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1、中考英語介詞的用法講解一、知識框架二、知識點梳理一、定義:介詞:是一種用來表示詞與詞、詞與句之間的關(guān)系的詞,在句中不能單獨(dú)作句子成分。二、介詞短語的句法作用1、介詞短語相當(dāng)于一個形容詞或副詞,可用作狀語、定語和表語。如:The man came .(狀)The woman is from the countryside.(定)The teacher is now with the pupils.(表)(老師現(xiàn)在和學(xué)生在一起)2、介詞短語在句子中的位置:介詞短語做狀語時,如果表示時間/地點,可以放在句首或句尾。如果表示方向/方式/伴隨/涉及/原因/目的/比較,一般放在句尾; 介詞短語作表語時放在

2、連系動詞之后;介詞短語作定語時,只能放在被修飾的名詞之后。如:He wanted to find a good job in Shanghai the next year.(狀語)They searched the room for the thief. The letters are for you.(表語)Have you seen a cat with a black head and four white legs?(定語) 三、介詞用法 (1) 表時間的介詞:1.at通常用于:(表示在某個時刻或者瞬間) at+時間點,節(jié)日(泛指圣誕節(jié)、新年等整個假期時,要用at)如:at 7:30;

3、 at lunch time; at Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)期間 固定詞組搭配:at dawn, at night, at midnight, at noon, at that time, at the moment2. on通常用于:(表示在具體的某一天或者某天的上下午等) on+具體時間(日期,星期幾) on October 1st ; on Monday; on a rainy morning; on Teachers Day on Christmas Day 在圣誕節(jié)這一天3. in通常用于:(表示在一段時間里) in+世紀(jì)/年/月/季節(jié)/早/中/晚 in the 20th ce

4、ntury, in the late 18th century 特定的年齡段,in his thirties (在他30多歲時)補(bǔ)充1:表示“在一段時間之后”,句子常用一般將來時。e.g. He will come back in an hour.他一小時后會回來。表示“在一段時間之內(nèi)”,句子常用一般現(xiàn)在時或一般過去時。e.g.There as once an artist. He could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.注意:在含有this、that 、these、those、next、 last 、today、tomorrow、 yeste

5、rday等詞或詞組前不用介詞。 4.since和for兩者都表示一段時間,可以用于完成時;since + 時間段 + ago/+ 時間點/一般過去時句子,for +時間段。e.g. Uncle Li has worked in this factory since 1970.Uncle Li has worked in this factory for over 30 years. * since 和for 可以進(jìn)行句型轉(zhuǎn)換: He has been in this school since nine years ago. = He has been in this school for ni

6、ne years. * 對since/for+時間 進(jìn)行提問時,用how long.補(bǔ)充: 介詞for:1.為了 My mother bought a present for me. 2. 對于 Its difficult for him to finish the task. 3. 因為 I am sorry for his misfortune. 5.until和by by意為“不遲于,到時(為止)”,其前多用結(jié)束性動詞。 e.g.We can finish the work by the end of this month. until用于肯定句中,意為“直到為止”,用于否定句中“not

7、.until.”意為“直到才”. e.g.she didnt come back home until September. 6. 其他常見的時間介詞after在以后 after 3 days before在以前 3 days beforepast過了(時) 20 past 8 (8點20分)to到(下一時刻) 20 to 8 (7點40)through(out) 貫穿(期間) through(out) the yearfrom從(時)起 from now onby到為止 till直到時 until直到時ever since從那時起至今(2) 表地點的介詞1.in和at at表示較小的地點:a

8、t the bus stop ,at home in表示較大的地方:in China ,in the world 注意:門牌號碼用at。 e g:Mary lives at 33 Forest Road. 瑪麗住在森林路33號。 街名要用in。 e g:Jane lives in Albert street. 珍妮住在艾爾泊特大街。 談到樓層時用on。 e g:Tom lives in a flat on the fourth floor. 湯姆住在四樓的一套房間里。 (3) 表方位的介詞1.on、over和 above on意為“在的上面”;表示兩物體接觸。 over意為“在(垂直)的正上方

