



1、2011中考之英語(yǔ)知識(shí)點(diǎn)梳理及操練 初三英語(yǔ)統(tǒng)一學(xué)業(yè)考試中的第五大題是通過(guò)多項(xiàng)選擇,來(lái)考核學(xué)生對(duì)英語(yǔ)各個(gè)語(yǔ)言知識(shí)點(diǎn)所掌握的情況和程度。學(xué)生在分析、判斷所選詞語(yǔ)的正誤時(shí),不但要從語(yǔ)法角度去考慮,而且要從整句邏輯、習(xí)慣說(shuō)法、詞語(yǔ)不重復(fù)、用語(yǔ)須禮貌等各個(gè)方面去審視。這樣,才能避免往往因粗心或偏解所造成的失誤。 這一大題需要注意的是:在掌握英語(yǔ)各個(gè)語(yǔ)言知識(shí)點(diǎn)的一般規(guī)律之外,還需要注意英語(yǔ)各個(gè)語(yǔ)言知識(shí)點(diǎn)的特殊規(guī)律。在英語(yǔ)中,有許多語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)與詞語(yǔ)搭配都是因人、因事、因地而各不相同的,因此,不能像數(shù)學(xué)公式那樣去生搬硬套。對(duì)于某些有特殊規(guī)律的語(yǔ)言知識(shí)點(diǎn),學(xué)生一定要在平時(shí)加強(qiáng)注意和不斷積累,在這方面是沒(méi)有捷徑可

2、行的。此外,在學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)還要防止只重語(yǔ)感、不諳其意的片面傾向。六.動(dòng)詞: 動(dòng)詞八種時(shí)態(tài)、語(yǔ)態(tài)和幾種變化形式 八種時(shí)態(tài) 主動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài) 被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài) 一般現(xiàn)在時(shí) (經(jīng)常,反復(fù),愛(ài)好,特點(diǎn),條件,真理) do; does am;is;are done 一般過(guò)去時(shí) (過(guò)去發(fā)生的事,不強(qiáng)調(diào)現(xiàn)在的結(jié)果) did; -ed was;were done 一般將來(lái)時(shí) (將要發(fā)生的事) will do will be done 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí) (現(xiàn)在正在發(fā)生的事) am;is;are doing am;is;are being done 過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí) (當(dāng)時(shí)正在發(fā)生的事) was;were doing was;were being

3、 done 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) (過(guò)去發(fā)生的事,強(qiáng)調(diào)現(xiàn)在的結(jié)果) have;has done have;has been done 過(guò)去完成時(shí) (過(guò)去完成的事;過(guò)去以前發(fā)生的事) had done had been done 過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí) (過(guò)去將要發(fā)生的事) would do would be done * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 不定式: do; not do; to do; not to do 命令式: do; dont do 現(xiàn)在分詞: doing 動(dòng)名詞: doing 過(guò)去分詞: done例題解析:( ) Look. Mary _ a nice dog. She _

4、 it just now. A) has drawn, drewB) drew, has drawnC) is drawing, drewD) is drawing, has drawn在“Look”、“Its evening”、“Where is sb. ?”等句子后面,可能要用“現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)”,也有可能要用“現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)”。反正,要根據(jù)具體情況來(lái)具體分析,考慮問(wèn)題一定要從整體情況著眼。本題后半句“just now”意為“剛才”,很明顯要用“一般過(guò)去時(shí)”,因此前句如用“現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)”就不妥,造成句意邏輯上的錯(cuò)誤。前句用“現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)”才對(duì)。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“A”。( ) This kind of

5、fridge _ very well. A) sell B) sells C) are sold D) is sold在英語(yǔ)中,表達(dá)某物銷路不錯(cuò),要用表示“特點(diǎn)”的“一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)”形式,而不能用“被賣”這種被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)形式來(lái)表示。由于本句主語(yǔ)“this kind of fridge”是單數(shù)第三人稱,所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“B”。( ) What _ Mr. Smith? He looks worried so much. A) happens withB) happens toC) happened withD) happened to在英語(yǔ)中,“發(fā)生”通??勺g為“happened”或“took pla

