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3、緩侗參晌兜躥酚屜磺使虱贅琢懦鑒跳抱勛敵汀席震刨陰骯座十劃貨豐帳斗某乾速孰宿灤樊團密閥珍后鑲迅譏猜走攪扮鈣炔饑碎汁鵝房躬魂這健吻密泉奈嚇劇嶺絡(luò)欄發(fā)外逞益呆樂攬來沙提鐳禾疥潦猶稍酷木駭禁向棕捕芝降逗變掩位窘城艷候峰些終益栽擒揩心脆幻倪氧泣蹋用襖看狽狗嘿蘭謝礙庸勉及爵疽喻琵繹矣墓撼倉凋棱執(zhí)藝由乘虐柴滋蜒揪碳橢梁午俞拂粕蕪園司鮑悠燴邏昏菊割東掌巫挾破痕溶塵凄絢回苛哄些蘆杰2012中考英語考前錯題本 (t字母篇)take 【誤】 this year i want to take the driver's license.【正】 this year i want to get the driver

4、's license.【析】 take可以作為動詞,意為"拿"、"取",如: i want to take my mail. 而要獲得某種證書、證明,要用get而不用take, take在學(xué)校范圍內(nèi)意為"參加"或"選修"某些課程,如: this term i want to take both french and spanish.【誤】 the accident was taken place at the street corner.【正】 the accident took place at the

5、street corner.【析】 take place與happen一樣作為"發(fā)生"講時沒有被動語態(tài)?!菊`】 do you take me as a fool?【正】 do you take me for a fool?【析】 takefor意為"以為是"、"錯當(dāng)作"、"誤認(rèn)為",而這一意思還可以用于i took you to be the best friend. (我把你認(rèn)作是最好的朋友。)【誤】 my english teacher was ill. who will take place her?【正】

6、my english teacher was ill. who will take the place of her?【析】 take the place of意為"取代"。talk 【誤】 yesterday i met an old friend. we talked many things.【正】 yesterday i met an old friend. we taked about many things.【析】 talk是不及物動詞。team 【誤】 our team likes seeing film.【正】 our team like seeing fil

7、m.【析】 team與family,class等詞一樣,指整體時為單數(shù)名詞。如: our team is excellent, 而指集體中的個體時要用作復(fù)數(shù)。than 【誤】 they made fewer mistakes this term than they made last lerm.【正】 they made fewer mistakes this term than they did last lerm.【析】 當(dāng)一個動作在同一個句子中重復(fù)時,第二次要用do來代替,以避免重復(fù)。【誤】 you make me do more then anybody i know.【正】 you

8、make me do more than anybody i know.【誤】 i got into the restroom than someone knocked at the door.【正】 i got into the rest room then someone knocked at the door.【析】 than與then不要誤用。then 【誤】 we went to the cinema, then went to a chinese restaurant.【正】 we went to the cinema, and then went to a chinese res

9、taurant.【正】 we went to the cinema; then went to a chinese restaurant.【析】 then作"然后"講時,在then前應(yīng)加分號而不用逗號,或加逗號用and then,但是如果是倒裝句則要用逗號,如: first come tom, then mary.think 【誤】 i think you are not right.【正】 i don't think you are right.【析】 think在肯定句中與中文的習(xí)慣用法是一致的,如: i think you are right. 但在賓語從句是

10、否定意思時,要否定think,如: i don't think you are right.【誤】 i think he will come here, do i?【正】 i think he will come here, wont he?【析】 think加賓語從句時,反意疑問句的主語應(yīng)用賓語從句中的主語,助動詞要用賓語從句中的助動詞,而肯定還是否定要看主句中的情況決定:如主句用肯定句,則反意疑問句用否定句,反之亦然?!菊`】 people think very high of his work.【正】 people think very highly of his work.【析】

11、 think highly of為"對某人某事評價很高"?!菊`】 when we talk about chinese people we always think the yellow river.【正】 when we talk about chinese people we always think about the yellow river.【析】 think about意為"想起"、"想到"。thousand 【誤】 he got thousand of books from a secondhandbook shop.【

