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1、詞匯專訓(xùn)題組1一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成單詞1. YouTe good at drawing. Why not(加入)our school artclub? (2018*阜康米泉改編)2. It's too(寒冷的)outside. We can't go out.3. The bank is on your(右邊).Can you find it?4. Students often take a(公共汽車)to school. (2017*銅仁)5. Can I(轉(zhuǎn)向)right at the second crossing?6. Wangfujing(彳圭亍道)is a g

2、ood place to go shopping.7. My father always(睡覺)for thirty minutes in the afternoon.8. Tony likes drawing so much that he wants to join the art(彳具樂部).(2017萊蕪)二、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞9. N cross the road when the traffic light is red. (2018廣州)10. Jane is a s girl. She doesn't like to talk to people11. Mom

3、 usually gets up at 5 : 50 and then b her teeth12.1 want to v my teacher this Sunday.13. In Harbin, it's very cold in w.14. Em going to Canada for my summer v next week.15. Water is very important to us. So we must s it.16. Please follow us, or yoiill get 117. You can walk to the store .It's

4、 not f from here.三、單項選擇18. an MaryChinese?一No, she cant.A. talkB. speakC. tellD. say19. My fathervery well.Look! Here are some of his pictures.A. singsC. swims20. Don't be, Jim!OK, Mom.A. lazyC. tidy21. This watch is too expensiveI want to buy aone.A. expensiveC cheap22.1 don't like my siste

5、fsA friendly; friendsC friendly; friendlyB. dancesD. drawsPlease clean your room this morning.B. smartD. strictB. oldD. bad.because theyYe notto me.B. friends ; friendlyD friends ; friends23. My grandmother oftenstories at night. What about yours?A. talksB. saysC. speaksD. tells24 一Look! A blind man

6、 is in the middle of the street.Its too dangerous.Lefs help him gothe streetA. crossB. forC acrossD. along25. My sister is goodold people.A. forB. atC. withD. of26. David sitsLucy. He is very tall, so she can't see thescreen(屏幕).A. behindB. in front ofC nearD. next to27. Every evening my daughte

7、r playspiano for an hou匚(2017宿遷)A. theB. aC. /D. an題組2一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞1. We need two(音樂家)for the music club in the city.2. Miss Brown comes from Canada She(說)English3. We learn Chinese, English, math and(其他的)subjects.4. Mrs. Green is forty, but she looks(年輕的)now.5.1 often go swimming in summer, becau

8、se it's(熱的).6. It's getting(涼爽的)in September.7. Today is sunny and(溫暖的).Lets go to the park.& Tom doesn't feel well. Let's take him to the(醫(yī)院).9. Don't(爬)the tall tree, boys. It's dangerous.10. You can take the book and it*s(免費的).二、單項選擇11. Is the juice?No, you have to pay

9、 for itA deliciousB. healthyC. freeD. cold12. There werepeople andnoise thereA. too many ; too muchB too many ; too manyC too much ; too manyD too much ; too much13. YouTe new here and it'sof you to bring a map.A. smartB strictC. beautifulD. true14. 一Helen, don'tto come here before 6: 30.一OK

10、. Til arrive on time.A 1 earnB wantC. forgetD. like15.1 don't think the math problem is difficult I can finish itA. easilyB.stillC againDhard16. Look at the photo! Fm sittingTina and Jim.A. atB.fromC betweenDin17. M匚 Smith is good to us, but sometimes he isstrictA. a kind ofB. kinds ofC. kind of

11、D. a kind18. Lucy isgirl. Everyone likes her very much.A. a quite beautifulB quite beautiful aC quite a beautifulD. beautiful quite a19. Do you often go fishing with your father?No,I don't like fishing at all. (2017*渝北)A. neverB oftenC usuallyD. sometimes20. Singing English songs isour English s

12、tudy.A. good atB. good forC good withD. well in題組3一、用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. You can find the bank(easy)2. The weather is(cloud) today3. Tom likes China because Chinese people are(friend)(2017 綏化)4. The boy and his father go(swim) every weekend. (2017鎮(zhèn)江)5. There are two(hospital) in the neighborhood6.1 can

13、 see some(mountain) in the photos7. What time do you brush(tooth)?8. (Lily) family has a cat. Its very cute.9. Chinese scientists have successfully cloned (克隆)two(monkey). They are named Zhong- zhong and Huahua(2018-臨沂)10. Look! Here are three(bus).二、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填寫單詞11. There is a store b the bus stop

14、 and our school.12. J ack has to w his sports shoes in the P. E. class 13. We must f the school rules.14. Excuse me, can you tell me the wto the bank?15 Lefs go to the c on Sunday. A new movie is to be on (放映)there.16. Your bag is so dirty. Don't p it on the bed17. My mother usually 1 home at 8:

