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1、會計(jì)學(xué)1九年級上英語九年級上英語第1頁/共55頁Listen to a song Its my life.第2頁/共55頁Do you know this song?Will you want to dance when you listen to it?Whats your favorite music?What kind of music do you like?第3頁/共55頁I prefer music that has great lyrics.第4頁/共55頁I love music that I can sing along with.第5頁/共55頁I like music t

2、hat isnt too loud.light music第6頁/共55頁I like music that I can dance to. 第7頁/共55頁 I like music that _. classical musicquiet and gentle第8頁/共55頁rock musicloud and energetic第9頁/共55頁1b 1b Listen and check () the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic t

3、hat I can sing along withTonyBetty第10頁/共55頁Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What kind of music does Tony like? Tony likes music that has great lyrics and he can sing along with.Betty likes music that she can dance to, and she can sing along with.2. What kind of music does Betty like? 第11頁/共

4、55頁Tony: Hi, Betty, what kind of music do you like? Betty: I like music that _ and _. What about you, Tony?Tony: Oh, I like music that _and _. Listen and finish the blanks. What kind of music do Tony and Betty like? has great lyricsI can sing along with, tooI can sing along withI can dance to第12頁/共5

5、5頁Make sentences with I like music that , I love music that , I prefer music that 第13頁/共55頁I like / love / prefer music that 第14頁/共55頁Talk about the music, movies or books that you like. A: What kind of do you like? B: I like that I What about you? A: I prefer that 第15頁/共55頁B: I like movies that are

6、 exciting / funny / scary An exampleAn exampleA: What kind of movie do you like best?第16頁/共55頁action moviescience fiction filmcomedy第17頁/共55頁2a2a Listen and circle T (for true) or F (for false).1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 2. Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Der

7、vish.3. Carmen likes electronic music thats loud.4. Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs.FTTTFFFT第18頁/共55頁2b2b Listen again and complete the sentences.Carmen says1. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians _.2. The Modern are really great. I love electronic music _.Xu Feisays3. I

8、like musicians _.4. I think The Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups _.thats loud who write their own songsthat play quiet and slow songs who play different kinds of music第19頁/共55頁Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.A: Does Xu Fei like The Modern?B: No, he doesnt. He prefers 第20頁/

9、共55頁A: Do you like ?B: No. I prefer What about you?EXOTFboys第21頁/共55頁A: Do you like ?B: No. I prefer What about you?Gao YuanyuanYang Mi第22頁/共55頁A: Do you like ?B: No. I prefer What about you?Zhou XingchiFeng Xiaogang第23頁/共55頁2d2d Read and answer the questions.1.What does Scott plan to do this weeken

10、d?2.Why does Scott like listening to smooth music?3.What is Jill going to do this weekend? He plans to listen to the new CD he bought. Because he thinks smooth music can relax his mind after a long week at work. He is going to watch a movie. 第24頁/共55頁Read after the tape and then role-play the conver

11、sation.第25頁/共55頁A: Do you like ?B: No. I prefer 第26頁/共55頁A: Do you like ?B: No. I prefer 第27頁/共55頁Enjoy a song.第28頁/共55頁1. I prefer music that has great lyrics. prefer v. 更喜歡,更喜愛更喜歡,更喜愛 (相當(dāng)于相當(dāng)于like . better) 1) prefer sth. 更喜歡更喜歡 I prefer action movies. 我更喜歡動(dòng)作片。我更喜歡動(dòng)作片。2) prefer doing / to do sth. 更

12、喜歡做某事更喜歡做某事 I prefer watching / to watch TV at home. 我更喜歡在家看電視。我更喜歡在家看電視。Language Points第29頁/共55頁3) prefer sb. to do sth. 寧愿某人做寧愿某人做 My mother prefers me to stay with her a little longer. 我媽媽更喜歡我和她多呆一會兒。我媽媽更喜歡我和她多呆一會兒。4) prefer sth. to sth. 比起比起更喜歡更喜歡 She prefers cats to dogs. 比起狗來她更喜歡貓。比起狗來她更喜歡貓。第3

13、0頁/共55頁5) prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 喜歡做喜歡做而不而不喜歡做喜歡做;寧愿做;寧愿做而不愿做而不愿做 Mary prefers dancing to singing. 瑪麗喜歡跳舞勝過喜歡唱歌?,旣愊矚g跳舞勝過喜歡唱歌。 They prefer to stay at home rather than go out with their parents. 他們寧愿呆在家里,不愿和父母出去。他們寧愿呆在家里,不愿和父母出去。第31頁/共55頁I prefer _ a sm

