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1、形容詞形容詞( (adj.) )和副詞和副詞( (adv.) )1精品文檔形容詞:用于修飾名詞或代詞,描述被修飾成分的性質(zhì)、特征、狀態(tài)或?qū)傩缘?。Eg. This is a good book. (修飾名詞book) She is beautiful.(修飾代詞she)副詞:主要用于修飾動詞、形容詞和副詞,描述被修飾成分的特征或狀態(tài)。Eg. Jim plays basketball well.(修飾動詞play) She is very beautiful.(修飾形容詞beautiful) Jim plays basketball very well.(修飾副詞well)2精品文檔形容詞和副詞的

2、比較等級(假設(shè)A和B為進(jìn)行比較的人或事物)1、原級:使用形容詞或副詞原形,表示A與B一樣(或不一樣)。2、比較級:使用形容詞或副詞比較級形式,表示A與B二者相比哪一個更。3、最高級:使用形容詞或副詞最高級形式,表示三者(或三者以上)相比哪一個最。 形容詞或副詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成3精品文檔 1.一般在詞尾后加 er 或est. tall-taller-tallest long-longer-longest young-younger-youngest soon-sooner-soonest clever-cleverer-cleverest fast-faster-fastest cold-c

3、older-coldest near-nearer-nearest bright-brighter-brightest short-shorter-shortest new-newer-newest high-higher-highest low-lower-lowest slow-slower-slowest 2. 以不發(fā)音 的元音“e”結(jié)尾的形容詞, 加er或est. close-closer-closest strange-stranger-strangest fine-finer-finest large-larger-largest wide-wider-widest white-w

4、hiter-whitest nice-nicer-nicest late-later-latest4精品文檔 3.以輔音字母加“y”結(jié)尾的形容詞,先把“y”變?yōu)椤癷”,再加er或est. angry-angrier-angriest busy-busier-busiest cloudy-cloudier-cloudiest dirty-dirtier-dirtiest early-earlier-earliest easy-easier-easiest happy-happier-happiest heavy-heavier-heaviest . 以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的形容詞,如末尾只有一個輔音字

5、母,應(yīng) 先寫雙這一個輔音字母,再加er或est. big-bigger-biggest thin-thinner-thinnest fat-fatter-fattest wet-wetter-wettest hot-hotter-hottest red-redder-reddest5精品文檔形容詞或副詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成1)規(guī)則變化 單音節(jié)詞和少數(shù)雙音節(jié)詞詞尾加er/est變?yōu)楸容^級/最高級。加er/est方法與動詞變過去式加ed方法相同。Eg. tall taller/tallest nice nicer/nicest big bigger/biggest easy easier/easi

6、est clever cleverer/cleverest (clever雙音節(jié)) 多音節(jié)詞和一些雙音節(jié)詞在該詞前加more/ most變?yōu)楸容^級/最高級。以ly結(jié)尾的副詞除early以及不規(guī)則變化外,也應(yīng)加more/most。Eg. interesting more/most interesting careful more/most careful slowly more/most slowly6精品文檔形容詞或副詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成2)不規(guī)則變化 good/well better, best bad/badly/ill worse, worst many/much more, most

7、 little less, least * old older, oldest 年長的;老的;舊的 elder, eldest(親戚關(guān)系中)年長的 * far farther, farthest 遠(yuǎn)的 further, furthest 遠(yuǎn)的(有更加、進(jìn)一步的含義)補(bǔ)充說明: few fewer, fewest friendly friendlier, friendliest (adj.) more/most friendly often more/most often7精品文檔Exercises: 請將下列詞變成比較級和最高級bright -long -late -wide -angry -

8、popular - quickly -good -bad -brighter, brightestlonger, longestlater, latestwider, widestangrier, angriestmore/most popularmore/most quicklybetter, bestworse, worst8精品文檔形容詞或副詞各比較等級的基本用法9精品文檔1、原級:使用形容詞或副詞原形,表示A與B一樣(或不一樣)。 主要用于A as/(not so) as B 結(jié)構(gòu)。 Eg. 1) Jim is as tall as Mike.Jim is not so tall as

9、 Mike.2)Jim works as hard as Mike. Jim doesnt work so hard as Mike.10精品文檔2、比較級:使用形容詞或副詞比較級形式,表示A與B 二者相比哪一個更。 主要用于A than B 結(jié)構(gòu)。Eg. 1) Jim is taller than Mike.2) Jim works harder than Mike.比較級用法擴(kuò)展 11精品文檔比較級用法擴(kuò)展1)比較級前面可以有much, a little, a lot, even等修飾語。 This book is much better than that one. 好得多2)比較級比較

10、級,表示越來越 hotter and hotter 越來越熱 more and more beautiful 越來越漂亮3) than 后面的人稱代詞用主格或賓格都可以。 He is taller than I (am). He is taller than me.補(bǔ)充: He is the taller of the two boys.12精品文檔3、最高級:使用形容詞或副詞最高級形式,表示三者(或三者以上)相比哪一個最。 主要用于the in/among/of +所包含人或事物的數(shù)量3的集合短語結(jié)構(gòu)。Eg. 1) Jim is the tallest in our class.2) Jim

11、 works (the) hardest of all the boys.最高級用法擴(kuò)展 13精品文檔最高級用法擴(kuò)展形容詞最高級前的the在以下幾種情況下可以省略:1) 該形容詞前有物主代詞或名詞所有格。 He is my/Jims best friend.2) 比較含義模糊。 We are busiest on Monday. This is a most interesting book. 這里的most相當(dāng)于very。補(bǔ)充: China is one of the most beautiful countries. The Yellow River is the second longe

12、st river in China.14精品文檔Exercises: 根據(jù)所給提示詞填空。1. My house is _ (large) than Jims.2. Today is much _ (warm) than yesterday.3. Which book is _(interesting), this one or that one?4. Kate is _ (good) than me at English.5. Who is _ (tall) boy in your class?6. Mike runs _(fast) of all the students.7. I hav

13、e _ (much) money than you. 8. Yesterday was my _ (happy) day in my life.9. My brother is not so _ (strong) as me.10. Mr Smith is the _ (short) of the two men .largerwarmermore interestingbetterthe tallest(the) fastestmorehappieststrongshorter15精品文檔 觀察下列各句, 辨別括號中單詞的詞類。 1. He is a (fast) worker. 2. He

14、 works very (fast.) 3. Thats a (hard) math problem. 4. You have to work (hard) at your lessons 5. I feel(better) now. 6. He plays football (better) than I. 7. Tom draws (worse) than his brother. 8. He was (worse) than his brother. 9. Of all the boys ,he reads (best.) 10. Of all the boys, he is the (

15、best.) 11. That plane flew (high) that day.16精品文檔 12. That plane is (high ) in the sky now. 13. A (straight ) line is the shortest between 2 points. 14. Stand (straight). 15. He always speaks in a (low ) voice. 16. He is a clever businessman.He always buys (low ) and sells high. 17. At the end of th

16、e streeet , there is a (low ) wall. 18. We didnt go (far ) because we knew that famous place was too (far ) away. 19. He is a (slow ) boy. Hes always (slow) to make up his mind. And he even likes to take a (slow) train when he travel. 20. Please tell the driver to go (slower). 21. The (last ) time I saw you was the last Sund


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