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1、川省成都市蓉城名校聯(lián)盟2020-2021學(xué)年高一英語上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考試題考試時間共120分鐘,滿分150分注意事項:1. 答題前,考生務(wù)必在答題卡上將自己的學(xué)校、姓名、班級、準考證號用0.5毫米黑色簽字 筆填寫清楚,考生考試條形碼由監(jiān)考老師粘貼在答題卡上的“條形碼粘貼處”。2選擇題使用2B鉛筆填涂在答題卡上對應(yīng)題目標號的位置上,如需改動,用橡皮擦擦干凈后 再填涂其它答案;非選擇題用0.5亳米黑色簽字筆在答題卡的對應(yīng)區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超岀答題區(qū) 域答題的答案無效;在草稿紙上、試卷上答題無效。3.考試結(jié)束后由監(jiān)考老師將答題卡收回。第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.

2、 5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題。從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳 選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱 讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。How does the man feel about the interview?A. Sat i sf i edB. Conf i dent.C. Unsure.2. V/here did the woman probably go?A. To the cinemaB To the schoolC To the park3. How does the man feel about his g

3、oing to work?A. It takes him too much time.B The d i stance i s so long.C He fee Is OKwith it.4. V/hat wi I I the speakers do next?A. Vi sit some 4S shopsB Fix their carC Vi sit some tour i st places5. How many clothes would the woman Iike to take for thi s travel?A. Quite a lot.B. Not too many.C Fe

4、w.第二節(jié)(共15小題,每小題1.5分,滿分22. 5分)聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選 項中選岀最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。ks5u 聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。6. When did the woman* s father ret ire?A. One year ago.B Eigh t mon ths ago.C Six mon ths ago.7. V/ha t does the woma ns fat her do now?A. An

5、EngIish teacherB. An editor.C A transIator聽下面一段對話,回答第8和第9兩個小題。8. V/hat i s the overcoat made of?A. Cotton.B. V/oo I.C. Leather.9. V/hat could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat?A. The colorB The sizeC The pr ice聽下面一段對話,回答第10至第12三個小題。10. V/hy does the woman regret going to Disney? 聽

6、下面一段獨白,回答第17至第20四個小題。A. It was not fun.B. She missed Johannas party.C. She missed her school.11.What wiI Ithe woman do on weekend?A. Ask Johanna to stay.B. CaI I Johannaand meether.C Give Johanna asurpr ise12. V/hat does the man ask the woman to do?A. Visit him.B Help him.C Ca I I him.聽下面一段對話,回答第13至

7、第16四個小題。13. Who has a carsickness (暈車)?A. The manB The woman* s brotherC The womans chi Id.14. V/here are the carsickness pills made in?A. GermanyB. Amer i ca.C. Ch i na15. Why i s the carsick boy still sleeping?A. He didnt sleep last nightB. He always keeps sIeeping v/hen he* s in a carC He took th

8、e wrong med i c i ne16. Whats the most possible relationship between the speakers?A. Fami Iy.B. Fr iends.C Passenger and conductor.17. V/hy i s the boy begging?A. Hes bI ind.B. Hes lazy.C Hes sick.18. What happened after the man changed the boy* s sign?A. More peopIe laughed at the boy.B. More peopI

9、e gave money to the boy.C More peopIe ta Iked about the sign.*19. V/hat d i d the man wr i te on the s i gn?A. Its true He needs helpB. Three days to seeC Today i s a beautiful day. but I cannot see it.20. How i s the second sign compared to the first one?A. More negative.B More effect i veC More su

10、rpr i s ing.第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)ks5u閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡 上將該項涂黑。AMar ia Rogers123 Main StreetFairfax. Virgnia 22222(703) 555-5555Education:Praha 5 Gymnas i um. May 2011-May 2013J. E. B. Stuart Transitional High School. June 2015-May 2016Exper ience:Cashier.