14、all gift _ has some thought behind it rather than get some money. A. to receive;what B. receiving;what C. to receive; that D. receiving; who解析:解析:prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意意為為“寧愿做某事而不愿做某事寧愿做某事而不愿做某事 ” ”,第一個(gè)空,第一個(gè)空填填to receive或或receiving;第二個(gè)空考查定語從;第二個(gè)空考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,句中先行詞為句的引導(dǎo)詞,句中先行詞為gift(指某物

15、指某物),關(guān),關(guān)系代詞可用系代詞可用that或或 which。故選。故選C。第32頁/共55頁- What a heavy rain!- So it is. I prefer _ at home _ on such a rainy day. (2009年年江江 蘇揚(yáng)州蘇揚(yáng)州) A. watch TV; to go out B. watch TV; go out C. watching TV; to going out D. to watch TV; going out解析:表示解析:表示“喜歡做喜歡做而不喜歡做而不喜歡做”用用prefer doing sth. to doing sth.,故選

16、,故選C。第33頁/共55頁- I prefer sports shows _ soap operas. What about you?- Me, too. (2011貴州貴陽貴州貴陽) A. to B. than C. at解析:根據(jù)句意:與肥皂劇相比較,解析:根據(jù)句意:與肥皂劇相比較,我更喜歡體育節(jié)目,你呢?我也是。我更喜歡體育節(jié)目,你呢?我也是。這里考查的是:這里考查的是:prefer . to “與與相比較,更喜歡相比較,更喜歡”。故選故選A。第34頁/共55頁Some students prefer chatting with their friends on the Interne

17、t to _ (do) their homework at weekends 解析:短語解析:短語prefer doing to doing表示表示“與做與做相比,更喜歡做相比,更喜歡做”。其中的其中的to是介詞,因而后加動(dòng)名詞是介詞,因而后加動(dòng)名詞doing。 答案:答案:doing 第35頁/共55頁2. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD suppose v. 推斷;料想推斷;料想 As shes not here, I suppose she must have gone home. 因?yàn)樗辉谶@兒,所以我猜想她一定已經(jīng)因?yàn)樗辉谶@兒,所以

18、我猜想她一定已經(jīng)回家了?;丶伊恕 dont suppose youre serious, are you? 我想你并不是當(dāng)真的,對嗎?我想你并不是當(dāng)真的,對嗎?I never supposed him a hero. 我從未把他想象成英雄。我從未把他想象成英雄。第36頁/共55頁【2009年湖北宜昌市中考年湖北宜昌市中考】 - I never thought she would _ my invitation to the concert.- She would feel sorry for missing the concert someday.A. refuse B. supposeC.

19、 return D. remind【2009年湖北武漢市中考年湖北武漢市中考】 - Is Kate serious? - I _. She never means it. A. suppose B. agree C. believe D. wonder AD第37頁/共55頁 be supposed to do 應(yīng)該做應(yīng)該做Is he supposed to clean the outside of the window? 他應(yīng)該把窗戶外面擦干凈嗎?他應(yīng)該把窗戶外面擦干凈嗎?知識拓展知識拓展第38頁/共55頁根據(jù)句意,用括號中所給單詞的正確形式根據(jù)句意,用括號中所給單詞的正確形式填空,每空一詞

20、。填空,每空一詞。All of the students are _ (suppose) to hand in their homework on time.supposed第39頁/共55頁3. smooth music smooth adj. 平滑的;悅耳的平滑的;悅耳的Her skin is as smooth as silk. 她的皮膚像絲綢一樣光滑。她的皮膚像絲綢一樣光滑。Our path in life will not always be smooth. 我們?nèi)松牡缆凡粫偸瞧教沟?。我們?nèi)松牡缆凡粫偸瞧教沟摹he has the most beautiful blue e

21、yes and a voice as smooth as silk. 她有著美麗的藍(lán)色眼睛和十分悅耳的嗓音。她有著美麗的藍(lán)色眼睛和十分悅耳的嗓音。第40頁/共55頁 smooth v.使光滑;消除;安慰;理順使光滑;消除;安慰;理順(羽羽毛毛)She smoothed her dress with an iron. 她用熨斗熨平了衣服。她用熨斗熨平了衣服。Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry. 她溫柔的神情似乎消除了他的憂慮。她溫柔的神情似乎消除了他的憂慮。What can we do to smooth his hurt feeli

