



1、八年級英語完型填空專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練On ce從前)there was a ki ng. He was very rich(富有)and1 greatpower(權(quán)力).But he wasn ' t happy. He was 2 .It made him feel sad allthe time. No doctor knew 3 was wrong with him. One day one ofthem 4 him, “ Aftermuch thought and study, I have found out thatthere is only one way for you to g

2、et 5 .You must wear the shirt of ahappy man. ”So the king sent派)his men to every part of his land 6 a happyif(是否)they were happy, 8One day, one of the king king ' s men.“Ohgood!t know asked theman. First, they visited the rich and powerful(有權(quán)勢的人).They asked these people7each of them an swered th

3、at they did nreal happ in ess mean意味).'s men met a woodcutter. “Are you happy?1. A. haveH. hadC. were-D_丈 A. wellB slfongC. illD. old3, A. where-B. whichC. whatD how斗.A. spokeB talkedC. saidD. said toJ A. niceB gp 口C. fineD wellS. A. looked forB. to look forC fomdD- to find7, A. BecauseB SoC. Bu

4、tD. IfS, A. thatB. whatC. honvD- hich鼻 A. GiveB TakeC. CartyD. Put1CL A. oneb itG, theyD thango“As happy as the day is long,” answered the woodcutter.” saidhe man, “ 9 me your shirt. ”“ Why? saictheI havgot ' _10. ”woodcutter, “Many childre n act in TV shows. They work several every day. So they

5、 can't go to regular(正規(guī)的)2_. How do they get their schooling?In Hollywood, about forty teachers give 3_ for the childre n. Their work is very importa nt. They make 4Jthat the child 5many differe nt subjects. They make sure6that the child gets eno ugh rest and_7 .Childre n in Holleywood must atte

6、 nd classes twenty hours 8_week .If not, they can 'twork in TV shows any 9TV childre n are usually 10 pupils, and most of their teachers 11_this ki nd of week. They give the _12_lessons in many interesting 13 . Sometimes the classroom" is a Mississipi boat. 14 it is the in side of a spacesh

7、ip. Often the pupilsbecome 15_ stars.()1.A.hoursB. mi nu tesC.secondsD. days()2.A.farmB. factoryC. schoolD. club()3.A.classesB. less onsC. homeworkD. work()4.A.clearB. in terest ingC. sureD. fun()5.A.lear nsB. knowsC. forgetsD. loves()6.A.stillB. yetC. alsoD. already()7.A. moneyB. work()8.A. eachB.

8、all()9.A. timeB. week()10.A. badB.good()11.A. likeB. have()12.A. workB. pupils()13.A. placesB. parks()14.A. Sometimes B. Often()15.A. luckyB. healthyC. studyD. playC. ano therD. otherC. moreD. wayC. busyD. Ion elyC. followD.thi nkC. frie nds D. pare ntsC. markets D. roomsC. MaybeD. UsuallyC. famousD

9、. brightMon day morni ng is an importa nt time at our school. All of the stude nts go to the playgro und.We liste n to music, and we_36 the n atio nal flag國 旗)go up.Usually, one stude nt gives a talk on Mon day mornin gs. One Mon day last year, a boy gave the talk. He was 37 and excited ! Whe n I sa

10、w him, I wan ted to have a try, too. Can I really do it?Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher 38 me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Mon day, you can give the talk. Go and write someth ing dow n. 39 for it, I'm sure you'll do well.""Thank

11、you ," I answered, It was such a great 40 for me ! When I got home , I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my pare nts 41 . I wan ted to make my teacher happy.Mon day morni ng came. I bega n to feel 42 . When did I last give a talk to 4

12、3 many people Never! This was my first time. Could I really 44 it Maybe I could n't finish the talk.Whe n I got to school, we all went out to playgro un d. I 45 in front of every on e. I ope ned my mouth, but I could n't say any thi ng."Take it easy," I said to _46 . " Don'

13、;t be nervous. You can do it."Just the n, I looked dow n at every on e. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all look ing at me ! I could n't 47 sta nd up.I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were say ing , "You can do it! Do n't be afraid, just talk !"I 48 a big bre

14、ath 呼吸). Then I bega n to talkt was n't hard. It was easy.I don't know 491 finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself 50 every one what I can do.()36. A. watch B. see C. notice D. look at()37. A. surpris ing B. proud C. amazed D. careful()38. A. told B. asked fo

15、r C. said to D. showed()39. A. Look out B. Come on C. Take care D. Get ready()40. A. cha nee B. n ews C. time D. message()41. A. to listen to B. to listen C. listen to D. listen()42. A. excited B. happy C. n ervous D. surprised()43. A. after B. such C. before D. so()44. A. do B. speak C. talk D. tak

16、e()45. A. sta nd B. stood C. was sta nding D. have stood()46. A. me B. my class C. myself D. my pare nts()47. A. be able to B. hardly C. ever D. eve n()48. A. took B. held C. put D. left()49. A. whe n B. how C. why D. whether()50. A. so B. but C. to D. for(四)Have you ever felt un comfortable? Many o

17、f _1 feel un easy whe n some one sta nds too close _2_ us, talks to us too _3_ or makes eye con tact with us for too long. But have you ever won dered why those things make you un comfortable?It s all about personal peace, which means not only _4_ imaginary space around the body, but also the space

18、around all the5. People feel that theirspace is being violated(侵犯)when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouti ng into his mobile phone or a woma n n ext to you putt ing on stro ng perfume香 水)makes you feel _6.7people have had a stron ger

19、wish to protect their pers onal space or not in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire渴望)to have space to8.In a survey by TripAdvisor, a travel website,people said that if they9pay _more for some extra service, they would ratherhave larger seats th

20、a n extra food.Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold n ewspapers _10_their faces to read in fact keep a dista nee from stra ngers.Go and watch a library table. You will notice _11_ one of the corner seats will usually _12_ first,

21、 because they are the farthest way. What if some one _13_ opposite to you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.Preferenee偏好)for personal space are different from culture to culture. Scie ntists have found that America ns gen erally prefer more pers onal space tha n people from _14_ cul

22、tures. In Latin(拉丁人的)cultures, _15_, people are more comfortable sta nding n ear each other.1.A.weB. usC. ourD. ours2.A.withB. i nC. toD. at3.A.loud nessB. louderC. loudlyD. loudest4.A.aB. anC. theD. /5.A.senseB. sensesC. sensingD. sensings6.A.an gerB. angryC. an gersD. an grily7.A.WhetherB. WhatC.

23、ThatD. Which8.A.themB. theirC. themselvesD. they9.A.has toB. have toC. had toD. hav ing to10. A. in the front11. A. that12. A. be take n13. A. sat14. A. an other15. A. butB. i n frontB. whatB. be tak ingB. sitB. othersB. however(五)C. in the front ofC. whereC. takeC. sitsC. otherC. eitherD. in front

24、ofD. ifD. takesD. will sitD.the othersD. althoughLast summer I was a volun teer at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasn' working that summer and was 16 only two classes in summer school, so I had some free time.Three ni ghts a week, I 17 in the kitche

25、 n of the shelter along with other four volun teers. We pla nned and 18 hot meals of vegetables, chicke n, fish and fruit for 45 people. The homeless people 19 this good food because many of them usually don' t eat well. They were very grateful.I 20 this volunteer work very much and made 21 with

26、 the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college stude nt, like me.I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories 22 me with sympathy. Some of them had 23 with alcohol or drugs while others only had bad luck. One woma n worked for almost 30 years for a small compa ny, and the n she lost her 24 . She looked for a 25 job, but couldn ' fitid one, as she was too 26 . She could do no thi n


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