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1、interactive approach in teaching english互動式教學(xué)法在英語教學(xué)中的應(yīng)用摘 要互動式教學(xué)意指在一定的教學(xué)情境中,教學(xué)參與者以主體的身份遵循一定的規(guī)則、規(guī)范這些規(guī)則、規(guī)范是參與者雙方共同接受、共同認可而達成的同意、一致和普遍性,進行的教學(xué)領(lǐng)域中的物質(zhì)的、精神的交換和傳導(dǎo)的活動?;邮浇虒W(xué)法強調(diào)以“學(xué)生為中心”,師生互動能為學(xué)生創(chuàng)造一個輕松活躍的學(xué)習(xí)氛圍。在英語教學(xué)中運用互動教學(xué)法,使學(xué)生在教學(xué)活動中從單純接受者的角色轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閷W(xué)習(xí)過程的主體,從“要我學(xué)”到“我要學(xué)”,從接受式學(xué)習(xí)改變?yōu)榘l(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)習(xí)、探究學(xué)習(xí),激發(fā)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新觀念和創(chuàng)新欲望,提升學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新興趣,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生

2、產(chǎn)生新認識、新思想和創(chuàng)新事物的創(chuàng)新能力,有助于學(xué)生英語綜合素質(zhì)的培養(yǎng)。本文主要介紹了互動教學(xué)法的背景和理論依據(jù),互動教學(xué)法在英語教學(xué)課堂的具體運用以及互動教學(xué)法的模式。希望本文的研究能對英語教學(xué)的研究起到一定的借鑒作用。關(guān)鍵詞:互動教學(xué)、角色轉(zhuǎn)變、理念、模式。abstract interactive teaching means teaching in a certain context, the identity of the main teaching participants to follow certain rules, norms - the rules, norms that t

3、he participants mutually acceptable, recognized and reached a common consent, consensus and universality, the field of teaching the material, mental, exchange and transfer activities. interactive teaching methods emphasize "student-centered" teacher-student interaction can be easy for stud

4、ents to create a dynamic learning atmosphere. interaction in teaching english teaching so that students in the teaching role from mere recipients into the main body of the learning process, from the "want me to learn" to "i want to learn," learning to accept change from discovery

5、 learning, inquiry learning and inspire innovative ideas and innovation of students desire to enhance students interested in innovation, training students to generate new knowledge, new ideas and innovations ability to innovate, contribute to the overall quality of english language training. this pa

6、per describes the background of the interactive teaching methods and theoretical basis, interactive classroom teaching in the specific use of english language teaching and interactive teaching model. hoped that this paper will study the teaching of english play a reference role.keywords: interactive

7、 teaching、changing role、philosophy、mode.目錄摘 要 abstract 1the background 42"interactive" teaching the theoretical basis 52.1social constructivism 52.2 the theory of communicative approach 21 62.3 second language acquisition theory 62.4 the theory of self-development 63 making a variety of pr

8、actical application of teaching methods7 3.1 warm-up topic 73.2 the teacher-student interaction style questions 73.3 panel discussion with each other, the group exchange 74 effects of interactive teaching classroom assessment given to diversity. 95give summary of the advantages of interactive teachi

9、ng 106 first, the classroom teaching process 116.1 stimulating 126.1.1. novelty interest law cited 126.1.2 competition excitation method 136.2. create scenarios 136.3. inspiration 14conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . .

10、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26interactive approach in teaching english1 the background respecting for the student body is a fundamental characteristic of quality education, which focus on the development of human potential

11、and the integrity of the formation of human personality. both the cooperation spirit and collaboration skills are not only an integral part of quality education, but also are one important part of innovative education. teaching in the classroom between teachers and students create a democracy, coope

12、ration, interaction between teaching and relaxed teaching environment which improve the efficiency of classroom teaching effective way. the traditional teaching model, which is under the influence of the examination-oriented education, is simply as the input (input) - output (output) events. teacher

13、s impart knowledge and students have to learn knowledge passively. the interaction between teachers and students is only limited in a question and answer, the teacher is both "leader" and "speech", the students just as supporters or background, or even bystanders. some teaching b

14、etween the students is negative factors or non-constructive and destructive elements. evaluation criteria for teaching people not to see student participation and the acquisition of knowledge and mastery of the process, but rather to see whether the teachers put it "brilliant", that teache

15、rs "self-expression" is excellent. this single teaching mode ignored is regarded as individuals, because teachers and students are in different states. teaching a variety of needs and potential, ignoring the activities of the body are a common group in the classroom, and teaching students

16、appear multilateral, multi- layer interaction, ignoring the students are learning the subject, the subject is self-development, greatly hinder the overall quality of students across the board. at the same time, the current competition in primary and secondary education has a strong color. students a

