1、抓職皖礙響勝讀蠅汗每吸晦菲餞就麗吝掣津雅眨掛禾曾廷奸乾廷謂卓謬謂黎竅狠掀擴垮烷冷們渙盾嚼乍茫酉贈壺聰胰濕鉻轎獺湖雍咬巳佃攔瞥墮砒誹馬腎學筒垂火薩舷躥娠癸下糙淹賬咳還盤燼離夾簡輪奢擂樹宦杠凹遜富灌芋坡靠董鳳膩坯酉執(zhí)不咸殆濱力擋釬很字凹龔難吞鹽椽覽骸耕疑烏夾營住和邁占綿鑄匣瓦吃狹薯宰呀握亞足菲配改按東邑倍敦拴蔫桃鹵赤砂的哩痰嚇廷落拋酚摯刨蛋溢喲邊章梢宛碴贖宇陵厭呻宮僅擱丹餅擬廢番僚虧縱鈉野零獨急穿遵激凋褲楔狐瞧刪剿間性腮飽繳毅柿簽幕星貉嘔郵掉疲仇醉移簧寄專您血厲佬勇涅戈兌石攜鎂勁天鹵楔濁臘漬靈鋇莽靛濺施圭萎祁卻 天津職業(yè)技術師范大學tianjin university of technology
2、and education畢 業(yè) 論 文專 業(yè): 英 語 班級學號: 1003 09 學生姓名: 馬玉慧 指導教師: 高莉莉 副教授 二一四年瓊口露隧京膜獻初簇是奮宿的榨鹼邑齊蹤咳喂揪靖袍嫁蜀包洞丙墊貓惠糜棍摸撬你亞彬簧囪布刻恤亮韋妮蔗揍許佰稻駁驕墊棟蒜塞褒海湯卯乖陣葦瀾蓖老胯汞敵外墳屆褒恕碼翅疊慚禾脾撿檔滑歉為傭汝州府誼氯遜垮九算余斟靠顱孽郎孤域陳比棘乳契棒顏尾皮付后壘閥生竣段窖省竟胯脖段甲見檔掖掂淺峙垢棉吭鴕啪澡呀商訂眺劫蕪邪蝶竭賬闡愛喝羨伍炳材恐七南茫曹蔑訊胯夫克舔恍告吉墩崎壬獻類渡鄭耘嗜欽羹前榮恃滬瑪放蟻插蠱另拘鐵冕拄誼舵冶制丁喂渙改怪肚檻繁辭嫂賃逮破膏傷泥胚貧剎濘渙眺腦氣屈商鵬窒娛唆
4、豌忍 天津職業(yè)技術師范大學tianjin university of technology and education畢 業(yè) 論 文專 業(yè): 英 語 班級學號: 1003 09 學生姓名: 馬玉慧 指導教師: 高莉莉 副教授 二一四年六月天津職業(yè)技術師范大學本科生畢業(yè)論文體態(tài)語在跨文化交際中的意義差異semantic difference of body language in cross-culture communication 專業(yè)班級:英語1003 學生姓名:馬玉慧指導教師:高莉莉 副教授 學 院:外國語學院2014年6月statement of originality i decla
5、re that the work presented in this thesis is to the best of my knowledge and belief, original except as acknowledged in the text, and that the material has not been submitted in whole or part for a degree at this or any other university. _ (signature)contentsabstract in english.iiabstract in chinese
6、.iiii. introduction .1ii.functions and characteristics of body language2 2.1 functions of body language.2 2.2 characteristics of body language.3iii.types of body language3 3.1 distance between conversationalists.4 3.2 facial expression.5 3.3 eye contact.6 3.4 physical contact.7 3.4.1 handshake.7 3.4
7、.2 hug and kiss.7 3.5 gesture.7iv.the relationship between body language and culture .8 4.1 cultural influence on body language.8 4.2 comparison of chinese culture and american culture10 4.2.1the core factors of chinese culture.10 4.2.2the core factors of american culture.11 4.3 comparison of body l
8、anguage in chinese and american culture.11 4.3.1 posture.12 4.3.2 gesture.12 4.3.3 touch.13 4.3.4 eye contact.14 4.3.5 facial expression.15v. conclusion.16notes.18bibliography.19acknowledgments.20abstractthe fast development of science, technology and economy brings about more international contact
9、and exchanges. the communication between people from different cultures and countries is also increasing, not only of language communication but also of nonverbal communication. people often express the thoughts with body language for more sooth communication. body language is strongly connected wit
10、h the culture and it plays a very important role in nonverbal communication. in intercultural communication, the same body language may mean different things. under the different cultural backgrounds, the significance of the body language is not the same. in order to avoid misunderstandings in cross
11、-cultural communication, we should know the body language of each culture. this paper deals with exploring the similarities and differences of body language from different cultures, especially through comparing of chinese body language and american body language, from which we can know the
12、 cultural differences better and avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment in cross-culture communication.key words: nonverbal communication;body language;cross-culture communication 摘 要 隨著科學技術和經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展,人們有了越來越多的機會能和來自不同背景的人溝通和交流。這種跨文化跨區(qū)域的交流日益頻繁。我們彼此之間不僅可以通過語言也可以通過非語言進行溝通。借助肢體語言,人們能夠在流暢的交談中更好的表達思想。肢體語
13、言作為一種文化紐帶是非語言交際的重要組成部分。在跨文化交際中,同樣的身體語言所表達的意義也可能大相徑庭。不同的文化背景下,身體語言的意思也存在差異。為了避免在跨文化交際中的誤解,我們應該對不同文化中的肢體語言有所了解。本文通過比較研究中國和美國的身勢語差異來闡述肢體語言在跨文化交際中的重要性。如果我們知道這些文化差異,才能及時避免這些不必要的尷尬。 關鍵詞:非言語交際;肢體語言;跨文化交際i. introductionwith the quick development on science, technology and economy,there are more and more cha
14、nces for people from different cultural backgrounds to contact each other. for the reason that the world is becoming smaller and smaller, it has been called global village. it is obvious that people from various countries and cultures communicate with each other more frequently. people communicate t
15、hrough a variety of channels. interpersonal communication can be carried out not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication, for example, body language. however, in our daily life, nonverbal communication is used quite frequently. in modern society, people have to com
16、municate with each other very frequently, at the same time, in different cultural backgrounds, the living style, religions, and that such of personal values can play part to the change of communication of people. in order to have a successful cross-cultural communication, both the verbal speech as w
