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1、2002patr II vocabulary31.An enormous number of people in the worlds poorest countries do not have clean water or adequate sanitation_A. capacities B. facilities C. authorities D. warranties 32.Family-planing clinics give out _advices to people who have decided to limit the size of their families.A.i

2、nsensitive B.interrogative C.contraceptive D.communicative 33.Caffeine is the _drug that will just about get you out of the door on time to catch the bus.A.miracle B.myth n. C.trick D.legend 34.Today investigators are still far from _ a master map原圖of the vasculature of the heart.A.constituting B.de

3、codingC.drafting D.encoding35.I have never seen a more caring, _ group of piople in my life.A.emotional B.impersonal C.compulsory D.compassionate 36.By the time I reached my residency, I _ treated the patient as a whole human being.A.yearned for B.broke into C.pass for D.made for.37.We now obtain mo

4、re than two-thirds protein from animal resources, while our grandparents _only one-half from animal resources.A.originated B.digested C.deprived D.derived38.Obesity carries an increased risk of _.A.mortality B. mobility C.longevity D.maternity 39.The best exercise should require continuous _ , rathe

5、r than frequent stops and starts.A.compassion B.acceleration C.frustration D.exertionn. 40.Environmental officials insist that something be done to _ acid rain.A.curb B.sue C.detoxifyD.condemn 41.It would be wildly optimistic to believe that these advances offset such a large reduction in farmland .

6、 A.take in B.make upC.cut down D.bring about 42.To begin with ,it is impossible to come up with a satisfactory definition of what constitutes happy and unhappy marriage. A.explain B.oppose C.represent D.propose 43.Politicians often use emotional rather than rational arguments to win the support for

7、their actions and ideas. A.applicable B.favorable C.sensitive D.reasonable 44.Tests are one way for a teacher to assess how much a student has learned.A.observe B.appraise C.appreciate D.induce 45.Through live television, the world is now able to witness historical events as they happen.A.reserve B.

8、confirm C.perceive D.transmit 46.Most experts say that the new tax plan will have a negligible effect on the countrys economic problems.A.indefinite B.indispensable C.infinite D.insignificant 47.I dont know how you could have left out the most important fact of all.A.omitted B.fabricated C.pinpointe

9、d D.embraced 48.Family and cultural beliefs and norms are important predictors of health-seeking behavior. A.formulations B.standards C.principlesn. D.notions 49.There must be a systematic approach to retrieving notes and analyzing them. A.regain B.relieving C.reversing D.rectifying 50.To study the

10、distribution of disease within an area, it is useful to plot the case on a map. A.mark B.allocate C.erase D.pose part III close (10%)You feel generally depressed and unable to concentrate. Your pattern of daily 51 may change: you find yourself52 and active at night; you sleep late into the day, when

11、 most others are working .You stay in your room and have little contact with people 53 with those who speak your language .In your mind, you criticize the piople around you -they are rude, loud, unfriendly, uninformed, concerned with insignificant things, 54 stupid; you complain about them to any fr

12、iends you have. You became55 when you cant go into a restaurant and order the type of food you realy like; you get angry when the TV news contains mostly U.S news and very little about events that are important to you. You are constantly making comparison between life here and the perfect life 56 ho

13、me.Above all, you are homesick almost all the time.If you ever find yourself behaving in ways 57 these, you are brobably suffering culture shock. Culture shock is a psychological 58 that sometimes has physical effects.It affects piople who have moved away from an invironment where they know how to l

14、ive 59 a new environment where much is unfamiliar to them-the food, the weather, the language, and especially the 60 rules for social behavior that few people are consciously aware of .51.A. way B.pattern C. method D.track52.A.sleepy B.happy C.awake D.sad53.A.for B.lest C.besides D.except54.A.even B

15、.merely C.indeed D.rather55.A.offended B.uninterested C.frustrated D.isolated56.A.here B.there C.back D.away57.A.the same as B.different from C. similar to D.familiar with 58.A.situation B.condition C.reflection D.position59.A.in B.at C.within D.into60.A.unwritten B.written C.spoken D.secretepassage

16、 oneScience is the 4-year pursuit of knowledge that every high school teenager must live through. I often ask myself, when will I ever need to use this stuff when I grow up? The answer is clearly , probably never. I doubt that I will ever need to know the chemical formula of dichromate, or how to co

17、rrectly identify a combustion reaction.However,where would we be today, whithout science? Without the great minds of Einstein and Newton, where would we be? How would I be able to writer this essay on the computer ,if there was no science? Would I be alive today? Would humankind survive through the

18、year snd still be around today? Or dogs be the masters of humans? Would we be still the dominant species on the Earth?So many questions arise because the human race depends on the advancement of science. We are dependent on Nabisco to make that cookie you love, 99.99% fat free, that video game compa

19、ny to come out with the anniversary game cartridge you want to play so badly , and that car company to alter the headlights of the car and call it the “new” 98 car.where would we be whithout science? We depend on our researchers to make new vaccines and doctors to make us the way we want to be.We de

