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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!高一英語演講故事精彩范文 演講稿以發(fā)表看法,表達(dá)觀點(diǎn)為主,是為演講而事先預(yù)備好的文稿。在日常生活和工作中,可以利用到演講稿的場合越來越多,在寫之前,可以先參考范文,下面是我為大家整理的關(guān)于高一英語演講故事精彩范文,盼望對大家有所關(guān)心。 高一英語演講故事精彩范文1 as a student, we have studied for many years. during there years, we studychinese, english, science and so on. in this period, with the improvement

2、 of ourknowledge, we not only read the books in class but also read extracurricularafter school. in my opinion dream of the red chamber is the best book i haveread. in this book, the great author cao xueqin his view about love. he hadfirmly faith in what is the true love and try to tell us that ther

3、e aredifferent kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as truelove. in a dream, and under mythical circumstances, the main character of thenovel, jia baoyu, met the fairy disenchantment in the land of illusions. sheshowed him three registers each containing the names and the happenin

4、gs inlife of 12 girls in his clan. each girl represents a kind of love. from the stories which are unfolding in the novel, the reader should knowthe characteristics of the different kinds of love, and should be able todistinguish true love from the other kinds. true love is acceptance, committal, mu

5、tual and without any post conditions.the love between lin daiyu and jia baoyu is considered to be true love. justsaying or hearing i love you is not good enough because talk is cheap. action inmutual commitment is essential, as we can see in the novel. we always have dreams. whats ours dream? do you

6、 know what you exactlywant? and do you work hard for it. in this book, you can taste the feeling ofthe author about his strong will. in his words, you can find the charm ofchinese. it is not a book, but a precious deposits. you can get a lot from it.but unfortunately, the novel was never completed t

7、o such a state. on the otherhand, maybe, it is another kind of beauty of the book. if you have not read thisbook yet, just go and read it. you will love it. 高一英語演講故事精彩范文2 ato will remain steadfast in its support of this body. this we shall do inthe conviction that you will provide a great share of t

8、he wisdom, of thecourage, and the faith which can bring to this world lasting peace for allnations, and happineand well-being for all men. verdanai therefore decided that this occasion warranted my saying to yousome of the things that have been on the minds and hearts of my legislative andexecutive

9、associates, and on mine, for a great many months thoughts i hadoriginally planned to say primarily to the american people. nevertheless, i assure you that in our deliberations on that lovely islandwe sought to invoke those same great concepts of universal peace and humandignity which are so cleanly

10、etched in your charter. neither would it be ameasure of this great opportunity merely to recite, however hopefully, piousplatitudes. nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in aterrible accident on the ground. but weve never lost an astronaut in flight.weve never had a traged

11、y like this. and perhaps weve forgotten the courage ittook for the crew of the shuttle. but they, the challenger seven, were aware ofthe dangers, but overcame them and did their s brilliantly. we mourn sevenheroes: michael smith, dick scobee, judith resnik, ronald mcnair, ellisononizuka, gregory jar

12、vis, and christa mcauliffe. we mourn their loas a nationtogether. and i want to say something to the schoolchildren of who were watching thelive coverage of the shuttles take-off. i know its hard to understand, butsometimes painful things like this happen. its all part of the proceofexploration and

13、discovery. its all part of taking a chance and expanding manshorizons. the future doesnt belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave.the challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and well continue to followthem. well continue our quest in space. there will be more shuttle flights andmo

14、re shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers inspace. nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue. 高一英語演講故事精彩范文3 im glad to be here to share with you my definition of success. when we mentioned the success, the usual worldly criteria are wealth, fame,high soci

15、al status and something other like that. in reality, we cant deny tthese things in some way. but personally, i believe that succeis the realizationof people hopes and wishes. and to live with a high ideal is a successful life.it is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that make a man strong.

16、 so ibelieve that succeis ninety-nine percent mental attitude, it calls for lots ofpositive quality: effort, love, diligence, efficiency and so on. i think thesuccessful life always have these characters. if a person inherits his familysmillions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person

17、in materialterms, it just can be said that he has the smooth way of life, he is lucky insome way, but that is not the succe.unceasing effort is the price of success. nomatter what is the result, we always can get more from the process. what weshould do is that insisting on our goals or dreams and al

18、ways encourage. ourselves to challenge more, to hold the opportunities, never give up. itsounds like si-mp-le, but it is really hard to do. also the key points of thesuccess. relatively speaking, in our daily life, succewould be rather si-mp-le. forme, im standing here to take part in the speech com

19、petition is somehow alsosuccess. as im a easy to suffer from stage fright, i choose to hold thischance, my goal is my own character trainingto be more confident, to have morecourage to front such situation, i really do it, i have truly gained byparticipating, im success. what is success? im sure tha

20、t everyone has his own interpretation as i do.in the inspiring words of philips brooks:“ do not pray for tasks equal to yourpowers ,pray for powers equal to your tasks, then the doing of your work shallbe no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. so believe in our hopes ,believein ourselves. every o

21、ne can create the success. thank you! 高一英語演講故事精彩范文4 mother nature is an exquisite and complex life-system. its charm appears inthe trees, stream, soil, insects, moss and fungus, all the things on the earthin different shapes, which are interdependent. when you get close to nature,please remember, ea

22、ch tree, stone and species of animals here has livedharmoniously for hundreds, thousands or even millions of years. when we passaway, they will continue to live. they are the real masters, while we are justthe passer-by. however, the conduct we unconsciously do, such as picking,lumbering, tramping a

23、nd abusing can probably destroy the balance of their life.therefore, we must reduce our bad influence as much as possible. while you areenjoying the nature, do not forget please, the beauty of the lives also needs tobe concerned with and to be protected. each life on the earth has a long and touchin

24、g evolutionary story. from theorigin, the lives of the human being are equal to those of others; they both arethe composing parts of mother nature. nevertheless, for some inexplicablereasons, the human becomes the spirits of all creatures. of course, it is theresult of the evolution, but still we sh

25、ould be grateful to all our companionsin nature for the opportunity they offer. in spite of this, humans cannot live without earth. they live on the earth,drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; thegrains utilize the energy and so on. in a word, the human being ca

26、nnot livewithout nature, and mother nature makes us grow stronger. i do not like the word pet, but preferring the word animal instead. ihave been loving animal since i was just a little boy. when thinking of the petfashion, i always feel much annoyed. for the animals will be given a shackleand lose

27、their liberty if they become someones pets. their natural attributioncan be deprived, too. up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human have opened up toomuch and over developed nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites ofwealth. they destroy the balance of nature, however, they

28、 dont realize, theirown development and existence will be threatened. therefore, our sights shouldbe focused on nature and we should try to develop the concept of keeping humanand nature in unity. we should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and naturalemotion. to use the vivid exa

29、mple to wake up the conscience in peopleshearts. to love nature is to love our mankind. as the new generation who enter thenew century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it welland protect it. at last, we have the night to enjoy it. 高一英語演講故事精彩范文5 ladies and gentlemen ,thank

30、s for raising your attention .today ill giveyou a speech named “global citizenship begins at home. being received by many international organizations just like opec ,wto ,allof us get closer contact with other parts of the world ,so that we should notonly deal with the native citizenship well ,but also global one . no doubt “kyoto protocol is a model of assembling abilities all over theworld to administer and green-house gas pollution .its beyond the effort madeby politicians and environmentalists only ,and requires a


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