1、I. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are not allowed to change the letter given.1. Samuel Richards on fiist no vel, Pamela, is the first epistolary (書信)no vel in En glish literature.2. Paradise Lost
2、took its material from Bible(圣經(jīng)).3. Jane Austen s masterpiPCddsand Prejudice傲慢與偏見).4. George G. Byron is chiefly remembered for his two long poems. One is Childe Harold s Pilgrimage, the other is Don Juan(唐璜).5. As a poet, William Blakes fame has been chiefly resting upon two volumes of poems,Songs
3、of Innocence天真之歌)and Songs of Experienee6. The relati on ship betwee n Claudius and Hamlet irHamlet is un cle and n ephew叔 叔和侄子).7. Franklin s best writing is found in his masterpieceautobiography(自傳).8. Marti n(馬丁) is the no vel in to which Jack London put most of himself.9. Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加愛倫坡)
4、can somewhat be called fhe Father of the America n detective story.10. The way in which Hawthorne(霍桑) wrote The Scarlet Letter suggests that America n Roma nticism adapted itself to America n purita n moralism.Choose the releva nt match from the box for each bla nk.a. Natty Bumppob. The Red Badge of
5、 Couragec. black humourd.Jerome Sali ngere. loss and despair11. War in Cranes novelbis a plain slaughterhouse. There is nothing likevalor or heroism on the battlefield, and if there is an thin g, it is the fear of death, cowardice, the n atural in sti net of man to run from dan ger.12. The Catch-22i
6、s a novel of using the device ofc.13. dis the author of the work: The Catcher in the Rye.14. The central figure in the Leatherstocking Tales is _a_, who goes by the various n ames of Leatherstock ing, Deerslayer, Pathfi nder and Hawkeye.15. In his novels, Hemingway dramatizes the sense ofeamong the
7、post-wargen erati on who are physically and psychologically scared.II. Multiple Choices:Select from the four choicesof each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct answer on the answer sheet. (15x2%=30%)1. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a partic
8、ular development of English drama. It was A who made bla nk verse the prin cipal vehicle of expressi on in drama.A. Christopher Marlowe B. Thomas LogeC. Edm und Spen ser D. Thomas More2. “ Shall compare thee to a summef day?” This is the beginning line of one ofShakespeare s D.A. songs B. plays C. c
9、omedies D. sonn etsthth3. Gen erally, the Ren aissa ncerefers to the period betwee n the 14 and mid-17cen turies, its esse nee is D .A. scie neeB. philosophy C. arts D. huma nism4. Bwas a progressive in tellectual moveme nt throughout Western Europe inthe 18 century.A. The Ren aissa nee B. The En li
10、ghte nmentC. The Religious Reformati on D. The Chartist Moveme nt5. A is the first importa nt En glish essayist and the foun der of moder n scie nee in En gla nd.A. Francis Bac onB. Edm ond Spen ser C. Williams Carxt onD. Sidney6. A is the lead ing figure of Metaphysical poetry.A. Joh n Do nneB. Geo
11、rge Herbert C. Andre Marvell D. He nry Vaugha n7. The unquenchablespirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantialexiste nee on a Ion ely isla nd reflectsC .A. man s desire to return to nretuB. the author s criticism of the colonizationC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisieD. the arist
12、ocrats disillusi onment of the harsh social reality8. Of all the eighteenth-century novelists, D was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specially a “ comic epic inprose ” , the first togive the moder n no vel its structure and style?A. Thomas GrayB. Richard Brin sley Sherida
13、 nC. Jon athan SwiftD. Henry Fieldi ng9. Which two periodicals were Richard Steele and Joseph Addis on chief eon tributi on to En glish literature? A .A. The Tatler and the SpectatorB. The Rambler and the SpectatorC. The Tatler and the ReviewD. The Spectator and the Review10. _C_ is the greatest rep
14、rese ntative of En glish critical realism.A. Jane Auste n B. Thackeray C. Dicke ns D. Charlotte11. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from John Bunyan masterpiece A .A The Pilgrim sProgressB. Childe Harold s PilgrimageC. Gulliver s TravelsD. The Can terbury Tales12. Bcompiled the The Dicti
15、o nary of the En glish Lan guage which became thefoun dati on of all the subseque nt En glish dicti on aries.A. Ben Joh nson B. Samuel Joh nson C. Alexa nder Pope D. Joh n Dryde n13. _C_, a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the An glo-Sax ons.A. The Ca
16、nterbury TalesB. The Ballad of Robi n HoodC. The So ng of BeowulfD. Sir Gawai n and the Green Kni ght14. Of the following poets, who is not regarded as“ Lake Poets ”?A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge.B. Robert Southey.C. William Wordsworth.D. William Shakespeare.15. Tennyson Idyils of the Ki ngs is based o