20、pend on them to make us “prettier”,to perform triple bypass, to make sure nothing goes wrong when they operate upon us. Doctors depend on science just as much as we depend on science. Lawyers are constantly depending on doctors not knowing their science so they can get rich quick. Just look how much

21、 our society depends on the advancement of science.Science, in a way , keeps our society from falling apart. In our society science is everywhere. Science takes part in our everyday life more than we think. We need science progress so that we can simply make it through a day. When most people think

22、of science , they think of it as a laboratory ,white coats, and mixing all different-colored chemicals untill something blows up. But the fact is that science is a way of life and our future.61.The authors probable answer to the question where we would be today, without science is_A.it hard to imagi

23、neB.we would nowhere to findC.lets see what happensD.not every question has an answer in the world62.From the cookie to the car,the author is trying to tell us that science_A.would be nowhere without humansB.is picking up its developing paceC.raise so many present problemsD.is shaping our world63.Th

24、e author impies that science_A.is making doctors and lawyers the richest people in our societyB.does not involve every professionC.needs us as much as we need itD.is benefiting everyone64.The author seems to draw a conclusion that science_A.does rather than it isB.is ubiquitous in our lifeC.does not

25、 exist in a laboratoryD.is not appreciated in the publix65.The author is most probably_A.a student B.a socialist C.a professor of scienceD.a free-lance writer of sciencepassage 2Osteoporosis used to be called “the silent diseasebecause its victims didnt know they had it until it was too late and the

26、y suffered a bone fracture. Today, doctors can identify osteoporosis early. Improved understanding of the disease has also led to new treatments and strategies for preventing the disease altogether.For post-menopausal woman, the most common medical response to osteoporosis is hormone replacement the

27、rapy. Boosting estrogen levels strengthens the entire skeleton and reduces the risk of hip fracture.Unfortunately ,it sometimes causes uterine bleeding and may increase the of breast cancer.To passby such side effects, researchers have developed several alternative treatments. Synthetic estrogens ca

28、lled Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators(SERMs) emulate estrogen with slight modifications.Another drug ,alendronate reduces spine, hip and wrist fractures by 50 percent. Researchers have even developed a nasal spray called calcitonin. Each of these alternatives has trade-offs ,however. Patients

29、must talk with their doctors to decide which therapy is best for them.The ideal way to address osteoporosis is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. And the best to do this is in childhood, when most bone mass is accumulated.Because bodies continue building bone until about age thirty, some experts belie

30、ve that women in their twenties can still increase their bone stength by as much as 20 percent.Calcium, which is available in low-fat dairy foods and dark green vegetables, is essential for preventing osteoporosis. So is Vitamin D , which aides calcium absorbtion. Vitamin D comes from sunlingt, but

31、dietary supplements may be helpful in northern climates and among those who dont get outside.The final component is regular moderate exercise because bone responds to the needs that body puts on it.These are the simple steps that can help make “the silent disease”truly silent.66.Hormone replacement

32、therapy for osteoporosis_A.used to effective in post-manopausal womanB.is most frequently priscribed by doctorsC.works perfectly on post-manopausal womenD.is most likely to be avoided for its side effects.67.The best treatment for osteoporosis , according to the passage._A.is Selective Estrogen Rece

33、ptor ModulatorsB.is chosen by the patient C.possesses no side effectsD.is of individuality68.To preventing osteoporosis, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted_A.as early as childhoodB.when one is in his twentiesC.after bone mass accumulate stopsD.as soon as osteoporosis is diagnosed.69.By making “th

34、e silent disease” truly silent, the author means that the actions suggested_A.can be the best therapy for osteoporosisB.can help eradicate osteoporosisC.can help prevent osteoporosisD.all of the above.70.The author of this passage focuses on the_of osteoporosisA.alternative treatmentsB.early diagnos

35、isC.treatments and preventionD.resulting damagespassage 3If you are caught in a downpour, it is better to run for a shelter than walk, reaserchers in the US advise. This may sound obvious, but an earlier study in Britain suggested that you would get just as wet as walking.In 1995, Stephen Belcher of

36、 the University of Reading and his students calculated how much water falls on top of your head and how much you sweep up on your front as you move forward. Obviously, you would get wetest standing still, and less wet the faster you moved. But the Reading team found that the benefits of running fast

37、er than about 3 meters per secondwhich they described as a walking pace-were tiny.Thomas Peterson and Trevor Wallis ,meteorologists at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina, had a hunch that this was wrong.They realized that the Reading team had overestimated the average wal

38、king pace, so they reworked the calculations for a walking pace of 1.5metres per second and a running speed of 4 meters second.Peterson and Wallis conclude in the latest issue of weather that a walker would get 16 per cent wetter than a runner over a distance of 100 metres in drizzle. In heavy rain