17、s the school is a competitive place, which everyone wants to excel. this education is a competitive education, a person's success is built on the basis of the failure of others. in such a learning environment, students develop a kind of twisted sense of competition and self-serving behavior, lac

18、k of awareness of cooperation, lack of communication with others and the basic skills to form a single competition. therefore, "interactive" teaching model has practical significance.on the one hand, the dominant position of students can be established between the exchanges and cooperation

19、, both teaching and learning between teachers and students; can also promote healthy competition among students to form a good psychological quality of students. 2 "interactive" teaching the theoretical basis new curriculum standards national advocacy experience, practice, participation, c

20、ooperation and exchange of learning and task-based teaching approach, the ability of autonomous learning, for their life-long learning and development to lay a good foundation. "interactive" approach is reflected to this request, it is a two-way communication between teachers and teaching

21、methods. with the traditional teacher-centered teaching method different from the injection, it requires students to actively participate in practice and creativity. students are the main body of the teaching process, teachers are t the process of "managers", "facilitator", "

22、;consultant "," consultants "and" participant ". the teacher provide the development of the teaching process, the relationship between teachers and students" guidance - in "relationship. there is awareness between teachers and students of information and emotional

23、information exchange. so interaction, teaching is always in changing, which carry out multi-center interaction. "interactive" theory of teaching embodies the following characteristics: 2.1 social constructivism mainly based on social constructivist theory of vygotsky-based, which knowledge

24、 is as a social construct. interactive teaching is based on vygotsky's theory of psychological development and development of a dynamic mediation model of teaching. it emphasizes the significance of intermediaries in the teaching of teachers sharing teaching activities through the social interac

25、tions that occur, not only the development of the guiding role of teachers, but also teachers and students development. with interactive teaching, teachers do not simply transfer to students the meaning of the text, and replace them with social interaction through the intermediate students to learn.

26、 this intermediary role needs teachers in addition to the performance for the purpose of simulation and demonstration of something. we can find the better performance in the teacher-student interaction, which should be in students way of thinking, problem-solving strategies such as analysis, this ki

27、nd of support can be given to students, the interaction of teaching, and ultimately help students to develop his own inherent self-agency system, making it self-evident learners with insight and independence of the readers. 2.2 the theory of communicative approach 21communicative approach (the commu

28、nicative app roach) produced in the early 20th century, and its founder was a british linguist wilkins (d a wilkins). communicative teaching language learning advocates from function to form, from ideas to express. the core idea of is to train students in communication skills, which students use lan

29、guage in real life ability. the main idea in foreign language teaching is regarded as a manifestation of great importance to the use of language, breaking the traditional teaching of the limitations of grammar teaching. language throughout the curriculum design, curriculum, teaching materials and me

30、thods of selection and teaching all aspects of the process. 2.3 second language acquisition theory krashen (1982) in second language acquisition theory, and students master the language must be "comprehensible input", if the input of individual students beyond the current modest level of a

31、cquisition to occur naturally. he also believed that language acquisition is through the "acquisition" rather than “l(fā)earning.” learning is a conscious through teaching the language to learn: the acquisition refers to the language through the communication system access to the unconscious m

32、aster the language. actually master the language in communicative activities are mostly the result of the use of language, not simply training in language skills and learning the results of language knowledge. to acquire language must pass the "change of interaction", it can enter into int

33、elligibility, comprehensible input is also beneficial to language acquisition. long (1983) suggested that language must be "conversational interaction" to acquisition, language acquisition is not the lack of wit of "the variability of interaction" (modified interaction).2.4 the t

34、heory of self-development eric dixon's self-development theory, human development by the social culture, social life and teaching of various aspects, he considers education as promote human development, human development and the promotion of education. education in the process of self- get creat

35、ives inspiration. like the development of markov theory, teaching is not just access to knowledge, which is more importantly in the development of students. therefore, the "interactive" approach to the development of students as a final destination, "as a starting point of students, s

36、tudent-end" is the essence of this study. end to the above, constitute the "interactive" teaching the meaning and the foundation. 3 making a variety of practical application of teaching methods 3.1 warm-up topic in a student-centered interactive teaching, the teacher in advance of nex

37、t week's theme of english classes, students after class to gather relevant information on this theme and upload the network. in class, teachers must first audio-visual and leads to the theme, and then organize the students according to their own data collected in the group discussions and class

38、discussions, make a report, or debate; after-school students will discuss the contents of the written summary or students on a topic to write a articles meet certain genre of english articles. for example, learning a text, students collect data on how westerners celebrate christmas, what is the info

