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1、1the middle eastern bazaarthe middle eastern bazaar2paragraph1para.1: the entrance of the bazaar the central ideathe central idea: in this paragraph, the author gives a brief description of the dark, crowded and noisy atmosphere of the bazaar.question:from the first paragraph, what can you see、 hear

2、 and feel?3the middle eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds - even thousands - of years. 中東的中東的集市仿佛把你帶回到了幾百年、甚至幾千年前的時集市仿佛把你帶回到了幾百年、甚至幾千年前的時代。代。1)、)、middle east: it generally refers to the area from afghanistan to egyptfar east: china, japan, korea, mongolia and east siberia蒙古和東西伯利亞蒙古和東西伯利亞2)、)、baza

3、ar:a street or an area of a town where there are many small shops;market 集集市市4 the one i am thinking of particularly is entered by a gothic - arched gateway of aged brick and stone. 此時此刻顯現(xiàn)在我腦海中的這此時此刻顯現(xiàn)在我腦海中的這個中東集市,其入口處是一座古老的磚石結構的個中東集市,其入口處是一座古老的磚石結構的哥特式拱門。哥特式拱門。 particular: special, single and diffe

4、rent from others. synonym of single. particular is also often used in the sense of special.eg: she always took particular (special) notice of me. eg: on this particular (single) day we had to be at school early.51) is entered . . . : why is the present tense used here? the present tense used here is

5、 called “ historical present”. it is used for vividness.2) gothic哥特式的: of a style of building in western europe between the 12th and 16th centuries, with pointed arches, arched roofs, tall thin pillars, and stained glass windows.aged: having existed long; very old arch: a curved top sometimes with a

6、 central point resting on 2 supports as above a door. 63)some (adj.) ending in (-ed)adj.+n. 以-ed結尾的形容詞 -ed讀重音 id the last syllable is pronounced id eg: aged, blessed神圣的, crooked彎曲的, dogged固執(zhí)的, learned, naked, ragged衣衫襤褸的, wicked, wretched可憐的v.-ed 動詞過去分詞 -ed讀輕音d you pass from the heat and glare of a

7、big, open square into a cool, dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. 你首先要穿過你首先要穿過一個赤日耀眼、灼熱逼人的大型露天廣場,然后一個赤日耀眼、灼熱逼人的大型露天廣場,然后走進一個涼爽、幽暗的洞穴。這市場一直向前延走進一個涼爽、幽暗的洞穴。這市場一直向前延伸,一眼望不到盡頭,消失在遠處的陰影里。伸,一眼望不到盡頭,消失在遠處的陰影里。71)glare:n a very bright, unpleasant light

8、刺眼的光刺眼的光 the glare of the sun炫目的日光炫目的日光 adj glaring 顯眼的,明顯的顯眼的,明顯的 a glaring error、injustice 刺眼的,炫目的刺眼的,炫目的 生氣的,憤怒的生氣的,憤怒的 glaring eyes憤怒的目光憤怒的目光 glaringly adv obvious顯而易見的顯而易見的2).eye, ear, etc. the words eye and ear are used in the sentence not to mean the concrete organ of sight or hearing but to

9、mean mans power of seeing and hearing. 此句中此句中eye, hear不是指具體的視覺、聽覺,而是指視力和不是指具體的視覺、聽覺,而是指視力和聽力。聽力。 eg: she has an eye/ear for beauty/music.她有欣賞美的她有欣賞美的能力能力/她有鑒賞音樂的能力。她有鑒賞音樂的能力。 eg: his words are pleasant to the ear.他的話很中聽。他的話很中聽。83).lose oneself in to disappear消失消失 eg: the pickpocket lost himself in t

10、he crowd and escaped the police. 小偷消失在人群中,逃過了警察的追捕。小偷消失在人群中,逃過了警察的追捕。to play too much attention to something that one does not notice anything else.迷失在迷失在.中,精神集中中,精神集中于于 eg: the girl lost herself in her reading.這女孩看書很入這女孩看書很入神。神。to lose ones way迷路迷路 eg: the explorers lost themselves in the deep moun

11、tains.探險者在深山中迷路了。探險者在深山中迷路了。 4)thread ones way among: move through a place by carefully going around things that are blocking(阻塞、阻塞、堵塞堵塞) ones way. 小心,緩慢地從小心,緩慢地從中擠過中擠過(不斷地改變不斷地改變方向方向) 9 the roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every c

12、onceivable kind are sold. 市場的路面約有十二市場的路面約有十二英尺寬,但每隔幾碼遠就會因為設在路邊的小貨攤的擠占英尺寬,但每隔幾碼遠就會因為設在路邊的小貨攤的擠占而變窄;那兒出售的貨物各種各樣,應有盡有。而變窄;那兒出售的貨物各種各樣,應有盡有。 1)roadway: (the roadway) the middle part of a road where vehicles drive 道路道路 e.g. dont stop on the roadway; go to the side.2)stall: small, open-fronted shop, table