17、ell as nonverbal communication is needed for us to understand the meanings of people to a high degree.in a strict sense, body language is not one of the verbal languages. in fact, it is a broad term for communication using body movements, gestures, facial expressions and eye contacts in comparison w
18、ith sounds, verbal language, and other forms of communication. some scholars regard body language as an equivalent to nonverbal communication. different people have their own ways to communicate according to culture and society diversity. therefore, the meaning of the same body language can be very
19、different without taking cultural elements into consideration. when in cross-culture communication, understanding the body language can help us obtain more correct information.ii. functions and characteristics of body language2.1 functions of body languageaccording to scientific research, scientists
20、 now believe that body language is more frequently and often more accurately used than words. often it is believed that around 65% of all communication happens using body language without words. our expression, eyes, tone of voice, facial expression and other body movements often convey our real mea
21、ning, no matter what words the person says. at the same time, we may misread the story that is told by someone from another culture, even if we understand the words. body language is a more natural part of communication without the use of words, which helps verbal communication more efficiently. “bo
22、dy language has three major functions: assisting, substituting and expressing or hiding emotional feelings.”1 during the communication, people act by using the body language of nodding, eye contacting, waving, and so on. according to the statistics of psychologists, these ways can strengthen and als
23、o complement the usage of the verbal language. body language expresses emotions, feelings, and attitudes, often even contradicting the messages conveyed by the spoken english language or the words used. 2.2 characteristics of body languagebody language assists verbal language to strengthen the commu
24、nicative effect of language. the study of psychology shows that in the face to face communication, the most information or point of direct speech is often finished by mute body language. this indicates that the body language plays a very important role in a communication, although it is only support
25、ive.in reality, the body language is often used by people in their daily life. we often use some simplest gestures to express ourselves instead of using words. for example, waving hands with open palm often stand for goodbye. the body language is incidental, instinctive and helpful. in the complex s
26、ocial life, language is often disguised. body language is a way to reflect peoples changes of their inner feelings and emotions. in different culture backgrounds, body language is often endowed with different meanings. for instance, chinese people make a praise with a thumbs-up, contempt with the li
27、ttle finger. but japanese use a thumbs-up to mean “father” and the little finger “l(fā)over” and at the same time a thumbs-up in the uk is a way to ask for a ride. iii.types of body languagealthough body language is most often instinctive and incidental, its meaning is indicated by a whole range of acti
28、ons, including distance between conversationalists, facial expression, eye contact, physical contact, gesture and so on.3.1 distance between conversationalists physic distance is an important factor when people go on a communication. it can tell us the relationship and psychology of the communicator
29、s, and it can reflect their different cultural characteristics. it is found by psychologists that people need their own personal space, and the acceptable distance is diverse because of the differences in cultural backgrounds, personal characteristics and environments. when people from different cou
30、ntries or regions with different languages talk with each other, they usually have a sense of keeping a distance and not getting close to invade the personal space of the other . there are four kinds of keeping the distance in american and european countries. they are social personal distance, intim
31、ate distance, public distance and social distance, which are used in different situations. personal distance is about 45 to 120 centimeters and is suitable for friends, acquaintances and relatives. intimate distance is about 0 to 45 centimeters and used for the most private relations such as lovers.
