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1、語言學(xué)習(xí)類髙考高頻單詞與短語識記排査單詞識記:com mun icateexpressi on overcomematerialpracticewritte nfault focus master perfect practise spoke nsta ndardtermcompositi on grasp短語掃描:put.i nto practicetran slate acquirememorize imitate將付諸實踐集中注意力于某物上欠款等focus one s mind/attention on sth.pay off取得成功;取得好結(jié)果;還清team up with 與合作把翻

2、譯成lose heart 灰心 find fault with tran slate sth.i nto sth. advise sb.to do sth. ask sb.for advice找茬;挑剔建議某人做某事征求某人的意見give/offer sb.advice on給某人關(guān)于的建議跟蹤訓(xùn)練I. 語境填詞1. This adaptati on perfect grasps the spirit of Kurt Vonn egut s no vel.2. He _ 集中his blue eyes on her.3. 標準are moral principles which affect

3、people s attitudes and behavior.4. We should try our best to make our ideal 翻譯into reality.5.1 didn t know that she_L 取得sole control of the newspaper in 2021.n.單項填空6.S ince it is com mon to copy others desig ns , the Council of Fashi on Desig nershas recently urged the government to pass laws to pro

4、tect designers rights .A. practice B.sta ndard C.se nse D.activity7. Dad, I don t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.I see .I ll go right away and_A.pay him backB.pay him offC.put him awayD.put him off8.With so many essays,hewon t have time to go shopping with his parents thisafter no

5、on.A.writi ngB.writte nC.to writeD.be writte n9. rperformanee in studyno one can match her in thegrade.However , learningtakes up all her time and she has nt developed other abilities, which is a greatpity.A. On behalf ofB.ln terms ofC.As a result ofD.ln charge of10. Puti n is a man of few words,and

6、 seldom speaks uni essto.It s no wonder that he s always sitting in the corner silently.A.spoke nC.to speakB. speak ingD.havi ng spoke n閱讀能力與寫作能力專練I閱讀理解Author Norman Mailer once published an essay in which he declared the graffiti 涂 鴉of the New York subway to be“The Great Art of the 70s .But what ha

7、ppened tothe artists and why is there no subway graffiti any more?“ It started with some one just writi ng their n amesome one saw that , and addedon to it , remembers NewYork graffiti artist Nicer , born Hector Nazario. a Letters going in front of letters , coming back through a letter , behind a l

8、etter , going across a letter.the subways became our playgro und.NewYork in 1974 was a city in crisis.TheMayor, Abe Beame cut down the city sbudget to avoid bankruptcy破產(chǎn), which meant laying off school teachers, police officers and subway staff.“ They were tak ing the money from the schools, there wa

9、s a lot of corrupti onhere , in this community, and so they took the after-school programmes away, and there were no outlets 發(fā)泄途徑for this.So the outlet became our city, says Bronx-born designer Eric Orr.overIt was like an explosion.The graffiti explosion.All of a sudden it tookthe whole city.l don t

10、 know what happened ,but overnight in the early 70s it wasfrom no graffiti to all graffiti, says another former artist ,Flint Gennari.Eric Felisbret, author and former graffiti artist, says graffiti culture wasin a way a product of the civil rights movement.It was never political , he says, “but man

11、y people were brought up with that , and to express yourself by breaking the law became a n atural process for them. The graffiti pioneers came from all races, however. “There were writersthatwere African American , Latino-PuertoRico , Dominican , Cuban-Jewish, Asian , and itbecame one unit one fami

12、ly , says another graffiti pioneer, Roberto Gualtieri.Lives , says : For lotsProf.Gregory Snyder, sociologist and author of Graffitiof people , graffitiis ugly and destroy public property , andI don t refuse that.Butit can be written on a dumpster垃圾箱 ,like a garbage bin,and if some one sattempting t

13、o make a garbage bin look a little prettier maybe thats not the worstthing in the world. Although Mailerwas not alone in welcoming the flowering of,as did many passengers.creativity , the authorities hated itSo whe n Mayor Ed Koch took office,he was determined to clean up the city and set about targ

14、eti ng graffiti.“ I remember in 1982 he brought every one outto a train yard and there was asin gle train pain ted white, says formerNewYork Daily Newsreporter SalvatoreArena.Trains were taken out of serviceand cleaned as soon as graffitiwas spotted.Carriages were protected at night and the city agr

15、eed to ban the sale of spray cans.If in 1984 80% of subway carriages con tai ned graffiti by May 1989 the networkwas graffiti-free. “Graffiti has gone through an evolution , and it willcontinue toevolve .It s now socially accepted in places where 20 30 years ago that would have bee n impossible .It

16、s now showcased展示 in certa in museums and let s say inanother 30 years from now it may be hanging in the White House, says Nicer.Nowadays pain tedgraffiti is largely gone from the New York subway trai nsthemselves and is see n in stead on the walls and tunn els of the cit y.It has bee n replaced by

