



1、留意事項 :會寧中學創(chuàng)新試驗班第一學期首次周考英語試卷學習必備歡迎下載15. the teacher told his students that the earthround the sun.a. gob. wentc. goesd. had gonei. go there alone, but he go there by himself.a. dare ; doesnt dareb. dare to; dares notc. dare; dare notd. dare to; doesnt dare 17.this is the first time i such beautiful m

2、usic .本試卷分第 i 卷挑選題 和第 ii 卷非挑選題 兩部分 .全卷滿分 150 分,考試時間 120 分鐘.只交答題紙和機讀卡 ,試卷同學帶走 ,以備講評 .第 i 卷挑選題共 100 分 . 單項挑選(共30 小題;每道題1 分,滿分30 分)從 a 、b 、c、d 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的正確選項;1. pleasethe numbers and i am sure they willmore than 1000.a. add up;addb.add up;add upc.add up;add up tod.add;add up 2.later, i decided to

3、more things to the list.a.connectb.turnc.keepd.add3.i felt so sad that i sobbed bitterly, and nobody couldme down. a.turnb.calmc.letd.put4.i through that bitter period without your generous help.a. wentb.gotc.couldn t have goned.couldn t have got 5.in much of the animal world,night is the timefor sl

4、eep-pure and simple.a.set asideb.set downc.set offd.set up 6.before driving into the city,you are required to get your car.a.washingb.washedc.washd.to wash7. get to the company in time,we set out early in the morning. a.so as tob.in order toc.so thatd.in order that8.-do you know our town well.-no,th

5、is is the first time ihere.a. comeb.had comec.camed.have come9. to their disappointed,the couplethe house but couldn t find the missing ring,which was to bring them great trouble.a. got throughb.went throughc.lived throughd.looked through10. i went to the cinema once a week at university.a.there was

6、 a time whenb.there was a time thatc.i had time whend.i had a time that11. i foundvery interesting to study english.a. thatb. itc. it isd. its 12.whilethe dog last night, i met with mary.a. walkb. walkedc. walkingd. to walk13. john received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladly acce

7、pted it.a. finishedb. finishingc. having finishedd. was finished 14.he came into the classroom .a. very upsetb. be upsetc. to upsetd. to be upseta. heardb. am hearingc. will heard. have heard 18.the shop stayed till six o'clock.a. openedb. openc. closed. closing19. if your camera is broken , you

8、 will have to pay to get it.a. repairb. to repairc. repairedd. repairing20. is it i ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.a. why; thatb. why; whatc. what; thatd. what; what 21.my mother got up early this morningi could catch the early bus.a. so as tob. in order toc. in order thatd. as

9、 if22.i am busy now and i want to go shopping.a. the other timeb. another timec. the another timed. other time23. the filma novel by luxun.a. base onb. basing onc. based ond. was based on 24.todaypeople learning english in china is increasing rapidly.a. a number ofb. a good many ofc. the number ofd.

10、 a great deal of 25.it was yesterday afternoonwe had a meeting in the meeting room.a. thatb. whenc. in whichd. at which 26.john said he would pay second visit to china next year.a. the; /b. the; thec. a; thed. a; /27.do you like watching soccer game. . i don t quite follow you.a. why notb. what s wr

11、ongc. what s upd. pardon28. having retired 退休 , he the club for old men and plays chess every day there.a. takes part inb. joins inc. attendsd. joins 29.the teacher us so much noise.a. say to; don t makeb. told; not makec. asked; not makingd. asked; not to make30. tom had to call a taxi because the

12、box was to carry all the way home.a. much too heavyb.too much heavyc.heavy too muchd.too heavy much . 完形填空 共 40 小題;每道題 1 分,滿分 40 分閱讀下面短文,把握其大意,然后從 31-50 各題所給的四個選項(a 、b 、c 和 d)中,選出正確選項; 一henry was not31 at math. even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still couldn t 32 it.“ neverm

13、ind.i lsl it33the boy who sthe best at 34 , ”h enrythought,“ and 35 his answers.”學習必備歡迎下載the day of the exam36, and henry sat next to allan,37was 38 at the top of the class inin your class, we _65_ but looked away from your eyes. you _66_for some time as if you were _67_to find thismath. henry copie

14、d allan s answe3r9shis own exam paper. at the end of the exam, the teacher said,right wordyou said you would go away and would never be back to teach because your boyfriend wanted you“ well, boys and girls, i ve decided to gi4ve0 a retdo the student who got the41 grade. it s 42 forme to decide who i

15、 ll give the star to, howe_v_e4r3, two students, henry and allan, got the 44 grade.” on the following morning, we _68_ you the very best and the villagers gave you their _69_the train took yafter a moment she went on,4“5 i ve decided to give the star to 46 this time.”ou away and your broken70the oth

16、er day i happened to hear my parentshenry was 47when he heard this. he stood48 and said, “ buti got the same grade as allan,madam.”chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world soon after you waved goodbye.“ that s49. ” the teacher said.“ however, allan s answer to question 6 was i d5o1n. a.