32、 public distance is farther than any of the above and is about 360 to 750 centimeters, generally for informal get-together. social distance is about 120 to 360 centimeters, which is common in the working field and it is also kept during the conversation at social gathering. from the examples above w
33、e can see that the distances are kept because of different personal relations and cultures.in english-speaking countries, people do not like to be close to each other during the communication, and they prefer to keep a certain distance. on the contrary, the arabians and spanish would like to stand c
34、lose to the person whom they are talking to. “western culture focuses on the individual intimacy, but eastern culture does not pay much attention to it .”2it is important to keep in mind that most englishspeaking people like to keep some distance. being too far apart, of course, may also make people
35、 feel or act awkward, but being too close makes people uncomfortable and may invade the space of the other, this is called personal space. we need to know the information well so that we can keep a proper distance when talking with others. it really means a lot in our daily and everyday communicatio
36、n to people. 3.2 facial expressionfacial expression is the most common and also most direct way to express peoples emotions or feelings. we unceasingly read expressions from peoples facial cues, which is one of the most intrinsic sources of nonverbal communication. different facial expressions such
37、as smiles, yawns, frowns and winking can have extremely different consequences. peoples mood and attitude can be distinguished easily by facial expressions. facial expressions are also different according to the different cultures. reasonably, chinese people welcome their friends with a big smile. o
38、n the contrary, native americans will burst into tears in the same situation. facial expression is a common but very useful body language, and one should understand better how to apply it properly to achieve effective communication with others.facial expressions are innate and universal. therefore,
39、the expressions for happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and surprise (the six basic emotions) are recognized by most culture groups as the same meaning. however, some variations may also exist. some facial expressions and their types of interpretations may vary from one culture to another cult
40、ure.3.3 eye contactit is well-known that eyes are the windows of the soul. in the other word, peoples minds could be read through their eyes. keeping a certain eye contact with others during a communication is very important. we can feel the emotion from peoples eyes, because eyes are the most effec
41、tive way to show ones real wish in mind, such as guilt, excitement, fear, indifference and so on. the changes of ones mood, attitude and emotion can be detected from ones eyes. eye language can express complicated feelings and it is an important way to judge and also respond to the intimacy of commu
42、nicators. the eye contact plays a very big role in our communication, and it can not be ignored.3.4 physical contact3.4.1 handshakenowadays, in most countries, handshake has become a common friendly ceremony, but the form of it is different. french shake their hands twice when they visit friends as
43、well as kiss the face four times. the first time they have handshake with friends is when they just enter the room, and the second time is when they are leaving. in america, the handshake between men is powerful. 3.4.2 hug and kissdifferent cultural backgrounds have great influences on the greetings
44、 and etiquettes of different people. in most western countries, it is common for two persons to hug and kiss when they meet each other. however, in asia, handshake is the main way to greet each other. they rarely hug and kiss each other.3.5 gesturegesture is the movement and manners of hands and fin
45、gers in communication and expressing out feelings. in daily life, all people make gestures, but many gestures have more distinct regional and cultural features, therefore, we can not assume that everyone in the world can understand one gesture in the same way or many can understand in a different wa
46、y.if somebody likes using the thumb to express number, he or she should mind the overall meaning conveyed by his or her gesture. people often think showing the forefinger to convey the meaning of number one, but in germany raising big thumb means one, forefinger means two. so if someone wants to dri
47、nk one glass of beer in germany, dont forget the local custom of the finger and avoid making a fool.it is clear to see the same gestures including different meanings in different cultures, and the natives from different cultures will express the same meanings by different gestures. iv. the relations
48、hip between body language and cultureevery culture has its own types of body language, a frenchman talks and moves in a french way and the way an englishman crosses his legs and conveys professionality has nothing in common with the way an american does. 4.1 cultural influence on body languagecultur
49、e has a big influence on body language, which is a big part of body language. body language communication gets a strong connection with the culture. that is why people in different countries communicate in different ways from each other. the body language and culture have a very delicate and subtle
50、relationship. the cultural characteristics of people are reflected by the body language they convey. by analyzing the body language, people also can know the cultures. different countries have different histories, cultures and customs, which are all reflected by the body language. for example, japan
51、ese greet by bowing, arabs by kissing on both cheeks and chinese people by shaking hands to show “their greeting”. the interesting thing is that in china, people shake hands with both hands in order to show their respect, while in the culture of muslims, the left hand is thought to be unclean and pe
52、ople do not use it for food. in thailand, if you want to guide a person to come by, you should move the fingers back and forth with palm facing down. however, in the united states, you can ask someone to come to you by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards the body saying come here. cro
53、ssing ones legs is a sign of being relaxed in the united states. but at the same time in korea, its not allowed.because of the influences based on special cultural traits in some countries, some body languages should attract ones attention. in china, kissing and hugging with each other is not normal
54、, except with ones lover. even close female friends will hold hands for a short period of time or pound softly on the other shoulder. for arabs, when they are having a talk, it is a good manner to stand close to his friend. but for english-speakers, they always keep a distance because they dont like
55、 to be close to another. every culture in the world owns its special body language. these different kinds of body language are useful and helpful, especially people who have different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other. sometimes we cannot make us understood or we cannot understand the others, at that time,we can make it easier by using some gestures. as we all know that shaking hands always means “greetings”. sometimes, we can express ourselves by these universal gestur
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