B4U2-4 Using language_第1頁
B4U2-4 Using language_第2頁
B4U2-4 Using language_第3頁
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B4U2-4 Using language_第5頁
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1、Using languageUsing languageReadingReadingDiscussing: How do you understand green food?cleanollutionrich ingoodChemical or Organic Farming?Read the passage quickly first to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1: Para 2:Para 3:Para 4: A new d of scientists.Several problems c by using fertil

2、izers.The a of using farming.iscoveryausedchemicaldvantagesorganicSome m to keep the fertile.ethodssoilMain idea of the passage_ can cause many problems, so _is becoming more popular.Chemical fertilizersorganic farmingRead the text again and answer the following questions: P141. Why are chemical fer

3、tilizers so popular in farming today?2.What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers?3.What is organic farming?4.What is the main reason for using organic farming methods?1. Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?They are a great way to stop crop and increase .diseasepr

4、oduction2.What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers?They can d the land by killing helpful bacteria and pets and by s in the ground and underground water for a long time. They damage peoples h by building up in their bodies and leading to c or other illnesses. amageealthancertaying3.

5、What is organic farming?Organic farming means growing c without using any c .ropshemicals4.What is the main reason for using organic farming methods?The main reason for using organic farming methods is to grow g food and to avoid d the e or peoples h .oodamagingnvironmentealth1.This makes the soil r

6、icher in minerals and so more fertile.2.Farmers often change the of crop in each field every few years.2.Changing the crops r the minerals in the soil and helps it become and healthy.Methods of organic farmingAdvantages of methods1.Farmers use natural waste from animals.kindenewsrich3. This uses dif

7、ferent of soil.4. Farmers sometimes plant between crops and leave it in the ground.4. This wind or water from carrying away and acts as a n fertilizer.methods of organic farmingAdvantages of methods3. Farmers plant crops with different l of roots.engthslevelsgrasspreventssoilaturalWhat is the disadv

8、antage of using chemical fertilizers?1. Leaving chemicals in the ground for a long time is not good for the or the supply.2. Farmers often grow the crop year after year. As a result, the soil gets e .3.Chemical fertilizers kill both h and h bacteria and pests.soilwatersamexhaustedelpfularmfulPhrases

9、 chemical fertilizers increase production long-term use of cause damage to underground water be washed off build up over time lead to in addition with these discoveries turn to 化肥化肥 增加產量增加產量 長期使用長期使用 對對造成危害造成危害 地下水地下水 被沖洗掉被沖洗掉 逐漸增強;建立;開發(fā)逐漸增強;建立;開發(fā) 隨著時間推移隨著時間推移 導致;通向;造成導致;通向;造成 此外此外 隨著隨著/由于這些發(fā)現(xiàn)由于這些發(fā)現(xiàn)

10、 轉向轉向 organic farming focus on keep free of/from grow strong and healthy keep the soil fertile every few years put down deep roots carry away the soil a natural fertilizer damage the environment 有機耕作有機耕作 集中(精力等)于集中(精力等)于 使免受使免受/不含有不含有 茁壯成長茁壯成長 保持土壤肥沃保持土壤肥沃 每隔幾年每隔幾年 扎下深根扎下深根 帶走土壤帶走土壤 天然肥料天然肥料 損害環(huán)境損害環(huán)

11、境Language points1. These chemicals in the food supply build up in peoples bodies over time.build up 增強增強; 建立;開發(fā)建立;開發(fā) Hard working conditions character. 艱苦的工作條件能磨練人的性格。艱苦的工作條件能磨練人的性格。He his strength again after an illness.他病后逐步恢復體力。他病后逐步恢復體力。build upbuilt up2. Many of these chemicals can lead to canc

12、er or other illnesses.lead to: 導致;造成導致;造成 (后果后果);通往;通往Too much work and rest often illness. 過量的工作和過少的休息會引起疾病。過量的工作和過少的休息會引起疾病。All roads lead to Rome. 條條大道通羅馬。條條大道通羅馬。即學即練即學即練 用用lead to的適當形式完成句子。的適當形式完成句子。1. Students should always remember that hard work is the main way which _ success.2. The bad wea

13、ther _ a terrible accident a few days ago.leads toled totoo littlelead to聯(lián)想聯(lián)想 result in引起引起(某種結果某種結果)、使獲得、使獲得(某種成某種成果果)、結果、結果。如:。如:The accident resulted in two deaths.result from由由造成、因造成、因而產生。如:而產生。如:Sickness sometimes results from eating too much.含介詞含介詞to的東側短語:的東側短語:come to 來到,蘇醒來到,蘇醒refer to 參考,參考

14、, 涉及涉及l(fā)ook forward to 盼望盼望pay attention to 注意注意stick to 堅持堅持devote to 致力于致力于turn to 求助于求助于get close to 靠近靠近3. They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.focus on:集中集中(注意力,精力等)于注意力,精力等)于 focus ones attention on 集中注意力于集中注意力于focus ones mind on 把心思集中到把心思集中到上上You should your work.你應該把注意力集中

15、在你的工作上。你應該把注意力集中在你的工作上。他需要更集中于他的事業(yè)。他需要更集中于他的事業(yè)。He needs to his career.把照相機的焦點集中在那些樹上。把照相機的焦點集中在那些樹上。 your camera those trees.focus your attention onfocus more onFocuson4. reduce vt. 減少,減縮減少,減縮They have to reduce expenses this year.他們今年必須他們今年必須削減開支削減開支。搭配搭配reduce to 減到,降到減到,降到reduce by 減了,減了, 降了(后接表降

16、了(后接表差距差距的數(shù)據)的數(shù)據)Please reduce_ 2% off the invoice price. 發(fā)票發(fā)票The water will freeze when the thermograph reduces _ zero centigrade.5. This also keeps the air, soil, water and crops free from chemicals.這樣還可以讓空氣、土壤、水以及農作物不受化學這樣還可以讓空氣、土壤、水以及農作物不受化學物質的污染。物質的污染。keep free from/of使使免受免受(影響影響/傷害等傷害等)鍛煉能使我們擺

17、脫疾病。鍛煉能使我們擺脫疾病。Exercise can us disease. 聯(lián)合國正試圖使世界免受戰(zhàn)爭的威脅。聯(lián)合國正試圖使世界免受戰(zhàn)爭的威脅。The United Nation is trying to the world the of war.keepfree fromkeepfree fromthreat Step 1: Skim the passage to find its main idea. Write it down in your own words. Step 2: Find and underline the topic sentence of each paragr

18、aph. Rewrite each topic sentence, using your own words. Do not copy from the passage! Step 3: Write your summary. First state the main idea of the passage and then the topics covered by each paragraph. Remember, use your own words! Step 4: Swap summaries with your partner and give each other comment

19、s. Check your partners summary for the main idea and topic sentences.Write a summary of this passage following the procedure. Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems, so organic farming is becoming more popular.Paragraph 1: Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and , even more dangerous, to peoples health. In recent days, scientists have


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