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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 1a-1c (Period 1)學(xué)前反饋用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Last week every one was tryin (cheer) up Jimmy.2. He now has 16 bikes(fix) up.3. I want (travel) alone. My parents told me(not do) so.4. At 12: 00 a.m. ,I called my friend (come) over for lunch.5. I saw him (play)

2、basketball almost every day.答一答1. What do you usually do whenyou' rfcee?2. Do you like doing housework? What chores do you often do at home?導(dǎo)入目標(biāo):1. 語言目標(biāo):談?wù)撟黾覄?wù)的詞匯,及如何有禮貌的提出要求。2. 技能目標(biāo):能聽懂和談?wù)撟黾覄?wù)的話題;能寫出重點(diǎn)單詞和重點(diǎn)句型。3. 情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生愛勞動(dòng),分享家務(wù)的水平。4. 教學(xué)重點(diǎn)短語: do the dishes, make the bed, take out the rubbish, fo

3、ld the clothes, sweep the floor, clean the living room 句子:Could you please take out the rubbish?Sure. / Sorry, I can' t.have to finish homework first.5. 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):Ask for permissi on自主學(xué)習(xí)2.折疊;對折4.地板2.拖地板4.洗餐具 6.打掃客廳寫一寫1. 垃圾;廢棄物 3. 掃;打掃 5.雜亂;不整潔譯一譯1. 倒垃圾 3. 整理床鋪5.疊衣服7. 你能幫忙做寫事情嗎?Could you please with a

4、 few things?合作探究1. Watch the photos and talk about them “ Whadoes he do every day?' and learn these phrases do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the rubbish, fold the clothes, do the laundry, clean the living room.2. Look these phrases and practice the conversation Could you please t

5、ake out the rubbish? Sure. / Sorry, lean' thave to finish homework first.3. 1a Do you do these chores at home? Discuss them with your part ner.4. 1b Listen. Who will do these chores? ChecK "Peter 'mother or Peter.展示交流Make conv ersatio ns about the chores in 1a.ExamplesA: Could you pleas

6、e.?B: Yes, sure. /All right. /No problem./Certainly.Sorry, I can't. I have to do.Sorry, I can't. I am doin g.達(dá)標(biāo)提升根據(jù)漢語提示完成英語句子。1. She is (疊衣服)now.2. I don' hate (倒垃圾).It 'fun.3. Miss Kang often (打掃起居室)at weekends.4. Mr. Wang likes to helps his wife (洗衣服)5. Lucy' mother asks her (整

7、理床鋪)by herself aftershe gets up in the morning.Section A 2a-2d (Period 2)學(xué)前反饋1. 聽寫上節(jié)課所學(xué)的短語。do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, make the bed, fold the clothes, clea n the room2. 展開對話 一Could you please ?Yes, please. / Sorry, Ica n' t.導(dǎo)入目標(biāo)1. 語言目標(biāo):談?wù)撟黾覄?wù)的詞匯,及如何有禮貌的提出要求。2. 技能目標(biāo):能聽懂和談?wù)撟?/p>

8、家務(wù)的話題;能寫出重點(diǎn)單詞和重點(diǎn)句型。3. 情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生愛勞動(dòng),分享家務(wù)的水平。4. 重點(diǎn)句型:Could I use your computer?Sorry. I'm going to work on it now.Could I watch TV?Yes, you can. But first you have to clea n your room.5. 教學(xué)難點(diǎn): Role-play the conv ersati on.自主學(xué)習(xí)1. 作出聽力預(yù)測。2. 找出有禮貌地提出要求的句子;圈出并努力弄懂重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)句子。合作探究Lan guage points1. help out

9、動(dòng)詞短語,表示在某人繁忙或遇到困難時(shí)給予協(xié)助” help和out之間還能夠加入具體的人”。e.g. He helped me out with my task.他幫我完成了任務(wù)。They helped (us) out with the clea n-up. 他們協(xié)助我們做大掃除。2. at least 至少e.g. We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.我們每天應(yīng)該至少刷兩次牙。3. be back 回來e.g. I wo n't be back till 11: 00.我11點(diǎn)以前回不來。4. any min ute now一

