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1、The only earth& the onlybeing!輸Warning!崩Our evironmentI is inf 4emergencyM02 <CI SAVf IME G«LM nMltT SOW AU CAMTS RlS4rnP«lA7rrt TT ALLM.com我圖網(wǎng)7rPlant is important for the eatthForest is the most concentrated place of plants and the tropical rainforest contains the uncountable kinds

2、 of speciesRainforest is the lung of the earthThis is the distributionof the rainforeston EarthThere are three main reinforest on Earth:one is in Africa, another one is in Southeaster n Asion and the last one is in South Americahttp:/wvw.myspace.en/1 309405851www.wanKuqq. Cnwww.wanKuqq. Cnwww.wanKuq

3、q. Cnwww.wanKuqq. CnWhat can rainforest do? ecosystem services: Rain forests play an important role in maintaining biological diversity, modulating precipitation, infiltration and flooding3 increasing scientific knowledge and in the spiritual well-being of humans Such ecosystem services are of use t

4、o humans without the need for any modification or management of the forest yourself Social services: Conversion to agricultural land, Cultivated foods and spices, Pharmaceutical and biodiversity resource, Tourismwww.wanKuqq. Cn家居吧-Jiajubaxomwww.wanKuqq. Cn mongwww.wanKuqq. Cnwww.wanKuqq. CnNow !The

5、rainforest is being destroyed!One reason is the The Other one is theforest fire.human.Humandestruction ofrainforestwww.wanKuqq. CnThis fire was made by people who livedwww.wanKuqq. Cnthere!They wanted to exploit more arable and to supply them with food and also many people wanted to make moneyby the

6、 charcoal left after the 批8匸www.wanKuqq. CnThick smoke hang over the f( 毎匚. "BLThisseries ofimagesshowsaerosolsover theAmazoneachSeptember for 4burningseasonsSeptember 2006September 2008aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness0.20.4Cause Corruption of government institutions The in equitable distri

7、butio n of wealth and power Population growth Overpopulati on Urba nizati onGlobalization is often viewed as another root cause of deforestationwww.wanKuqq. Cn This show the tran sformati on from forest to farm. The white square is the forest destroyedwww.wanKuqq. CnDeveloped countries5 request of valuable timberrHarmness of Such Deforestrr Atmospheric problems:greenhouse effect Soil problem:soiUoss, desertifi


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