15、 00 in the morning三、根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每空一詞18. 這個五歲的女孩經(jīng)常迷路。The five-year-old girl often19. 今晚我們出去吃飯吧!Lefstonight!20. 砍伐樹木是不對的。Ifs not right totrees.21. 媽媽,那是好運的標(biāo)志嗎?Mom, is that a symbol of?題組4一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞1. There is an interesting movie(今晚).2. Walk along the road and you can find the subway station(容易地

16、).(2018-貴港)3. My mother(洗)clothes every day.4. Lefs go to the(電影)this evening5. It's(恰好)seven o'clock. Let's go to school.6. Can you take a(信息)for him, please?7. It's(多云的)in Wuhan today.& Who's that(人)?It's my uncle9. There is a river(在的附近)my school. (2018*河池)10. The cake

17、s are delicious. Could I have(再一的)one?二、單項選擇11. Miss Green is goodmusic She is goodherstudents, so all the students like her.A. at; atB.with;withC. at; withD.with;at12. Li Lei can play the guitar,he can't play itA. and; goodBand;wellC. but; goodD.but;well13. Ben, whafs your favorite subject, mat

18、hscience?Math.A. andB. orC. butD. so14. 一Mom, Fm hungry. Is thereto eat?一Yes, you can have some bread on the table.A somethingB nothingC anythingD. everything15. Don't watch TV for too long. Ifs bad for your.A. noseB. eyesC. mouthD. hair16.1 want toin front of my birthday cake andI hope it can c

19、ome trueA. make a wishB. take a showerC. make friendsD. take a walk17. 一The TV show is verythese daysYes. Lots of people are watching it.A. boringB terribleC. difficultD. popular18.1 worka teacher in No. 1 Middle School.A. inB. atC. asD. to19. Peter likes thethe Readers very much.A. festivalB. testC

20、. tripD. show20. are koalas from?TheyTe from Australia.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhoD. Why三、根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每空一詞21.我們必須遵守規(guī)則。We must.22. 今天下午我們在電影院前見面吧。Lefs meetthe cinema this afternoon.23. 我的英語老師有一頭金色的卷發(fā)。My English teacher has.24. 最后我們沒有找到那條狗。, we don't find that dog.25. 首先,請告訴我你的名字。, tell me your name, p

21、lease.26. 我們必須拯救處于危險之中的動物。We must save animals.27. 火車站離這兒很遠。The train stationhere.28. 請晚餐后清洗餐具。Pleaseafter dinne r.題組5一、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填寫單詞1. To be a teacher is my d. (2018*銅仁)2. The river runs quickly, so we can't cit3. This jacket is really c Its only 15 yuan.4. IVk. Brown exercises every day and h

22、e's in e health5. There are some beautiful phere The artist drew them yearsago.6. They often r a bike to work. (2018*銅仁)7. Your room is very d. Go and clean it.8. The little cute b is my brothe匚9. Don't s up too late, or you'll be tired tomorrow night.二、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞10. Canada, China and

23、 the United States are all big(國家).11. There will be a high- speed railway(在之間)Ningboand Zhoushan. (2018*寧波)12. Wu Jing is a great(演員).I like his movie Wolf Warrior 2very much.13. My sistefs favorite(女演員)is Zhao Wei.14.1 really like these new(主意).They are very useful.15. What time will you(到達)at the

24、 park?16. How(幸運的)they are to have such a good teacher! (2018*蘇州)17. There is a map of the(世界)on the wall.18.1 find the life moves(慢慢地)in this city. (2018*德陽)三、單項選擇19. 一Linda, you look veryin the new sweater.一Thank you.A. happyB. 1 azyC. beautifulD. shy20. Tony isn't well today. Lefs take him to

25、 theA. libraryC hospital21. The food in that restaurant isA. highC expensive22. The old manA. enjoy; quietC enjoys; dirty23. M匚 Brown likes toA. spendB supermarketD restaurant We don't want to eat there.B. lowD cleansitting in the house because itsB. enjoys ; quietD enjoy; cleanhis weekends with

26、 his family at home.B. buyC. takeD. pay24. We must save animals because some of them areA. dangerousB. dangerC in dangerousD. in danger25. Trees are very important. We cantA. cut them downB. cut it downC cut down themD. cut down it26. 一Could you pleaseyour new classmate?一Sure She has long curly hair

27、 and wears glasses.A. followB describeC. knowD. forget題組6一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞1. Andy Lau is an actor. He's also a(歌手).2. Elephants have long(鼻子).3. Linda looks like her mother. They both have(圓的)faces.4. My pet animal is a(貓).(2018*桂林)5. Can I take a(口 信)for her?6. Can you(帶來)my hat and keys to me?7.