17、fotreknveorw.b., bseultdomc. hardlyd. soon 50 was nor do i. . ”31. a. wellb. goodc. betterd. best32. a. retellb. answerc. rememberd. understand33.a. next tob. besidesc. behindd. in front of34. a. englishb. mathc. scienced. chinese35.a. checkb. copyc. keepd. choose36. a. endedb. overc. camed. start37

18、. a. whichb. thatc. whomd. who38. a neverb. almostc. alwaysd. sometimes39. a. inb. onc. ontod. at40.a.bookb.coatc. pend. star41. a.highestb. bestc. lowestd. least42. a. hardb. easyc. unusuald. important43. a. ifb. thoughc. untild. because44.a. lowb. highc. samed. different45.a. sob. becausec. butd.

19、and46.a. allanb. henryc. nobodyd. anybody47.a. afraidb. angryc. pleasedd. worried48.a. outb. forc. upd. by49.a. trueb. wrongc. okd. all right50.a. hisb. minec. yoursd. others(二)52. a. sceneb. conditionc. signd. sight53. a. reportb. arrivalc. explanationd. speech54. a. promisedb. answeredc. permitted

20、d.agreed55. a. sharedb. spentc. paidd. devoted56. a. evenb. everc. soond. still57. a. consideredb. fearedc. supposedd. doubted58. a. woreb. pretendedc. gainedd. presented59. a. puleb. troublec. questiond. fear60. a. teachingb. middlec. coursed. field61. a. wayb. wealthc. valued. cost62. a. afterb. f

21、orc. withd. against63. a. as ifb. becausec. even thoughd. before64. a. happilyb. bitterlyc. anxiouslyd. angrily65. a .listenedb .talkedc. discussedd. studied66. a. explainedb. stoppedc. talkedd .spoke67. a. thinkingb. worryingc. cryingd. trying68. a. hopedb expectedc. wishedd. brought69. a. thanksb.

22、 satisfactionsc. expressionsd. rewards70. a. boyb. classc. heartd. memory . 閱讀懂得 共 15 小題;每道題2 分,滿分30 分you've been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which i came to know not long ago.on this special day for teachers across the country, i can _51_keep myself from telling your white lie

23、to tho se who would lend me an ear.awhen kyle walked into ernie's pet world, he looked very anxious. the shop owner, ernie, jumped out of his seat to greet kyle. he was the shop's first customer of the day.“ good morning, sir.” ernie said,“ what can i help you with.”“ well, i.“ kyle started

24、to say.do you still remember the happy _52_about six years ago. we fixed our eyes upon you at your _53_.you,“ wait, don't tell me,” ernie stopped him.“ you're looking for aa little dogfor youa beautiful young lady, _54_ us that you would live in our village.soon after, we began to find you w

25、ere part of your students and their simple honest parents. the villagers f ound their children _55_more time on their books _56_ after doing their homework and housework. yet they stil l _57_ that one day you might leave. you _58_a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their_59_ of y our

26、leaving. you went all out in the _60_ of your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in theirtuition 學費 .you often emphasized to us the _61_ of one's life, so that must have been what you were _62_ in those five year s.one cold morning when class began, you entered the room _6

27、3_ you had been crying _64_.right.“ not really, i just.“ernie didn't let him finish.“ ah, i've got it. you just moved to a new office, and you want some fish for it. i have some very nice fish bowls over here.“ in fact, i” kyle was starting to look very nervous and strange.“ no fish. ah, a c

28、at. you look like a cat person. at ernie's pet world, we have the best cats. take a look at thislovelyone with long, white hair. she's looking at you.she's thinking,'take me home. take me home. ' would you like some cat food and toys, too.”“ no, thank you,” kyle said. by this tim

29、e, he was walking up and down. he had a terrible look on his face.“ really, i'm not interested in cats or fish or little dogs.”“ what do you want, then.” ernie asked.學習必備歡迎下載roommates are very interested in them. they not only play games in their free time, but also keep talking aboutkyle looked

