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1、1sumc 2011-2012students copythe cardiovascular system2nwhat is the circulatory system?nwhat does the cv system do?ninternal and external anatomyncardiac cyclenheart soundsnconductive system of the heartnblood vesselsndiseases of the cvs3the heart and blood vessels together make up the cardiovascular

2、 system.ncirculate blood throughout entire body fortransport of oxygen to cellstransport of co2 away from cellstransport of nutrients (glucose) to cellsmovement of immune system components (cells, antibodies)transport of endocrine gland secretions45noblique positionnapex = left of midline (5th ics),

3、 anterior to rest of heartnbase (posterior surface) sits on vertebral columnnsuperior right = 3rd costal cartilage, 1” right midsternumnsuperior left = 2nd costal cartilage, 1” left midsternumninferior right = 6th costal cartilage, 1” right midsternumninferior left = 5th intercostal space at midclav

4、icular line6serous membranecontinuous withblood vesselsconnective tissendothilium7page 4489lungsbody cellsour circulatory system is a double circulatory system. this means it has two parts parts. the right side of the system deals with deoxygenated blood.the left side of the system deals with oxygen

5、ated blood.10circulationcoronary circulation the circulation of blood within the heart.pulmonary circulation the flow of blood between the heart and lungs.systemic circulation the flow of blood between the heart and the cells of the body.11bicuspid (mitral)tricuspid (av)pulmonaryaortic (sl)12how doe

6、s the heart work?blood from the bodyblood from the lungsthe heart beat begins when theheart muscles relax and bloodflows into the atria.step one13the atria then contract andthe valves open to allow bloodinto the ventricles.how does the heart work?step two14how does the heart work?the valves close to

7、 stop bloodflowing backwards.the ventricles contract forcing the blood to leave the heart.at the same time, the atria arerelaxing and once again filling withblood.the cycle then repeats itself.step three1516copyright 2003 pearson education, inc. publishing as benjamin cummings17copyright 2003 pearso

8、n education, inc. publishing as benjamin cummings cardiac output (co) total vent blood/minamount of blood pumped by each side of the heart in one minuteco = (heart rate hr) x (stroke volume sv) stroke volume volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one contraction18s1- what is it ?closing of the

9、bicuspid and tricuspid valves. (closure of the av valves)the pulmonic and aortic valves are openingand blood is being forced into the arteriess2- what is it ?the sounds are because of the closing of the pulmonic and aortic valves (closure of the semilunar valves)1920action potential- electrical impu

10、lse causing the contraction of heart muscle cellsthe sa node, or pacemaker, initiates the heartbeat and causes the atria to contract on average every 0.85 seconds. the av node conveys the stimulus and initiates contraction of the ventricles. the signal for the ventricles to contract travels from the

11、 av node through the atrioventricular bundle to the smaller purkinje fibers.21electrocardiogramnan electrocardiogram (ecg) is a recording of the electrical changes that occur in the myocardium during a cardiac cycle. nthe p wave occurs just prior to atrial contraction; the qrs complex occurs just pr

12、ior to ventricular contraction; and the t wave occurs when the ventricles are recovering from contraction.22copyright 2003 pearson education, inc. publishing as benjamin cummings23 three layers (tunics)tunic intimaendotheliumtunic mediasmooth muscletunic externamostly fibrous connective tissue24copy

13、right 2003 pearson education, inc. publishing as benjamin cummingsfigure 11.525ntunica externaoutermost layerelastin and collagenstrengthens, anchorsntunica mediamiddle layercircular smooth musclevaso-constriction/dilationntunica intimainnermost layerendotheliumminimize frictionnlumen2627artery/vein

14、 differences(歸納:dtwlv)arteries (aa.)veins (vv.)direction of flowblood away from heartblood to heartpressurehigherlowerwallsthicker: tunica media thicker than tunica externathinner: tunica externa thicker than tunica medialumensmallerlargervalvesno valvesvalves 28293031coronary artery circulation32 p

15、ulse pressure wave of blood monitored at “pressure points” where pulse is easily palpated3334cardiovascular diseasesncardiovascular diseases include those that affect the heart and those that affect the peripheral vascular system.nthe heart and blood vessels may be primarily attacked by these diseases or they may be secondarily affected as a consequence of another disease.35risk factors for cardiovascular disease(sdosp)nsmokingndiabetesnobesity nstressnphysical inactivitynhigh blood pressure


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