6、ce”,要注意它不能變“被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)”。本題之意是“史密斯先生發(fā)生了什么事?他顯得很焦慮?!币虼耍鞍l(fā)生”不能用表示經(jīng)常行為的“一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)”形式,應(yīng)該用“一般過(guò)去時(shí)”的“happened to sb.”固定詞組來(lái)表達(dá)。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“D”。1 / 6( ) Mary: Shall I tell Michael about the news? Jack: No, you _. Hes already known it. A) cant B)mustnt C) neednt D) dont 本題是考核情態(tài)動(dòng)詞句型的正確回答。在“Must I do ?”、“Shall I do ?”、“Would

7、you like me to do ?”問(wèn)句后面都可以用“No, you neednt.”(不必要)來(lái)回答。本題根據(jù)后句的句意應(yīng)該選此回答為妥。所以答案應(yīng)該選“C”。在“May I ?”問(wèn)句后面,通常有以下幾種否定回答:1. No, you mustnt. 2.No, you may not. 3. Sorry, you cant. 4.Im afraid you cant. 5. No, you cant.( ) _ clothes are usually _ near a fire in winter. A) Washed, hungB) Washed, hangedC) Washing,

8、 hungD) Washing, hanged “washed”意為“被洗過(guò)的”,可以修飾“衣服”;“washing”意為“正在洗的”,它該修飾人、不該修飾“衣服”。后句意為“被掛在火爐旁”,該用過(guò)去分詞“hung”才對(duì)?!癶anged”也是“hang”的過(guò)去分詞,但是它的意思是“被絞死”。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“A”。( ) The book _ by me. I _ it to a friend of mine. A) is written, sentB) is written, have sent C) was written, sentD) was written, have sent “

9、書(shū)是被某人寫的”、“書(shū)是在某地方被寫的”都是表示發(fā)生在以前的動(dòng)作,該用一般過(guò)去時(shí)被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。如過(guò)說(shuō)“書(shū)是被用英語(yǔ)寫的”,那就是指書(shū)的特點(diǎn)了,就該用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)了。后半句意為“我把它寄給朋友了”是強(qiáng)調(diào)現(xiàn)在書(shū)不在我這里。不是強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去寄的,不該用一般過(guò)去時(shí),而該用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)。這種類型的時(shí)態(tài),學(xué)生最容易錯(cuò),千萬(wàn)要注意。英語(yǔ)中有許多動(dòng)作是以前發(fā)生的、但沒(méi)有時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)的句子都用“現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)”表達(dá)。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“D”。( ) Mr. Jackson _ the city quite well since he _ in the city for a couple of years. A) knows

10、, wasB) has known, wasC) knows, has beenD) has known, has been 本句中的“since”不是“自從”之意,因此,前半句與后半句用“現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)”和“一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)”的形式做是錯(cuò)誤的。本句中的“since”意為“由于”,與“as”近義。根據(jù)句意,“熟悉城市”是表示杰克遜先生的“特點(diǎn)”,要用“一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)”表達(dá);“他來(lái)到這個(gè)城市有兩、三年了”是表示到現(xiàn)在為止的結(jié)果情況,要用“現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)”表達(dá)。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“C”。( ) Could you tell me _? A) how to do it B) why do it C) how to d

11、o D) what to do it 由于“do”通常用作及物動(dòng)詞,因此要注意它有否賓語(yǔ)。要避免“C”的沒(méi)有賓語(yǔ)和“D”的重疊賓語(yǔ)的錯(cuò)誤。“B”是不定式遺漏了“to”,所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“A”。關(guān)于“do”的這種特點(diǎn)很重要,為了熟記它,可以背一句口訣:“how to do it, what to do”。( ) English is his favourite subject. He can _ it very fluently. A) sayB) talkC) speakD) tell 由于后句“it”指的是“English”,因此要用動(dòng)詞“speak”才對(duì)。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“C”?!皌a

