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1、Sandstorms in Asia(外研版高中英語必修3第4模塊)姓名彭靜單位西鄉(xiāng)二中課型閱讀課課時第2課時教學對象高一(6)班是否采用多媒體是一、教材分析 本模塊主題是“Sandstorms in Asia”, 亞洲的沙塵暴。沙塵所挾帶的污染物和有毒重金屬,對環(huán)境和人體健康造成影響。沙塵暴轉趨頻繁,是全球自然災害日增大趨勢的一部分。根據(jù)估計,沙塵暴每年造成的綜合經(jīng)濟損失可達65億美元。READING AND VOCABULARY合并為第二課時“閱讀課”。課文“Sandstorms in Asia”屬說明文體,介紹了沙塵暴的特點、世界沙塵暴重災區(qū)和中國面臨的沙塵暴和荒漠化問題。對于閱讀課如何

2、上,師生各有己見。但閱讀的目的就是培養(yǎng)閱讀策略,培養(yǎng)語感,特別是培養(yǎng)學生在閱讀的過程中獲取和處理信息的能力。在這個過程中教師起著鼓勵,啟發(fā),引導,幫助,監(jiān)控,參與,反饋與評價的作用二、學情分析我所帶的學生英語基礎較差,在閱讀的基本能力方面學生的猜詞義,推理判斷能力較差?;诖嗽谟邢薜恼n堂教學中,著重培養(yǎng)這方面能力和給予學生啟發(fā)和思考是教師的第一要務。 本節(jié)課vocabulary為其內容之一,活動2,3均為詞義理解的練習,但學生多習慣于學之前先學習詞匯,這也是降低閱讀難度的策略,但學生會減少在文中根據(jù)語境理解詞義的機會,為此可以把這兩個活動改為通過語境加深理解詞義,掌握運用生詞的活動。課前預習,

3、課中檢查核對,暴露學生理解中的問題,指導學生提高理解能力。三、教學資源與策略本節(jié)課除外研版必修3教材、錄音資料外,還借鑒了英語周報、優(yōu)化探究和金色教案中的一些好的方面,同時也通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)搜索了有關沙塵暴的一些資料和圖片。主要采用的教學策略有: 任務型閱讀教學法和交際式教學法。四、教學目標1.Knowledge:Learn the follow words and phases: mass,campaig,dune,desertification,process,citizen,dust,forecast,strength,cycle,mask,be caught in, a terrible e

4、xperience, in desert areas, in recent years, as a result of, cut down trees and dig up grass. 2.Skills:Train students ability of summarizing.Train students ability of understanding the vocabulary by learning in the real context.Understand the text and the logic links and then get the information to

5、answer the questions.3.Cultural consciousness and feelings:Learn the situation of the world environmental protection and strengthen their realization.五、教學重難點【教學重點】1. Make students learn the language points by teachers questions and students thinking and apply the points by comparing and practice, th

6、us the students finish their self-learning. 2. Learn the structure by understanding the profile of each paragraph. 3. Learn to find and deal with the information in reading to improve students abilities of analyzing and solving problems.【教學難點】1. Analyse and deal with the text and finish the activiti

7、es with the expressions they learnt. 2. Make students have a habit of self-learning.六、教學過程教學環(huán)節(jié)教師活動學生活動設計意圖Step OneLeading-inPlease look at the photo on the screen. What is it? Yes, it is sandstorms.Now do you want to know more about sandstorms in our country? Please turn to page 32.1.Apprreciate the

8、se pictures 2. Discuss some questions通過圖片的展示讓學生感受沙塵暴,并試著用恰當?shù)男稳菰~來描繪沙塵暴,說出沙塵暴最嚴重的地方,引出課題- Sandstorms in Asia.Step TwoPre-readingRead the title “Sandstorms in Asia”, ask students to suppose what the article will talk about.Discuss and predict the topic actively in groups.通過討論猜測的形式鍛煉學生的積極思考的習慣,在此基礎上閱讀下文

9、會更有目的性。Step ThreeWhile-reading1. Read and answer the reading comprehension questions according to the text.Part1.Choose the correct answer.1. A mass campaign has been started to help solve the problem of _.A. sandstorm B. desert C. water shortage D. high temperature2. The four main places in the wor

10、ld where there are sandstorms are _. A. North Asia, South America, Central Africa and Australia B. Central Asia, America, Central Africa and Australia C. North Europe, Central America, West Africa and Australia D. Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia 3. To prevent _ coming neare