10、種常見的口語表達(dá)法,相當(dāng)于 隨時(shí);馬上;在任何時(shí)刻”的意思,表示事情 有可能在極短的時(shí)間內(nèi)發(fā)生或眼下就要發(fā)生。minute 還能夠用 second, moment, time等詞替換。e.g. Don't worry, he will come here any minute now.別擔(dān)心,他會(huì)馬上來這兒。The guests are arriving any time now buwe' rstill not ready.客人即刻就到,但我們還沒有準(zhǔn)備好。we reexpecting them any moment now. 我們期待他們隨時(shí)到來。展示交流2cMake co

11、nv ersatio ns using the in formati on in 2a and 2bA: Could I use your computer?B: Sorry. I 'moi ng to work on it now.A: Well, could I watch TV?B: Yes, you can. But first you have to clea n your room?2dRole lay the conv ersatiort達(dá)標(biāo)提升1 List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know.(必做)2

12、Make a con versati on betwee n you and your mother, using the sentence patter n “ Coulcyou please?” (選做)Section A 3a-3c (Period 3)學(xué)前反饋Check the homework. List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know.make dinnerfold the clotheshelp out withat leasttake out the rubbishdo choresbe back from

13、shopp ing see this mess 導(dǎo)入目標(biāo)do the dishessweep the floorclea n the livi ng room finish doing sth.more clea n1. New vocabularylast mon th, come over, take the dog for a walk, watch one show all the time, then ext day, n either did I2. The mi nute I sat dow n in front of the TV, my mom came over.For o

14、ne week, she did not do any housework, and n either did I.I ' ijust as tired as you are!水平目標(biāo):學(xué)會(huì)使用所學(xué)句式談?wù)撟黾覄?wù)活的經(jīng)過和感受。 情感目標(biāo):準(zhǔn)確處理做家務(wù)和學(xué)習(xí)之間的關(guān)系;能體諒父母。 自主學(xué)習(xí)Lan guage points1. You watch TV all the time and .all the time (在該段時(shí)間內(nèi))一直;向來, 一向;時(shí)時(shí)刻刻;每時(shí)每刻e.g. I do this all the time.我一直是這么做的。This happe ns all the

15、time.這種情況是時(shí)時(shí)發(fā)生的。2. I ' ijust as tired as you are!as . as意為 和一樣”,表示同級的比較。使用時(shí)要注意第一個(gè)as為副詞,第二個(gè)as為連詞。其基本結(jié)構(gòu)為:as + adj./ adv. + ase.g. This film is as interesting as that one.這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣。 Your pen writes as smoothly as mi ne.你的鋼筆書寫起來和我的一樣流暢。 as as 的否定形式為 “n oas/so + adj./adv. +as ”。e.g. Hedidn '

16、act as well as you.他表現(xiàn)得不如你好。3. For one week, she did not do any housework, and n either did I.neither用作副詞,作 也不”解釋,放在句首,表示前面否定的內(nèi)容也適用于 另一個(gè)人或物,句子須采用部分倒裝。此時(shí)也可用 nor替換neither使用。 例如:I don 'like this dress.我不喜歡這件連衣裙。Neither / Nor do I.我也不喜歡。注意::n either之后的主語要置于助動(dòng)詞或系動(dòng)詞之后。 neither用作代詞,表示 兩者都不,雙方均不”。例如:He

17、an swered n either of the letters他 兩圭寸信都沒回。Which one would you like?你喜歡哪一個(gè)?Neither.兩個(gè)都不喜歡。also, too, either, n either 的用法一、also是比較正式的用語,語氣較莊重。它通常放在句中,位于行為動(dòng)詞之 前,連系動(dòng)詞之后;如有助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,一般放在助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 之后。例如:Peter also has two brothers彼得也有兩個(gè)兄弟。I am also a stude nt.我也是一名學(xué)生。Mrs. Green can also sing the song in C