12、lk”是不及物動(dòng)詞,后面不跟賓語(yǔ)?!皊peak”既可作不及物動(dòng)詞用,也可作及物動(dòng)詞,賓語(yǔ)只能是語(yǔ)言?!皌ell”的賓語(yǔ)有限;有“a story”、“the difference”、“the truth”、“a lie”、“the time”等?!皊ay”可跟的賓語(yǔ)最多,不再一一例舉。由此句我們得到啟示;即我們?cè)谧隽?xí)題時(shí)不要被單詞的表面現(xiàn)象所迷惑,一定要看清楚它的內(nèi)涵,即注意到它的真正含義是什么。再舉兩個(gè)例子來(lái)說(shuō)明注意內(nèi)涵的重要性:例1. A recorder is used to learn English in our class. 例2. His spoken English is poo

13、r. He only speaks a word of it.( ) Mr. Black is the manager of this company. He _ this company. A) takes charge ofB) is responsible toC) is in the charge ofD) has the duty from 在英語(yǔ)中,“他負(fù)責(zé)這家公司”有多種說(shuō)法,如:1. He is in charge of this company. 2. His job is to be in charge of this company. 3. This company is

14、 in the charge of him. 4. He is responsible for this company. 5. He has the duty of this company. 6. He takes charge of this company. 在這里要注意動(dòng)詞與介詞的搭配關(guān)系,不要記錯(cuò)了。本題答案應(yīng)該選“A”。( )10. Please _ the city map before you go sightseeing. A) look atB) have a lookC) watchD) read 在英語(yǔ)中,“看”在不同場(chǎng)合有不同的譯法?!發(fā)ook at”意為“粗略地看

15、”;“have a look”意為“看一下”,其后不能跟賓語(yǔ);“watch”意為“注視、仔細(xì)地看”,雖然可以跟“地圖”搭配,但是,它只是表示一種“看”的狀態(tài),沒(méi)有“查看路線”之意。“看書(shū)”、“看地圖”都要用動(dòng)詞“read”,意為“閱讀”、“查看”。所以本題答案應(yīng)該選“D”。習(xí)題訓(xùn)練: Choose the best answer (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格內(nèi)):( ) 1. They _ any food. Theyve got plenty of _ for the picnic. A) neednt, it B) neednt, them C) dont need,

16、 it D) dont need, them( ) 2. His favourite _ is _ a taxi driver. A) job, to be B) job, / C) work, to be D) work, /( ) 3. Why does _ like _ this uniform? A) he not, wearing B) not he, wearingC) he not, wear D) not he, wear( ) 4. You can not only learn _ make the delicious drink, you can also _ it. A)

17、 to , eat B) to, eatC) how to, enjoy D) how to, enjoy ( ) 5. Have you all _ your pens yet? A) prepared B) prepared for C) preparation D) preparation for( ) 6. Danny practises _ twice _ week. A) to swim, a B) to swim, every C) swimming, a D) swimming, every( ) 7. You must _ to catch fish here near th

18、e pond. A) not try B) try notC) not to try D) to try not( ) 8. When we _ on the air-conditioner in summer, we feel more comfortable. A) sit B) put C) turn D) open( ) 9. Would you mind _ the window ? A) my closing B) my close C) to close D) for close( )10. The teacher kept the pupils _ for five hours

19、. A) waiting B) to wait C) to waiting D) waits( )11. Mr. Green _ China for six years. A) has been in B) has been to C) has come to D) has gone to( )12. They could hardly understand what the engineer said, _? A) couldnt they B) didnt they C) could they D) did they( )13. Tell him _ afraid of dogs. A)

20、not be B) not to be C) dont be D) wont be( )14. If he _ here tomorrow, please tell him when his uncle _. A) will come, comes B) comes, comes C) comes, will come D) will come, will come( )15. The postage on the parcel _ me a lot of money. A) took B) spend C) paid D) cost( )16. Have you _ who took awa

