1、regulations and other requir ements of a relevant state laws, statutes, ordi nances and norms; b of luoyang city, he na n provi nce , loca l regulations a nd department s under the state council regulations, procedures; national, industr y, standardi zation of luoyang cit y, he nan province, a bout
2、security management laws, reg ulations, proce dures, r ule s, standards and other re quireme nts; c national, trade a nd l ocal sta ndar ds; d notificati on of a uthoritie s, law e nforceme nt agenci es, bulleti ns, and ot her requirements; e national conve ntion. 2, access to a superi or communicat
3、i ons, zhuanwen; b -publ ished newspapers, magazine s; c conference access; d from laws, regulati ons, standards and other re quireme nts distr ibuti on obtai ned; e by governme nt agencies, i ndustry associati ons and other a cce ss; f sear ch t he inter net; g ot her channels. 3, recogniti on a nd
4、 i dentificati on 3.1 healt h and technol ogy accordi ng to the sta ndar dization of safety management system re quireme nts and related departments a nd units t o coll ect informati on a nd pre paration of gm of the a ppli cable laws, reg ulations .3, about the safety of juri sdi ctions, report reg
5、ularly to t he leadi ng group for safety production. 4, pr omptly report accide nts, and collaborative leader shi p group company safety pr oduction accidents, mai ntena nce of the scene of the accide nt, and timely rescue of casualties t o stop devel opment. f our, duty firefighter responsi bilitie
6、s 1, accept the se curity of worki ng arrangeme nts, is in charge of work safety in ea ch specifi c region. 2, orga nized by the security officer for conducti ng regular fire drill s to ensure that basic firefighting skills. 3, make regular che cks on production safety organize d by t he safety offi
7、cer, found safety hazards immediately halted and proper pre cauti onary measures, re porte d to the safety officer. 4 assi st the se curity officer is responsibl e for the work at the sce ne of the accide nt. five, empl oyee safety responsi bilities 1 k nowle dge of pr oduction safety, a nd a ctivel
8、y pa rticipate in the organi zation of learni ng activities to enhance se curity aware ness a nd consciousne ss. 2, strictly in a ccorda nce wit h the r ules w ork, observe la bour discipli ne and the r ules a nd regulations of the compa ny. 3, the corre ct use of ppe. 4, com pany official s in a ti
9、mely manner to reflect problems i n safety. fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety meetings, mont hly summary all de partments re quire a safety, regular a nalysis of the situati on of producti on safety measures on m ajor safety issues, and im plementati on. safety
10、training for the fifth cha pter 1, all empl oyees must re ceive safety traini ng and e ducation. 2, the com pany must be made before t he ne w staff workshop, safety educati on. employee s changi ng jobs withi n the compa ny or who leave for more tha n six months back to w ork, shop or safety educat
11、i on should a ccordingl y. 3, for all employee s of the company must conduct safety traini ng and educati on, should be accor ding to safety regulati ons, safety rules, discipli ne as a n importa nt part of safety education. 4,中學數(shù)學經典易錯題集錦及答案一、挑選題1、a 、b 是數(shù)軸上原點兩旁的點,就它們表示的兩個有理數(shù)是-()a 、互為相反數(shù)b、肯定值相等c、是符號不
12、同的數(shù)d 、都是負數(shù)2、有理數(shù)a、b 在數(shù)軸上的位置如下列圖,就化簡|a-b|-|a+b|的結果是 -()a 、2ab、2bc、2a-2bd 、2a+bboa3、輪船順流航行時m 千米 /小時,逆流航行時m-6 千米 /小時,就水流速度-()a 、2 千米 /小時b 、3 千米 /小時c、6 千米 / 小時d、不能確定4、方程 2x+3y=20 的正整數(shù)解有 -()a 、1 個b 、3 個c、4 個d、很多個 5、以下說法錯誤選項-()a.兩點確定一條直線b、線段是直線的一部分c、一條直線是一個平角d、把線段向兩邊延長即是直線 6.函數(shù) y=m 2-1x 2 -3m-1x+2 的圖象與x 軸的