18、hi nese.格林夫人也能用漢語唱這首歌。二、too是普通用詞,多用于口語,語氣較隨便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句 末。例如:I ' m Row 1, too.我也在第一排。注意:|also和too 一般都用于肯定句,很少用于否定句。三、either表示 也”時(shí),一般只用于否定句,且置于句末。例如:I don' know him. Tom doesn' know him, either.我不理解他,湯姆也不理解他。If you don' go there, hew on' go there, either.如果你不去那兒,他也不會(huì)去那兒。注意:eithe

19、r本身沒有否定的意義。所以多與not連用。四、neither表示兩個(gè)都不”它作主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞常用單數(shù)。例如:Neither of you can do it .你們兩個(gè)都不能做這件事。合作探究3a Read the passage and answer the following questions.1. Did Nancy do any housework that day?2. Why was Nancy' mom angry with Nancy?3. Did they solve the problem? How?3b Read the story aga in and re

20、ad the senten ces below. Un derli ne the senten ces from the read ing that mean the same thing.1. Neither of us did any housework for a week.2. My mom came over as soon as I sat dow n in front of the TV.3. You' reired, but I 'mired, too.3c Decide whether the un derli ned words in the senten

21、ces are verbs or nouns. Then write another sentence using the underlined word in the other form.1. Could you take the dog for a walk? (noun)2. Could I watch one show first?3. I can' work all day.4. You watch TV all the time.5. “ Whahappened?”she asked in surprise.展示交流1. 聽材料并跟讀材料,模仿語音、語調(diào)、停頓。2. 學(xué)生

22、朗讀課文。達(dá)標(biāo)提升單詞詞性方面的知識(shí):一詞多性。給出更多的例子。Section A Grammar focus-4c ( Period 4)學(xué)前反饋根據(jù)所學(xué)內(nèi)容,寫出下列短語。fold one' clothes, do the dishes, useone' computer, take out the rubbish , make the bed, sweep the floor, stay out late, be angry with sb., take sb. for a walk, clean the living room, work on, come over,

23、do the housework, get a ride導(dǎo)入目標(biāo)學(xué)習(xí)使用情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法,并使用 could有禮貌地提出請求及回答。自主學(xué)習(xí)Could you( please + V-原形?表示委婉地提出請求1. Could you please clea n your room?Yes, sure. / Of course./ Certa inly./All right.2. Could you please do the dishes?Sorry, I can' t.have to do my homework.在表示請求協(xié)助或請求允許的疑問句中,常用could代替can,以表示禮貌

24、,委婉或不確定的語氣,而can則不具備這些語氣。這種情況下不能把could看作 can的過去式。以上兩句中用could是為了表示禮貌的請求。表示請求協(xié)助或請 求允許時(shí),除了 can, could之外,還能夠用may,句子的表達(dá)方式也各有不同, 能夠用不同的方式來表示同一個(gè)概念。例: Could/Ca n/May I use your car for a day? I won der if I could use your car for a day?對于、句所作允答能夠各種各樣,如同意能夠說Yes或Sure或Certainly, 還可說 Yes, (do) please.或 Of course

25、. (you may/can).或 Go ahead, please.或 That' OK/all right;如果不同意,能夠說 I ' morry you can' t或 I ' nreally sorry, but I have to use it today.要避免說No, you can' t這樣顯得很不禮貌。否定回答通 常用委婉語氣。 Do you mind if I use your car for a day?對于句所作回答能夠說 Never mi nd. /Not at all.表 不介意”不能用Yes. /Sure. /Of cour

26、se. /Certainly等。無論肯定還是否定應(yīng)答中, 要避免使用could,要 用can或may。因?yàn)閼?yīng)答須用確定的語氣。而could在表請求的問句中是為了表示禮貌或委婉語氣,用在應(yīng)答中則成了不確定語氣,與情理不符。所以應(yīng)答中不 說 Yes, you could. 或 No, you couldn ' 而要說 Yes, you can.或 Sorry. /No, you can t.Could I please use your computer?Sorry, I ' ngoing to work on it now.Well, could I watch TV?Yes,