30、 like he was going to cry.“ i just want to know if i can use your toilet.”thehme asat indigahttlawsht.en lights are off, and they regard games as part of life. i懇求 them togivveeibt eugpg, ed71. which is true about ernie's pet world.a. it has many workers.b. kyle goes there often.c. it sells scho

31、ol things.d. ernie is the owner of the shop.72. what kind of person is ernie.a. very lazy.b. rather shy.c. over warm-hearted.d. not friendly.73. kyle went into the ernie's pet world to.a. buy a little dogb. take fish homec. meet the shop ownerd. look for a washroom74. what does the underlined wo

32、rd "anxious" mean in chinese.a. 著急的b. 興奮的c. 憤怒的d. 掃興的but they wouldn ltisten to me. it has become a rather big problem. should i report it to our teachers or do something else.ted,dear ted:drop it. your roommates, as grown-ups, can do whatever they want with their time so long as it doesn

33、break school rules or violate 防礙 other people s interests.playing perhaps gives these students relaxation 放 松 from hard study. if they play too often, have littletime to study, and they will reap what they have sown, but you will not. reporting to the teachers would only harm your good name in your

34、dormitory宿舍 . however you have rights to ask your roommates to be quiet75. what is the best title of the story.when you need sleep. if they aren t angry with you, they will stop talking. but be polite and friendly. perhaps, ina. kyle and ernieb. pet or toiletc. a pet loverd. a busy pet shopbreturn,

35、join them in a game or two.victor.do you know what couch-potato means. well, in america, the word is now often used. the americancouch-potato becomes maybe even a part of the american tradition. you see, in america, many people often spend their free time sitting on a couch沙發(fā) watching tv. as there a

36、re many channels to choose, the tv can be quite interesting and very addictive 上癮的 . one may sit and watch tv for hour and hour without stop. well, these people who do nothing all day except watching tv are called couch-potatoes.in america, when one watches tv , he is most often sitting on a couch.

37、while watching tv, most of these people look so frozen that they almost look dead. everyone is sitting still靜止的 with eyes looking right into81. according to the first letter, many college students enjoy .a. playing computer gamesb. searching information on the internetc. sending e-mailsd. buying thi

38、ngs online82. ted wants his roommates to .a. break their computersthe same black box. also because these people are addictive to tv, they donusut atallkyegeext evrecriyse and fat. so in many ways, these people look like real potatoes. well, because they look so still and fat, and watch tvon a couch,

39、 they are all called couch-potatoes. now you know what couch-potato means. the next time if youb. sell their computers to teachersc. stop playing computer gamesd. play games in the day, not at nightsee someone watching tv too long, just say, "what a couch-potato."76. the word “couch-potato

40、”is often used in .a. chinab. americac. japand. france77. if a person is called a couch-potato, he or she .a. likes sitting on a couch watching tvb. does nothing all dayc. must be very fatd. only watches tv and eats potatoes78. why does a couch-potato look like a real potato. because he or she .a. a

41、lmost never moves while watching tv and gets very fatb. is fat and dying and can not take exercisec. likes eating potatoes on a couch while watching tvd. is frozen in front of the black box79. the passage mainly tells us .a. how to watch tvb. why couch-potatoes are very fat.c. what couch-potato mean

42、sd. where the new word is used80. which of the following should be the writers suggestion建議 .a. take exercise.b. never watch tv .c. dontsit on a couch.d. don t watch tv too much.83. according to the second letter, some college students .a. can violate school rules or other people s interestsb. have

43、their rights to quarrel with tedc. can relax themselves while playing games on the netd. can study even better if they play games on the net84. victor asks ted to .a. report to the teachersb. harm his good name in the dormitoryc. quarrel with his roommatesd. learn how to get on well with others85. i

44、n the second letter, the underlined part 劃線部分 means .a. 自食其果b. 隨心所欲地做事c. 回家種莊稼d. 躲避責任第二卷(滿分 50 分)dear victor:c . 依據(jù)括號中的漢語意思,寫出單詞的正確形式共 10 小題;每道題1 分,滿分15 分 1.i 不理會 his advice because i was angry last night.i am a college student. nowadays games on the net are very popular with college students. some

45、of my2. don t stay indoors reading all day, you should go (室外) .3. my teacher is talking with some德國人 from 德國 .4. my mother(待到深夜) ,waiting for my return.5. i would be感謝的 if you could give me some advice.6. last week, tom定居 in china.7. our classroom is very beautiful with these窗簾 .8. if you addfive to five, you will get ten.9. six addto four makes


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