9、”;反義詞:under above意為“在(不一定垂直)的上方”,高于;反義詞:below 注意:*其中 on 還有“關(guān)于”的意思。 over 也有“在.期間”的意思 e.g. a report on school uniform/over the breakfast 2.across和through 穿過、越過across指“從表面穿過”或沿某一條線的方向而進(jìn)行的動作。through指“從內(nèi)部穿過”;在立體空間中“穿過”。e g:There were so many cars . She had to walk across the street quickly.He swam across

10、 the river.e g:At last he walked through the forest and saw the village.3.in front of 和in the front of in front of 表“在之前”,外部 e.g. There are some trees in front of the classroom. in the front of表“在的前部”,內(nèi)部 e.g. Our teacher usually sits in the front of the classroom. 4.地理位置:in、to和onin表示在某一地區(qū)的某方位,屬于某范圍

11、A in B e.g. Beijing is in the north of China. to表示某一地區(qū)之外的某方位,不屬于該范圍 A to B e.g. Japan is to the east of China. on表示兩地相接壤 A on B e.g. Korea is on the east of China. 介詞用圖示的方法歸納列舉如下:介 詞圖 示意 義例 句1in在之內(nèi)The students are reading in the classroom.學(xué)生們在教師里讀書。2on在上面The boat is on the river.那條船在河上。3over在正上方Ther

12、e are several bridges over the river. 河上有好幾座橋。4under在正下方The girl is sitting under the tree.小女孩坐在樹下。5above在上方The plane flew above the clouds.飛機(jī)在云上飛行。6below在下方The sun sinks below the horizon.太陽沉沒在地平線下。7 by在旁邊Our house is by the river.我們的房子在河邊。besideCome and sit beside me.過來坐在我旁邊。8near在附近I dont need a

13、car because I live near the city centre .我不需要汽車,因為我住在靠近市中心。9next to緊挨My best friend sits next to me in class.上課時我最好的朋友坐在我的旁邊。10behind在后面Olive hid behind a tree.奧列弗藏在一棵樹后面。11before在之前My teacher likes telling some jokes before class.我的老師喜歡在上課前講一些笑話。12outside在外面He parked his car outside the cinema.他把汽車

14、停在電影院外面。13to到去We walked to the fruit shop.我們步行到水果店。14from從來I am from London.我來自于倫敦。15around圍繞The Earth moves around the sun .地球繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn)。16between在之間(指二者)The letter B is between A and C.字母B在A和C之間。17among在之間(指三者或三者以上)He is the tallest boy among us.他是我們中最高的男孩。18across橫過、越過If the road is busy, dont walk ac

15、ross it.如果道路擁擠,就不要橫穿馬路。19through穿過We drove through the tunnel.我們開車穿過了隧道。20onto向上The men lift the baskets onto the trucks.人們把籃子運(yùn)上卡車。21into進(jìn)入到之內(nèi)They put the apples into the baskets.他們把蘋果放進(jìn)籃子里。22out of從出來Dont look out of the window in class.上課時不要朝窗外看。23along沿著Walk along this street, then turn left, you

16、 can see the post office.沿著這條街走,然后向右拐,你就可以看到郵局。24up向上The monkeys climbed up the trees to pick the bananas.猴子爬上樹上去摘香蕉。25down向下The ball is rolling down the hill.球正往山下滾。(4) 表示方式的介詞1.by、in和on表交通by + 交通工具,意為“乘坐”。e.g.海:be ship / boat / sea/陸:by bus / car / train / bike / taxi/空:by air / plane / spaceshipo

17、n / in + 限定詞 + 交通工具,意為“乘坐”。在開放或半封閉型工具前用on ;/在封閉型工具前用in。e.g. He goes to work on the bike / in his car. on foot為固定短語,意為“步行”。* 小口訣: 介詞用來表交通,常把by, in, on來用; 限定、復(fù)數(shù)用in / on,by要直通海陸空; 騎馬、騎車慣用on,小轎車前in才通。2.in、with、through和by“用” in主要表示 “用語言、筆墨、聲音等”; with表示“用具體有形的東西”; through通過具體過程,途徑,手段,中介; by表示“用手段或方式”,后+動名