17、n the Celtic lege nds of Ki ngDand his knights of the Round Table.A. Alfred the GreatB. Henry VIIIC. Robin Hood D. Arthur16. Victor Frankenstein attributes his tragic fate to his relentless search for knowledge.In the novel _B_ indicates this ruthless pursuit of knowledge proves dangerousand destruc
18、tive.A. George EliotB. Mary ShelleyC. Emily BronteD. Elizabeth Gaskell17. C is the first major historical novelist, exerting a powerful literaryinfluence both in Britain and on the Continent throughout the 19th century.A. Jane AustinB. Walter PaterC. Walter ScottD. Robert Stevenson1. Ezra Pound is a
19、 leading spokesman of the famous _D_ Movement in the historyof American literature.A. SymbolistB. Impressionist C. ExistentialistD. Imagist2. Nature has become so important that most people consider it an unofficialmanifesto for the “B_ Club. ”A. Natural B. Transcendental C. Soul D. Universal4. Moby
20、-Dick is a mixture of fantasy and _B_ based upon the South Pacific whalingindustry.A. realism B. romanticism C. surrealism D. naturalism5. _D_ appeared as a literary trend against rationality.A. Classicism B. Neo-Classicism C. HumanismD. Romanticism6. Transcendentalism is a movement led by _D_.A. Al
21、fred Jarry that stressed the lack of reason in human existenceB. Jean-Paul Sartre that stated that existence precedes essenceC. Tristan Tzara that tried to negate all traditional values In the artsD. Ralph Waldo Emerson that stressed the divinity of man7. Who wrote Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar
22、 Named Desire,and The Glass Menagerie?CA. Eugene ONeillB. Sam ShepardC. Tennessee WilliamsD. Edward Albee8. Winner of both the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize, John Steinbeck wrote BA. V and Gravitys RainbowB. The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and MenC. A Death in the Family and Let Us Now Praise F
23、amous MenD. Ragtime and Loon Lake9. Who wrote the novel Beloved, in which a former slave struggles to raise her children? DA.William Faulkner B.Maya Angelou C.James Baldwin D.Toni Morrison10. The Waste Landand Four Quartets are poems by DA. Edna St. Vincent Millay B. Wallace StevensC. Carl San dburg
24、D. T. S. EliotII. Who wrote Com mon Se ne an dThe Rights of Man? AA. Thomas Pai ne B. Joh n Adams C. Thomas Jeffers on D. Henry Adams13. In his poems Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called ii A . ”A. free verse B. bla nk verse C. alliterati onD. end rhy mi
25、ng14. In the first part of the 20th century, apart from Darwinism, there were two thinkersA , whose ideas had the greatest impact on the period.A. the Germa n Karl Marx and the Austria n Sigm und FreudB. the Germa n Karl Marx and the America n Sigm und FreudC. the Swiss Carl Jung and the American Wi
26、lliam JamesD. the Austria n Karl Marx and the Germa n Sigm und Freud15. Which of the following is not written by Ernest Hemingway, one of thebest-k nown America n authors of the 20th cen turyCA. The Sun Also RisesB. The Old Man and the SeaC. SoldiersPayD. For whom the Bell Tolls16. The desire for an
27、 escape from society and a return to n ature became a perma nentconvention of American literature. Such a desire is particularly evident in CLeather-Stock ing Tales.A. Washington Irving s B. Waldo Emerson sC. James Fennimore Cooper sD. Walt Whitman s17. In the well-known story Rip Van Winkle, Rip is
28、 asleep for 20 years during whichDtakes place.A. World War IB. the Civil WarC. World War IID. the Revolutio nary War18. Which of the followi ng stateme nts can be said about the novdS ister Carrie ? BA. Its heroine is a Southern aristocratic woman, who refuses to come to terms with the prese nt.B. I
29、ts hero ine is a country girl, who strives to gai n her material rise in big cities but soon gets tired of her success.C. The heroine is a young vain girl, who indulges herself in grand parties andluxurious trips but soon becomes penn iless.D. It tells about a young sailor, who struggles to reach th
30、e upper society but soon gets disillusi on ed.19. Which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in William Faulkner sno vels?DA. Cambridge. B. Oxford. C. Mississippi. D. Yok napatawpha.20. The foun der of the America n drama isD.A. Arthur Miller B. Clifford Odets C. Tennesee WilliamsD. E
31、ugeneO NeillIII. Define the following terms.這部分的答案請大家自己找,沒有標準答案)1. En lighte nment2. Ren aissa nee 3. Byronic hero1. Lost Gen erati onIII. Directions Match the works in the following groups with their respective authors.Group A(D )1. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManA. Geoffrey Chaucer(E)2. Lo
32、rd of the FliesB. George Bernard Shaw(A)3. The Can terbury TalesC. Robert Burns(B )4. Widowers HousesD. James Joyce(C )5. A Red, Red RoseE. William Gildi ngGroup B(C )6. Mrs. DallowayA. John Keats(D)7. David CopperfieldB. Jon athan Swift(E)8. Sons and LoversC. Virgi nia Woolf(A )9. Ode to a Nighti n
