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1、English PronunciationStep by stepYourselfYour teaching situationPronunciationThis morningWhat is the goal of teaching pronunciation? Level 1: People often dont understand what you want to say. You use the wrong sounds in English words. Level 2: People can understand what you want to say, but they ha

2、ve to concentrate to understand you. Level 3: People can understand you easily. Your pronunciation is clear and pleasant.3 Levels of English PronunciationThe Pink Panther“Im going to America. Im going to learn to speak with a flawless American accent so as not to arouse suspicion. So find me the gre

3、atest accent coach in the world.”Syllables and StressIn order to have good pronunciation you have to start with understanding what syllables and word stress are.SyllableA syllable is a group of sounds in a word that are pronounced together. A good understanding of syllables is absolutely necessary i

4、n order to speak English naturally and fluently. Syllables are based on the vowels you pronounce in a word.HandFor-malBeau-ti-fulPre-pa-ra-tionOne syllableTwo syllablesThree syllablesFour syllablesa n n i v e r s a r y a n n i v e r s a r y How many syllables are in these words?Look at your handout.

5、 How many syllables do these words have?Put lines in between the syllables then write a number of total syllables in the words. How many syllables are in each word?listeningpracticesyllablethoughtexplanationtonguepleasepolicevoicedconversationbetweenpronunciationHow many syllables are in each word?L

6、is-ten-ing 3Prac-tice 2Syl-la-ble 3Thought 1Ex-pla-na-tion 4Tongue 1Please 1Po-lice 2Voiced 1Con-ver-sa-tion 4Be-tween 2Pro-nun-ci-a-tion 5Counting SyllablesClapTapKnockRobot speakStressIf a word has more than one syllable, one of its syllables will be stressed, longer and more forceful, and the oth

7、ers will be unstressed.A stressed syllable:is l-o-n-g-e-r: com p-u teris LOUDER - comPUteris said more clearly uses larger facial movementsin a dictionary is highlighted with Lets practice!motherAmericaanswerpapervisitorhotelafraidabouttelephonemachineanimalbetweenLets practice!moth-erA-mer-i-caan-s

8、werpa-pervis-i-torho-tela-fraida-bouttel-e-phonema-chinean-i-malbe-tweenWhich syllable is stressed?How can you help students?Draw students attention to the matter of stress.As you teach new vocabulary, teach which syllable is stressed.Indicate stress visually.Mark like a dictionary: ho-telUse big an

9、d small circles:o Oho-telBold or underline:ho-tel, ho-telUse contrast so students can hear the difference.Ho-telho-tel Go over some basic rules of word stressWhat about these?invalidproduceobjectsubjectpresentSome words have different meanings when they are stressed differently. rebel: n. one who re

10、sists authority rebel: v. to resist authority Listen and underline the stressed syllable.invalidproduceobjectsubjectpresentinvalidproduceobjectsubjectpresent1.The farm was used to produce produce. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in th

11、e desert. He thought it was time to present the present.I did not object to the object. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. How Can You Practice Stress?Clapping (louder on stressed syllable)Knocking (louder on stressed syllable)Rubberband Can

12、ada UmbrellasandwichelementaryEnglishmuffintrafficRaise your handRaise your eyebrowsStand on your toesPrepare a chart with two or three columns. Give students a list of words that they need to place in the columns based on the stressed syllable. 1 2 31 2 31 2 - 3telephonereligionMagazinemagazineDraw

13、 this chart on your paper1 2 31 2 31 2 - 3Listen as I read some words. Write them in the correct column based on which syllable is stressed.1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 - 3elephantDepartmententertainHappeningdisasterrecommendmultiplyforgetfulunderstandWhat if you are not sure?Say the word in different ways. Try to figure out which way sounds most natural.Example:computercomputercomputerIVowelsv Voicedv Lip positionv Tongue p


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