11、McDonaId1s, June 2014-May 2015.Took customer orders, handled customer comp I aints (投訴).mopped floorsCaregiver. McDanieIs family. June 2015-May 2018.Took care o ft hree chi Idren. ages I t o 7, prepared I unch a nd dinner, drove chi I dren to school. organized chi Idrens activities.Caregiver. Smith

12、fami ly. June 2018-preserrt4Takes care of twins babies, prepares meaIs and feeds chiIdren. cleans and organizes house, takes chiIdren to activities I ike music classReferences:Jose Mendez, McDonalds Manager. 703-111-1111.Jane McDaniels, employer 571-555-5555Nancy Smith, employer 301-555-5555Leona Ri

13、ley1234 Red Oak DriveFlint. MD 64000Home: 404-555-5555Cell: 404-555-5556Emai I: Leona Reiley frontfocus. Com0bjectiveTo obtain a waitress posit ion in the Food and Beverage Industry.Qua I ifications SummaryExtensive knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer service, and so on.Wide

14、 knowledge of pr i nciples and methods for showing, promoting, and sei ling products or servicesEducationMary I and Customer Serv i ce Academy. Ba Itimore, MDAssociates Degree (July 2015), 404-554-4556Work ExperienceWaitress: June 2016-Present, RoyaI Oak Restaurant Fl int. MDResponsibi I i t ies inc

15、lude: Checking customers ident if icat ion to ensure that they meet minimum age requi rements for consumption of a I coho Ii c beverages, check ing with customers to ensure that they are enjoying thei r meals and so on.Waitress: May 2013-May 2016, Chez Fayette. Fl int, MDResponsibilities incIuded: C

16、ollecting payments from customerst writing food orders on order slipsPrepared hot. cold, and mixed drinks for patronsDescr ibed and recommended wines to customersReferences avaiI able upon request.2*1 Where d i d Roger work i n 2016?A. In McDonaIds.B. In Smith familyC. In McDanieIs famiIyD. In Chez

17、Fayette, Flint, MD.22. Wh i ch wi I I Roger s pot ent ia I emp I oyer cal I to know abo ut her prese rrt work situation?A. 301-555-5555. B. 571-555-5555. C. 703-111-1111. D. 404-555-5556.23. What does Riley do now?A. Shes a caregiver B. She* s a cashier C She* s a teacher D. Shesa waitressBHave you

18、wondered what your pets are feel ing? V/hen your dog wags (來回搖擺)its tail, does that mean it is happy? A new app cal led Happy Pets can tel I you v/hats going on.The app uses artificial intel I igence (Al) to analyze the facial expressions of cats and dogs The n it can te I I you wha t breed (品種)your

19、 pet is and how it is feel ing It can show the five most common feelings-happy, angry neutral. sad and scaredResearchers at the University of Melbourne in Austral ia developed the app The key t ech no logy used i n the app i s fac i a I recogn iti on, a comm on use of A I. We can un I ock our mob iI

20、e phones or enter tra i n stations with facia I recogn it ion readers But t h i s i s the f i rst time that the tech has been used with animalsThe app* s AT was firs t t augh t to recog nize a pic ture of an anima I. Then, it was taught to recognize the facial features of cats and dogs Next came the

21、 most important st ep-teaching it to detect (察覺)em otions based on cer tain facial fea tures For instance. if a dog tightens up its eyes and mouth while changing the position of its ears, t his means the dog i s scared To mas ter t his skill, the AT program saw” and read thousands of examp Ie images

22、How accurate are the resuIts? The researchers think they are trustworthy since the app has been tested many ti mes I nteresti ng I y. they have found that cats are harder to read t han dogs In the fut ure. the app migh t also be able to ana I yze a pets body to make its readings more accurate.24. V/

23、hat i s the app Happy Pets used to do?A. To make pets happy.B. To tel I us how the pets are feel ingC. To recognize an animal * s pictureD. To unlock our mobiIe phones.25. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A. What emotions the app can recognizeB What certain facial features mean.C How peopIe u

24、se the appD. How the apps Al was trained26. What can we i nfer about the app Happy Pets?A. It has been used with animals for a long time.B It works harder on dogsthan cats.C. It uses facial recogn it ion tech no logy.D It can analyze a pe tsbody 27. What is the purpose of the author to write the pas

25、sage?A. Show how to make animals happy.B Introduce a study on animalsC Show how to pI ay with anima IsD Introduce a new appCShoppers around the worId are crazy buying because of fears over the coronavi rus (新型冠狀病毒).which caused a cr iticaI plague in China and even other countries at the beg inning o

26、f 2020. PeopIe in countr ies such as England. Japan. Singapore and Austral ia have been emptying supermarket shelves of toi let paper, face masks, hand wash products and dr ied and canned food Photos and videos of shoppers in Austral ia quarrel ing over the last pack of toilet rol I in a supermarket

