



1、員工入職登記表Employee entry register Form姓名Name性別Sex岀生日期Birth date身份證號(hào)碼ID Number民族People籍貫City婚姻狀況Marital status生育狀況Fertility status現(xiàn)住地址Prese nt1 &郵編Address電話Pho ne No.通信地址Maili ng address郵編Zip code照片Photo最高學(xué)歷Highest educati on專業(yè)Major外語(yǔ)及等級(jí)Foreig nIan guage level職業(yè)資格Vocati onal certificate專業(yè)職稱Professi onal

2、title主要教育經(jīng)歷 Main Education Experience教育時(shí)間Education time院校名稱School Name學(xué)歷Degree專業(yè)Major證書(shū)certificate年月年月Mon th/Year年月年月Mo nth/YearMo nth/Year主要工作經(jīng)歷 Main Employment History工作時(shí)間Employment time工作單位Company Name證明人姓名、電話離職原因職位References & PhoneReasons forJob titlenumberleaving年月年月Mo nth/YearMo nth/Year年月年月M

3、o nth/YearMo nth/Year年月年月Mo nth/YearMo nth/Year主要培訓(xùn)經(jīng)歷Training培訓(xùn)時(shí)間Training time培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容Training content培訓(xùn)組織機(jī)構(gòu)The trains organization培訓(xùn)結(jié)果Training results年月年月Mo nth/YearMo nth/Year年月年月Mo nth/YearMo nth/Year承諾:本人保證我所提供以及填寫(xiě)的資料均屬實(shí),如有虛假的,本人愿承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。Commitme nt: I hereby confirm that all the provided in formatio

4、 n by me is real , if have any cheat in g, I will afford all the consequences.簽名及日期Sign &Date主要家庭成員Family members姓名Name關(guān)系Relationship工作單位Company name所任崗位及職務(wù)Job & Title緊急聯(lián)絡(luò)人Emergency contact person姓名Name關(guān)系Relationship聯(lián)系地址及郵編Present Address & Zip code電話Phone number身高Height體重Weight視力Visio n()良好Good()輔助

5、 Assist聽(tīng)力Hearing()良好Good()輔助 Assist是否曾被認(rèn)定為工傷或職業(yè)病或持有殘疾人證明:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()Whether identified work injury, occupational disease or hold certificate of disablity: Pleasefill in Yor no是否被勞動(dòng)能力鑒定委員會(huì)鑒定為具有傷殘等級(jí)以及何級(jí)傷殘:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”以及傷殘等級(jí)()()Whether identified as having a disability grade and its class by labor apprais

6、al committee: Please fill in Yes or no and the degree of disability是否從事過(guò)井下、高空、高溫、特別繁重體力勞動(dòng)以及有毒有害工種:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()Whether engaged in underground, high altitude, high temperature, special heavy manual labor, as well as poisonous and harmful work: Please fill in yes or no是否有傳染性疾病以及何疾?。禾顚?xiě)“是”或“否”以及何疾?。ǎ?)Wh

7、ether have infectious disease and which dise ase: Please fill in yes or no健康狀況Health con diti on最近6個(gè)月內(nèi)所接受的醫(yī)學(xué)治療與醫(yī)學(xué)檢查:Medical treatme nt and exam in ati on within the latest 6 mon ths離職時(shí)間Resig nati on date離職原因Resig nati on reas on是否與前用人單位約定了保密協(xié)議與競(jìng)業(yè)限制條款:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()Whether sig ned con fide ntiality agre

8、eme nt and non-completi on clause with former compa ny: Please fill in yes or no前用人單位信息The last compa ny in formatio n是否與前用人單位有未盡的法律事宜:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()Whether have legal matters not over yet with former company: Please fill in承諾:本人保證我所提供以及填寫(xiě)的資料均屬實(shí),如有虛假的,本人愿承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。Commitme nt: I hereby confirm that all th

9、e provided in formatio n by me is real , if have any cheat in g, I will afford all the consequences.簽名及日期 Sign &Date:參加工作時(shí)間Start ing work date年月日YMD累計(jì)工作時(shí)間Total work ing time年月YearsMon ths是否已經(jīng)休了本年度的年休假:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()If you have already enjoyed annual leaves this year: Please fill in yes or no是否曾經(jīng)或正在追究與承

10、擔(dān)過(guò)刑事責(zé)任:填寫(xiě)“是”或“否”()If you have been involved in any criminal issues : Please fill in yes or no應(yīng)聘信息來(lái)源The source of recruit in formati on是否在本公司工作過(guò):填寫(xiě)“是或“否”()Whether worked in our company: Please fill in yes入職部門Entry departme nt入職職位Job Title入職時(shí)間Hire date員工聲明Stateme nt1、員工確認(rèn),公司已如實(shí)告知工作內(nèi)容、工作地點(diǎn)、工作條件、職業(yè)危害、安全

11、生產(chǎn)狀況、勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬以及員工要求了解的情況。1 con firmed that Compa ny has truthfully in formed worki ng content,working place, work ing con diti ons, occupati onal hazards, product ion safety con diti ons, labor remun erati on and other in formati on 1 want to know.2、員工在本表提供的個(gè)人信息、學(xué)歷證明、資格證明、身份證明、工作經(jīng)歷等個(gè)人資料均真實(shí),員工充 分了解上述資料的真

12、實(shí)性是雙方訂立勞動(dòng)合同的前提條件,如有弄虛作假或隱瞞的情況,屬于嚴(yán)重違反公 司規(guī)章制度,同意公司有權(quán)解除勞動(dòng)合同或?qū)趧?dòng)合同做無(wú)效認(rèn)定處理,公司因此遭受的損失,員工有對(duì)此賠償?shù)牧x務(wù)。I promise all the information registered in this form is true including- The personalinformation, education certificates, qualification certificates, proof of identification, working experie nces and so on. 1

13、fully un dersta nd the importa nee of abovein formatio n reality which isthe premise of labor con tract. If have any cheat ing and fake in formatio n here, I agree that compa ny can term in ate our labor con tract without any compe nsati on and I will afford the loss bringing to compa ny3、員工確認(rèn),本表所填寫(xiě)

14、的通信地址為郵寄送達(dá)地址,公司向該通信地址寄送的文件或物品,如果發(fā)生收件人拒絕簽收或其他無(wú)法送達(dá)的情形的,員工同意,從公司寄出之日起視為公司已經(jīng)送達(dá)。1 con firmed,the mailing address I filled in this form is correct and can be delivered by express. I agree that it should be regarded as I have already received all the docume nts or goods sent by Compa ny to this address eve

15、n it happe ns that they are bee n refused or cannot be delivered.員工簽名:日期:Sig nature:Date:單位填寫(xiě)Compa ny fill in試用期限Probati on period試用期工資Probati on salary正式期工資Formal salary員工確認(rèn)Employeeconfirm本人對(duì)入職登記表的上面登記的全部?jī)?nèi)容皆已知曉并保證我所提供以及填寫(xiě)的資料均屬實(shí)。I have already known and un dersta nd all contents in this entry registrati on form, and en su


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