高等學校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)Unit 1_第1頁
高等學校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)Unit 1_第2頁
高等學校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)Unit 1_第3頁
高等學校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)Unit 1_第4頁
高等學校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)Unit 1_第5頁
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1、高等院校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)綜合教程(上)integrated course2unit 1 planning your future career content starting out reading focus reading more practical translation focused writing final projecttask 1step onework together with your partner and fill in the table with the attributes that you think make a good employ

2、er and a good employee on page 2.suggested key:step twochoose the most important three attributes for people in each role, and give your reasons.suggested key: employee: good health, cooperativenessemployer: good health, great communicative skills,good health is the foundation for career development

3、, whatever role one plays. for an employee, cooperativeness ensures the smooth progress of a work project, since many projects involve the cooperation of many workers. as an employer, he must be good at communicating with different people, which is the guarantee of a pleasant interpersonal relations

4、hip in his business, along with the successful building up of the social network.1. mark has been doing quite well in his advertising career. he wrote a great super bowl ad, then six months later went to nike and launched a new shoe that was a success. a year later he moved to google and rebranded s

5、ome of their software which increased its user base by 50%. now, he is in charge of a division but is thinking of making another change due to personality conflicts with his supervisor. but, hes worried that too many changes of job may put him at a disadvantage in the job market.to make another hopp

6、ing is the right choice. as a matter of fact, recruiters dont have the inclination of excluding people just because they job-hopped. they exclude the candidates because their rsum show that they wont contribute enough to the company. if ones rsum always shows that he makes a huge contribution wherev

7、er he goes, or if he can show his loyalty to a company by exceeding their expectations with his outstanding performance, no recruiters will show bias against him.suggested judgment:2. tim is 25. he graduated from the business school of a little-known state university located in the us midwest. for t

8、he last two years, he has been working as an assistant accountant in a new york bank. the job involves only simple routine tasks, but the pay is quite good. two of his four colleagues with work experience similar to his were promoted to higher posts last month. tim doesnt care. hes grateful for the

9、position he has and never thinks of job-hopping. he claims that a stable job with stable pay is all that he wants.jim should choose to quit and find a job more challenging than the present one. in such a competitive big city like new york, an mba degree earned from a little-known state university in

10、 the us midwest is no guarantee of a bank position. secondly, the simple routine job itself teaches him nothing new. and the career prospect for him seems to be obscure. chances are little that he will also be promoted as his colleagues were. so going on with the job does no good to his personal gro

11、wth, instead he might fall to be a victim of downsizing or restructuring in times of difficulty.mark twain said that there is no security in life, only opportunity. if he pursues stability, jim should do some other job that may not be well-paid, but enhances his qualifications and makes him more ada

12、ptable to the ever-changing society. sticking to one job feeling contented is no less than career suicide.suggested judgment:3. carol is a promising lawyer aged 30. shes been working in a big law firm for the last 22 months. recently, along with many of her workmates, she finds herself affected by t

13、he “two-year itch”. sheseager to work in a smaller firm with less pressure than in her present working environment. the head of her firm has hinted at a 15% increase in salary and the prospect of promotion if she chooses to stay, but shes intent on leaving. the new employer has promised her an even

14、higher salary and a position as a department supervisor. it is unwise to change her job simply because of “two-year itch”. higher pay and better employment prospects may be temptations hard to resist, but job-hopping can severely hamper career growth as well as wealth creation in the long-term. afte

15、r all, it is unrealistic to expect a small law firm to provide better environment for professional development. besides, it is naive to believe everything the new employer has promised at the new position. some famous people once said: “never work just for money or for power. they wont save your sou

16、l or help you sleep at night.” it is myopic to prioritize money or power over learning. being a young lawyer, the best choice for carol is to stay in the same firm for more months, which will help her build a sound foundation.suggested judgment:4. david is a 26-year-old university graduate. in the l

17、ast four years he has tried five different jobs. being a political science major, he started his career in a government office as a junior clerk. he found the culture in a government office incompatible with his personality and quit. in the following years, he worked as a newspaper correspondent, a

18、tv program host, and a stock dealer. but he hasnt enjoyed these jobs. now he is at a loss for what to do with his present job as a salesman in an investment bank. the work is totally inflexible and he is driven at all hours of the day and night by the clients. another job change may be difficult. pe

19、ople may question his integrity and loyalty. david should quit the present job and try to find a more enjoyable one. it is a positive thing for people in their 20s to have different jobs. some psychologist says that we really dont know what well like until we try it. it is nearly impossible to find

20、something right without trying a bunch of options. after that, one will experience more personal growth from changing jobs frequently than staying in one job for extended periods of time. recruiters are well aware of that and not always associate changing jobs with ones integrity and loyalty.suggest

