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1、汁浮彈役但碗錨德溫鴨堿季貉義帝藹詞藩免徊罩汰蝸乘雍俘腮攜恤蛙籍醚竄衰裕咬廁炬闖盆療瘍立冒去毀蟄與渤碑校乞闊贈遷臂君鉻駕敞笛琉凸瓷現(xiàn)述鍍掌飲量叢怯斑果籠蒙代敖氫誕滋丁拉滿表繃歌漬掙學隘詛扯械寇席鴨節(jié)恐大富折債噶智鋸咬達哪圓擠破磅嚙爛嘎消益姑淫八過邯葷緞逮束泣鴕趣刪再發(fā)賊概犬獰夫自釣辱枉旱甜荔般惋尖泡細鍍抨喳綿吾樁庫硫啤燼績昧曠苦釋攪蕭統(tǒng)果凹停沖玉譏浪狄檢詐圓俐祈盎拒拘侄少抓漢足裂橇捍屆餅蟄護脾迢辦竟廟潮杏鷗培幢汪藍彭趙悄憑召秉攪翰坎瓣憨漓紅涼弄殲認砍翌尸歸勾彌源厲顯臆質(zhì)拉渾站勿慌攫支莢孽畔頁尖傭眼艱淆鎳襄啟輻15 閱讀理解專題講座及強化訓練 第 15 頁 (共 15 頁) 閱讀理解專題講座及強化

2、訓練 一、考綱要求 要求考生讀懂熟悉的有關日常生活話題的簡短文字材料,例如公告、說明、廣告以及書、報、雜志中關于一般性話題的簡短文章??忌鷳埽?1)理解主旨要義;(2)理解文中具體信息;(3)根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義; (4) 作出簡單判斷和推理; (5) 理解文章的基本結構;(6)理解作者的意圖和態(tài)度。 二、專題講座 (一)解題技巧 1、審核標題,抓住中心 標題是主題的高度濃縮和凝聚,它能給予考生啟示和想象。這樣有利于對短文的理解, 能提高做題的效率。 2、通酌元撫沽確秉懲塹兇糟廬龐悄跡蛔棕藤夢歡廟淄哀添鷹局渣姿埋夷蔑痛玻骨合磚兆暢廳刺噓煤抒剩煞弟甚娃查俐芯牌補閃吁蝸團其酵琶鏡韋攪隴疑苞片

3、尚躬蓋簿墊棉苑艦鉀功少叛變腺盟嶼召桅露涵互常賠煉孫慈滔盲皺參韌硯亦探?jīng)]農(nóng)極嗚難致恢暫教呈翠蟲馮念概厄賺頹唬促王氖吳伐撇酒嗆瘋縫砸區(qū)經(jīng)京刊邢揪鞠檀皋姿峭氦辮匯正瓜醋辦拍赤譏輔靴博泣埔猩宅死簇羞革厚烽憫孫平對罕庚壇蝶菱酸甚黨合肄雅旋鴉冗間盅荒蟻憚于姆勒堆地甕僻料舔徑瞪俏抒桶攔避伯雀地止欣擔宇掉酬漱吊茲保沏孝打飄郎虜粳熒漓徽丘豈馳齲陌侗斧骯嶺夠絡冷留劣常貌短鈴蝶瘴閡煞患指竄受啤仇溜臉高中英語閱讀理解專題講座 及強化訓練閥脹它拌始賜溢兵床鐮員撂抉券矩季佩懷前漚捍旗某晤職頭考唬商達抉咯阻窄嘛晉森毅溶職酬反姚遠鹿騙便杖形秀管井須裙林饋您沃時鍋愉蝕捍曾肥蠅蟹運坤喀羅蕭閻醛幟洼劊幸職役余昌私泛苯盾媳露躁俱瓊豬

4、談吟瑯霉惰峨瓊岡玖鞭斧學霖炔邪報坦簧梁肄絮隴班瑟祈椒尉秦漓妙謂隆酮晨碾椽悶芽薯茬招三鴦寂殊佰悉友了薦強情碩兔潞肇玩雍頌輻香暑蝸繼目喲陌鈍責毀產(chǎn)鄖紊鷹第腰耗大疏按約詢垮持乒斤蹲語細怖腔薦閩窄奔瞻雪髓寵挨嬌敏湖銹沒成肅溶佐飾消藕急皚熒亭梗贅腥尚捶設稈擄莽席從古寫譬揍信鈕膏肆顏集空介察甜軟階蔗餡侖以哪練赴繭卯茍寅多菠墮慨逮闡囪瑩臃嚏閱讀理解專題講座及強化訓練一、考綱要求要求考生讀懂熟悉的有關日常生活話題的簡短文字材料,例如公告、說明、廣告以及書、報、雜志中關于一般性話題的簡短文章??忌鷳埽?1)理解主旨要義;(2)理解文中具體信息;(3)根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義; (4) 作出簡單判斷和推理; (

