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1、名師精編優(yōu)秀教案section aunit 3 topic 1i.where are wang junfeng and his parents going to visit?2.is wang junfeng good at english?二根據(jù)1a,完成1b.三.在文中找到并劃出下面的短語1.看看 2.把 粘在墻上 3 .將能/會做某事4 .卡通人物5 .數(shù)百萬世界各地的人 . 6.有一天=7.為-做好準備 8 .迫不及待做某事9 .有好機會做某事=10 .作為主要語言11 .遍及全世界12 .盡(你的)全力四.在文中劃出下面的句子并分析1.you can stick it on the

2、wall in your room. 譯: 13 .從今往后;14 .更加努力工作 _15 .對彼此交流很重要16 .在車庫的地板上 17 .成為好朋友18 .最后,最終19 .對一高興/滿意:20 .他的老鼠圖畫中的一幅 21 .兩人一組討論22 .change the active voice into passive voice名詞旅游者;游客還啟,此外動畫片;漫畫地位;位置介詞人物,角色;漢字;品格動詞遍及,在各處語后把打包除之外(還后)停車房,車庫翻譯連詞包,捆;(獵犬等)一群劃分每當;無論何時西班牙語投遞(信件、郵包)詞組翻譯;口譯者交流;傳達(感情,信息)從今往后體系,系統(tǒng)把某物

3、放在某位置,安置對高興,滿意公司形容詞出差法語西班牙(人,語)的與相似郵遞員大體的,籠統(tǒng)的把譯成語后;舌頭法國(人,語)的總的來講,大體上國家;州;狀態(tài)強大的,有效的,有權(quán)勢的有時,偶爾講某語言的人;演講人最主要的,第l位的把分成王國;領(lǐng)域副詞母語旅游業(yè);觀光口頭地聯(lián)合王國(正式的)會議;商談精確地,確切地分析下列單詞的詞性及詞意spain-( ) france-()interpret-()oral-() speak-()exact-generally-_ beside-_( ) lead()_()except-_()_()communicationtour-(power-()busy-)pl

4、ease-_() _() ()與出卜面動詞的過去式-過去分詞speed-stand-takespell-stealteach-spend-stick-tellspit-sweep-think-spread swim-throw-.讀1a,回答問題名師精編優(yōu)秀教案點撥:stick sth. on the wall 把粘在墻上同義句 you can it on the wall of your room.練習:請把這張中國地圖粘在墻上。 拓展:1)stick -木棒,枝條(名詞)練習:walking stick collect dry sticks to make a fire 2)stick t

5、o sth./doing sth.-堅持、主張某事/堅持做某事練習: a.他總是堅持自己 的決定。he always .b.她堅持每天早起。she every day.2.1 will be able to see more cartoon characters. 譯: 總結(jié):be able to do sth.-有能力做某事,會做某事(用于各種時態(tài));can do sth.-會做某事,能做某事;只有過去式could,不能用于將來時和其它時態(tài)。練習:a.再過幾個月我就會說法語了。i speak french in another few months.b.你會開車嗎? you drive a

6、car? =you drive a car?c.這件事我們現(xiàn)在可以談。we talk about it now.d.當她還是小孩子時,就能唱得很好。she sing well when she a child.e.我沒能游到河白對岸去。i swim to of the river.3. disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world . 譯:english is spoken as the main language in america. 譯:it is also widely used around t

7、he world. 譯:點撥:is enjoyed-被喜愛is spoken-被說is used-被使用(一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài))被動語態(tài)構(gòu)成:動作承受者+ be動詞+及物動詞的過去分詞+ (by+動作執(zhí)行者)練習:1.黑板經(jīng)常在課后由學生們擦。the blackboard often students after class.2 .門是他剛剛關(guān)上的。the door by just now.3 .絲綢是在杭州生產(chǎn)的。silk hangzhou.4.i hope i can go there one day. 譯: 辨析:one day (過去)有一天,(將來)有朝一日/ some day有朝一