13、交點情形是- a. 當 m 3 時,有一個交點b、 m1 時,有兩個交c、當 m1 時,有一個交點d 、不論 m 為何值,均無交點7.假如兩圓的半徑分別為r 和 r( r>r ),圓心距為d,且 d-r 2 =r2,就兩圓的位置關系是- ()a 、內切b 、外切c、內切或外切d、不能確定 8、在數(shù)軸上表示有理數(shù)a、b、c 的小點分別是a 、b、c 且 b<a<c,就以下圖形正確選項- ()abccbacabbabcacd9、有理數(shù)中,肯定值最小的數(shù)是-()a 、-1b 、1c、0d 、不存在1 的倒數(shù)的相反數(shù)是-()10、2a 、-2b、2c、- 1d、 12211、如 |x
14、|=x ,就 -x 肯定是 -()a 、正數(shù)b 、非負數(shù)c、負數(shù)d、非正數(shù) 12、兩個有理數(shù)的和除以這兩個有理數(shù)的積,其商為0,就這兩個有理數(shù)為-() a 、互為相反數(shù)b、互為倒數(shù)c、互為相反數(shù)且不為0d、有一個為0 13、長方形的周長為x ,寬為 2,就這個長方形的面積為-()a 、2xb 、2x-2c、x-4d 、2· x-2/2 14、“比 x 的相反數(shù)大3 的數(shù)”可表示為-()a 、-x-3b 、-x+3c、3-xd、x+3 15、假如 0<a<1 ,那么以下說法正確選項-v-()a 、a2 比 a 大b、a2 比 a 小c、 a2 與 a 相等d 、a2 與 a
15、 的大小不能確定 16、數(shù)軸上, a 點表示 -1,現(xiàn)在 a 開頭移動,先向左移動3 個單位,再向右移動9 個單位,又向左移動5 個單位,這時, a 點表示的數(shù)是-()a 、-1b、0c、1d 、8 17、線段 ab=4cm ,延長 ab 到 c,使 bc=ab再延長 ba 到 d ,使 ad=ab ,就線段 cd 的長為 -()a 、12cmb 、10cmc、8cmd 、4cm18、 12 的相反數(shù)是 -()the com pany's spe cial operations per sonnel including el ectrici an, driving motor ve h
16、icle s in factori es, machine operat ors, and so on must re ceive relevant professi onal trai ning in safety knowle dge, ensure qualifie d before t hey can schedule posts. sixth cha pter safety checks, companies m ust establ ish and improve t he system of safety che cks. workshop safety checks once
17、a mont h, team leader safety che cks once a w eek. second, compa nies should organize producti on stat us check s, routi ne se curity che cks, professi onal safety che ck. spe cific requirements ar e: i, post security, mainly by the staff before the operati on, a bout your job or t he work to be und
18、ertaken, and after confirming the safe and relia ble operation. contents i nclude: 1, if the secur ity status of the e qui pment i n good condition, safety protecti on device is effective; 2, provide d se curity measures are impl emented; 3, the equipment use d, whet her the t ools i n accor dance w
19、ith safety regulations; 4, job sites, as wel l as goods piled up compli ance with the safety spe cifications; 5, per sonal prote ctive equipme nt, appliances, complete and reliable ; 6, operation, pr oce dures are clear. b routine safety inspecti ons, mainly by the heads of the various department s
20、responsible for, it must furthersite visits and inspe ctions . .1, employ ee injuries that occur in t he pr oce ss of work, m ust be stri ctly in accor dance wit h the regulati ons of the company re porti ng, investigati on, a nalysis, treatment and ma nagement. 2, after a fatal accide nts of worker
21、s, company officials shoul d immediately organi ze to save the victims, take effective measures toprevent the ex pansion and prote ction of the scene of the accident, reha bilitati on efforts and report group.tenth chapter by -laws of the system come i nto force on the date of pr omulgation. six, a
22、se curity safeguar d system and obje ctive: costs for necessary in order to e nsure the safety of production, ensure e nterpri se se curity investme nt funds and improve d worki ng conditi ons, accor ding to the extraction of determine s the criteria your self, and have t he courage to produce sha l
23、l not be diverte d to any ot her use. second, scope this poli cy applies to t he funds of input i n production safety management. t hree, responsi bilitie s 1, chairman of the board is responsi ble for determi ning safety extraction of investment criteria and the fundi ng ne cessary to ensure the sa
24、fety of producti on. 2, car bon sushe ng technol ogy is re sponsi ble for the development of the system of safety investment to protect, supe rvise and inspe ct the use of inve stment funds to se curit y. 3, fina nce charge base d on the safety investme nt prote ction sy stem, establi shi ng the se
25、curity expense account records t he cost of extraction and t he use of se curity costs. four, a ccordi ng to the fina nci al management of the high-risk i ndustry enterpri se safety in pr oducti on costs of the interim measure s financi al enter prises, no. 478 requireme nts, combi ned wit h the a c