27、you can.Could I/you please?表示一種有禮貌的請求或提議,其后連接原形動(dòng)詞,比 Can you /I?語氣更委婉。類似句型有:Would you like + sth. / to do sth.?May I + do sth.?Shall we + do sth.?Would you mind + sth. /doing sth.?What / How about + sth. /doi ng sth.?肯定回答有 Sure. /Of course. / Certainly. /OK. /Great. / Well. / Good idea. / I agree. 等。

28、否定回答有 Sorry/ No, you can' t等。合作探究I. Make up dialogues using the senten ces in Grammar Focus with your part ner.A: Could you please take the dog for a walk?B: OK, but I want to watch one show first.2.4a Write R for requests and P for permission. Then match each one with the correct resp on se.3.4

29、b Fill in the blanks in the conversation.A: I hate tochores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Great!I ask you tome with some chores the n?B: What do you n eed help with?A:you pleasemy clothes for me?B: I don' want to do that! It 'boring!A: OK. The nyoudo the

30、 dishes for me?B: Sure, no problem. Butwe go to the movies after that?A: Sure. I ' Mnish my homework while you help me with the dishes. Then we can go to the movies.展示交流Discussi onIf we are hav ing a camp ing trip, what should we do before the trip?達(dá)標(biāo)提升Write a letter to your friend to ask him/he

31、r to take care of your house whe n you are on vacati on.Section B 1a-1e(Period 5)學(xué)前反饋單項(xiàng)選擇。1. - Could you please take care of my dog?-. I ' ntoo busy.A. Yes, you canB. SureC. Sorry, I can't2. - Could you pleasehis bed?-Certai nly!A. makes B. making C. make3. - Could I use your car?A. Sure, yo

32、u canB. Sorry, you canC. Sure, I can4. Could you help?A. making the bedB. make the bedC. made the bed導(dǎo)入目標(biāo)學(xué)會(huì)請求和許可的表達(dá)法。自主學(xué)習(xí)1. 掌握1a里的短語。2. 用短語編造自己的對話。3. 作出聽力預(yù)測。合作探究Q1: Do you help your pare nts do the chores at home?Q2: Do you ask your pare nts permissi on for?Q3: Do your pare nts ask you to do some th

33、ings for them? Give some pictures and an swer the followi ng questi ons. What do your pare nts ask you to do?What do you ask yourpare nts permissi on for?Finish 1a. What do teenagersask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each p

34、hrase.Finish 1b. Use the phrases in 1a to make conv ersati ons.Pair work1. Parents Could you please ?Child : Yes, sure. / Sorry, Ican' t.have to .2. Child: Could I ?Parents Yes, you can. / No, you can' You .展示交流You are hav ing a party .In vite your part ner to come your party and ask for hel

35、p with these things. So, talk about the following things with your part ner.e.g. A: Would like to come to my birthday party?B: Yes, I ' dve to./Sorry, I can' It.have to A: Could you please take out the rubbish?B: Yes, sure./No, I can' It.have to do達(dá)標(biāo)提升After class, please make some new di

36、alogues with the phrases in 1a.寫一寫1.依靠;依賴3.公正性5.鄰居7.落下;掉下譯一譯d 鄉(xiāng)士單阜I. 結(jié)果是3.照料;愛護(hù)Section B 2a-2b(Period 6)2. 發(fā)展;壯大4. 從以后;自以來6. 有??;不舒服8. 合理的;適當(dāng)?shù)?.生?。徊〉?4. 越早越好 2.每個(gè)人都理應(yīng)盡一份力來保持家干凈整齊。Every one should their in keep ing it clea n and tidy.3. 他不知道怎樣來照顧他自己。He how to take care of.導(dǎo)入目標(biāo)1. 掌握閱讀策略,完成2a和2b的任務(wù)。2. 能

