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1、I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7Section A Period 1 (1a 2d)Well, junior high school days will be over. Do you have any special memories? How time flies! Three years has passed.Do you have any special memories about junior high school?I remember meeting all of you in Grade Seven. helping you s

2、olve your problems. being mad because of your mistakes. starting the first day in Grade 7.morning readinga friend helping me with a problemdancing with partnershaving a picnichaving a partya basketball matcha singing competitiona game of chessWhich teacher or classmate from junior high school that y

3、ou will never forget?Who is the person?What did he / she do for you?How did it influence you?How do you feel?What will you do to thank him/her?Look at the picture and then answer the questions.1. What do the boy and girl talk about?2. What does the girl remember doing?Check the things you remember d

4、oing at junior high school. What other things do you remember doing in junior high school? Talk with your partner._ winning a prize_ being a volunteer_ doing a school survey_ a friend helping me with a problema. did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacherb. remembers losing a sc

5、hoolbagc. remembers meeting this group of friendsd. has enjoyed every year of junior high school1b1b Listen and match the memory with the person._Mary _Frank _Sarah_Peter bdcaListen again and answer the questions.2. What kind of person is Mr. Brown? 1. Who lost a schoolbag and who found it?He is a v

6、ery strict teacher.Mary lost the schoolbag and Peter found it.List some memories and experiences in junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.Memories: I remember:scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition. Experiences: I have:learned to play the keyboard in music class.For

7、exampleFor exampleA: Do you have any special memories about your junior high school?B: Yes. I remember winning a prize.A: Have you ever experienced anything unforgettable?B: Yes, I have. I have learned to play the keyboard in music class.A: Do you remember any experiences in your junior high school?

8、B: Yes. I remember that I won a prize in the sports meeting. A: What have you learned in last three years?B: I have learned a foreign language.A: Do you remember any experiences in your junior high school?B: Yes. I have _Someone didnt like P.E._ Someone was advised to take a break from running by a

9、teacher._ Someone had a health problem._ Someone joined the school band._ Someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods.2a Listen and check the facts you hear.1. Who doesnt like P.E. class?Listen again and answer the questions.2. When and what did Mr. Hunt tell to Brain?3. What is Lisa going to do after

10、graduating?Brian doesnt like P.E. class.He told Brian to take a break from running when Brian hurt his knee.She wants to go to senior high and then university to study medicine.2b Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.1.Who wants to study medicine?2.Who told someone to take a

11、 break from running?3.Who hurt his or her knee?4. Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?a. Lukeb. Brianc. Mr. Huntd. LisaRole-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.A: Do you remember Mr. Haut?B: Of course! Hes a great teacher. He gave really clear instru

12、ctions during P.E. class.C: Yeah, he For exampleFor exampleA: Do you remember P.E. class?B: Yes, and also I still miss the P.E. teacher, Mr. Hunt.A: Why?B: Because I remember that when I hurt my knee, he A: Do you remember the band Thats Life?B: Of course! We .Read the conversation and then answer t

13、he questions.1.What are they talking about?They are talking about the teachers who they miss most after junior high school.2.What will they do to thank their missed teachers?They will go shopping tomorrow to buy cards and gifts for their teachers.Listen and check T or F.1.Clara misses Ms. Lee most.2

14、.Mr. Brown was patient with Clara in English to help her to do better.3. Judy made progress in English because of Ms. Griffin.4.They will go shopping now to buy cards and gifts. FFTFRead again and then correct the wrong sentences above.1.Clara misses Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown most.2.Mr. Brown guided Cla

15、ra to do a lot better in science.4.They will go shopping tomorrow to buy cards and gifts. Role-play the conversation between Judy and Clara with your partner.Judy: Is there a teacher who you will miss most?Clara: Yes, I remember Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown because they help me with studies.Judy: For examp

16、leFor exampleA: Which teacher will you miss most after the junior high school?B: She helped me with science and A: 1. I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.remember v. 想起,記得想起,記得Im sorry. I cant remember your name. 對不起,我想不起你的名字了。對不起,我想不起你的名字了。 Remember to write to us when you get there. 到了那兒別忘了給我

