1、An alysis of the compositi on of theauthe nticity of TV n ewsPaper Keywords: real n ews facts logically true real TVnewsAbstract:eliminatefalse news media has beenexplori ng the theoretical and practical issues. This paper focuses on the fact that real televisi on n ews, the real logic of the two di
2、me nsions, respectively, from the true sources,in terviewswith real, true broadcast schedule, as well ascom mon sense real, real tech no logy , art true, and explore the authe nticity of televisi on n ews.In rece nt years, because of the media publishedbiased or irresponsible,and just false news, fa
3、lse news,such as Beijing s proposal to blow up a well-known real estate covers residential building , the Queen Mengniu framing and other events, let us press theauthe nticity of the problems have continued to think.Televisi on media and through a comb in atio n ofcom mon and gen eralmedia to explor
4、e their owndevelopme nt of the pers on ality of the authe nticity of theTV news, I believe that televisionnews showing a realobjective truth and subjective both in objective truth, theTV n ews the real facts prese nted in the form In front of an audie nee, the true source of performa nee, i nterview
5、s and exclusive broadcast real-real, and in the subjective, the real TV n ews mai nly in the form of logic prese nted in front of an audienee, the performaneeof real com mon sense,tech ni cal truth, artistic truth.First, the fact that realTV n ews from the factstook place, broadcastin terview,gen er
6、allyin clud ing theformercase, and case after casein three stages aroundauthentic and exclusivebroadcastin terviewwith atruethree levels of an alysis.(A source ofrealMarch 13,2010,theGeorgia ngover nment s privatemedia,ImediTVthree phases, respectively,from the source of this real,broadcast a pictur
7、e, expla nati on, said Russia n forces wereattack ing the capital, Tbilisi. After the broadcast, there wassome panic, emergencydepartmentreceived numerous cell phon e, it was a heart attack or fain ted. after that, this is the grid in August 2008, Russia made war picture as thebackground of false ne
8、ws, althoughtelevisionstationsbroadcast the program, specifically to the audie nee, said it is simulated situati on that may arise, but most did not notice this to remind the audienee, resulting in panic in the country of Georgia, which is the real effect of false n ews a typical case, let us reflec
9、t more deeply the esse ntial authe nticity of n ews sources.Source of false n ews ofte n occurs in the pla nning aspects of the situati on, n amely the use of some false facts, or the reporter of the facts re-processing of eye-catch ing the ball. To achieve the true source, you can realize, liste ni
10、ng, grasp ing, and other tha n the basic tech niq ues, source of n ews eve n more real.Wu, ie cha nge from day to day life, learn newthin gs, find tenden tious n ews.Liste n to.Non-verbal rumors from outside to thein side, found hidde n among the n ews.Caught from a hot and difficult issues, we foun
11、d the most attractive n ews.Tha n from other local media, further follow-up reports can be found in the n ews, but such in formati on in order to avoid plagiarismis suspected,to change thewording, has been falling due after the write-rewrite is n ecessary to use the latest situati on.Shift fromlocal
12、n ewspapersandn ewsmagaz in es,televisi on wasstill not foundthen ewscoverage.Glimpse fromin side in formatio n in thelocalpartyand gover nmentorga ns,found then ewstobeimpleme nted.Tech no logy from the n atio nal Xin hua News Agency broadcast dyn amic messages, may be found in some local n ews, i
13、nformati on about localizati on.Dig.From the coun try, major eve nts in the world,writte n a local excavati on associated with this n ews.Tran sferred from the site in the local n ews, from in side and outside, that in formati on can be disclosed.Eve n from n eighbori ng media reports, Youbi of this
14、, find local n ews.Band from the dynamic news written in to the vici nity of three, find other valuable in formatio n.To recover from the comprehensivematerials, thepre-master track to be done without maki ng the n ews.En sure that the real n ews source, is the fun dame ntalguara ntee to achieve the
15、 real n ews.The n ews coverageis the basis of in formati on dissem in atio n activities, in terviews with the real n ews is to en sure that the real key.(B real in terviewFirst, we look at two suchexamples: the end of 2010, Mr. Jin Yong in microblogg ing is dead , the media coverage, and for a publi
16、c outcry.HeilongjiangBranch of Xinhua News Agency December13, 2010 decided to disc on ti nuecorresp ondentYanBin ggua ngreport ing activities,tran sferredreporterpositi ons. The in vestigatio n, part of the manu script to his family as a reporterin terviewed,in violatio nof thereleva nt provisi ons
17、of the Xin hua News Agency n ews.These two eve nts have occurred in the Rece ntly,the one is false news, one is false news. They have onething in com mon, that is con trary to the prin ciples of the authenticityof news .In order to eliminate false newsand false n ews, televisi on Reporters n eed n e
18、ws gatheri ng process, and strive to do the followi ng to achieve the real in terview.Pursuit of the real eleme nts of the n ews: Let thenews of when, where, who, what, why true and reliable, complete and accurate, and through press in terviews, one by one check.Pursuit of real n ews site: televisi
19、on media takeadvantage of video, audio, which makes the TV news in the reproducti on of the sce ne, and has the in comparable adva ntage of other media. Reproducti on of the sce ne can not only capture the eve nts of the process, but also allows the parties the right to speak effectively save to en
20、sure the real TV n ews sce ne while the sce ne to be true, it is possible, in-depthnews reporters to the scene, and the parties,resp ondents to effectively check the n ews and the facts.News details the pursuit of truth: In rece nt years, popular media bega n to report the n ews from the detailsof t
21、he eve nt, atte nti on to detail in the televisi on media should be encouraged, including details of character details, eve nt details and sce nes details .In the televisi on media, the details of the capture, text reportersandtelevisi onn ewsphotographershowssen sitivity,com muni cati onandcooperat