27、 have spread across socia I media sv/iftly.However, governments have advi sed thei r citizens that there is no need to panic buy They added that panic buying would only reduce the supply of products needed by pat i ents and med i ca I staff, wh i ch cou I d exacerbate the prob I ems the COVID-19 v i

28、 rus i s causing Singapore* s pr ime minister comforted Singaporeans that: nWe have enough suppIies Theres no need to stock up. H A week after the panic buying fever, things have ca I med dow n and shoppers have gone back to purchasing it ems in norma I qua nti ties Psycho log is ts say panic buying

29、 i s an unwise” behaviour that is par t of a cond i tion called FOMO the fear of miss ing out. Dr. Kat har ina Wit tgens sa id a herd men ta I i ty (從 眾心理)sets in dur ing disasters that causes people to copy the act ions of othersPeopIe watch the news of items being bought in quantity and immediatel

30、y rush out tothe st ores to do the same.She said people were t aking on too much the r i sks of dyingfrom the coronavirus Shesaid: Far more people die in car accidents or householdaccidents per year but wedont panic about these things in the morning before wegoto work”28.V/hat i s thereason for shop

31、pers in different countr ies crazy buying?A.The approachof 2020 New Years Day.B.The shortageof resources and supplies in thei r nations.C.The d i scountfrom supermarkets.D.The i r concern about the v i rus.29.V/hat does the word nexacerbate” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.releaseB. worsenC. solveD q

32、uicken30.A.Peoplethink no one needs the supplies.B.Peopledo not be Iieve what others said.C.Peopletend to follow others* actions in the period of disaster.D.Peopleare wi ser in mak ing deci sions.31.V/ha t can we I earn from the I as t paragraph?A.People should not panic over the vi rus.B.PeopIe wan

33、t to do something different from others.C.People buy little when they go to the stores.D.More peopIe die from car accidents.Mankind* s most famous eye in the sky turned 30 this year, taking a beautifuIimage of space clouds to celebrate.The Hubble Space Telescope. known to most simply as nHubble, was

34、 sent into spaceon Apr i I 24. 1990 The tel escope, one of our best space exploration tools. uses alarge mi rror to col lect I ight and di rect it into a pov/erful digital camera This al lowsit to see par ts of outer space tha t are I oca ted 10 to 15 billion I igh t-years away.Each year on its bi r

35、thday, the telescope takes a new image to celebrate. On itsV/hat caused this behavior according to expert?30 bi rthday. Hubble took an image titled Cosmic Reef The picture shows two big clouds of cosmic dust and gas: the giarrt red nebula NGC 2014 and a smaI ler blue nebula called NGC 2020, accordin

36、g to Space. The title of the image comes from NGC 2014s appearance, as it looks I ike a large reef of red coraI.Hubble has made many important discoveries over the last 30 years For example, the t el escope helped us discover four of Plutos five moons This discovery made it possible to p I an a miss

37、ion for the New Hor i zons probe, which took never-before-seen images of Pluto in 2015 The tel escope has a I so taken photos of pulsating stars The regular pulses of I i gh t tha t come from t hese st ars allow us to calcula te the age ofthe universe, wh i ch i s currently be Ii eved to be 13.7 bil

38、lion years oldBut Hubbles work is not done yet. It is expected to continue working through the 2020s. when it will be joined by its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, according to CNET32. V/hat i s the text mainly about?A. How the Hubble Space Telescope worksB. The Hubble tel escopes 30th an

39、niversary.C How the Hubble Space Telescope has helped us explore space.D. Hov/ sc i ent i sts chose the fo I I ower of the Hubb I e te I escope33. V/hat can we learn from the passage about the Hubble Space Telescope?A. It was the best space exploration tool.B. It was designed to be in service for ab

40、out 40 yearsC It can see the whole outer spaceD. The James V/ebb Space Telescope wi 11 take place of it soon.34. How i s the tel escope * s birthday celebrated each year?A.By tit Iing a new space picture.B.By naming a new nebuI a.C.By taking a new image of space.D.By taking a new image of itseIf.35.