18、詞。 e.g. Can you sing this song in English?I write my homework with a pen. I learned it through a friend.The girl made money by selling flowers. 補(bǔ)充1:in穿戴 I am in a red dress. 補(bǔ)充2:with與.“一起,和,用”,做伴隨狀語。反義詞:without 沒有e.g. I go to the park with my mother./You can write with a pen. She is a woman with a t

19、hree-year-old baby.補(bǔ)充3:* within 在.之內(nèi);不超過的范圍e.g Within 3 days, he will arrive here. 四、易混介詞辨析 1.between 和among之間between常指 “在兩者之間”;among用于指“在三者或三者以上的人或物之間”。 e.g. Maria sits between Lucy and Lily. /Miss Wang stands among her students. 2. but、besides和except除了.之外 besides除了.之外,還有. but/ expert除了.之外,(不再有) bu

20、t側(cè)重指意義的幾乎完整性,其后常+名詞、代詞或動詞不定式。 but 常用在 every, any, no 和由這些詞構(gòu)成的復(fù)合詞出現(xiàn)的句子中,并放在 everything, anywhere, nobody 等以及 all, who 之后。 e.g. Nobody was late but you. we have no choice but to wait for his reply.* 注意: 當(dāng)but前面有實義動詞do或do的其他變化形式時,只加動詞原形.。 e.g. I did nothing but wait there for two hours.except 其后接的詞同句子的主

21、語是同類的,指在同類的眾多個體中除去一個個體。側(cè)重指后面除去的部分。 e.g. All the students go to the zoo except Jim. 補(bǔ)充:* except for 其后所接的詞同句子的主語不是同類的,指從整體中除去一個細(xì)節(jié),一個方面。即“美中不足” e.g. Your writing is good except for a few spelling mistakes. * except that+ 從句。 e.g. He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school.3.at和

22、to at同某些動詞連用表進(jìn)攻的目標(biāo),含有某種程度的惡意; to只表示方向,無惡意。 e.g.Tom threw the stone at those dogs.(惡意的扔,“砸”) I threw the ball to my sister and she caught it.(單純的扔?xùn)|西)4.of 和from材料介詞 of用于成品與材料的性質(zhì)不變時,看得出原材料。 e.g. The desk is made of wood. from用于成品與材料的性質(zhì)已變時,看不出原材料。 e.g. Wine is made from grapes. 5.like和as像 e.g. Thebuildi

23、nglookslikeahospital. Thisdressis the sameasthatone. * as 還有“作為”的意思 e.g. Let me talk with you as a father. 五、常見介詞短語1.介詞和動詞搭配 dowellin在.方面做得好 laughat嘲笑 look like 看起來像 depend on 依靠. leavefor出發(fā) talkto與.談話2.介詞和名詞搭配 in time 及時 on time 準(zhǔn)時 in trouble 有麻煩 answer to .的答案 at the end of 在.底 in low voice 用低音 3.

24、介詞和形容詞、過去分詞搭配bemadeof由.制成 beangrywithsb對某人生氣 beangryatsth.為某事生氣 bepleasedwithsb對某人感到滿意 besatisfiedwithsth. 對某事感到滿意 besurprisedat對.感到驚奇/詫異 betiredof討厭. beinterestedin對.感興趣 beproudof以.為自豪/驕傲練習(xí)I. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. Henry organized the local pe

25、ople to gather the wounded and care for them in homes and _. (church)2. Personal computers are cheap and getting _. (cheap)3. The new _ lab was built by some scientists of the college. (chemical)4. The hotel is ideal for families with young _ (child)5. The _ were the first to use paper money, probab

26、ly as early as the eleventh century. (China)6. Sometimes women are forced to make a _ between family and career. (choose)7. Shes Italian by birth but is now an Australian _. (city)II. Complete the following sentences with proper words.The first letter of each word has been given.1. For a c_ of five

27、this was a frightening experience.2. I c_ to learn German rather than French when I was in university.3. I used to go to the c_ every week, but now I prefer to watch movies online.4. You have a c_ -you can either stay here on your own or come with us.5. So lets give a c_ to the kids who won the game

28、.6. Customs officers have the right to c_ all luggage going through customs.III. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.1. She has been writing poems _(自她童年起) .2. Li Xin, _ (校報主編),is presiding over the first meeting.3. Our English teacher told us that all the spelling mistak