39、,this would rise to 23 per cent.When the reseachers allowed for the way that runners tend to lean forward, sheltering the front of their bodies but increasing the rainfall on their backs, they found that a walker would get 36per cent wetter than a runner in heavy rain.Not content with theory alone,

40、Peterson and Wallis decided to test their ideas. “If verification requires an 80million satellite, one may have to forgo verification,” says Peterson . “But if it involves a simple experiment, thats another matter.” Peterson and Wallis are roughly the same size, Wearing identical clothing, one ran 1

41、00 metres in heavy rain and the other walked.They weighed their clothes before and after the experiment. This showed that the walker had absorbed 0.22kgs of water,while the runner had soaked up only 0.13 kgs. This is about 40 per cent less ,in line with the models predictions.Belcher says that his t

42、eams work was a bit of fun, and that apart from the confusion over what a typical walking speed is ,their results were similar to those of Peterson and Wallis. “Im delighted to see that their experiments gave results in qualitative agreement with the model,” says Belcher.But why not just take an umb

43、rells? For anyone thinking of taking the easy way out, Wallis has a warning: “Running with an umbrella has a negative impact on your aerodynamics”71.The reading team and the American meteorologists presented different results in investigating_A.how far people can run per second in a downpourB.the be

44、nefits of running for shelter in a downpourC.whether people can run fast in a downpourD.the average walking pace in a downpour72.According to the American researchers, the Reading team made an error in calculating_ A.the average walking pace B.the amount of rainfallC.the time and distanceD.the runni

45、ng speed73.Which of the following, according to the American researchers, gets the least wet?A.Running in drizzleB.walking in drizzleC.Running in heavy rainD.walking in heavy rain74.They verified their model predictions by experimenting_A.on themselvesB.with satelliteC.on the twins of the same sizeD

46、.with sophisticated calculating devices75.The simila results ,according to Belcher ,refer to_A.the amount of rain water absorbedB.the average running speedC.the average walking paceD.all of the abovepassage 4Englisher speakers pick up pitch in the right hemisphere of their brains, but speakers of ce

47、rtain other languages perceive it on the left as well.It all depends on what you want to learn from pitch, Donald Wong of the Indians School of Medicine in Indianapolis told the meeting last week.Earlier studies have shown that when an English speaker hears pitch changes, the right prefrontal cortex

48、 leaps into action. This fits in with the idea that emotive nuances of language-which in English are often carried by the rise and fall of the voice-are perceived on the right.But in “tonal” languages like Thai, Mandarin and Swedish, Pitch not only carries emotional information,but can also alter th

49、e meaning of a word .Wong and his colleagues suspected that a speaker of tonal language would register pitch in the left side of the brain-in particular Brocas area ,which processes the linguistic content of language.To test this , the team asked English speakers and Thai speakers to listen 80 pairs

50、 of Thai words, and tracked the blood flow in their brains using positron emission tomography.The volunteers had to decide whether the two words sounded the same, either by consonant or by tone ,In some cases, the words had on intelligible meaning.None of the words was emotionally charged, so even w

51、hen Thai speakers could understand them, there was no right-side activation.But sure enough the Thai speakers could consistently lit up the left side of the brain, especially Brocas area, while the English speakers did not.The researchers are now planing to repeat the experiment with Thai speakers u

52、sing whole sentences, complete with emotional information. “Both hemispheres will be engaged,” predict Wong.76.The reason why pitch is registered on the right hemisphere, according to the passage, is that _A.belongs to the English language exclusivelyB.is an emotive nuance of language C.can be easil

53、y heard D.is a regular sound77.When the emotion-free words were heard in the test_A.were registered on the English speakers right hemisphereB.slowed down the blood flow in the volunteers brainsC.activated the Thai speakers left hemispheresD.sounded the exactly the same to the volunteers78.A tonal la

54、nguage_A.possess no pitchB.carries pitch with dual functions C.is superior to the English languageD.holds more linguestic content than English.79.In Wongs future expetiment ,the volunteers_A.will use either their right or left hemispheresB.will use both English and a tonal languageC.will listen to e

55、motionally-charged sentencesD.will listen to more pairs of emotionally-charged words80.What is the passage mainly about?A.Two hemisphere to the sound of speechB.Two functions of pitch in languageC. Two hemisphere of the human braimD.Two languages and two hemispheresPassage 5We are all members of a c

56、ulture. How we interpret the reality around us ,what we consider to be reasonable statements and behavior ,and what we believe to be health and illness all stem from the culture we share with some people and not with others. Those whose cultural experiences differ from our own will also differ in th

57、eir belief and interpretions of reality.We are all rooted in an ethnic group as well, even if this group is simply the so-called “majority” of white, middle class, protestant heritage .The degree to which we identify with an ethnic past will vary according to the strength with which family tradition

58、 has maintained that identity,and to the degree that the family chooses to assimilate into the larger society. The extent of an individuals or a familys identification with an ethnic heritage is as important as the specific features of that heritage.American society is ethnically and culturally diverse, and community hea


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