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1、p7everyone needs friends .if you fail to make friends,you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with yourpersonality . maybe youhave social faults such as snobbishness , talkativeness and using slang etc. which drive away your new acquaintances . whatever your social faults may

2、 be , look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them.a friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel at home , wherever he happens to be. put yourself in the other fellows' place and make them feel welcome . try to remember names . it makes your new acquaintances feel happy w

3、hen you call them by their names . it gives them the feeling that they have made an impression on you and that mean something to them because you remember them.if you don't agree with other people on a certain matter , you should be friendly . don't argue, but discuss . you always lose frien

4、ds if you argue too much .a friendly person thinks of others , and doesn't insist on his own "rights". people who refuse to consider others have few friends.finally , don't treat people only according to their social positions . really friendly people respect everyone at all times

5、.2.1 the car stayed at the traffic light for a few moment , thenmoved off .2 i'm afraid we must moveon to the next caller nowbecause time is limited , miss green.3 after the earthquake in china , the help of many volunteers moved us into tears .4 some people want to move into the countryside in

6、the near future.5 it is much crowed . please move along and make room for other passengers.6 the young man was so angry that he laid into the thief , but the thief kept silent.7 the topic of today's lecture is howto lay out an attractive printed page .8 the local government tries to help people

7、who are laid off by teaching them practical skills.9 we need to lay up a good supply of food because the winter is coming .10 this hotellay on food and drink for their vip customers .11 my fatherlays down that parents shouldn't spoil their children andshould help children to be independent.collo

8、cation12 teachers should protect the enthusiasm of children and not pour cold-water on them .13 why do you always pour scorn on my plan ? it's not all as stupid as you say .14 the basketball team poured 卜 on in the final competition .15 she was really pouring it on when she said she was all by h

9、erself doing that project .16 at last , two old friends decided to pouroil on troubled waters insteadof complaint .17 the crowds pour out of the train station at six.18 at present many businessmen pour thousands of dollars into environmental protection products .19 please pour this bottle of milkawa

10、y because it is no fresh.p32in this week ,the beatles had 17 records in the top 100,thanks mainly tothe release last week of their remastered albums .some were expecting the beatles' offerings toovertake dame vera lynn'srecord -which was last week ,-but their mass release may have prevented

11、any one album from outselling "we'll meet again."lynn, at age of 92, has beaten the arctic monkeys and ever the beatles to capture the record in britain ,her songs -"we'll meet again " and comfort music to help people pull through th old miserable days .some people attrib

12、uted much of lynn's revival of people's longing for simplicity and old-fashioned values. but lynn herself doesn't intend to record again .2.1 the doctor assured the patient's family that he could surely pull through .2 he has a lot of trouble with his lessons ; now he is trying topul

13、l out .3 the leaves of the book were glued together and i had difficulty trying to pull them apart .4 i carelessly pulled down the ink bottle and the ink splashed all over the desk .5 it was so dark that we could hardly go a step further and we were forced to pull back .6 if we pull together , we wi

14、ll succeed in overcoming th difficulties .7 go and see how many bottles we have -but don't count in the cracked ones .8 the boy counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant immediately .9 as we all know , children count on their parents for love and security .10 we were counting do

15、wn to new year's eve . with the moment approaching, everybody became excited .collocation1 the young man equaled the old world record in the sprint relay.2 he set out to beat the record for the english channel swim.3 the sisters established a new world record last month for staying awake .4 the

16、lawyer ison_ record as saying that he opposed the bill.5 my parents required me to keep a record of every penny i have spent .6 tom now holds the american record for the longest time spent in space on one mission .p58fueled by the rising popularity of soft drinks and fast-food restaurants . mexico h

17、as become the second fattest nation in the world. mexican health officials say it could surpass the us as the most obese country within 10 years of such trends continue .more than 71 percent of mexican women and 66 percent of mexican men are overweight , according to the lastest national surveys .as

18、 diabetes is now mexico's leading cause of death , activists and leaders hope to renew the efforts to crack dowm on junk food and other fatty-food consumption and encourage citizens to exercise more . but it will be tough battle as industry groups are expected to put up a fight.no one knows bett

19、er the country ' s affection for fattening foods than lidiagarcia garduno, who's run a fruit stand in central mexico city for the past 10 years ."people don't eat right anymore ," said garcia garduno ."instead of coming here and purchasing a fruit drink , they prefer to wa

20、lk across the street and buy fried pork chops . that's why so many mexicans areobese ."in 1989 , fewer than 10 percent of mexican adults wereoverweight . no onein the country even talked about obesity back then , said barry popkin , a university of north carolina-chapel hill professor who s