22、i onbetwee nimporta ntperforma nee.(Threerowsof real broadcastRow sowingtrue, is true to the n ews broadcast from the producti on of an importa nt guara ntee for real.Yushu earthquake in 2010,to save 32 lives asearch and rescue dogs at the expense of This news was relegated to the End of the World Z
23、atan , followed byApril 22 and the use of CCTV n ews broadcast. Later bee n con firmed, Yushu earthquake rescue and search and rescue dogs there is no sacrifice, but so did the search and rescue dog story in the 2008 earthquake occurred. Obviously, such a source of real news and the facts, whether t
24、rue or in terview, are in disputable, but the n ews in 2010 reported, appare ntly there are sig ni fica nt gaps intime, which is exclusive broadcast un true.So true broadcast row, two aspects need to en sure that:The real word in series conn ected in seriesto a sin gle word is lin ked to n ews and o
25、ther n ews, the final form n ews programs. Series is part of the host word styleand partpositi oning,cha nnelpositi oningof thein tegrateddisplay, abridg ingrole,Comme ntrole .Especiallyin the Commentssection,subjectiveheavy,ofte n with views of this statio n colors, to en sure targeted.Flow of real
26、 news. More news on CCTV s news flow is a typical example of true events, leading to false n ews flow is ofte n time, n eglige nee and other reas ons, this point should be theresp on siblepers onshould beelimi nated.Through this three processes, through televisi on reporter in an objective way to in
27、 terve ne in the main, to participate in the outputs, the relative level of the objective to en sure the real n ews of the press as a social activity, is in the subjective and objective activities. To subjective level to ensure the authenticity of television n ews, this article discusses the followi
28、 ng from the logic of the real start.Second, the logic of the real (A real affair Beijing TV educationchannelhas done an aftermarketrings on Beiji ngLaigua ngying viole nt resista nee to lawprogramsat the TV screen,nearlya hundredriotpolicestormedan automotivepla nt, arresti ngamajorautomotive plant
29、 people. and then, a number of media were quick to follow up, have reported the matter, but the media almost un iformlyrecog ni zedautomotivepla ntmanager is a mob. subsequent verification, the media went so far as necessary for fire-fightingsupplies repairshop, no rmallife withthe gas tank,the rema
30、i ningdischarge fireworks duri ng the Spring Festival, and eve n Li Ruila n disabled son as a fit ness grip tools characterized as viole nt resista nee to law, for exte nsive coverage. TV scree n to speak, but the TV scree n whe n there are telli ng lies. on the n ews and the facts of cog nitive bia
31、s, will show in these areas:the fact1, the real n ews is equivale nt to a degreethat choice intelevisi onn ewsreports, Reporterscon sciously focus on certa inphe nomena to bein terviewedby a stateme nt of fact to express their ownpositions and views, and even on-sitelens After thedesign and specific
32、 treatment,subjectiveconsciousnessplayed an importa nt role in the report.2, i nstead of the n ature of the phe nomenon intelevisi on n ews reports,in volv ingtime, space, people,eve nts are accurate, so the in terview is true, the real objective phenomenon. The real objective phenomena subjective r
33、eports may not be the same as the true, the phenomenon determine the need for a global coverage with appropriate criteria.3, local in stead of global, excessive detail of the real. To restore the orig inal appeara nee of the fact that the resp on sibility of televisi on jour nalists, this does not m
34、ea nthat excessive detail can be true. TV reporter to capture details of the capture site, restore n ews site, the use of the subjective , to have the prin ciple of proporti on ality.Televisi oncorresp ondentin deali ng withreports, the face of this highly subjective affair is true, it should be pos
35、sible to overcome possible biases, and more accumulati on, and strive to objective, comprehe nsive, not to n ews distortio n.(Two technical real Zhengzhou TV Yucheng, Wang Yon gpe ng in & It ;&It; On the televisi on n ews narrative approach>> where the sound of the TV screen and on-site record
36、s and narrative informationasthe fact that the media, to introducea televisionnewsfeature: keep the eve nt in time and space limited to, the fact that you can reproduce the sce ne as well as process in formatio n, follow the laws of the scree n, such as light ing, compositi on, mon tage, etc., becau
37、seof specific, it is notprone to ambiguity, narratives of unity, namely the time coord in ates of the on e-wayn arrative, because only clips and can not be summarized, described a long time used for di fficult to record and describe the abstract content. However, because of the technical factors, th
38、e audieneewill be deceived ears anddeceivedtheeye.Theears deceived and deceived the eye fortwo main reasons: First, through the technical process, expla in the tech niq ues to cha nge the TV n ews is supposed to express the content. The second is to change the TV n ews by tech ni cal process ing for
39、ms of expressi on. on the scree n, the n through the light, l ong lens, syn thesis, etc., to changethe visual effects, create a variety of fieldsituations.TV News reportersZai Shi and Yong Jishuproductionof television news, news should respect thefact that the rati onal use of tech no logy to en sur
40、e true.(C) the true art of As an integratedarts, TVset scree n, sound, special effects, symbols, text and other eleme nts in one. TV n ews is a prese ntati on of Televisi on Arts, at a higher level, should be the pursuit of artistic truth. TV news pursuit of artistic truth, several artistic Ian guag
41、e of concern:1, focusing on news of the narrative of the press n arrative methods have become more diverse, such as live broadcast, the reporter leave the sce ne, the characters live and Tong Qishe ng series are televisio n n ews n arrative.2, focus ing on broadcast hosted mode. Host issitti ng up broadcast sow in g, is greeted, or face a heavy, all the p
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