28、1 didn't hear the phone because it was too(吵鬧的)in thesupermarket. (2017*樂山)8. We can see lots of(動物)in this picture二、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填寫單詞9. The girl often s lots of time playing games on Sundays10 Linda finds a new job and she goes to w at eight o'clockevery day.11. What a ftime to eat fruit after

29、 dinner!12. The fish tdelicious.13 Please help the children to get d and here are their clothes.14. How is your English test(測驗)?Ifs t.15. My grandfather is o seventy years old.16 Ifs a nice day. Let's go out and enjoy the warm s三、用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空17. Please turn right at the second(cross).18.1 wa

30、nt(join) the English club.19. These(child) are watching TV in the classroom.20. My cousin is good at(dance). (2018*徐州)21. 一What do you think of the story?一It's(relax).22. She wants to buy a necklace(項鏈)(make) of ivory.23. The river runs too(quick) for the boat.題紐7孑一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞1.1 like the tom

31、ato(湯) It tastes good2. The post office is on the(左邊)of the hospital.3.1 only know he lives in the(北方)of China.4. Sun Li likes to talk to(人們).5. Don't(忘記)to do your homework after school.6. It's a good habit to brush your(牙齒)after a meal. (2018*濟寧)7 There is a river in front of my(房子)二、用括號內(nèi)所

32、給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空8. Miss White(teach) us history and we all like he匚9. 一Could you please tell(he)to call me back?Sure. No problem. (2018*常德)10.1 enjoy(listen) to music.11. He is very(friend) to everyone So we all like him.12. The dolphins are very smart and(interest).13. Can you tell me what the(crime) loo

33、ks like?14.1 see things(different) now.15. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group of(art) who createdtheir own style. (2018*揚州改編)16. Tom is a policeman. I think his job is(real) interesting17. Each of us(like) our English teache匚三、單項選擇18. What does your father do after dinner?一He usuallynewspapers.

34、(2017貴港)A. readsB watchesC looksD sees19. Its cold outside, Sandy. You'd betteryour coat to keepwarm.A. put upB. put outC put onD. put away20. 一I left my cell phone(手機)at home. Can Iyours, Helen?Ybs. Here you are.A. takeB.useC. makeD.want21. If I have much money, Fll buy a bigfor my parents.A. h

35、omeB.houseC familyD.room22. She is never latethe first class at school.A. inB.toD. atC. for23. Victor wants to find a new He doesn't want tothere A. work; workB. job; jobC. job; workD work; job24. Does your sister like?一Yes, you can see all kinds of clothes in her room.A. readingB. shoppingC swi

36、mmingD. dancing25. People usually shop in theA. poolB libraryC supermarketD restaurant26. 一Help your brother, Mary.OK, but where are his sweater and trousers?A. brush his teethB get upC get dressedD eat breakfas答案A詞匯專訓(xùn)題組1、Ljoin 2>cold 3.right 4.bus 5.turn 6>Street 7.sleeps8. club二、9>Never l

37、O.shy liebrushes 12>visit 13<winter14> vacation lS.save 16Jost 17>far三、18.B 點撥:根據(jù)賓語Chinese可知是“說漢語”用speako故選Bo19. D點撥:根據(jù)后面“這里是一些他的畫?!笨芍恰拔腋赣H 畫畫非常好?!惫蔬xD。20. A點撥:根據(jù)后面“請今天上午打掃你的房間。”可知是“不 要懶惰”,故選A。21. C點撥:前面提到“這塊手表太貴。”從而可判斷“我想買 一個便宜的?!惫蔬xC。22. B點撥:由my sister's可知用名詞friend,又因are后跟形 容詞作表語,故選B

38、。23. D 24.C 25.C 26.B27. A點撥:語法判定法。句意:每天晚上我女兒彈一個小時 的鋼琴。動詞play后接樂器名稱要用定冠詞the。故選A。題組2 、l.musicians 2.speaks 3.other 4.young 5.hot6. cool 7.warm 8.hospital 9.climb lO.free二、11. C 點撥:delicious美味的;healthy健康的;free免費的;cold寒冷的。下文提到“不,你必須付款。”可知詢問的是“果 汁是免費的嗎? ”12. A 點撥:people是集體名詞,用too many修飾,noise "噪 音”,可作不可數(shù)名詞,用too much修飾。故選A。13. A 14.C15.A16.C17.C18.C19. A點撥:用詞語辨析法和語境暗示法。never從不;often經(jīng)常;usually通常;sometimes有時。根據(jù)答語后一句I don't like fishing at all.可推知,我從不和父親一起釣魚。故選A。20. B題組3、1 .easily 2.cloudy 3.friendly 4.swimming 5.hospitals6. mountain


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