13、 etc. used by a trader in a market, on a street. e.g. a book stall; a flower stall 3)conceivable, imaginable, possible可想象的、可信的、可想象的、可信的、可能的可能的 經(jīng)常使用形容詞最高級,起強調作用經(jīng)常使用形容詞最高級,起強調作用 eg: the boss gave them the least possible food to eat, but made them work the longest possible hours. eg: they have taken ev

14、ery possible manners (all conceivable means) to prevent accident. they have taken every means conceivable to prevent accident.10 the din of the stall-holder crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bar

15、gaining is continuous and makes you dizzy. 你一走進市場,就可以聽到攤販們的叫賣聲,趕毛驢的小伙計和你一走進市場,就可以聽到攤販們的叫賣聲,趕毛驢的小伙計和腳夫們大著嗓門叫人讓道的吆喝聲,還有那些想買東西的人們與攤主討價還腳夫們大著嗓門叫人讓道的吆喝聲,還有那些想買東西的人們與攤主討價還價的爭吵聲。各種各樣的噪聲此伏彼起,不絕于耳,簡直叫人頭暈。價的爭吵聲。各種各樣的噪聲此伏彼起,不絕于耳,簡直叫人頭暈。1) to cry ones wares叫賣叫賣 (old fashioned)to call out to attract peoples atte

16、ntion so that they may buy ones goods.wares (always-pl.): any kind of goods that a shop, merchant, peddler(走街串巷的小販)(走街串巷的小販), etc. has to sell.商品商品 eg: the coppersmith showed up his wares.銅匠展示他的商銅匠展示他的商品。品。2)would-be: likely, possible有意向,有可能有意向,有可能 eg: a would-be musician / football player3)dizzy: f

17、eeling as if everything were turning round , mentally confused, feel confused頭暈、精神困惑頭暈、精神困惑 eg: if you suffer from anaemia, you often feel dizzy. 如果你如果你患有貧血癥,你經(jīng)常感到頭暈目眩?;加胸氀Y,你經(jīng)常感到頭暈目眩。eg: every night, when my head touches the pillows, i felt a wave of dizziness. 11organization of paragraph 1: outsid

18、e: hot,glare,big and open square ,gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stoneinside: cool, dark,donkeys,roadway,goods, people (stallholders, would-be buyers) and animals12paragraph 2 para.2: the cloth market 1、question: -the cloth market is noisy or quiet,why? -what words does the author use to ex

19、press the following?1)disappear /die awaygloomy(of sound or colors) made softer than usual; silentdo the same waykey:1)fade away 2)sepulchral 2) 3)muted;mute 4)follow suit13 隨后,當往市場深處走去時,入口處的喧隨后,當往市場深處走去時,入口處的喧鬧聲漸漸消失,眼前便是清靜的布市了。鬧聲漸漸消失,眼前便是清靜的布市了。這里的泥土地面,被無數(shù)雙腳板踩踏得硬這里的泥土地面,被無數(shù)雙腳板踩踏得硬邦邦的,人走在上面幾乎聽不到腳步聲了

20、,邦邦的,人走在上面幾乎聽不到腳步聲了,而拱形的泥磚(土坯)屋頂和墻壁也難得而拱形的泥磚(土坯)屋頂和墻壁也難得產生什么回音效果。布店的店主們一個個產生什么回音效果。布店的店主們一個個都是輕聲輕氣、慢條斯理的樣子;買布的都是輕聲輕氣、慢條斯理的樣子;買布的顧客們在這種沉悶壓抑的氣氛感染下,自顧客們在這種沉悶壓抑的氣氛感染下,自然而然地也學著店主們的榜樣,變得低聲然而然地也學著店主們的榜樣,變得低聲細語起來。細語起來。141)penetrate: to enter, pass, cut, or force a way into or through. the word suggests forc

21、e, a compelling power to make entrance and also resistance in the medium.穿透,穿透,(有力的)進入(有力的)進入eg: the bullet can penetrate a wall. 子彈可以子彈可以穿透墻壁。穿透墻壁。 rainwater has penetrated through the roof of my house. 雨水已滲過了我屋頂。雨水已滲過了我屋頂。 151)to fade away/to die away: 漸漸消失漸漸消失 go slowly out of hearing, gradually

22、disappearing eg: finally, the laughter died away. eg: the ambulance siren faded away in the distance. 2)mute adj沉默的,不出聲的;啞的沉默的,不出聲的;啞的 n 啞巴,弱音器啞巴,弱音器 v消音,減音;減弱,緩解消音,減音;減弱,緩解 muted adj 靜靜的;含糊不清的;暗淡的靜靜的;含糊不清的;暗淡的 eg:the spoken in muted voices.163).overwhelm:v 感情或者感覺充溢,難以禁受 eg:she was ed by feelings of guilt 擊敗,壓倒 eg:the army w


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