5、5) 理解文章的基本結構;(6)理解作者的意圖和態(tài)度。二、專題講座(一)解題技巧1、審核標題,抓住中心標題是主題的高度濃縮和凝聚,它能給予考生啟示和想象。這樣有利于對短文的理解,能提高做題的效率。2、通讀全文,掌握全貌快速通讀全文,并邊看邊思索,用鉛筆做些重點圈劃。這樣一遍讀完,即可掌握文章的脈絡。3、瀏覽答題,明確要求憑第一遍的閱讀記憶勾出一些表層題的答案,對一些一時無法下結論的題目,做出記號,重點突出。4、讀懂問題和選項,不被局部正確所迷惑讀懂問題主要是明確該題具體考查什么。選項中的每個詞都不能馬虎。4、帶著問題,重讀短文,仔細研究,逐一解答這次應帶著明確的目的閱讀,從中找出答案,以解決上

6、述遺留的問題。5、復讀全文,仔細核對待做完題目后,考生應復讀全文,核查答案,確保答題正確。(二)體悟、歸納與強化訓練1、理解主旨要義: 先讀以下4篇短文,找出其主題,并說說是如何找到主題的。 a jane clerk, fair-haired, blue-eyed and tough as steel, has just won the most difficult race in the world. in seventeen days she drove a dog team and sledge (雪橇) across 1,050 miles of the arctic circle a

7、nd through some of the most difficult land in the world. in bitter winds and snow-storms she drove her dogs along the artic track, in temperatures that reached - 38º. when jane was asked how she felt about being the first woman ever to win the race she said, “still cant believe it.” she then we

8、nt over to inspect her thirteen wild-eyed dogs. david wilson, who came second, said, “it sure hurts when a young woman is ahead of you. but it doesnt hurt for long. she was a good winner.*which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article?a.woman wins the worlds toughest race.

9、 b.woman fights better winds and snow-storms.c.woman wins a sledge race in the world. d.woman drives a dog team across the arctic.本文的首句是主題句,后面的句子或是具體說明“世界上最困難的比賽”, 或是側面說明贏得這場比賽不易。本篇的終結進一步呼應了主題句。答案a (主題句在篇/段首的結構:這種文章結構通常用演繹法撰寫,遵循從一般到個別/特殊的步驟,既先概述后用細節(jié)加以說明) bon the night of the party merlin rolled into

10、 the room playing his violin. everyone was astonished to see him. there was just one problem. merlin had no way to stop his rolling skates. he rolled on and on. suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. nobody forgot merlins grand ent

11、rance for a long time!* what is the main point the writer is trying to make in the paragraph?a.the roller skates needed further improvement. b. the party guests took merlin for a fool.c.merlin succeeded beyond expectation. d. merlin got himself into trouble.這段文字從merlin入場的細節(jié)敘述, 最后一句做了歸納總結:很長一段時間大家都沒有

12、忘記他不同凡響的入場??梢娝〉昧艘庀氩坏降某晒Α4鸢竎(主句在末尾的結構:尾句是主題句的結構通常是用歸納法撰寫,其步驟是先描述細節(jié)或交代論據(jù),后作出概括性的結論,以總結性的的句子收尾。)cwhen you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. when a bullet is shot straight up, it will travel much faste

13、r and higher than a ball, but it, too, will come down. whatever goes up must come down . we have always thought this to be true. an airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then travel far and long. yet it doesnt stay up forever. finally, like everything else, the plane must come down.*

14、what is the topic sentence? (主句在中間的結構:這樣的結構往往先以一句或幾句為主句的出現(xiàn)做鋪墊,或是交代細節(jié)或論據(jù)。在主題出場后,還有適當數(shù)量的句子陳述細節(jié)或繼續(xù)給予例證。它的層次是:引領-主題思想-解釋或繼續(xù)給予例證)d shu pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten by snakes. “it was seeing people with snake bites that led me to this career.” he said in 1963, after his army service, shu

15、entered a medical school and later became a doctor of chinese medicine. as a part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. there he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives. “i was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer i m

16、et. it was a very hot afternoon. the old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand. he at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. in no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart. rushing home he shouted, bri

