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1、會計學(xué)1bookunit練習(xí)課教程練習(xí)課教程組成組成分配分配澄清澄清法律法律; 合法合法便利便利, 方便方便吸引吸引, 吸引力吸引力收藏品收藏品建造建造觀光觀光, 游覽游覽快樂快樂, 高興高興consistdivideclarifylegalconvenienceattractioncollectionconstructsightseeingdelightWords 第1頁/共16頁1. 由由組成組成2. 把把分成分成3. 地理學(xué)的困惑地理學(xué)的困惑4. 闡明問題闡明問題5.提到提到, 涉及涉及6.脫離,掙脫脫離,掙脫7.一起工作一起工作8.為方便起見為方便起見9.藝術(shù)收藏藝術(shù)收藏10.代替代替

2、consist ofdivide intopuzzles in geographyclarify problemsrefer tobreak away (from)work togetherfor convenienceart collectionstake the place ofPhrases 第2頁/共16頁11.遺漏遺漏12. 使使高興得是高興得是13.為紀(jì)念為紀(jì)念14.為為感到震驚感到震驚15.似乎很奇怪似乎很奇怪16.一條假想線一條假想線17.離開去離開去leave outto ones delightin memory ofbe thrilled atit seemed stra

3、nge thatan imaginary lineleave for第3頁/共16頁一、單詞拼寫一、單詞拼寫1. I keep my reference books near my desk for _ (方便方便).2. She _(安排安排) all her business affairs before going on holiday.3. Its clear that her painting has been _(影響影響) by Picasso. 4. You will be informed when the book becomes _(有貨有貨, 可用到的可用到的).5.

4、Now our country has won a _ (輝煌輝煌) victory, but we still have a long way to go. convenience arranged influenced available splendid 第4頁/共16頁6. We have business _ (關(guān)系關(guān)系 ) with the company. 7. Watching football games is a great _ (吸引吸引) for me. 8. Children wearing school _(制服制服) look much smarter.9. Im

5、 d_ (高興高興) to hear of your success.10. This is a c_(收藏)收藏) of poems by poetsof the Tang dynasty, which I like very much.relations attraction uniforms elighted ollection 第5頁/共16頁二、單項選擇(語法)二、單項選擇(語法) 1. I have had my bike _, and Im going to have somebody _ my radio tomorrow.A. repair; to repair B. rep

6、airing; to be repairedC. repaired; repair D. to repair; repairing2. _ the room, the nurse found the tape recorder _.A. Entering; stealing B. Entering; stolenC. To have entered; being stolen D. Having entered; to be stolenCB第6頁/共16頁3. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back. A.

7、being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 4. Its quite safe to live here. We have never heard of people _ here. A. robbed B. be robbed C. rob D. being robbedDA第7頁/共16頁5. Entering the yard, I found it _ with lots of _ leaves. A. covering; falling B. covered; fallen C. covered; falling D. coveri

8、ng; fallen 6. The Group of Eight _ the eight richest countries in the world. A. Is consist of B. consists of C. consisting of D. be consist of BB第8頁/共16頁7. The next day, a whale was found _ on the shore. A. washed up B. to wash up C. washing up D. wash up 8. Something was wrong with my watch. I must

9、 have it _. A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired9. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them _ every night this week. A. to practise B. practised C. practise D. to be practicedD ADC 第9頁/共16頁10. It was so cold that they kept the fire _ all night. A. to burn B. burn C. b

10、urning D. burned11. I am going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _? A. to be buying B. to buy C. for buying D. boughtCB 第10頁/共16頁13. The incident _ took place last Monday. A. referred B. referring C. referred to D. referring to14. The tower clock was _ ten when I got home. A. h

11、itting B. beating C. striking D. knocking15. You cant imagine that a well-educated man _ treat his mother like that. A. can B. should C. might D. needC B C 第11頁/共16頁打碎打碎, 拆散拆散, (關(guān)系關(guān)系)破破裂裂突破突破; 闖入闖入 (機(jī)器機(jī)器)損壞損壞, 破壞破壞闖入闖入, 突然突然起來起來突然發(fā)生突然發(fā)生; 爆發(fā)爆發(fā)break down break in break intobreak out break up break thr

12、ough三、連線三、連線第12頁/共16頁break down break away from consist of for convenience make a list of take the place of to ones credit leave out refer to on show五、選詞填空五、選詞填空第13頁/共16頁1. Our golf club _ _150 members 2. Unfortunately, my old bike _ on my way to the interview.3. At some stage all children will _ _

13、their parents and become independent.4. Electric trains _ steam trains in England now.5. _, they always help each other and get on well with each other.consists ofbroke downbreak awayhas taken the place ofTo their creditfrom第14頁/共16頁6. Youve made a spelling mistake here; a letter “e” _. 7. The rule only _ special cases.8. Several famous paintings by Leonardo


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