17、們寫信。到了那兒別忘了給我們寫信。He said he remembered the man well. 他說他清楚地記得那個人。他說他清楚地記得那個人。1) remember doing sth.意為意為“記得做了記得做了”2) remember to do sth.意為意為“記得去做記得去做”I remembered locking the door as I left the house. 我記得出門時已鎖了門。我記得出門時已鎖了門。I remembered to lock the door as I left the house. 出門時我記得出門時我記得要要鎖門。鎖門。Remembe

18、r _ your homework here tomorrow. A. to bring B. to take C. bringing D. taking 答案:答案: A Mr. Wang, I have trouble _ the text. Remember _ it three times before you begin to understand it. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read 答案:答案: C Pl

19、ease remember _ the light when you leave the room. OK, I will. A. to turn off B. turning off C. to turn on D. turning onA接動名詞與不定式意義不同的動詞還有:接動名詞與不定式意義不同的動詞還有:1) stop to do sth. 停下來去做某事停下來去做某事 stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事停止正在做的事2) forget to do 忘記要去做某事忘記要去做某事(未做未做) forget doing 忘記做過某事忘記做過某事(已做已做)3) try to d

20、o努力,企圖做某事努力,企圖做某事 try doing試驗,試著做某事試驗,試著做某事4) mean to do打算、想打算、想 mean doing意味著意味著拓拓 展展1) After working for a long time, He has to stop _ (have) a rest.2) He was very tired, so he had to stop _ (work).3) Please dont forget _ the room while I am away in Beijing. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. clea

21、ning to haveworkingB2. Do you have any special memories? memory n. 記憶;回憶記憶;回憶His memory is very good and he never makes mistakes. 他的記性非常好他的記性非常好, 從不出錯。從不出錯。He was born with a very good / great memory. 他生來記性好。他生來記性好。The film brought back bad memories. 那部電影勾起一些痛苦的回憶。那部電影勾起一些痛苦的回憶。memory作作“記憶能力記憶能力, 記性

22、記性”解時是解時是不可數(shù)名詞;不可數(shù)名詞; 作作“記憶中的人或事物記憶中的人或事物”解時是可數(shù)名詞。解時是可數(shù)名詞。in memory of 對對的紀(jì)念的紀(jì)念lose ones memory 失去記憶失去記憶have a poor memory 記性不好記性不好 memorize v. 記?。挥涗?;記下記??;記錄;記下3. I always did my homework carefully to meet his standards.standard n. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn),水平標(biāo)準(zhǔn),水平The standard of length in France is the meter. 法國的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)長度是米。法

23、國的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)長度是米。meet ones standard 符合某人的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)符合某人的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)I try to meet the high standard of the school. 我努力達(dá)到這所學(xué)校的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。我努力達(dá)到這所學(xué)校的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。come up to the standard 達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 合格合格raise the standard 提高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)reach the standard 達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)set a standard 制訂制訂/提出一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提出一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)above the standards 超過標(biāo)準(zhǔn)超過標(biāo)準(zhǔn)below standards 未達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)未達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)拓

24、拓 展展4. scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.She was sitting in the front row. 她坐在前排。她坐在前排。He and I sit in the same row. 我和他坐在同一排。我和他坐在同一排。 row n. 一排;一列;一行一排;一列;一行They have won five championships in a row. 他們已經(jīng)連續(xù)他們已經(jīng)連續(xù)5次獲得冠軍了。次獲得冠軍了。 in a row 連續(xù)幾次地連續(xù)幾次地5. Someone liked Mr. Hunts tea

25、ching methods.Mr. Wang is trying a new teaching method to teach English. 王老師正在試用新的教學(xué)方法教英語。王老師正在試用新的教學(xué)方法教英語。 method n. 方法;辦法方法;辦法We can do it by the new method. 我們可以采用新方法來做。我們可以采用新方法來做。A rainbow is a _ of fine weather. A. sign B. way C. method D. roadWhen youve learnt English, youll find it abridge t

26、o so much _. A. knowledge B. tradition C. idea D. method A Amethod, way都有都有“方法方法”的意思。區(qū)別在于:的意思。區(qū)別在于:method指具有一套理論和系統(tǒng)做指導(dǎo)的方法,指具有一套理論和系統(tǒng)做指導(dǎo)的方法,也可以指抽象概念也可以指抽象概念“條理條理”。way指某人在處理某一問題或做某件事時用指某人在處理某一問題或做某件事時用他自己與眾不同的方式或習(xí)慣去做他自己與眾不同的方式或習(xí)慣去做, 為普通用為普通用語。語。 The only way to do this was to work harder. 要做到這一點的唯一方法就