21、tudies global weight gain . experts were too concerned with poverty and hunger .“it certainly happened with few noticing , " said popkin , who 's working with the mexican health ministry to develop strategies to address obesity throughout the country . "mexico has probably had the most

22、 rapidincrease ofobesity in the last 15 years ."mexican health secretary jose cordova, who launched a new healthcampaignon , agree :we have to put the breakes on this obesity problem ."2.1 please don't put youself out on our account .2 you have put your family through much suffering 。3

23、 do not put off until tomorrow that which you can do today4 we 're put plenty of time and energy in this project.5 she is just putting on her make-up .6 the team put through perfectly.7 always 100k through the exercies before handing it in .8 we shall be looking for an improvement in your work t

24、his term .9 a working committee has been set up to look into the problem .10 many people are looking to the new government to reduce unemployment.11 i promised to 100k to my father and see if he is feeling any better .12 i 100k on him with contempt.collocation1 his expenses do not correspond to his

25、income .2 her job correspondswith he門(mén)nteresting.3 the american congress corresponds to british parliament.4 the quality of my recently purchased laptop doesn't correspondto theprice .5 students' action and behaviour should correspondto the regulations ofour school .p85the government gives mo

26、ney to the neighborhood committee to help promote employment and hire staff.zhang , a neighborhood committee staff said , "our task is to help people find employment . the routine work includes promoting job vacancies and contacting and encouraging businesses in the region to offer jobs . i fin

27、d my present job interesting ."a job seeker said . " in a competitive society , it's difficult to find a job ,here , there is one i want to take , as an electrician . it doesn't require sophisticated training , and the wages is over 1,500 yuan . it's enough to feel my family .&

28、quot; another seeker said ,"basically i am here to see what help thegovernment can provide ." staff of one company human resource department says they have an agreement with the neighborhood committee , to consider candidates it recommends for positions .in 2008 , the committee held over 2

29、0 job fairs . offering 23 hundred job vacancies , and over 18 hundred people found employment . somepeople are worried about job security because of the global financial crisis however , job hunter are optimisitic and say the market is continually improving.2.1 he knows how to go about fixing the ma

30、chine .2 he went through university courses with honors .3 he keeps going over the same story although no one believes him .4 i want to go on being a teenager , because i'm enjoying every minute ofit.5 at the last minute , the two childrendecided to go along together6 the power went off in sever

31、al parts of the country during the high wind.7 my grandmother didn't know that the toy carworked by electricity .8 he has been working on a new novel for over a year .9 his speech worked against his chance of success as a politician.10 we are working towards having the three warring states sign

32、a new peace agreement.11 he worked off his debt by doing odd jobs .12 i am w川ing towork for the good of the people.collocation1 falling water may be used to generate electricity .2 his kind smile soon generate friendliness from his new classmates .3 publicity was used to generate interest in the new

33、 film .4 this new boiler generates more heat than the old one .5 hewrote a book five years ago ,which has been generating excitement ever since .6 it is reported that large animals can generate morepower than small ones doat slower speeds .7new policies will be put forward to develop local economies

34、 , generatejobsand improve the quality of people's lives .8people nowadays are more concerned about generating profit than the quality of products .9even today , some people still have racial discrimination which only generates hatred between nations .p111the alliance for climate education under

35、take the campaign which is rather ambitious , to educate america's youth about climate change . ace is built on the belief that young people can have a positive impact on the global climate crisis . it announced this week the start of itsinitiative aimed at educatingstudents to address global cl

36、imate change . ace's campaign will target high school-age youths because young people are capable of understanding global warming's problems and developing solutions before their thoughts and habits are formed in the modern routine of excessive consumption.ace will send "trained educato

37、rs " to give presentations andperformancesin bay area high-schools in the coming months . reaching an estimated students by the end of the school year .blakey atherton , ace's executive director , says that students and teachers have shown tremendous interest and curiosity in the new campai

38、gn . " once they understand the changes taking place in our climate ," he says , " young people will be motivated act because they see that their ideas and solutions have great possibilities in countering the effects of climate change."2.1 we can't give you an answer now but

39、we will see about it carefully.2 i can't see with you there. my ideas are quite different.3 close the curtains , so that no one can see in while i dress.4 all the parents were at the railway station ,seeing the children off toschool .5 will you see to the arrangement for the next meeting of the

40、committee ?6 don't think you can fool me - i can see right through you.7 the art of printing was led in 10ng ago to europe.8 an ordinary cold can soon lead to fever9 i led my victorious team off , to the cheers of the crowd .10this argument lead us away from the topic.11the plane that peter was