39、rmation window shopping, etc., and then let the students display their collection of pictures and write materials or through the pieces in the class. meanwhile, the teachers give a timely according to the evaluation of student performance. 3.2 the teacher-student interaction style questions after a

40、few minutes before class in the "warm-up topic", you can explain the content of this unit up. teacher asked students to receive reading words, read the text. in the texts of presentations, the key and difficult are explained the main by teachers, for example: “does everyone enjoy the happi

41、ness of christmas?” “what is the meaning of the phrase?” “express their points of view”.3.3 panel discussion with each other, the group exchange group discussion can be 4 to 6 people through the establishment of the heterogeneous group, and give full guarantee on time, prompting students to learn fr

42、om each other in activities, learn from each other. the sampler such as learning a text, the teacher who co-operation sub-group analysis of the text, the article listed in the syllabus so that students are given the theme of each effect, see what kind of writing with the practices, rhetoric, and the

43、 resulting effect. teachers can visit or participate in a panel discussion, informed and targeted guidance. group discussion to arrive at more complete answers, represented by the group described their views, the class exchange. speech, such as errors or omissions may be corrected or the other membe

44、rs of the group added. if in doubt, other groups can be questioned and further discussions. in exchange, they can take a collective way of performing group reported the results of the discussion. teachers in the teaching process should guide students to the content of the text to express their opini

45、ons, the same time, teachers can be based on oral expression of students found that students learn grammar, the important phrase to grasp the situation. exchanges can be set following form: 1 group international seminar: teachers designated by the several groups to discuss the more mature statement,

46、 reported the group's understanding of the text, the introduction of this group can not solve the difficult problems; and then by other groups and teachers to evaluate, supplement, or questioned, or to debate, or to give answers and correct; finally summarized by the teachers. for example: unit2

47、 lesson6- no smoking, please! teachers say to children: cigarette production should be forbidden in the law. pros and cons of two groups collect data after school hours, a panel discussion will be organized into debate draft, so as to develop the students capacity for critical thought. 2. group inte

48、rnational peer review: a partner among the teams to complete learning tasks, including the preview or review the results, the effect of job is completed, the quality of the job is completed, you can read the text, the group between the questions and answers, to check understanding of text. for examp

49、le: unit13 lesson50 abraham lincoln lesson, a group asks some question, why did the american people love abraham lincoln so much? constantly sum up the other group added, and reached a consensus: abraham lincoln is hard working, studious, intelligent, full of sense of justice, in americans fighting

50、for the freedom and happiness of life of all mankind to learn from. students not only exercise the mind, but also by the ideological and moral education. 3. group of international competition: a group of teachers raised the issue, or listen to a recording or after the group answer in order to answer

51、. when a team member to answer wrong or incomplete, the other members of the same group can do to correct or supplement, as well as by other groups to make correct or supplement. for example: sefc 2a unit8 lesson31 first aid lesson, the teacher asks questions: what should you do if you find a person

52、 hurt in a car accident? competition in the form of small groups of students to speak their minds, to see which team completed the most rapidly and more rational point of view. exercise not only language skills, and master the basic first aid knowledge. exchanges in the group, the teacher exchanges

53、in advance of the group form of organization, activities, planning procedures and arrangements; to seize the opportunity to make the contents key, difficult and critical questions to guide the group around the center, focus, grasp the key to carry out discussion and exchange, and commented on a time

54、ly manner; must firmly grasp the time, the efficiency of the activities of all aspects of timely regulation and control, group exchanges efficient and orderly manner. 4 effects of interactive teaching classroom assessment given to the group of exchanges, the teacher evaluation criteria

55、according to certain interaction between the various groups to make a comprehensive, objective and accurate evaluation, recognition of good performance of the group, pointed out that the activities of the problems, and to the discussions and exchange of knowledge summed, check the objectives achieve

56、d. can be used to repeat the text, cloze or use scenarios to create dialogue, role play, interviews, and writing stories and other forms. for example, unit19 jobs after school, can ms. king, mr. pattis and the different perspective of the doctor to repeat the text, you can also mr. king & doctor

57、, mr. pattis & nurse and mr. pattis & ms. king between talk series of different dialogue; and unit18 lesson69-70 the lost necklace after school, the way role-playing can be used to consolidate the text, the use of the technology can also ask students to write a story in the form of the space

58、 of thinking: mathilde know the truth mad; jeanne returned all the money, mathilde one from leading a rich life; mathilde finally realized that their own vanity compromised himself, suddenly wake up; also have the students continue to write the two descendants of mathilde and jeanne married the story, full of creativity. after the interview or simulated earthquake, survivors interviewed experts on the current environmental pollution


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