41、V/here is the passage most likelytobefound?A.A magazine.B. A nove I.C.report.D. An advertisement第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。ks5uEverybody yawns (打哈欠)-from unborn babies to great-grandparents. But why. exactly. do we yawn?36One t heory i s that when we are bored or t

42、 ired, we jus t dont breathe as deeply as we usua I ly do.37Therefore, yawn ing he I ps us br ing more oxygen into the b Ioodand move more carbon dioxide out of the bIood.Yaw ning. then, would be an involun tary ref lex (some thing we cant rea I I y con trol) to help us contro I our oxygen and carbo

43、n dioxide I eve I s. Sounds good, but ot her stud i es have shown that breathing more oxygen does not make us yawn less37Hmmm. Nowwhat?39Stretching and yawning may be a v/ay to flex muscles and joints. increase heart rate, and fee I more awakeOt her people be I ieve that yaw ning i s a pro tective r

44、eflex to redis tribu te (重新 分酉己)the oilTike subs tance called surfacta rvt (say: sur-FAK-tint) tha t helps keep lungs from drying up and caving in. So. if we didnt yawn, according to this theory, taking a deep breath would become harder and harder-and that wouId not be good!But there is one idea abo

45、ut yawning that everyone knows to be true: 40 If you yawn in class. you I I probably not i ce a few ot her people will start yaw ning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning. How many times have you yawned whi Ie reading this articIe? We hope not many!A. This theory indicates yawning,

46、I ike a deep breath. helps us fee I freshB. Another theory is that yawning stretches the lung and lung tissueC No one knows for sure, but there are many theor iesD. Yawning seems to be common.E It seems to spreadF. Ast his theory goes, our bodies take in less oxygen because our brea thing has s lowe

47、d G Likewise, breathing more carbon dioxide does not increase yawning.第三部分語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選岀可以填入空白處的 11最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Ten years ago, I set out to examine Iuck I wanted to know why some people are 41in the r i ght pI ace at the r i ght t im

48、e. while others cons i stent Iy exper i enced iI I fortune. I placed42in national newspapers asking for peopIe who felt cons istent Iy lucky43unlucky to contact me.Hundreds of extraord i nary men and women vo I unteered for my 44 Over the yearsI interviewed them, watched thei r Ii ves and had them 4

49、5var ious exper iments.I car r i ed out a s imp I e46to d i scover whether the i r d i fferences i n47was due to differences in thei r abi I ity to48opportunit ies I gave both lucky and uniucky peopIe a newspaper, and asked them to look49it and tel I me how many photo graphs were inside I had 0place

50、d a large message ha I f way t hrough the newspaper saying- Tel I the exper imenter you have seen this and win $ 50.Thi s 51 took up half of the page and was wr itten in type that was more than two i nches high It v/as st ar i ng everyone st raigh t in the face, but the unlucky people tended to2it a

51、nd the lucky people tended to spot it.Uniucky people are generally more 53 than lucky people, and this anxiety affects t heir abi I ity to notice the 54 As a result, t hey fa i I to t ake opportun ities because they are too55on looking for something else They look through newspapers56 to find certai

52、n types of job advertisements and miss57 types of jobsLucky people are more58and open, and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are Iooking for My research eventually showed that lucky people crea te good for tune via four59 They are skilled at60and noti ci ng chance opportunities.

53、 make lucky deci sions by I i stening to thei r intuition (直覺).create self-fulfi I Iing prophesies (預(yù)言)via positive expectations. and adopt a never say die attitude that transforms bad luck into good41. A.somet imesB. neverC. alwaysD.seldom42. A.speechesB. noti cesC reportsD news43. A.orB.andC. butD

54、. either44. A.gameB. adventureC. compet i t i onD. research45.A. look intoB. learn aboutC participateinD. carry46.A. observationB. d i scuss i onC con testD. exper iment47.A. attitudeB. I uckC.I ifestyleD.manner48.A. shareB. createCspotD predict49.A. afterB. overC. atD. through50.A. carelesslyB. hes

55、itantlyC secretlyD. excitedly51 A. advert i semervtB messageC researchD. i ntroduct i on52.A. rememberB. mi ssCuseD misunderstand53.A. nervousB. happyC.confusedD pitiful54.A. unexpectedB. dangerousC importantD. difficult55.A. relaxedB. strictC dependerrtD.focused56.A. conf identB. creativeC. determi

56、nedD. upset57.A. otherB. the otherC othersD another58.A. dependentB. hardwork ingC anx i ousD. re I axed59.A. principlesB. a imsC preferencesD. steps60.A. ignoringB. creatingC. takingD.adopting第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題15分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。Our locaI Community Youth Club is 61 very popular organization with young people in my town. As a member, in the past four years I 62 (take) part in a lot of interesting projects 63(include) activities su


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