41、flying leading a booming attack against an enemy airport .12 the people on the left willearly lead out .collocation13 i intend to transfer my property to my son .14 the new product lets users transfer data from palmtop to desktop with a click of the mouse .15 can the disease be transferred across sp

42、ecies ?16 she transferred her clothes from one room to another.17 the baby transferred its affection to its new mother .18 tou will have to transfer at tokyo .19 the company has transferred its main office from new york to chicago.20 the manager was transferred to a different branch .21 the manageme

43、ntdecided to transfer production of the cars to its new plant in scotland.p135at age 19 she was arrested in michigan for selling drugs to a policeman in disguise . she pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 to 20 years .having served just over a year , she escaped from the prison and asked for a rid

44、e to california , where she had her name changed , got married and raised three children . for more than three decades , she had been living a law-abiding life until one day the federal agents knocked on her door and took he away .she was transferred back to michigan, 2000 miles from her husband and

45、 children.her newlawyer asked a saginaw county circuitjudge to set her free by arguingthat it was a policy in saginaw county that anyone involved in a heroin transaction got 10 to 20 years , regardless of their background , while the prosecutor in the county opposed the request .people from around t

46、he country sent letters to michigan government to ask for mercy for her.five months later ,she was set free , though she had to stay behind bars on good behavior for four months .2.1 the baby can't even walk , let alone run .2 the students who failed felt thatthey had let the teacher down3 he as

47、ked me where john was , but i didn't let on to him.4 the police let him off , warning him not to do it again .5this skirt needs letting in at the waist .6 my father has only just had his operation and theywon't let him out.7 then the fireman got down the ladder with an old manon his back , e

48、veryone cheered .8 the was upset because her son hadgot into the habit of smoking.9 if he had got up half an hour earlier , he wouldn't have missed the bus .10 the operator finally got through to ms,zhu .11 after three stops , the man in blackgot off quickly and immediatelydisappeared in the cro

49、wd .12 he is sincere and very easy to get along with.collocation1 they asked him to pay for the damage but he pleadedpoverty.2 he apologized for not coming to the party , pleading the pressure of work.3 they employed the best lawyer they could get to plead theircase.4 one of his life concerns is to

50、pleadmodernization , of city's publictransport.5 he pleaded insanity in the hope of getting a shorter sentence.6 i'm sorry i didn't answer your letter , i can only plead forgetfulness .7 she pleaded for more time to pay .8 you cannot plead ignorance in excuse for your conduct.p160in the

51、past decade , the computer models of earth's climate have played animportant role in forging the scientific and politicalconsensus that globalwarming os a great threat . what climate modellers need to do next is to convert their creations to the implement of actual policy. but these models all d

52、ifferin many ways . basically , they do not dependably capture all thechanges .oftoday's climate . in order to provide policy-makers and other stakeholders with well-informed prediction. some climate modelers , gathered for asummit lastweek . called for a project to better understand and model t

53、he climate system . this project requires dedicated facilities that would be able to provide world-class computational resourses.the world's public purses nearly always pay for the fastest computers .perhaps this kind of investment in cutting-edge climate modeling should be done multinationally

54、or even globally.2.1 i woke up with a terrible cold and had tocall in sicklast week .2 the concert had to be called off because the singer went with a bad case of flu3 he called out to his father for help .4 i'm going to call on one of my former classmates.5 the army called up reserved soldiers.

55、6 such a situation calls for courage and a cool head , and putting the blame on others won't be of much help .7 please try out our red wine.8 my son-in-law should try for the leading position of the company9 the new hat is for you . please try it on .10 his brother 's success inspired him to

56、try out for the football team.11 even when you argue , you should try to keep calm.12 she hasn't had much success yet . mark you , shedoes try hard .collocation13 many workers gathered in front of the factory for their unpaid salaries14 heads of developed countries are now gathering at the un as

57、sembly for a discussion of global warming .15 the parade gathered a large crowd .4after school many school girls go to the fields and gather some beautiful wildflowers .16 the drunk man is beginning to gather speed when he finds that the police is after him.p182richard steele was an english essayist

58、 , dramatist , politician. in 1684, he was sent to study in england at charterhouse where he met josegh addison, and thus began one of the most famous and fruitful literary friendships . for many people of his time , the gracious tone of his works , most of which advocated respectful behaviour towar

59、d the oppressed women . served as evidence of a significant cultural change .in 1701, steele wrote his first comedy , the funeral , which received more than expected praise . this play made his reputation and helped to bring him to the notice of king william. he became increasingly famous . late in 1703 he followed this with his only stage failure , the lying lover , whi


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