22、ngs down? 我們能做點(diǎn)什么來安撫他受傷的感情呢?我們能做點(diǎn)什么來安撫他受傷的感情呢?知識拓展知識拓展第41頁/共55頁4. Well, if you have spare time, spare adj. 空閑的;不用的空閑的;不用的What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在閑暇時(shí)喜歡做什么?你在閑暇時(shí)喜歡做什么?Please stay with us. We have a spare room for you. 請住下吧,我們有一個(gè)空房間給你住。請住下吧,我們有一個(gè)空房間給你住。I have no spare money. 我沒有余錢。

23、我沒有余錢。第42頁/共55頁【 2010 湖北省武漢市中考湖北省武漢市中考】 - Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, right? - Im afraid $25, sir, for drinks are _. A. extra B. free C. high D. spare【解析解析】句意:句意:-服務(wù)員,晚餐服務(wù)員,晚餐20美元,對美元,對嗎嗎?-恐怕是恐怕是25美元,因?yàn)轱嬃鲜橇硗馐召M(fèi)美元,因?yàn)轱嬃鲜橇硗馐召M(fèi)的。從句意上看,多出了的。從句意上看,多出了5美元,所以應(yīng)當(dāng)美元,所以應(yīng)當(dāng)用形容詞用形容詞extra,表示為,表示為“另外收費(fèi)的另外收費(fèi)的”,其他選項(xiàng)不符合題意,故

24、答案為其他選項(xiàng)不符合題意,故答案為A。 A第43頁/共55頁根據(jù)所給漢語和句子意思,用英語補(bǔ)全句子。根據(jù)所給漢語和句子意思,用英語補(bǔ)全句子。1)We have _(更多的空(更多的空余時(shí)間)余時(shí)間)for our hobbies now.2)ORBIS醫(yī)生們幾乎沒有空閑時(shí)間與家人團(tuán)醫(yī)生們幾乎沒有空閑時(shí)間與家人團(tuán)聚。聚。 ORBIS doctors _ have any _ to get together with their families. more spare timehardlyspare / free time第44頁/共55頁 spare v. 抽出;饒?。簧饷?;節(jié)約抽出;饒?。簧?/p>

25、免;節(jié)約Thank you very, very much for sparing your valuable time. 十分感謝你們能抽出寶貴的時(shí)間。十分感謝你們能抽出寶貴的時(shí)間。This medicine can spare you from pain. 這種藥能夠止痛。這種藥能夠止痛。I answered the letter myself in order to spare you the trouble. 為了給你省事,我自己回了信。為了給你省事,我自己回了信。知識拓展知識拓展第45頁/共55頁【2011無錫無錫】- Will you please help me to repai

26、r the computer now?- Sorry. Im too busy and I havent a minute to _.A. spare B. share C. spend D. save【解析解析】根據(jù)根據(jù)Sorry可猜測答語意為可猜測答語意為“很抱很抱歉,我太忙了,就連一分鐘時(shí)間都騰不出歉,我太忙了,就連一分鐘時(shí)間都騰不出來。來?!保蚀鸢高x,故答案選A,意為,意為“分出分出; 騰出騰出”。A第46頁/共55頁5. Oh, in that case, in that case 若是那樣的話若是那樣的話In that case, we wont wait any longer.

27、 如果那樣的話,我們就不再等了。如果那樣的話,我們就不再等了。He is said to be not at home. In that case, we shall not go there. 據(jù)說他不在家,那樣的話我們就不去了。據(jù)說他不在家,那樣的話我們就不去了。第47頁/共55頁 case n. 情況;實(shí)情;箱子情況;實(shí)情;箱子His accident is a case of drunk driving. 他這次事故是醉酒開車的一個(gè)例子。他這次事故是醉酒開車的一個(gè)例子。If thats the case, youll have to work harder. 如果真是那樣,你得更加努力

28、工作才行。如果真是那樣,你得更加努力工作才行。The waiter will carry your cases up to your room. 服務(wù)生會把您的箱子送到您的房間里去。服務(wù)生會把您的箱子送到您的房間里去。第48頁/共55頁in most cases 在大多數(shù)情況下在大多數(shù)情況下in sb.s case 就某人的情況就某人的情況in any case 無論如何,不管怎樣無論如何,不管怎樣in case 假使;免得,以防假使;免得,以防in case of 萬一萬一/ 如果如果/防備防備in no case 決不決不in this case 既然這樣既然這樣in the case of 就就來說來說知識拓展知識拓展第49頁/共55頁情景對話情景對話A: 1) _ kind of music do you like? B: I like music 2) _ _ I can sing along 3) _ . What about you? prefer, that, what, who, with, hasWhatthatwith第50頁/共55頁A


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