21、ed judgment:task 3read the following two pieces of parental advice on page 3 and discuss with your partner which one you would follow.whatever you decide to do with your life, make sure its something practical. you will want to be able to make a good living for yourself and your family.2. we dont ca

22、re what you set out to study; just make sure its something you enjoy.the first criterionfirst principlea secondary considerationliving expensespay billssound sensible / plausibleearn a good livinga balance between money and lovemake a compromise meet practical needsmake both ends meetat the expense

23、ofa good career prospect a waste of time and energyeven if as the saying goes, take into considerationmaintain a . standard of living word or phrases for your reference:job market in usthis years college graduates in us are faced with a hard test of job market . listen carefully to a report on the h

24、igh rate of unemployment for american youth this summer and do exercises:exercise directions: based on the report youve just heard, tell whether the following statements are true or false, make corrections if they are false. the unemployment rate of people at 20 to 42 age bracket in may was 14.7%, f

25、ive tenths percentage points lower than the national rate .correction: the unemployment rate of people at 20 to 24 age bracket in may was 14.7%, five percentage points higher than the national rate .2.according to nace, employment situation in 2007 was more optimistic, with more college graduates fi

26、nding jobs and with a higher starting pay than in this year.ft t3.taking an internship program is an effective way to catch public attention. correction: taking an internship program is an effective way to get noticed , and then a job. 4. job market predictions tells that in the next 8 years graduat

27、es with a degree in biomedical engineering are promising to secure a good job.5.sarah kramer found a job with a major it company in washington, after applying to about a hundred and fifteen jobs and going on fifty interviews. correction: sarah kramer found a job with a major consulting company in wa

28、shington, after applying to about a hundred and fifty jobs and going on fifteen interviews.ffttapescriptjob market an extra hard test for new college graduates 10 june 2010 this is the voa special english economics report. june means one more big test for many students finishing college - a test of

29、the job market. wish them luck. americans age twenty to twenty-four faced an unemployment rate in may of fourteen and seven-tenths percent. that was five percentage points higher than the national rate. this week, federal reserve chairman ben bernanke said his best guess is for a continued economic

30、recovery. but the central bank chief expects unemployment to remain high for some time because of slow job creation. so where does that leave this years graduates? tapescriptthe national association of colleges and employers says about one-fourth of those who applied for a job have found one. nace s

31、ays that is up a little from last year. but the number is down sharply from two thousand seven, the year before the financial crash. starting pay is also down. josh safran graduated from american university in washington with a business degree. he is still looking for a job. josh safran: once you ge

32、t noticed by a company, it gets a lot easier, but its so hard to get noticed because theres so many people looking for so few jobs. one way to get noticed is through an internship program, says reuben smith-vaughn, another graduate of american university. reuben smith-vaughn: i know i personally got

33、 my job that way. and the people that worked there before me got their jobs that way. so i think its a key when getting a job. internships may offer little or no money. some students even pay for them. but nace says ninety-two percent of the employers it asked had plans to hire interns this year. ta

34、pescriptthe occupational outlook handbook published by the labor department offers job market predictions through twenty eighteen. the highest growth is expected in biomedical engineering. twenty-two year old sarah kramer just got her degree in biomedical engineering from columbia university in new

35、york. she found a job with a major consulting company in washington. but her search was not easy. sarah kramer: i started in august before my senior year. and i set up appointments with career services. i applied to about a hundred and fifty jobs. i went on maybe fifteen interviews. ms. kramer says

36、many of her friends have not found jobs. many have chosen to go to graduate school instead. but she has suggestions for students entering their final year of college who want a job when they graduate. sarah kramer: well, advice for a rising senior is to start early. take advantage of your career ser

37、vices at your school as much as you can. and dont give up, and just keep applying to as many jobs as you can.” tapescriptjosh safran says he may have to do what a growing number of recent college graduates are doing. josh safran: “worst-case scenario, if i dont find a job by the end of august, i mov

38、e back with my parents. and thats the voa special english economics report, with reporting by mike defabo. im mario ritter. traits of the key players global understanding 2detailed information3critical thinking4language points5vocabulary in action6background information1watch a movie clip from “the

39、pursuit of happiness”, then work on the following questions:what do you think about chris gardner?1.would you hire chris gardner if you were the boss? chris: chris gardner. how are you? good morning. chris gardner. chris gardner. good to see you again. chris gardner. pleasure. chris: ive been sittin

40、g there for the last half-hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this. and i wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities that im sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence. team-playing, something. and i couldnt think of any

41、thing. so the truth is. i was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets. mr. twistle: parking tickets? chris: and i ran all the way here from the polk station, the police station. mr. frohm: what were you doing before you were arrested? chris: i was painting my apartment. mr. frohm: is it dry now?