33、galeD. Charles Dicke ns(B)10. A Modest ProposalE. D.H. Lawre nceGroup C(E )11. Civil Disobedie nceA. Toni Morris on(D )12. The Portrait of a LadyB. Walt Whitman(B)13. Leaves of GrassC. Mark Twai n(A)14. BelovedD. Henry James(C )15. The Adve ntures of Huckleberry Fi nnE. Henry D. ThoreauV. Answer the
34、 following questions(30%)1. I tell you I must go! I retorted, roused to someth ing like passi on.can stay to become nothing to you? Do you thi nk I am an automat on?-a mach ine without feeli ngs? and can bear to have my morsel of bread sn atched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from
35、my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!I have as much soul as you-a nd full as much heart! And if God hadgifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to le
36、ave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my sprit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God s feet-_eqpsawe are!Questions (7%) 1). Which novel is this passage taken from?
37、Jane Eyre 簡愛2) . Who is the author? Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂勃朗特3) . What idea does the quoted passage express?2. It is a truth uni versally ack no wledged, that a sin gle man in possessi on of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feeling s or views of such a man may be on h
38、is first entering a neighbourhood, thi s truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.My dear Mr. Bennet, said his lady to him one day, have you heard th at Netherfield Park is let at last?Mr.
39、Bennet replied that he had not.But it is returned she, for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.Mr. Bennet made no an swer.Do not you want to know who has taken it cried his wife impatiently. You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. This was in vitati on eno
40、ugh.Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came d own onMonday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much deli ghted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take po
41、ssessi onbefore Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.What is his name?Bi ngley.Is he married or single?Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!(出自傲慢與偏見)Questions (8%)1
42、) Why does Mrs. Bennet insist Mr. Bennet visiting Netherfield and Mr. Bingl ey? 2) What kind of people are Mr. and Mrs. Bennet ?3) The underlined sentence reveals the subject that interests Mrs.Bennet most. Give a brief analysis of her excitement.3. It was the best of times, it was the worst of time
43、s, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of in credulity, it was the seas onof Light, it was the seas onof Darkn ess, it was the spri ng of hope, it was the win ter of despair, we had everyth ing before us, we had nothing before us, we
44、were all going direct to Heave n, we were all going direct the other way. . . .Questions:(7%)1) Which novel is this passagetaken from? a tale of two cities 雙城記2) . Who is the author? Dicke ns 狄更斯3) . What idea does the passage express?4. To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether tis no bler
45、in the mind to sufferThe sli ngs and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms aga inst a sea of troubles,And by oppos ing end them.Questions (8%)1). Which character said these words?Hamlet 哈姆雷特 In whichwork?Hamlet哈姆雷特2). I nterpret the theme of the work.3). List the authorother three great trage
46、dies.麥克白Macbeth李爾王king lear和奧賽羅Othello1. When Miss Emily Griers on died, our whole tow n went to her fun eral: the menthrough a sort of respectful affectati on for a falle n monument, the wome n mostly out of curiosity to see the in side of her house, which no one save an old man serva na comb ined
47、garde ner and cook-had see n in at least ten years.Questio ns: (6%)1). Which story is this paragraph take n from?Emily2) . Who is the writer of the work? Fauk ner 福克納3) . Was Miss Emily married or single when she died? Single2. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are en dowed by the
48、ir Creatorwith certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life , liberty and the pursuit of Happ in ess. That to secure these rights, Gover nments are in stituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
49、these end, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.Questions: (6%) 1) Which work is this passage taken from?Declaration of Independence 獨立宣言2) What truths are self-eviden?3) that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights3) What is the purpose of government to secure these rights3. . Gatsby, sta nding alone on the marble steps and look ing from one group to another with approvin
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