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1、詞法、句子及句子成分一、名詞(n.)1.定義:表示名稱的詞叫名詞。e.g. Tom, scientist, doctor, feeling, Internet, Shanghai, animal2.名詞的句法功能1) The book is well worth reading.2) He knew 6 languages.3) They elected him monitor.4) Is it a color TV?5) I watch a football match last night.二、代詞(pron.)1.定義:代詞是代替名詞的詞。英語的代詞按照其不同的含義與作用可分為9類:人稱

2、代詞,物主代詞,反身代詞,指示代詞,相互代詞,不定代詞,疑問代詞,連接代詞,關(guān)系代詞。2.分類 單數(shù) 復(fù)數(shù)1)人稱代詞 主格:I, you, he, she, it we, you, they 賓格:me, you, him, her, it us, you, them2)物主代詞 形容詞:my, your, his, her, its our, your, their 名詞:mine, your, his, hers, its ours, yours, theirs3)反身代詞 myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves

3、, themselves itself 4)指示代詞 this, that these, those5)相互代詞 賓格: each other, one another 所有格:each others, one anothers6)不定代詞 可數(shù):each, one, many, (a) few, both, another, either, neither 不可數(shù):much, (a) little 可數(shù)/不可數(shù):all, some, none, such, any, other 復(fù)合不定代詞:anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, some

4、thing, nobody, nothing, everybody, everyone, everything7)疑問代詞:who, whom, whose, which, what8)連接代詞:who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ver), which(ever), what(ever)9)關(guān)系代詞:who, whom, whose, which, that, as三、形容詞(adj.)1.定義:形容詞用于修飾名詞或代詞,表示人或事物的性質(zhì)和特征,在句中可作定語、表語、補語或狀語。2.句法功能1) He lives in an old house.2) After a

5、long walk, I felt tired.3) He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.4) He found it easy to learn English.四、副詞(adv.)1.定義:副詞用于修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞短語、句子,主要用作狀語,少數(shù)與介詞同形的副詞還可作表語或補足語。注:副詞有9種:時間,地點,方式,程度,疑問,連接,關(guān)系,頻度和說明性副詞。2.句法功能1) Its raining hard.2) This is a fairly useful tool.3) Perhaps he wi

6、ll telephone later.4) Is he up?5) She is out.6) Life here is full of joy.7) Ask him in, please.五、冠詞(art.)1.定義:虛詞,本身不能獨立使用,一般出現(xiàn)在名詞前,對名詞加以限制。冠詞分為不定冠詞(a, an)和定冠詞(the)兩種。定冠詞the表特指,e.g. the man;不定冠詞a(n)在名詞前表泛指,e.g. a man。六、介詞(prep)1.定義:介詞又叫前置詞,表示它后面的名詞或相當于名詞的其他結(jié)構(gòu)與句子其他成分的關(guān)系。注:介詞+賓語介詞短語/介賓短語 n./pron./doing

7、/賓語從句等賓語一般是名詞或與其功能相似的詞或結(jié)構(gòu)。2.句法功能1) The conference will be held on May 4th, in Beijing.2) The building at the end of the street is a hotel.3) The question is under discussion.4) We found the map quite out of date.5) To my surprise, they succeeded.七、連詞(conj.)1.定義:連詞是在詞、短語、從句或句子之間起連接作用的詞,是虛詞,不單獨作句子成分,按

8、其在句子中的作用可分為并列連詞和從屬連詞兩種。1)并列連詞表詞、短語、句子彼此之間具有并列關(guān)系, e.g. and, but, bothand, or, so等。2)從屬連詞表連接主句和從句的連詞。e.g. I dont know whether he will go himself.八、動詞(v.)1.定義:指表動作的詞,還表狀態(tài)和性質(zhì)的詞,有時態(tài)、語態(tài)和語氣等的變化。2.功能:放在主語后充當謂語,稱為謂語動詞,充當其他句子成分時稱為非謂語動詞,此時有形式上的變化:doing, to do, done。3.分類:1)根據(jù)在句中的功能,可分為:實意動詞(行為動詞)系動詞助動詞情態(tài)動詞2)根據(jù)其


10、青苔動詞沒有人稱、數(shù)的變化,兩個純情態(tài)動詞不能連用,但可以說:Ill have to句子及句子成分一、句子的定義句子是包含主語和謂語部分的一組詞。它有一定的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和語調(diào),用來表達一個比較完整的獨立的概念。句子開頭第一個字母要大寫,句子末尾要有句號、問號或嘆號。二、句子的種類和類型1.句子按其用途可分為四類1)陳述句,用以陳述事實。e.g. I dont care what she thinks.2)疑問句,用以提出問題。e.g. Your friend is a doctor, isnt he ? When do we meet again?3)祈使句,用以表示命令,請求等。e.g. Hav

11、e a good sleep and think it over.4)感嘆句,用以表示各種強烈的感情。e.g. What a coincidence to meet in San Francisco!2.句子按其結(jié)構(gòu)分為四種形式1)簡單句,由一個主語部分和一個謂語部分組成。e.g. The cause of the fire was a cigarette-end.2)并列句,由兩個或兩個以上的分句組成。 結(jié)構(gòu):分句+并列連詞+分句 分句;分句(此結(jié)構(gòu)中,分號相當于并列連詞,且第二個分句的第一個字母不大寫。)e.g. Cotton is falling in prices, and buyer