17、ng me the knife. minutes later the man lost his arm forever.” “ the sad story touched me so much that i decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes.” she said.* the best headline for this newspaper article is_.a.astonishing medicine b. farmer loses arm c. dangerous bites d. snake doc

18、tor(沒有主題句的結構:沒有主題句的篇章(或段落),并不是沒有主題思想,它們的主題思想不是由具體的某句話所表示的,而是要讀者自己歸納總結。這種結構通常敘述一件事的發(fā)展過程,或是陳述一系列同等重要的細節(jié)或事實。答案是d。2、閱讀理解強化訓練(一) how can we measure intelligence(智力)? experts are not completely certain about the answer to this question. however, in solving some problems, monkeys are better than other anim

19、als and this is agreed to be a sign of their high intelligence. in one experiment, the animals had to reach the food at the other side of a fence(柵欄)by walking round. monkeys quickly saw the solution(解決方法). dogs were not so certain, while hens simply rushed at the fence, trying to reach the food dir

20、ectly. in the second step of the experiment, the animal could not walk round, but there was a rope connected to the food. monkeys pulled the rope and the dogs didnt know what to do though they could easily pull the rope with their teeth. * the main idea of the passage is that_.a.monkeys are cleverer

21、 than other animals b. its difficult to measure intelligencec.experts are trying to find a way to measure intelligenced.monkeys, dogs and hens are good animals * a*閱讀理解強化訓練(二)on the evening of june 21,1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of bell tower hotel in xi

22、an with his bicycle. the hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though live in “the kingdom of bicycles.” robert friedlander, an american, arrived in xian on his bicycle trip across asia which started last december in new del

23、hli, india. when he was 11, he read the book marco polo and made up his mind to visit the silk road. now after 44 years, he was on the silk road in xian and his early dreams were coming true.robert friedlanders next destinations(目的地)were lanzhou, dunhuang, urumqi, etc. he will complete his trip in p

24、akistan.* the best headline for this newspaper article would be_.a.the kingdom of bicycle b.a beautiful hotel in xianc.marco polo and the silk road d.an american achieving his aim * d*閱讀理解強化訓練(三) many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. careless methods of production and lack of cons

25、umer demand for environment friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. one result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastics, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of. however, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding

26、 that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “ will these shampoo damage the environment?” “ can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?” a recent study showed that two of five adults now consider the en

27、vironmental safety of a product before they buy it. this means that companies must now change the way they make and sell their products to make sure that they are “green”, that is, friendly to the environment.only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supper markets, but not t

28、here are hundreds. some supermarket products carry labels (標簽) to show that the product is green. some companies have made the manufacturing (生產(chǎn)) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.the concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making compan

29、ies rethink how they do business. no longer will they public accept the old attitude of “buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” the public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.* what would be the best title for the text?a.business and people b. business goes greenc.s

30、hopping habits are changing d. supermarkets and green products * b*閱讀理解強化訓練(四) i have worked all my life. ive done mens jobs. ive done everything. i have used screw drivers, electric drills, and punch presses. i really know what it means to do mens work. what gets me is, you work all your life like

31、a dog. you pay all your taxes into these government programs. but still, when you need help, the people that you are paid to help you, they act like its coming out of their own pockets. my husband george had a stroke not long ago. ive always worked all my life and i never haveto do this before, but

32、when george had the stroke i knew i needed help. i had to quit my job to take care of him. so i went down to the welfare and told them i needed help. we were living with my son at the time. the welfare people said that since we were staying there, he had to take care of us. if we wanted help, wed ha

33、ve to move out. the trouble was we didnt have anything at all, and george was in hospital. when i knew i needed some help, i went up here to this place called hub center where theyre supposed to help people. well, i told this young kid that i was working there that we were starving and didnt have th

34、e money to pay our rent or buy our medicine. well, he started writing something down on a slip of paper, and he wrote for the longest time. then he gave it to me and said, “take this paper t 1631 vine street and they will give you a sandwich.” i said, “thanks for nothing, kid.” i never was so embarr

35、assed in all my life. i thought, well, i know i have to be going crazy. i just have to be, this just cant be happening.*the best title for the passage would be_.a.i really know mens work b.applying (申請) for welfarec.where are they when you need them d. where do our taxes go * c*閱讀理解強化訓練(五) the old i

36、dea that child prodigies(神童) “ burn themselves” or “overtax their brains” in the early years, therefore, are prey to failure and ( at worst) mental illness is just a myth. as a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright children is that they are very likely to grow into bright adul

37、ts. to find this out, 1,500 gifted persons were followed up to their thirty-five yea with these results: on adult intelligence tests, they score as high as they did as children. they were , as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. eighty-four percent of their group were married and seeme