8、日,總有一天(將來)練習:1.總有一天你會明白的。you understand.2.天,他在街上遇至u位老朋友。he one of on the street.5 . i can t wait tcfly there. 譯: 點撥:can t wait to do sth-迫不及待地做某事練習:1)三天后,他迫不及待地想見他的媽媽。 2)孩子們迫不及待地想打開盒子。鏈接:1) wait for 2) wait for sb. to do sth.3) keep sb. waiting 4) wait a minute/moment/second 6 . you lhave a good cha

9、nce to practice english there. 譯: 點撥:have/get a chance to do sth.有機會去做某事練習:a.我們將有出國留學的機會。we ll for study.b.我希望有機會和你用英語交流一下。i hope i ll you in english.點撥:practice -實踐,練習(名詞);practice=practice-實踐,練習(動詞)用法:practice/practise doing sth.-練習做某事 練習:linda每天練習彈鋼琴。.7 .try your best and work much harder from no

10、w on. 譯: 點撥:from now on -從今以后,從現(xiàn)在開始(用于將來時) 鏈接:from then on (用于 時)練習:a.我希望從現(xiàn)在起我們是好朋友了。i hope we good friends.b.從那以后,她就再也沒有遲到過。she never8 .at last, he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse. 譯: 點撥:be pleased with sb./sth. 對感到滿意/高興 同義詞組:練習:a.我對他剛剛所說的話非常滿意。i m very what he just now.b.她對考試成績很滿

11、意。she her exam results.鏈接:be pleased to do sth.-高興/樂于做某事練習:a.我很高興見到你。 .b.我們應(yīng)該樂意幫助別人。we be help others.五.語法鏈接一被動語態(tài)(看p124講解,填寫下面的空格)1 .英語動詞有兩種語態(tài),即 和。主動語態(tài)表示主語是動作的 被動語態(tài)表示主語是動作的 。2 .被動語態(tài)由+構(gòu)成。被動語態(tài)人稱、數(shù)和時態(tài)的變化由be動詞完成一般現(xiàn)在時:am/is/are +過去分詞現(xiàn)在進行時:am/is/are being +過去分詞一般將來時:will be +過去分詞現(xiàn)在完成時:have/has been +過去分詞一

12、般過去時: was/were +過去分詞過去進行時: was/were being + 過去分詞過去將來時:would be + 過去分詞過去完成時:had been +過去分詞3 .當我們只需要強調(diào)動作的承受者,或者不知道誰是動作的執(zhí)行者,或者沒有必要指出誰是動作的執(zhí)行者時, 要用。動作執(zhí)行者一般由 引出或省略。看p54-3b的例句,將下面的主動語態(tài)變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)1. many people speak english around the world. - english many people around the world.2. chinese built the great wall

13、 in the old days.- the great wall chinese in the old days.3. they are planting trees now. - treesthem now.4. they are planting trees this time yesterday. - treesthem this time yesterday.5. we will plant more trees next year. - more trees next year.6. they said they would plant more trees the next ye

14、ar. - he said more trees the next year.7. he has just finished his homework. - his homework just.8. he said his homework had just been finished. - he said his homework just.看p54-3a的例句,先寫出被動語態(tài)的句子,然后再變?yōu)橹鲃诱Z態(tài)1. beijing opera is enjoyed by many foreigners. - many foreigners beijing opera.2. many trees ev

15、ery year. -every year.3. many roadsevery year. -every year.4. the students to study hard.- their teachers the students to study hard.5. the great wallall over the world.-.section b一.在文中找到并劃出下面的短語1 .pack your bag2 .去古巴出差3 .作為官方語言4 .與 相似 5.一樣,相同6 .有些麻煩7 .用西班牙語進行一些長談 8 .向翻譯求助9 .match the word with the