27、是更加努力。要做到這一點的唯一方法就是更加努力。知識鏈接知識鏈接Two lawyers wont leave the building as the instruction showed. 就像命令指示的那樣,兩名律師不會離就像命令指示的那樣,兩名律師不會離開大樓。開大樓。Of course, it offers the instruction of this program. 當(dāng)然,它提供了這個程序的指令。當(dāng)然,它提供了這個程序的指令。instruction n. 指示,命令;說明指示,命令;說明6. He gave really clear instructions during P.E.

28、 class. I dont know how to use this machine. It doesnt matter. Here is the _.A. instruction B. directionC. information D. advertisement Would you like to read the English _ on the medicine bottle for me? With pleasure. A. instruction B. meanings C. pictures D. documents A Ainstruct v. 教,講授,命令教,講授,命令

29、Miss Liu instructed a class in math last year. 劉老師去年教一個班學(xué)生的數(shù)學(xué)課。劉老師去年教一個班學(xué)生的數(shù)學(xué)課。He was instructed to work in New York. 他奉命在紐約工作。他奉命在紐約工作。請講解一下這個新洗衣機的指令。請講解一下這個新洗衣機的指令。Please explain the _ (instruct) of the new washing machine.instructionThe two boys miss their father a lot. 這兩個男孩非常想念他們的父親。這兩個男孩非常想念他們

30、的父親。I missed seeing the film when it was shown at school. 那電影在學(xué)校放映時我錯過沒看。那電影在學(xué)校放映時我錯過沒看。 Please be quiet. I dont want to miss a word of the news on the radio. 請安靜請安靜, 收音機的新聞廣播我一個字也不想漏掉。收音機的新聞廣播我一個字也不想漏掉。miss 在這里做動詞,意思是在這里做動詞,意思是“想念想念”,此外還有此外還有“錯過;漏掉錯過;漏掉”的意思的意思 7. Which teacher will you miss the mos

31、t after ? Translate the sentences below. Pay attention to the word miss.1) He missed the 9:30 train.2) I was late and missed the first part of the speech. 3) I miss everything in my hometown. 錯過錯過漏掉漏掉想念想念(2009江西中考江西中考) Go along the street. The museum is just on your right. You cant _ it. A. make B.

32、find C. miss D. fail C解析:解析:miss 在此句中的意思是在此句中的意思是“錯過錯過”。本句的意思是本句的意思是“沿著街道走下去,博物館沿著街道走下去,博物館就在你的右邊,就在你的右邊, 你不會錯過它的你不會錯過它的”。 offer做動詞表示做動詞表示“提議,提出提議,提出”,一般用于:,一般用于: offer to do sth.表示表示“主動提出做某事主動提出做某事”。 She offered to help me with my maths. offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. 指指“給某人給某人 提供某物提供某物”。 I off

33、ered her a beautiful dress. 8. and they offered to come? provide, give, offer辨析辨析provide主要指提供所需之物,尤其是生活主要指提供所需之物,尤其是生活必需品,必需品, provide sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth. 。如:。如: They provide us with food.= They provide food for us. 他們供給我們食物。他們供給我們食物。give意為意為“供給、給出,多指一般性供給、給出,多指一般性“給出給出”或因別人需要而或因別人需要而

34、“給給”,接雙賓語時可與介,接雙賓語時可與介詞詞to連用。連用。如:如:We gave her flowers for her birthday. 我們送她一些花以慶祝她的生日。我們送她一些花以慶祝她的生日。offer指提供幫助、服務(wù)或令人向往之物,多指提供幫助、服務(wù)或令人向往之物,多含有主動提供之意;可接不定式作賓語,接含有主動提供之意;可接不定式作賓語,接雙賓語時可與介詞雙賓語時可與介詞to連用。連用。 如:如:She offered to show us around the school. 她主動提出帶我們參觀學(xué)校。她主動提出帶我們參觀學(xué)校。1) The sun provides us with light and heat. The sun provides light and heat _ us. 2) I gave the boy a book. I gave a book _ the boy. 3) He offered me his seat. He offe


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