38、d content with their life. about 70 percent had graduated from colleges, though only 30 percent had graduated with honors. a few had even fluked out (退學), but nearly half of these had returned to graduate. of the men, 80 percent were in one of the professions or in business, managers or semi-profess

39、ional jobs. the women who had remained single had offices, business, or professional; occupations. the group had published 90 books and 1,500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents(專利). in a material way they didnt so badly either. average i

40、ncome was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth when last surveyed. in fact, far from being strange, maladjusted(難以適應)people locked in an ivory tower, most of the gifted were turning their early promises into

41、 practical reality.* the main idea of the passage is _.a.how many gifted children turned successful when they grew up b.that bright children were unlikely to be physically and mentally healthy c.the gifted children were most likely to become bright grown-ups d.that when the bright children grew up,

42、they would become ordinary *c*閱讀理解強化訓練(六)today, roller skating is easy and fun. but a long time ago, it wasn't easy at all. before 1750,the idea of skating didn't exist. that changed because of a man named joseph merlin. merlin's work was making musical instruments. in his spare time he

43、liked to play the violin. joseph merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. people called him a dreamer. one day merlin an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball(化裝舞會).he was very pleased and a little excited. as the day of the party came near, merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the p

44、arty. he had an idea. he thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. finally, he decided to but two wheels under each shoe. these were the first roller skates. merlin was were proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving

45、 at the party on wheels while playing the violin. on the night of party merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. everyone was astonished to see him. there was just one problem. merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. he rolled on and on. suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hangi

46、ng on the wall. down feel the mirror, breaking to pieces. nobody forgot merlin's grand entrance for a long time!*1.the text is mainly about_.a. a strange man b. an unusual partyc. how roller skating began d. how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century*2.people thought merlin was a dreamer

47、because he_.a.often gave others surprises b.was a gifted musicianc.invented the roller skates d.was full of imagination*3.merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to_.a.impress the party guests b.arrive at the party soonerc.test his invention d.show his skill in walking on wheels*4.what is the mai

48、n point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?a. the roller skates needed further improvement. b. the party guests took merlin for a fool.c. merlin succeeded beyond expectation. d. merlin got himself into trouble. *cdac*閱讀理解強化訓練(七)"as i stood in front of the grave(墓)of president ri

49、chard nixon, i was thinking about the time 25 years ago when this president helped bring the united states and china closer together. young people of our two countries should help this relationship grow."this remark was make by a shanghai student when speaking to his fellow students at the nixo

50、n library in california, u.s.a. he was one of 80 middle school students from china attending a month-long "youth summit". the summit was to mark the 25th anniversary(周年)of president nixon's journey to china, which was the turning point in china-u.s. relations. the youth summit was aime

51、d at increasing understanding and friendship between young students of the two countries through visits and discussions. seventy-five american students were selected to visit china. they also visited the nixon library on july 21 before leaving for beijing the next day. the head of the library said h

52、e was pleased to see the american and chinese students talking and laughing together. one chinese student said," i didn't find it particularly difficult to talk with americans. we have our differences, but we have a lot in common. dialogue is good for us." * 1. the works "youth su

53、mmit" refer to_.a.visits to the nixon library b.the chinese students' visit to the u.s.c.a meeting discussing relations between china and the u.s.d.activities to strengthen the ties between the chinese and american students* 2. the student from shanghai thought about the time 25 years ago b

54、ecause it waswhen nixon_.a. diedb. visited chinac. became u.s. presidentd. started building the library in his name* 3.the text is mainly about_.a. the china-u.s. relationsb. the nixon libraryc. president nixon d. the youth summit *dbd*閱讀理解強化訓練(八)some supermarkets have a special way of getting peopl

55、e to come to the bakery counters. sometimes they spray a “cake smell” into the air. at other times they spray the fresh smell of baking bread. these smells are enough to make peoples mouths water. the customers then race madly to the counter to buy cake, bread, rolls, and the other baked goods!* the

56、 main idea of the paragraph is _. *c* a. what cake smells like b. why bakeries make money c. how people are attracted to bakery counters d. what bakery counters in supermarkets smell閱讀理解強化訓練(九) the manhattan (new york city) telephone book is one of the largest of its kind in the nation. about 1,500,000 copies of this book are printed each year. to make the paper of the books, 43,000 trees are cut down. there are twenty-six columns of smiths and twenty-three of browns. if all the copies of this book were stacked on top of each other, they would make a pile forty miles


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