初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第1頁
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1、初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Be strong! - Nick初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Believe in yourself !Try your best !You are sure to succeed !初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Rush to answer(搶答搶答)1.Its a big and sweet fruit that people eat in summer.2. A kind of vegetables that rabbits (兔子兔子)like very much.3.A kind of drink tha

2、t comes from the cow.4. Bread with meat andvegetables between them.watermeloncarrotmilkhamburger or sandwich初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Rules (游戲規(guī)則游戲規(guī)則): Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah if you think its true. Say No, No, No if you think its false. Ill know more about you !Ill know more about you !Listen, read and j

3、udge(判斷判斷)初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)You all like eating in KFC or McDonald. You all like eating ice-creams. Your favorite food is hamburger. About you About youYeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!You all go to bed early. You can eat 10 hamburgers for lunch.初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)You like better.You prefer to e

4、at Which kind of food do you like better?初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)I prefer to eat Which kind of food do you prefer to eat?初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)A: Which do you prefer to have?B: I prefer to have and its very healthy. / I prefer to have but it isnt healthy.初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Fast-readingDo most of

5、 the students prefer healthy food ?No, they dont.初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版) Read Paragraph(段落段落) 11.How many students would prefer to eat fast food ?2.The word ”vegetarian” in the sixth line(第六行第六行) means _.A. 蔬菜蔬菜 B. 素食主義者素食主義者 C. 獸醫(yī)獸醫(yī)42.People who dont eat meatB初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版) Rice, bread or

6、noodles. Hamburgers.C. Fruit and vegetables. D. Fish.E. Potato chips.F. Apple. What food is mentioned (提及提及)? Read Paragraph 2 , then tell me 初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Most students _ _ _fast food, although they know its _.大多數(shù)學(xué)生更喜歡吃快餐,雖然他們大多數(shù)學(xué)生更喜歡吃快餐,雖然他們知道那不健康知道那不健康.Vegetables and fruit are _ food, bu

7、t they dont want to eat them.蔬菜水果是健康食品,但他們卻不想吃。蔬菜水果是健康食品,但他們卻不想吃。prefer to eathealthyunhealthy初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)What do they prefer to eat?How about you?初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Healthy foodThe more,the better!The less,the better!Unhealthy foodWhat have we learned?What have we learned? 初中英語Health

8、y food定稿(完善版)We should eat plenty of vegetables every day.We can drink plenty of cola every day.We shouldnt eat too much chocolate.Milk can make us strong.I can judge(判斷判斷) !Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Steps(步驟步驟):1. Discuss(討論討論) and make a healthy diet for your family.2. Wri

9、te it down on the card. 3.Report ! A healthy dietBreakfast:Lunch:Dinner:初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)We have 3 meals every day. What should we have to keep healthy ?For breakfast, we should eat For lunch, we d better have For dinner, its healthy for us to eat I think its important to have a healthy diet.

10、Lets do it from now on !初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)1.We can use “_ ”to talk about sth we like better.2.We can talk about _and _ food.3.We know its important toeat _food and so weshould try to eat _fast food and _healthy food.preferhealthyunhealthy healthy less more 初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Post readingDo

11、you know the eating habits in different countries?Lets read and match !初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)2. We are what we eat!A. We will become what we eat.B. Our health is decided (被決定被決定) by what we eat.1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away ! 一天一蘋果,醫(yī)生遠(yuǎn)離我。一天一蘋果,醫(yī)生遠(yuǎn)離我。初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Lets watch a vide

12、o to know more good ways of keeping healthy !If we want to keep healthy,besides eating healthily ,what else should we do ?初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)exercise go to bed earlyeat healthy foodbe happyKeep healthyKeep healthy初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)Eat healthily ! Try to be healthy and strong!Lets always remember :初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版)初中英語Healthy food定稿(完善版) Homework for today1.Make healthy diets for our schoo


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