29、es _(圈出來) in red ink.4. There are plenty of restaurants _ (供選擇)5. What a lot of fun for people _ (玩電腦游戲和下棋)on the Internet.6. He goes swimming twice a week in order to _ (和他的同學(xué)一樣強(qiáng)壯)keys:I. 1Churches2Cheaper3Chemistry4Children5Chinese6.Choice7citizenII. 1. child2. chose3. Cinema4. choice5. cheer6. ch

30、eckIII. 1.since her childhood2. chief editor of the school newspaper3.were circled4. to choose from5. to play computer games and chess6. be as strong as his classmate(s)穩(wěn)固練習(xí)IV.Choose the best answer.選擇填空。1.A large group of students are waiting _ the bus stop for the school bus.A. for B. at C. toD. o

31、n2.People on Chongming Island can go to Shanghai _ underground soon.A. in B. byC. at D. on3. Australia is famous _ its Pink Lake, but now people cant enjoy the scenery any longer.A. for B. withC. ofD. from4.The lift in our building suddenly broke down and we got trapped _ floors.A. in B. onC. betwee

32、nD. among5.The local government is planning to dig _the mountain to make a tunnel. A. across B. through C. above D. throughout6.The film Wolf Warriors turned _ to be a big success in 2017. A. out B. over C. on D. down7.It was absolutely impossible to build a fire _ that cold winter night.A. on B. in

33、 C. ofD. by8. Tom, you are the person Im looking _! Come to help me deal with the case.A. at B. for C. after D. up9 A: Im sorry, Id like a glass of orange juice. What about you, Dad? B: I prefer a cup of coffee _ nothing in it. A. with B. without C. for D. to10. Several thieves broke _ the bank and

34、stole the safe last night.A. into B. down C. out D. off11.The tour guide happened to meet a huge fierce monster _ Mystery Island. A. in B. on C. at D. by12.I was angry _ myself for making such a stupid mistake. A. of B. at C. with D. for13.Leaders from 20 countries and organizations attended the Han

35、gzhou G20 Summit _ September, 2016. A. on B. in C. at D. for 14.Nichols set _ early this morning for his farmhouse in California. A. with B. off C. about D. up15.Please connect the speakers _the CD player so that we can hear the songs clearly. A. by B. of C. at D. to16. Lets have a rest the time bei

36、ng, then we will continue to discuss the plan.A. on B. in C. at D. for17.The US president Donald Trump started his visit to China November 8, 2017.A. with B. in C. on D. of18. Our headmaster always encourages the school cooks to serve healthy meals _ junk food.A)under B. of C. with D. without 19. In

37、stead_telling him the answer,the teacher helped him to read the text again.A)of B. for C. at D. to20. Lily spent years caring _her sick uncle.A. ofB. at C. for D. with21. A group of teachers went to Guangzhou for an important activity _ Dec. 20th.A. inB. on C. toD. at22. Some young parents are unawa

38、re_ the danger of giving their babies smart phones.A. with B. for C. in D. of23. There were 22 medical service areas _ the route in 2017 Shanghai Marathon.A. along B. with C. through D. across 24. The worlds smallest lizard has been discovered _ a small Caribbean island.A. on B. in C. for D. at 25.

39、Danny saw a beautiful bird flying _the open window just now.A. throughB. acrossC. fromD. in26. Kids_130cm are for free rides in the public transport system.A)under B)below C) over D)above27.The 2018 Winter Olympics took place _February 9 to 25 in South Korea.A.in B. on C. of D. from 28.The law preve

40、nts businessmen _ buying and selling ivory, tooth of the elephant.A.by B. of C. against D. from 29.Linda came back home _half past ten last night. Thats really too late.A.at B. on C. inD. for30.The audience was surprised _ the result of the singing contest.A. from B. with C. atD. about31.We all know Mothers Day is celebrated_the second Sunday of May.A. in B. to C. on D. at32.Tom is a naughty boy and he often plays tricks _us.A. to B. in C. for D. on 33.To my surprise, the answer turned _to be quite right at last.A)into B)down C)out D)in34.With an average tempera


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