



1、unit 2 school life課題: integrated skills& study skills (第四課時(shí)) 【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1、了解更多中外學(xué)校生活的異同點(diǎn)。2.、識別聽力材料中呈現(xiàn)的具體信息,提高聽力技巧。3.、談?wù)摬煌瑢W(xué)校,提高語言表達(dá)能力?!菊n前預(yù)習(xí)】一、預(yù)習(xí)p25頁,翻譯下列詞組。1、在作業(yè)上花3小時(shí) _ 3 hours _ homework2、有更少的教師 there are _ teachers.3、英國的學(xué)生 _4、穿校服 _5、教師的數(shù)量 _ 6、在這3個(gè)學(xué)校中 _ the three _ 7、放假7周 _7 weeks _8、在暑假 in the_9、努力工

2、作學(xué)習(xí) _10、做早操 _二、預(yù)習(xí)p27頁,寫出下列形容詞(adj.)的副詞(adv.)形式,或 名詞(n.)的形容詞(adj.)形式。 heavy _ angry _ month_careful _ quiet _ day_slow _ gentle _ week_happy _ quick _ love_【課堂助學(xué)】1、預(yù)習(xí)成果展示。2. revise the use of “more/ fewer / lessthan”. revise the use of “the most/ fewest / least”.3. questions about our school:4. play

3、the tape for the students to listen and complete the form. play the tape again and check the answers with the students.5. fill in the blanks in part a1&a3&a46. speak up.listen and read ,then practice the dialogue and act it. make new dialogues and act them.7. study skills: the suffix : adj.-

4、ly = adv.、n.-ly = adj.【課堂檢測】一、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. this storybook is _ _ _ (interest) of all.2. i can read english china _ (day) every day.3. your new flat is quite different from _ (we).4. this uniform is _ _ (nice) of the three.5. playing games is _ (real) fun.6. english is one of my favorite _ (subjec

5、t).7. he came to school earlier than _(usually) this morning.8. of the three boys, tony spends _ _ (little) time on hobby.9. students have a _ (month) trip in our school.10. the questions are easy, i can answer them _ (easy).11. look, how _ (beautiful) she is dancing!12 . we talk _ (free) in the cla

6、ss meeting.13. amy is very _(love) and _(polite).二、翻譯句子。1下個(gè)月,他想請兩天假。 next month, he _.2一班的學(xué)生比二班的學(xué)生少。 there are _.3. 我的書比你的書多。 i _4她在歷史上花的時(shí)間比在地理上面的時(shí)間少。 she _.5我們學(xué)校的班級最少。 our school _.6她每天用英語堅(jiān)持記錄她的日常生活 she keeps _.7. 對于我們來說,學(xué)習(xí)外語是很有趣的。to us, _8. 通常我每天最多只有半小時(shí)用于愛好。i usually_【課后作業(yè)】一、單項(xiàng)選擇題。 ( ) 1. she has

7、three daughters. one is a teacher, _ are workers. a. another b. the other c. the others d. other ( ) 2. i spend_ time on my homework than you do . that means you have _ homework than i do. a. less, much b. more, less c. less, less d. more, more ( ) 3. guangzhou is bigger than _ in hunan. a. any othe

8、r city b. any other cities c. any city d. other city ( ) 4. your drawing is good. hers is _ than yours and his is _ of all. a. better; better b. best; best c. better; the best d. the best; better( ) 5. we didnt have a day _ these days because of too much work.a. to b. away c. from d. off( ) 6. last

9、sunday, we had a football game, and we played_.a. badb. badly c. worse d. worst( ) 7. i spend some money in watching drama plays, so i have _ money than you do. a. fewer b. fewest c. less d. least( ) 8. im new here, so i have _ friends here. a. a few b. a little c. few d. little三、任務(wù)型閱讀。 stop your ma

10、rks from fallingits very common for students marks to fall. sometimes it is because of situations outside school, such as problems at home. sometimes it is only because the exams get harder.when your marks start to fall, you should try talking to a friendly teacher. he or she will be able to help yo

11、u with the subjects you find difficult. stop comparing yourself with other students. it doesnt matter if other students get higher exam marks than you. what is important is that you do your best. before the exams, you should go through your notes from class. you should remember the most important th

12、ings you have written in a shorter form.look through your shorter notes again just before the exams. you will be surprised when you find you remember so much. it may take hard work and your marks may not improve straight. but let your confidence(自信心) rise by every mark. soon they should begin to cli

13、mb again.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,改寫下列句子,每空一詞。1. the writer thinks students marks fall not only because of the problems _ school but also the _ exams at school.2. when your marks start to fall, its better to _ to a friendly teacher _ to compare yourself with other students.3. if you want to stop your marks from _, you should go through your notes from class before each _.4. af


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