26、tual sit uation in e nterprise security costs that year extraction isbased on a ctual sales of the year for accr ual ba sis, using exce ss regressive manner, a ccording t o extracts to cut 2. 1, annual sales income in part up to 10 million yuan, accordi ng to the extract to cut 4. 2, annual sales in
27、come i n the 10 million yuan t o 100 milli on yuan included parts, extract to cut by 2. 3, the a nnual sale s income of rm b 100 milli on to 1 billi on yua n incl uded parts, extract 0.5 pe r cent respectivel y. 4, part of the annual sales i ncome of more than 1 billi on yuan, a ccording t o the ext
28、ract to cut 0.2. 5, and deve loped contai ns following aspe cts of safety cost s of usi ng pla ns, a nd impl ementation: , and perfect, and transformation and mainte nance se curity pr otecti on e qui pme nt facilities spending , whi ch: securityregulations and other requir ements of a relevant stat
29、e laws, statutes, ordi nances and norms; b of luoyang city, he na n provi nce , loca l regulations a nd departm ent s under the state council regulations, procedures; national, industr y, standardi zation of luoyang cit y, he nan province, a bout security management laws, reg ulations, proce dure s,
30、 rule s, standards and other re quireme nts; c national, trade a nd l ocal sta ndar ds; d notificati on of a uthoritie s, law e nforceme nt agenci es, bulleti ns, and ot her requirements; e national conve ntion. 2, access to a superi or communicati ons, zhuanwen; b-publ ished newspapers, magazine s;
31、 c conference access; d from laws, regulati ons, standards and other re quireme nts distr ibuti on obtai ned; e by governme nt agencies, i ndustry associati ons and other a cce ss; f sear ch t he inter net; g ot her channels. 3, recogniti on a nd i dentificati on 3.1 healt h and technol ogy accordi
32、ng to the sta ndar dization of safety management system re quireme nts and related departments a nd units t o coll ect informati on a nd pre paration of gm of the a ppli cable laws, reg ulations .3, about the safety of juri sdi ctions, report regularly to t he leadi ng group for safety production. 4
33、, pr omptly report accide nts, and collaborative leader shi p group company safety pr oduction accidents, mai ntena nce of the scene of th e accide nt, and timely rescue of casualties t o stop devel opment. f our, duty firefighter responsi bilities 1, accept the se curity of worki ng arrangeme nts,
34、is in charge of work safety in ea ch specifi c region. 2, orga nized by the security officer for conducti ng regular fire drill s to ensure that basic firefighting skills. 3, make regular che cks on production safety organize d by t he safety officer, found safety hazards immediately halted and prop
35、er pre cauti onary measures, re porte d to the safety officer. 4 assist the se curity officer is responsibl e for the work at the sce ne of the accide nt. five, empl oyee safety responsi bilities 1 k nowle dge of pr oduction safety, a nd a ctively pa rticipate in the organi zation of learni ng activ
36、ities to enhance se curity aware ness nd consciousne ss. 2, strictly in a ccorda nce wit h the r ules w ork, observe la bour discipli ne and the r ules a nd regulations of the c ompa ny. 3, the corre ct use of ppe. 4, com pany official s in a timely manner to reflect problems i n safety. fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety meetings, mont hly summary all de partments re quire a safety, regular a nalysis of the situati on of producti on safety measures on major safety issues, and im plementati on. safety training for the
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