37、夠使用所學(xué)的知識(shí)對某件事情提出自己的看法,發(fā)表觀點(diǎn)。3. 懂得有禮貌地提出請求,能尊重家長的建議。自主學(xué)習(xí)1. New wordsstressn.精神壓力;心理負(fù)擔(dān)wasten.浪費(fèi);垃圾 v.浪費(fèi);濫用depend v. 依靠;依賴develop v. 發(fā)展 ; 壯大fairness n.公正性;合理性since conj. 因?yàn)? 既然prep., conj. & adv.從以后;自以來neighbor(= neighbor) n. 鄰居drop v. 落下 ; 掉下2. Skimming 意為“快速掠過,從中提取最容易取得的精華 ”。這種讀法包含有原 詞的所有意思 快速讀過去,取

38、出讀物中關(guān)鍵性的東西。所以,我們能夠 把這種讀法理解為快速瀏覽課文,領(lǐng)會(huì)文章大意。一般來說,通過標(biāo)題可知 道文章的主題。對文章的首段和末段要多加注意,以便發(fā)現(xiàn)作者的觀點(diǎn)。3.答一答1) According to Mr. Smith and Mrs. Miller, what are the personal cons and pros about kids doing chores?2) What do you think of it?4. Language points1) It is the parents jo'b to provide a clean and comfortab

39、le environment at home for their children.此處代詞it僅為形式上的主語,真正的主語是to providefor their children。 我們也可將It is one'job (duty,)to do something視為一個(gè)固定的句型,表 示“做某事是某人的工作 (職責(zé)等 )”。如:It ' esvery teacher 'jobsto explain things clearly to the students. 把東西給學(xué)生講明白是每一位老師應(yīng)做的事情。provide 作動(dòng)詞,意為 “提供;供應(yīng) ”。provide

40、 sb. with sth或 provide sth. for sb意為 為某人提供某物”。女口:The movie theater provides us with good service.His school provided a house for him.漢譯英。他們提供給他錢和衣服。They provided him with money and clothes.They provided money and clothes for him.2) And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. 反正我覺得干點(diǎn)家務(wù)也不難。a

41、nyway 是一個(gè)副詞 , 若位于句首 , 其后往往會(huì)有逗號(hào)將其與句子的其他內(nèi) 容隔開。any way在此句中的作用是追加評論,相當(dāng)于漢語的 反正;仍然;依 然”。如:Sam didn ' gtet the job, buthe' nsot unhappy because itdidn ' ptay well anyway. 薩姆沒有得到那份工作 , 但他并沒有悶悶不樂 , 反正薪酬也不算高。anyway還可用來表示 不管怎樣;無論如何”之意。例如:It ' jusst a cold. But anyway, you should still see the d

42、octor.這只不過是感冒 , 但不管怎樣 , 你還是應(yīng)該看看醫(yī)生。3) ill & sick相同點(diǎn)ill 與 sick 都能夠表示 “生病的 ”,都可作表語。如:Alice was ill / sick yesterday.不同點(diǎn)表示 生病”時(shí),sick可作定語,但ill通常不作定語。如:Could you help the sick girl?【使用】根據(jù)句意,用ill或sick填空。 The driver sent thebaby to the hospital.(2) My brother is. I have to look after him at home.4) The

43、earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 孩子們越早學(xué)會(huì)獨(dú)立,對他們的未來就越好。“the比較級+, the+比較級+”是英語中一個(gè)常用的句型結(jié)構(gòu),表示越,就越”如:The more he expla in ed, the better we un derstood.他解釋得越多,我們就理解得越透徹。Many people believe that the more a person reads, the wiser he will become. 很多人相信一個(gè)人書讀得越多就會(huì)變得越聰明。

44、合作探究Discuss the questi ons with your part ner.1) What do you ofte n do to help your pare nts at home?2) Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?展示交流1. 聽材料并跟讀材料,模仿語音、語調(diào)、停頓。2. 學(xué)生朗讀課文。達(dá)標(biāo)提升ExerciseI. 根據(jù)句意及所給首字母提示,補(bǔ)全句中所缺單詞。1. He was ibut no body took him to the hospital.2. If you don' s

45、tudy hard, your grades will d.3. I like Old Henry because he ofte n pus with hot water.4. We can don him for help.5. Mother thi nks play ing computer games is a wof time.II. 根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. He(develop) a farm from no thi ng.2. I n fact, young people have too much(stress) today.3. He didn 


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