12、s hold off. Henry prefers strawberry pie, but his wife always bakes apple pies.3)復(fù)合句,由主句和其他從句組成。結(jié)構(gòu):主句+從屬連詞-從句 從屬連詞-從句+主句注:分析主從句時,應(yīng)先找出主句,再判斷從句類型。e.g. He was an old man who wore thick glasses.4)并列復(fù)合句,即含有復(fù)合句的并列句。結(jié)構(gòu):主句+從屬連詞-從句+并列連詞+主句+從屬連詞+從句. 主句+從屬連詞-從句+并列連詞+分句.注:此句型中,并列連詞起連接作用,連接前后復(fù)句或分句,因此應(yīng)分別分析前后復(fù)句。翻譯

13、:1) The ad. said the coat was on sale for $20, but it was actually $22.2) I ask a man who has a wife and 3 children who did the cooking in his house and he replied that whoever came home from work first did it.三、句子成分(一)五種基本句型:1)主語+謂語2)主語+謂語+賓語3)主語+系動詞+表語4)主語+謂語+間接賓語+直接賓語5)主語+謂語+賓語+賓補(二)句子成分:1.主語:是一個

14、句子所敘說的主體。主語的位置一般在句首,一般不省略。注:祈使句無主語,但隱含一個主語you,常表兩人面對面說話,已知說話對象,所以無需加主語。找出下面句子的主語:1) Children grow very fast.2) Nobody knows who took the key.3) Three plus five equals eight.4) My brother gave me two books. The first was a novel.5) To see is to believe.6) Looking up all the words in the dictionary to

15、ok him a lot of time.7) The blind are well cared for in our country.8) How to do it well is an important question.9) What he said is quite true.10) That the sun rises in the east is common knowledge.注:一般情況下,主語在謂語前面,即自然語序(陳述句語序),還有一種倒裝語序,即謂語在前,主語在其后。翻譯:Hardly had they reached home when it began to sn

16、ow.2.謂語:謂語或謂語動詞的位置一般在主語之后。謂語由簡單動詞或動詞短語(助動詞/情態(tài)動詞/be+主要動詞)構(gòu)成。找出下面句子的謂語:1) What happened?2) The plane took off at 10 oclock.3) We were beaten by their team.4) You can do it if you try hard.3.表語:說明或表述主語的身份、特征和狀態(tài)的,位置在連系動詞之后。找出下列句子的表語:1) Africa is a big continent.2) My father became an army officer during

17、 the Anti-Japanese War.3) Oh, its you.4) Our teacher was satisfied with my work.5) Three times five is fifteen.6) She was the third to arrive.7) Our chief method is to learn English through practice.8) Their job is teaching English.9) The patient is out of danger.10) I must be off now.11) What surpr

18、ised us most was that he spoke Chinese so well.4.賓語:表示動作的對象,是動作的承受著。賓語一般放在vt.或prep.之后。找出下列句子的賓語:1) He takes a cold bath every morning.2) All of us like him.3) Give me four.4) He began to learn English a year ago.5) Do you mind my opening the window?6) They teach the blind to read Braille.7) He did n

19、ot know what to say.8) I wonder if youd like to go with us.9) Before the sales started, I made a list of what my kids would need for the coming season.5.賓語補足語(復(fù)合賓語的第二部分)在賓語的后面補充說明賓語的動作、狀態(tài)、特征的成分稱為賓語補足語。找出下列句子的賓補:1) We made him our monitor.2) I dont believe the story true.3) He found the meeting over

20、when he arrived there.4) You should put your things in order.5) The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week.6) We saw the pupils playing basketball.7) He tried to make himself understood.6.定語:用來修飾n.或pron.的成分是定語。單詞作定語時常放在它所修飾的n.之前,但修飾復(fù)合代詞(即nothing, anything, everything, something等)時,放在其后。短語和從句作定

21、語時,也放在被修飾的n.之后。找出下列句子的定語:1) We will build our motherland into a great modern socialist country.2) I have something important to tell you.3) There are few women workers in the factory.4) The oil workers here come from Daqing.5) We have got ten desks in the room.6) Yesterday the scientist made a repor

22、t on modern science.7) As he has a lot of work to do, he is often the last one to leave the office after work.8) This is the new dictionary which I bought yesterday.9) The girl playing the violin is Lis younger sister.10) The dormitory built last year is for post-graduate.7.同位語:在一個n.或pron.后面,對前面的性質(zhì)或

23、情況作進一步說明,這樣的詞或結(jié)構(gòu)叫做同位語。結(jié)構(gòu):n./pron.+同位語找出下面句子里的同位語:1) They girls may go there by bus.2) This is Miss Green, the new English teacher.3) We all wanted to see her.4) You three go and look for it in your room.5) You may leave this work to us two.6) We are facing the question whether he has known it.8.狀語修飾v., adj., adv., 介詞短語,從句或全句的成分是狀語。修飾adj.的狀語常放adj.之前,修飾v.的狀語常放v.之后。但有些表頻率的adv.(如often, always, usually等)作狀語時,則放行為動詞之前。找出下列句子的狀語:1) He knows how to te


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