17、scratchiti舌U擦藝術(shù) created onto carriage windows using keys andkn ives.U nlike the vivid images of 40 years ago, these ghostly patter ns are somehoweasy to ignore.After all, graffiti has faded quietly into the background.1. What led to the graffiti s sudden appearanee in New York in the 1970s?A. The pu

18、blishment of Norman Mailer s essay on graffiti.B. The developme nt of scie nee and art in New York.C. The support and en courageme nt of the Mayor.D. The worse economy in New York the n.2n the 1970s, New York s graffiti artists_.A. ofte n left their own n ames on their worksB. realized they were act

19、ually aga inst the lawsC. orga ni zed a political moveme ntD. could only do graffiti on trains3. Whats Gregory Snyder s attitude towards graffiti?A. Approvi ng.B.Critical.C. Objective.D.Negative.4. Why did Mayor Ed Koch take measures to stop graffiti?A. It did n t ben efit most subway passe ngers.B.

20、 It wasn t the art that Ed Koch was fond of.C. It became out of date because of scratchiti.D. Ma ny citize ns were not in favour of it.5. What can we learn about graffiti from Paragraph 11?A. It took 5 years to clean 80% of New York s graffiti.B. Graffiti has evolved and is widely accepted now.C. Gr

21、affiti evolution makes New York subways graffiti-free.D. Graffiti now can appear not in carriages but in museums only.6. By say ing“ graffiti has faded quietly into the backgro und, the author meansthat .A.scratchiti wont last very longB.graffiti wont gain its po pularity aga inC.graffiti isn t comp

22、arable with scratchitiD. scratchiti will be well developed in the futuren.佳作背誦學(xué)校生活請認真閱讀下面短文,并按照要求用英語寫一篇150詞左右的文章。China has historically placed a high value on childre n s educati on .Due to thecountry s vast populatio n and the limited resources of elite出類拔萃的 schools ,not only is there fierce compet

23、itionin entrance exams,but there are also top collegesputting students unique abilities such as performances in scienee competitions,writing abilities ,oral skills , musical talents, and achievements in dance underthe microscope 顯微鏡.The cruel competitionhas been blamed by those who feel thatit occup

24、ies children s free time and places too much stress on performanee under test con diti on s.Aga instthis backgro und , many primary and sec on dary schools in Chinahave begun to promote the so-called “happy education ,trying to reduce students burden in schools.However , in these schools , there exi

25、sts an obvious paradox自相矛盾.0n the one hand, the officialeducation system is attempting to reduce the burdenof schoolwork on students.On the other hand, more and more time students spend outside the classroom isbeing devoted to educati onal trai ning orga ni zati on s.Ma ny stude ntsare almost tak in

26、g part in every ki nd of competiti on , from n ati on wide tour name nts like the International Mathematical Olympiad to all manner of local competitions.So is this “happy education practical or just failing the students?【寫作內(nèi)容】1. 用約30個單詞寫出上文概要;2. 用約120個單詞闡述你對“快樂教育的看法,并以你自身為例談?wù)勅绾纹胶庑?nèi)外的學(xué) 習(xí)活動,從而到達最正確的學(xué)

27、習(xí)效果?!緦懽饕蟆?. 寫作過程中不能直接引用原文語句;2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學(xué)校名稱;3. 不必寫標題?!驹u分標準】內(nèi)容完整,語言標準,語篇連貫,詞數(shù)適當?!緟⒖挤段摹縏o reduce stude nts burde n,many Chin ese primary and sec on dary schools havebee n promot ing“ happy educati on .However, whether it s practical rema ins to besee n and doubted.As far as I m concerned,receivin

28、g an education ,especially a further one ,isn t always an enjoyable process.A nd educati on won t work effectively uni ess stude nts themselves are eager for kno wledge and love study in g.Therefore , it s wise for schools to consider the“happy education seriously.As for me , I d love to take the ma

29、in subjects in school and study what I minterested in outside school.In order to keep a balanee, I make every minute in school worthwhileby reading my textbooks in advanee and listening to the teachersattentively.WhenI can ensure my academic performanee in school ,I will enjoy learningwhat I love af

30、ter school ,which will help me become what I want to be in the future.合案精析高考高頻單詞與短語識記排查跟蹤訓(xùn)練I .perfectly 2.focused3.Standards4.translated 5.acquiredn . 6.A考查名詞詞義辨析。句意為:由于抄襲他人的設(shè)計是一種慣例,最近時裝設(shè)計者委員會敦促政府通過法律保護設(shè)計者的權(quán)益。standard標準;sense意識,感覺,commonsense常識;activity 活動。common practice慣例,通常的做法,符合題意,應(yīng)選A項。7. B考查動詞短語辨析。pay sb.back懲罰、報復(fù)某人;pay sb.off付清工資后解雇某人;put away收拾,整理;put off 推遲。8. C 考查with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。句意為:因為有許多文章要寫,今天下午他沒有時間與父母逛街。with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中essay與write 之間是動賓關(guān)系,且時間狀語為 this afternoon,故選C項。9. B句意為:就學(xué)習(xí)方面來說


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