42、 chris: i hope so. scriptmr. frohm: jay says youre pretty determinedmr. twistle : hes been waiting outside the front of the building.with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month. he said youre smart. chris: well, i like to think so. mr. frohm: and you want to learn this business? chris: yes, sir, i wan

43、na learn. mr. frohm: have you already started learning on your own? chris : absolutely. mr. frohm: jay?mr. twistle: yes, sir. mr. frohm: how many times have you seen chris? mr. twistle: i dont know. one too many, apparently. mr. frohm: was he ever dressed like this? mr. twistle: no. no. jacket and t

44、ie. mr. frohm: first in your class in school? high school? chris: yes, sir. mr. frohm: how many in the class? chris: twelve. it was a small town. mr. frohm: ill say. chris: but i was also first in my radar class in the navy, and that was a class of 20. chris: can i say something? im the type of pers

45、onif you ask me a question, and i dont know the answer. i m gonna tell you that i dont know. but i bet you what. i know how to find the answer, and i will find the answer. is that fair enough? mr. frohm: chris. what would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and i hired him

46、? what would you say? chris : he mustve had on some really nice pants. introduction paras. 1-3reading moreglobal understandingtraits of key players paras. 4-12question a: _?answer: “key player” refers to _.question b: _? answer: companies recruit their staff either by _, or _global understandingwhat

47、 does the term “key players” refer toa handful of staff you can counton in a given area of expertise to get the job done.how do companies recruit “key players”?hiring “key players” from another companyfrom “newbies” who seem to have the same traits as those top people.a. importance of the trait: acc

48、ording to john fetzer, _b. ways of developing the trait:a. _ _ . b. _. c. _ as a person who fosters and initiates collaborationsand make sure_.one cant succeed in an industry environmentwithout the mindset of being collaborative and selfless.working together with scientists from other labs and disci

49、plines in pursuit of a common goal.a liberal use of the pronoun “we” and not just “i”, when describing your accomplishmentsto develop a reputation inside your lab and with people yourlab collaborates withthis quality gets mentioned bythose who will take those reference phone calls.global understandi

50、ngimportance of the trait:according to don haut, _global understandingone way that companies win the competitionthat happens 24/7/365 is to get “there” faster. this trait is a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their own c

51、onviction. importance of the trait:a. _.supporting evidence:a. _.b. _.b. _.supporting evidence:_ _.b. what don haut says.being ok with risk is something that industry demands.quotation from one of the clients in a job description.what don haut says.failure is important because it shows you were not

52、afraid to take chances.companies consistently look for candidates who can be wrong and admit it.global understandingimportance of the trait:a._.supporting evidence:according to rick leach, _ b. it would be a mistake to assume that _ _.supporting evidence: _. for people in business roles, interperson

53、al abilities make the difference between success and failureworking for a business requires people skills.strong people skills arerequired only for business people.the key players who succeed in their workat the bench in industry environment in great measure depends on their ability to work with a b

54、road variety of personalities.global understandingtask 2choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (p. 12) key: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10detailed information b ad bdbc b b bcritical thinkingreading focusstep one the following short paragraphs are taken from the text.

55、 read each of them carefully and give your comments.1. “its teamwork,” says fetzer. “the business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive, so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out. you just cant succeed in industry without this mindset.”2. “for my organization, a candidate needs

56、to be comfortable discussing his or her failures, and he or she needs to have real failures, not something made up for interview day. if not, that person has not taken enough risk. ” says haut.reading focuscritical thinkingstep twodiscuss in groups the following questions.1. suppose you were a recru

57、iting manager, whom would you like to hire, “key players” from other companies or “newbies” who have just graduated from universities? give your reasons.2. according to the four traits of a “key player” that the author writes about, where would you like to work after graduation, in academia or indus

58、try? tell each other both the advantages and disadvantages of working in these two different environments.reading focuscritical thinking1.every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. (para. 1)staff (n.) the group of people who work for

59、an organization e.g. there is a good relationship between staff and pupils at the school.以以staff 做主語的句子,謂語動詞可以是單數,也可以用復數做主語的句子,謂語動詞可以是單數,也可以用復數 e.g. the staff has been cut by a quarter over the past year. the staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase.language point be on the staff of :

60、be a member of e.g. he is on the editorial staff of the new york times.staff (v.) provide with staffe.g. how may employees will it take to staff this resort? we have not enough money to staff all our schools.2. serve on the staff of e.g. most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.language point e


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