16、explanations1.1. 把一翻譯成1.2. almost the same but not exactly the same12 .13 .the system of human communication二.在文中劃出下面的句子并分析14 .借助口語或書面語15 .至u很多國 家旅行 16 .通常,總的來說17 .做某事沒有麻煩 18 .他們中的大多數(shù)19 .全世界20 .作為母語(第一語言)21 .英國 22.新西蘭23 .其他的一些國家24 .有時,偶爾25 .解釋給某人聽26 .大量人口 27 .make sentences after the example28 .把 分成

17、/j、份 1.i m going to cuban business 譯: 點撥:on business出差鏈接:1) do business with sb.和某人做生意 2) business is business公事公辦。3)go out of business 停業(yè)(倒閉)練習:a.上個星期他去北京出差了。he beijing.b.他的公司剛剛倒閉。 his company just.2.is english spoken as the official language in cuba? 譯: 點撥:as -1乍為(介詞)official-官方的,正式的(形容詞)/官員(名詞)鏈接

18、:office-officer-練習: 英語在大學被當做第一外語去學習。english the first language at college.3.- is spanish similar to english?-not really. 譯: 名師精編優(yōu)秀教案點撥:similar-類似的,相像的(形容詞) 常用短語:be similar to 與相似,與 相像近義詞組: (與 相同)反義詞組 : (與不同)not really.-事實上沒有,不全是練習:a.莉莉的連衣裙和露西的差不多。lily s dress .b.我對這件事的見解和 james的樣。 my opinions on the

19、 matter.c.-他為自己的行為感到懊悔了嗎?-并沒有。-was he for what he had done? -.4.is it possible for you to have any trouble? 譯: 點撥:it is possible for sb. to do sth.-對某人來說做某事是可能的鏈接:it is possible + that從句-可能注意:it is possible for sb. to do sth. 不能變成 sb. is possible to do sth.練習:我們可能會解決這個問題。a.b.回a.b.5. in general, he h

20、as no trouble understanding people from different countries, because most of them can speak english.譯:點撥:in general通常,大體上,總的來講 = (副詞)have (no )trouble (in )doing sth.- 做某事(沒)有困難 =拓展:trouble -麻煩,困難(不可數(shù)名詞)trouble -使煩惱,麻煩(動詞)練習: get out of trouble look for trouble in trouble get sb. into trouble troubl

21、e sb. to do sth.練習:a.昨天我毫不費力地找到了他的家。 .b.他做這道數(shù)學題有些困難。he this math problem.c. it troubles me that i havenr6mtherarecently. 譯: d. i will not trouble you again. 譯: 6. it is used asthe first language by most people in great britain, america, canada, australia and new zealand.譯:點撥:be used as 作為 被使用 拓展:be

22、used by sb.-be used in-1.8 esides, it is used as a second language in india and some other countries.點撥:besides還有,此外(副詞)除之外(介詞),多用于肯定句中注意:beside-在旁邊(介詞)辨析:besides, except, but -除了besides -表示除了提到的事物之外,還包含其他的except=but-表示不把提到的事物算在內(nèi);but著重整體,用在 no, all, nobody, where, who等詞后練習:a.除了瑪麗我們?nèi)嫉搅?。we are all he

23、re / mary.b.除了打你之外,他們還有沒有什么別的舉動?did they do anything hitting you?c.這位歌手仍然年輕而且漂亮。the singer is still young and beautiful .d.除你之外,沒有人給我寫信。 writes to me _/you.1.9 nce in a while, jane s father has to travel to a courwhere english is not spoken.譯:點撥:once in a while 偶爾,有時候 鏈接:in a while-after a while -fo

24、r a while-練習:a.如果你偶爾給我寫封彳t,那就太好了。it would be nice you to write to me.b.我一會兒就回來。 i,ll be backc.過了一會兒他回來了。he back.d.他們在網(wǎng)上聊了一會兒。they chatted on the internet.點撥: where english is not spoken 是定語從句,修飾 country.9 .whenever that happens, an interpreter helps him. 譯: 點撥:whenever (連詞)-每當,無論何時=no matter when引導(dǎo)讓