11、r, the government is planting trees. A. sandstorms B. strong winds C. the desert D. bad weather4. Why did Ren Jianbo think he was going to disappear under the sand?A. Because he was buried in a duneB. Because he was frightened by the sandstorm.C. Because he was blown away.D. Because he was a child.5

12、. What is the situation of sandstorms in China now?A. Sandstorms in China begin.B. Sandstorms in China appear in recent years.C. Sandstorms in China begin to increase.D. Sandstorms in China seem to have increased in recent years.Part2. Listen to the text carefully and decide how many parts this arti

13、cle can be divided into.Part I (para.1):Part II (para.2-5):Part (para.6):Read the text quickly to find the main idea and important information. Then choose the correct answer.Pay attention to the detailed information.Listen to the text carefully once again to decide how many parts this article can b

14、e divided into.1.訓練學生能在短時間內有效地提取信息,完成相應的閱讀任務。2.注意細節(jié)性信息,準確理解文意。3.培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀速度與閱讀技巧,形成良好的閱讀習慣。通過聽錄音一方面培養(yǎng)了學生的聽力;另一方面進一步加深了學生對課文內容的整體理解和掌握,形成對文章框架的正確認知,從而增強閱讀能力和語篇分析能力。Step FourPostreadingComplete the article with one word in each blankA sandstorm is a major _1_ for many Asian countries. Being strong, dry

15、winds carrying _2_. Sandstorms are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes _3_ enough to move sand dunes. The four main places in the world where sandstorms _4_ found are Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia. Northwest _5_ is part of the sandstorm c

16、enter in Central Asia. Sandstorms sometimes come to Beijing. Citizens _6_ up to an orange sky and strong winds. The storms sometimes go on all _7_ and traffic becomes very slowly.The Chinese Central Weather Station is _8_ to forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but its stren

17、gth _9_ terrifies people. The desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of _10_. To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.According to the text, put appropriate words in the blanks.通過給短文填空的形式進行課文的復述,一方面降低了難度,另一方面讓學生能學會在一片文章學完后自己能用幾句話簡單進行講述,鍛煉了他們的概括能力。Step five Summary Step

18、six HomeworkSummarize what the students get in this class both in knowledge and strategies.Read to retell the text.Review the whole passage.Retell the text use your own words.對本節(jié)課進行概括和歸納通過復述這種訓練考查學生對課文的理解,同時也鍛煉了他們的書面表達能力。七、教學評價 本人在這節(jié)閱讀課中通過安排學生的個人探索、合作學習、討論等各種形式來激發(fā)學生學習興趣。讓學生在教師的指導下,通過感知、體驗、實踐,參與和合作等方

19、式,實現(xiàn)任務的目標,感受成功:在學習過程中進行情感和策略調整,以形成積極的學習態(tài)度,促進語言實際運用能力的提高。采用師生交流方式導入自然親切,拉近了師生之間的情感距離,營造出寬松的學習氣氛,同時讓學生了解身勢語的有關內容。根據(jù)教師提出的一系列問題,學生自主搜索與身勢語相關的信息資料,然后以個人探究和合作學習相結合,并以各種的形式展示交流成果。本人這節(jié)課安排探究和討論過程中的觀點匯總等形式鼓勵學生借助小組活動的形式來合作,表達,思考,能使學生在活動中互相學習、互相幫助,互相鼓勵,體驗集體榮譽感和成就感,發(fā)展合作精神。通過師生交流與總結這一形式引發(fā)學生對身勢語的深入思考,進一步深化主題。 八、教學

20、反思 1.在通過教師設問,學生思考回答從而完成學生知識點的自我積累時,我感到設問的問題較少,而在確定的幾個主要問題上,學生回答較為準確,從而缺少了學生深入的思考與學習方法的體驗。在對文章大意歸納時,給學生時間不足,從而缺少學生根據(jù)文章信息得出大意事的充分思考。在訓練學生對信息加工與處理能力時,活動設計目的明確,但量不足,所獲得的體驗未能的到再體驗與提高。2.用自己的話去完成對課文的復述這個練習教學中發(fā)現(xiàn)并不是學生的難點,這是因為空設計的太簡單。而對學生自我能力的培養(yǎng)上,本節(jié)課起到了方法的指導作用。3.教學方法設計合理,運用恰當。但感到方法上缺少新意。在本堂課的教學理念上做到了面向全體學生,評價做到了注重發(fā)展性評價。但在教學設計中未能體現(xiàn)出來。九、板書設計Module4


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