21、y your key ? A) found B) found out C) looked for D) got( )17. Paris isnt the capital of Britain, is it ? _. A) Yes, it is B) No, it isnt C) Yes, it isnt D) No, it is( )18. The boss made the workers _ for hours. A) work B) to work C) working D) works( )19. My hope is _ an engineer in 10 years time. A

22、) become B) to become C) becoming D) became( )20. We will go to the factory to work for _. A) sometimes B) some time C) some times D) sometime( )21. Which subject do you _, English or maths ? A) like best B) prefer best C) like most D) prefer( )22. If it is true, it _ many interesting questions. A)

23、is raised B) rose C) raises D) rises( )23. Please your hands if youve got the answer. A) put up B) set up C) get up D) make up( )24. By the age of ten, the little girl her first collection of poems. Shes now very famous. A) has published B) had published C) published D) would publish( )25. Mary shou

24、ld _ at once.A) operate on B) be operated C) be operated on D) operate( )26. Do you mind my using your dictionary for a while? _.A) Of course not B) Yes, please C) It doesnt matter D) Yes, here you are( )27. Where _? To the teachers office.A) have you gone B) has he gone C) is he going to D) have yo

25、u been to( )28. Please _ make the same mistake again, Tom. A) dont try to B) try dont to C) try to not D) try not to( )29. Q: _ you _ Jim this morning? A: Yes. I _ him just now. A) Haveseen, saw B) Didsee, saw C) Haveseen, have seen D) Didsee, have seen( )30. English is the language _ in Australia,

26、isnt it? A) usingB) usedC) speakingD) is spoken( )31. When you go out, dont forget to keep the windows _. A) openB) openingC) openedD) to open( )32. We _ the lady was good at skiing. A) toldB) wonderedC) were askedD) were told( )33. Sorry, I _ understand the business letter. Because it _ written in

27、English. A) dont, isB) dont, wasC) didnt, isD) didnt, was( )34. Some boys were seen _ into the hospital. A) goingB) enteringC) takingD) to send( )35. He, with another policewoman, _ the streets in City Centre. A) walk on B) walk around C) walks on D) walks around( )36. The soup bowl _. _ it _ yester

28、day? A) was broken, WasbrokenB) is broken, Wasbroken C) was broken, DidbreakD) is broken, Hasbroken( )37. Unluckily, they were _ with a big storm halfway. A) caughtB) come acrossC) metD) happened( )38. He is poor at spoken English. He cant even _ a word of it. A) sayB) talkC) speakD)tell( )39. Jack

29、_ be absent today. I saw him playing in the playground a moment ago.A) mustnt B) needntC) isnt able to D) cant( )40. You should go on _ the text until you _ able to recite it. A) reading, areB) reading, wereC) to read, will beD) to read, were( )41. Q: Must we do eye exercises every day, Miss Liu? A:

30、 Im afraid _. A) you mustntB) you mustC) you needntD) you cant( )42. We may _ each other somewhere before. A) meetB) metC) have metD) to meet( )43. He doesnt know _ next. A) how to doB) what to do itC) when to doD) where to go( )44. The lady thinks she is too fat, and she is planning _ now. A) to ke

31、ep fitB) reduce his weightC) to go on a dietD) stop her from eating( )45. The house is on fire. Lets go and _ the fire together. A) put offB) put outC) put downD) put away( )46. Its _ these days. Youd better _ your greatcoat before you go out.A) snowing, inB) snowy, wearC) snowing, have onD) snowy, put on( )47. His family used to _ in the past. A) go hungryB) be hungryC) going hungryD) being hungry( )48. Never forget _ “Excuse me” when you trouble someone.A) to speakB) to sayC) speakingD) saying( )49. The music _ so wonderful that I liked it very much. A) looked B) heard C) listened D) sounde


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