components requiring high stiffness, high dimensional stability and long-term durability in contact with oils and greases, will also benefit from the outstanding perform

18、ance and processing advantages of TECHNYL STAR AFX. Typically, these are applications such as motor parts, high pressure hydrocleaner components, cable chains, bearing cages and pulleys. 除此以外,那些與油脂接觸的要求高剛度、高尺寸穩(wěn)定性和長(zhǎng)期耐久性的機(jī)械部件也將從 TECHNYL STAR AFX 出色的性能和加工優(yōu)勢(shì)中獲益。典型的應(yīng)用包括馬達(dá)部件、高壓 液壓清洗機(jī)部件、管線保護(hù)鏈條、軸承箱和皮帶輪等。 Fu

19、rthermore, because of its exceptional physical behaviour in high temperature environments, TECHNYL STAR AFX is well-suited for applications in contact with hot air such as electric bobbin housings, electric motor housings and under-the-hood mechanical parts. 另外,由于高溫環(huán)境下優(yōu)越的物理特性,TECHNYL STAR AFX 十分適用于與

20、熱空氣接 觸的用途,比如電線線槽、電動(dòng)馬達(dá)罩殼和發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)罩下機(jī)械部件等。 According to Vincent Lajotte, Rhodias Engineering Plastics Marketing Director: “TECHNYL STAR AFX offers a very competitive replacement solution for metals and high performance plastics. It brings outstanding processing behaviour resulting in very Rhodia has create

21、d a new PA 6.6-based technology that bridges the gap between standard polyamide and more costly high performance plastics or metal solutions REPPR104E10075/7 fast cycle times and a wide degree of design freedom. TECHNYL STAR AFX will soon become the markets reference for highly filled polyamides,” h

22、e said. 羅地亞工程塑料市場(chǎng)總監(jiān) Vincent Lajotte 稱,“TECHNYL STAR AFX 提供了頗具 競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的金屬和高性能塑料的替代方案。它出色的加工特性使得生產(chǎn)周期加快,并賦予設(shè) 計(jì)以廣泛的自由度。TECHNYL STAR AFX 將很快成為市場(chǎng)上高度填充聚酰胺材料的標(biāo) 桿。” # # # Rhodia Polyamide is Rhodias fully integrated enterprise focusing on Polyamide 6.6. Its strategy rests on three pillars: a high worldwide compe

23、titiveness of intermediates the strengthening of engineering plastics as a growth engine; and a focus on Asia and Brazil as priority regions for expansion beyond our European base. In South America, Rhodia Polyamide also holds strong positions in phenol and adiponitrile route, industrial yarns and f

24、ibers. For further details about Rhodia Polyamide visit the website at www.rhodia- . 羅地亞羅地亞聚酰胺聚酰胺是一家專注于全面研發(fā)生產(chǎn)聚酰胺6.6的公司。其公司發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略致力于三大方面: 首先,繼續(xù)發(fā)展羅地亞在行業(yè)內(nèi)的領(lǐng)先地位,以確保我們的中間體、聚合物物在全球,尤其在經(jīng)濟(jì) 快速發(fā)展地區(qū)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力;第二,將穩(wěn)固工程塑料作為核心業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展的地位;第三,把亞洲及巴西 視為歐洲以外的首要市場(chǎng)來(lái)拓展業(yè)務(wù)。羅地亞聚酰胺的苯酚、乙二腈、工業(yè)絲及纖維在南美的同 行業(yè)市場(chǎng)均居領(lǐng)先地位。 欲知更多關(guān)于羅地亞聚酰胺公司,敬請(qǐng)?jiān)L問(wèn)欲知更多

25、關(guān)于羅地亞聚酰胺公司,敬請(qǐng)?jiān)L問(wèn)羅地亞羅地亞聚酰胺聚酰胺的官方網(wǎng)站的官方網(wǎng)站: www.rhodia- Rhodia, a chemist, leader in its businesses, is an international industrial group resolutely committed to sustainable development. The Group aims to improve its customers performance through the pursuit of operational excellence and its ability to i

26、nnovate. Structured around seven Enterprises, Rhodia is the partner of major players in the automotive, tire, electronics, perfume, health and beauty and home care markets. The Group generated sales of 4.8 billion in 2006 and employs around 16,000 people worldwide. Rhodia is listed on Euronext Paris. For further details about the Group, visit Rhodias website at: . 羅地亞羅地亞是一家致力于可持續(xù)發(fā)展的國(guó)際工業(yè)集團(tuán),是化工領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè)。羅地亞集團(tuán)的宗旨是不斷 提高自身的經(jīng)營(yíng)能力和創(chuàng)新能力,以幫助客戶提升其業(yè)績(jī)水平。羅地亞旗下有7家企業(yè),與汽車、輪 Rhodia has created a new PA 6.6-based technol


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