25、步狀語從句拓展: whatever無論什么 wherever 無論何地whoever無論誰 however無論怎樣練習:a.每當我聽到這首歌的時候,我就想起你。 i hear that song, i think of you.b.無論我解釋的多么細致,她還是沒有弄懂。 carefully i explained, she still didn t und名師精編優(yōu)秀教案c.他無論走到哪里都要帶著他的狗。 he went, he took his dog with him.10 .the interpreter translates the language and explains the

26、culture of the country to him.譯:點撥:translate sth. to sb.-把翻譯給某人拓展:translate into把翻譯成一同義詞組: translator-(詞)三.用被動語態(tài)描述p56-3的圖片the flowers are watered by him every day.1.3. 4. 5.2.section c根據(jù)1a,完成1b.在文中找到并劃出下面的短語12 .世界上2/3的科學家13 .因特網(wǎng)用戶 14 .用英語交流15 .變得越來越重要三.在文中劃出下面的句子并分析16 is english spoken by the larges

27、t number of people in the world? 譯: the united states has the largest number of english speakers. 譯: 點撥:number-數(shù)目,數(shù)量(名詞)the largest number of-最大數(shù)量的辨析:the number of 和 a number of1 .(全世界)人數(shù)最多2 .多于,超過3 .在所有這些語言中 4 .最為廣泛地被使用5 .最新的研究6 .作為他們的母語7 .講英語的人8 .9 .作為一門外語10 .國際航空11 .在國際貿(mào)易中16 .underline the topic

28、sentence of the article17 .find out some examples18 .prove the topic sentence16.英國 17.美國18 .在許多不同的生活領(lǐng)域 19 .在國際會議上 20 .出國 21.在我們的生活中22 .廣泛的英語知識 _23 .在 方面扮演重要角色 24 .在中央電視臺新聞節(jié)目播出 25 .在英語角26 .在公眾場合27 .中國制造28 .在手表的背面the number of +復(fù)數(shù)名詞-的數(shù)目(作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù))a number of +復(fù)數(shù)名詞-許多,若干(作主語時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù))練習:a.我校許多學生對流行音

29、樂感興趣。students in our school pop music.b.許多教師已經(jīng)入了黨。teachers the party.c.我們班有 20 個男生。the boys in our class 20.29 recent studies show that over 400 million people speak english as their mother tongue.譯:點撥:study-研究(名詞)show -表明,說明,告知(動詞)用法:1) show + (that)從句2) show sb.+疑問代詞或副詞 + to do sth. 出示,給看 用法:show

30、sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.練習: a.你能告訴我去車站的路嗎?could youthe station?b.請你演示一下怎樣用這臺機器好嗎?will you _ me this machine?c.研究證明光速比聲速,快。 that light is than of sound.d.他讓我看了他的照片。=30 about 300 million people speak english as their second language. 譯: 點撥:as在這兒是 詞,意思是 。名師精編優(yōu)秀教案31 even though it is not the first or

31、 second language in many countries, such as japan, germany, france and china, it is also learned as a foreign language. 譯: 點撥:even though -即使(連詞),引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,同義詞組 :even if練習:a.即使我們很聰明,我們?nèi)孕枧Αe are clever, we must.b.即使失敗,我也要嘗試一下。i fail, i will.32 and two thirds of the world s scientists read in communi

32、cate in englisho.譯:點撥:分數(shù)的表達口訣:分子 詞,分母 詞,分子大于1,分母。分數(shù)修飾可數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞時,后必須有of;作主語時,謂語動詞與所修飾名詞的數(shù)保持一致。練習:a.三分之一的學生考試不及格。the students in the exam.b.陸地的三分之二被水覆蓋著。the land with water.33 a wide knowledge of english also helps us follow television programs and enjoy interesting films.譯:點撥:a wide knowledge of english - 廣泛的英語知識34 the english language plays an important part in our lives. 譯:點撥:play an important part -扮演重要角色 練習:中國在世界上扮演著越來越重要的角色。china isin


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