12、正】 he got thousands of books from a secondhandbook shop.【析】 雖然two thousand, three thousand在thousand后都不加s,但thousands of則為"數(shù)千",該結(jié)構(gòu)中一定要加s。through 【誤】 i had a long distance call with john throught the telephone.【正】 i had a long distance call with john on the telephone.【誤】 it took us two hours

13、to walk across the forest.【正】 it took us two hours to walk through the forest.【析】 across是表示在一平面上進(jìn)行的動作,而through則是用在三維空間的動作。如: the river was frozen, so we could walk across it. i pushed through the crowds to the entrance.throw 【誤】 he threw a stone to me.【正】 he threw a stone at me.【析】 "扔"這個詞表

14、示方向時要注意他向我扔石頭是at me,我向他扔石頭則為to him,但throw at還有尋釁之意,如: stop throwing stones at the cars. 這時不要誤用to.time 【誤】 the doctor came on time so she was saved.【正】 the doctor came in time so she was saved.【析】 in time為"及時趕到",如: do you think we can get there in time for the first act. 而on time 意為"準(zhǔn)時

15、",如: the train arrived on time.【誤】 it is time we go home.【正】 it is time we should go home.【正】 it is time we went home.【析】 "是該作某事的時候了",其句形為: it is time for somebody to do something. "it is time+從句",從句中用"should+動詞原形",或直接用動詞的過去式。【誤】 let's hurry. we haven't man

16、y times.【正】 let's hurry. we haven't much time.【誤】 i have been to america two times.【正】 i have been to america twice.【析】 time作為"時間"講時為不可數(shù)名詞,而作為"次"講時則是可數(shù)名詞。但"一次"不是one time,而是once;"二次"不是two times,而是twice;"三次"則是three times.too 【誤】 this box is too

17、 heavy to lift it.【正】 this box is too heavy to lift.【析】 在tooto這一結(jié)構(gòu)中,如果主語和不定式的賓語是一致的,則不要重復(fù)?!菊`】 the child is too young not to go to school.【正】 the child is too young to go to school.【析】 tooto這一結(jié)構(gòu)用來表示"太以致于不能",但下面的句子則不能照此翻譯: i'm too glad to meet you. 應(yīng)譯為"我見到你真太高興了"?!菊`】 there is m

18、uch too noise.【正】 there is too much noise.【析】 "much too+形容詞",而"too much+不可數(shù)名詞"?!菊`】 you have bought too much tomatoes.【正】 you have bought too many tomatoes.【析】 too many后才加可數(shù)名詞。also as well too 這三個詞是近義詞,但其用法各有不同。其一,too和as well通常用于句末,如: she went to the cinema and her brother went to

19、o. 而also則不用于句末,如: i've also read her other novels. 其二,這三個詞都不用于否定句中,否定句中用noteither,或neither/nor,如: he isn't here either.trousers 【誤】 my trouser is getting smaller and smaller.【正】 my trousers are getting smaller and smaller.【析】 英語中trousers, pants, shorts(短褲),glasses(眼鏡)都要用復(fù)數(shù)形式?!菊`】 this pair of

20、 glasses are very good.【正】 this pair of glasses is very good.【析】 有了量詞a pair of,其后的謂語動詞要與量詞相一致。如: two pairs of的謂語動詞就要用復(fù)數(shù)。try 【誤】 i tried to send her flowers but it didn't have any effect.【正】 i tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect. (我試著給她送花,但沒有什么結(jié)果。)【誤】 please try understanding it.【正】 please try to understand it.【析】 "try+動名詞"的意思是"試一試",或"做某事看看會發(fā)生什么情況",而"try+不定式"表示為達(dá)到目的要去做的事。替恨萄咯聶葡掂籌屈豐癱胖藤丹香聳曹則舊圈繪鈉濱缸甥奈轍雜封齋苛柬脯列味茂粳魁莎彭空理煩娜湍蔬夢所楞扶裸釁寐挫瑚嬰董皖招取娶聞祈唆了迄周結(jié)汀斤熾鵝密牧務(wù)鎊巢凰杖堰碩眷菌騁悉躇蛾睜飲曾祭


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